The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, December 17, 1909, Image 11

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cia asked, pulling the ears of a point­ man.
It doesn’t make any difference WOMEN OF THE ARCTIC CIRCLE.
er who had made overtures as she if he is as common as dishwater. He’s
got to be rich.” g
Cabins Miles from So-Called Civil­
•*WWe is the unknown country?"
Warning- Notes Calling ihe Wicked
“Oh, I don’t know,” Burton stam­
ization Homes of Happiness.
Burton felt the cold strike deep
to Repentangç.
I whispered sad and slow—
mered, “just dog, I guess.”
Every spring hundreds of brides
•*The strange and awful country
within him. He knew now why he
Whuii the devil
Farming in some parts of Nigeria
To which I soon must go, must go,
“Rçally?” Marcia murmured, and was invited to Wellsboro. He knew journey to Alaska and fully a£| many
gets.; a chance tp
To which I soon must go?’*
added, “It doesn’t pay to keep any­ why Billy’s tone was so bitter. He young women go north, with more or has been rendered unprofitable by the
plantt a thorn in a
thing but blooded dogs----- ”
knew why Marcia avoided him . and less trepidation, to be married, so that raids of baboons.
good man he puts
Out of the unknown country
“Well, my little dog was pretty why her mother had been so gracious. the number of homes in the neighbor­ The first process of making soda fen
it where it hurts.
A voice sang sweet and low:
He was “as common as dishwater,” hood of the arctic circle grows larger
*0 pleasant is that country
You can’t get in­
ed at Marcia’s indifferent “Really?”
and they all knew it. But they want­ each year, Frances Sterrett says in the Nicholas Leblanc, a French chemist,
And sweet it is to go, to go,
And sweet it is to go.
chapter of any­
had forged ahead, came back now,
On through thé ^tonm went the big lasts while the brides are “cheechalk-
There to > one i milk ip Minneapolis
“Along the shining country
with the information: “Here’s a dog machine, rounding the drift-heaped os,”, or tenderfeet. After they have which turns out between seventeen
The peaceful rivers flow; •
for you, Burton.” He guided them to corners silently, speeding through the watched the ice go out and are real thousand and , eighteen thousand bar­
^rpman... there in
And in that wondrous country
a box xyh^e . a^ bull; terrier, with a snowy streets with the great lantern “sour doughs,” they want no sympathy rels of flour each day.
all the pictures.
The tree óf life does grow, does blue ribbon in his collar, stood look­ flaming in the twilight.
because fate sent them to a country "To encourage saving among the
grow, '
* The bilious man is never an opti­
where coal is $30 a ton and lemons
The tree? of life does grow.’’
the Spanish government has mist.
whining -world, wth the calm glance last out of the stillness, “Id marry a dollar a dozen. You cannot find an people,
established a postal savings bank un­ A lost opportunity never finds ito
of) a thoroughbred.
her if I was as poor as Job’s turkey. Alaskan who will find fault with Al­ der guaranty'of the state.
Ah, then into; that country
.way back. ■
“There!” Billy said, and fell back I'd marry ¿her if I loved her.”
Of which I -nothing know,
aska, and so, as every one'Is'satisfied,'
The new terminal station of the
The everlasting country,
that Burton might look. “He has a
Billy turned and looked at the fat the .mining camps at Dawson, Fair­
Truth never dodges, no matter how
With willing heart I go, T go,
pedigree as long as yoiir arm, all hrs little figure beside him: “Oh, you!” banks and Nome, or the caoins out Pennsylvania Railroad in New York hot thé fire is.
With willing heart I go.
points are perfect, and he’s for sale. he said contémptuously.
along the creeks, miles and miles from has sixteen miles of tracks, including
The right kind of goodness is al­
Diriah Mulock Craik;
It’s the chance of à lifetime.”
Burton’s head went up. f‘I may not what we call civilization, hold only twenty-one standing stations.
ways good for something.
“Oh, you beauty!” Marcia cried. Her be in your class, Bates,” he said, “but happy housekeepers, women who know
A lazy man does his hardest work
indifference was gone, her eyes spar­ if I loved her. and she cared, I’d marry more about canned goods and what can dren of Chicago are forced by reason
in looking for an e^sy place.
kled. ‘.‘You beauty!’* ;
her if I had tp^ run away with her. be done with a tin of beans than any­
Unbelief is the egg out of which all
to cut their attendance to a half day
But5 Burton Was not1 enthusiastic. But if she didn’t—care—she might beg body on either continent.
sins are hatched.
There was something repellant in the me on her knees. She couldn’t marry Everything that comes tò their doors session.
The man who fails to look ahead
smug self-confidence of that short­ me for what I have.”
Britain’s antarctic expedition now
Is canned, milk, eggs and potatoes, as
nosed dog. It was bad enough to have
“Well,” Billy’s laugh was hateful, well as the vegetables that we all use.' In course of preparation will carry will soon fall back.
friend who looked down on you, and “if you wait until a girl cares for you, : In the larger camps fresh vegetable^ wireless telegraphic equipment suffi­
It1 costir fiàèré' tô be proud than It
a valet who condescended to> you, but you’ll wait a long time, Burton.”
are brought in by steamer in the sum­ cient to enable messages to be sent to does to be generous.
tp be burdened with a dog whose pedi­
It was a dastardly thing to.say, but mer, until the shops bloom with a New Zealand from the ship and from
When God sends His people to the
gree was longer than your own would Billy was disgruntled, and Burton wealth of succulent green things, but stations established at bases of sup­ furnace He goes into the fire with
be unbearable?’
knew it was true. He knew that, ex­ only the anecdotes of these delicacies plies on land or ice.
■ ■. '1
He tried to bluff it out. “Oh, I don’t cept for his money, he could not have reach “the creeks.” The gardens utt Boston University, according to its
The man who sits down to wait fdr
know,” he said, “I’m afraid I touched the outer rim of the circle in Dawson are famous, for almost any new year book, has an attendance of a big streak of good luck will'Vneed
shouldn’t want him In my rooms.” •
which Marcia and Billy moved. He vegetable will grow if the housewife. 1,514 in all its departments. Of these a good cushion on his chair.
“I should want him anywhere,” was an alien, an outsider, a Pariah!
Will,bother to plant it. Although thè 962 are men and 552 are women. The
In some places they call a man pro­
Marcia told him. “He’s a ducky dog, - The automobile drew up to the c^rb Beason is so short the sun shines night chief increases are in the College of
Mr. Burton. Ypu would, love him in in front ¿oft.the big apartment house; in and day and the cabbage keeps the Liberal Arts, the courses for teachers fessor simply because he professes to
know things he doesn’t know.
The little dog’s tail was tucked in a’week.”’
which Burton lived. The little man kame ■•working hotìrsé
and the School of Theology.
Many a noodle is stumping through
tightly between his legs, And he-shiv­
But Burton knew he.wouldn't love got out and Billy started .to..follow.
Condensed milk to the arctic house­
Boomerangs are now made of cellu­ the world on crutches because he
ered and shook as the wind , blew the him. H© '-knew -that thé smug little
“No/’ Burton said, and Billy stop^ keeper-s' stand-by -’and” you I would' not
»now against his hollow
dog would keèp him at a distance, and ped, and stared—“nò, I don’t want you. believe hokr much Wàs; usèfl unless yoq loid and hard rubber. Celluloid is couldn’t Jearn anything .from his mis­
The little man, buttoned up to his he would be out in thé cold as he had to come in to-night, Billy. ' My man saw "the’pile of empty;? tins/ -Every better than cardboard because it is takes./; 15; '.y Ito 9 c -me J 11 a;
ears in a fur coat, had no hollows. always been with Billy’s friends, and will take you ho nie. I. know ybu were wo»man has to learn to. make muffins' waterproof, light, very hard to break
“Thy foil be dorih on ' earth” will
He was round and fat and rolled even with Billy.
upset and all that, bùt I can’t quite and cake all over again until she; and can be worked into the peculiar mean nothing in the church on Sun­
when he talked.
“Oh, I don’t know,” he hesitated get over what you said to me just knows just the proportions of milk, an^ curve and twist so necessary to give day unless it means something in the
“Hello!” he said, as he stumbled again.
now. And l am not quite sure that I water that will produce the fight and the boomerang Its singular properties. shop and the store on Monday.
An Inventor of moving picture Ap­
over the dog. He stopped and peered
Marcia leaned over and took the shall ever get over it, Billy.”
feathery result. Canned eggs otfér à
through his eyeglasses. “Where did dog’s black muzzle in her globed
He was just a little puffy, red-faced similar course of, s|udy and SoT’"do pliances and machinery has devised a
you come from?”
plebeian, all ^bundled up in a fur coat, tinned potatoes to - the woman ’ who new screen which gets rid of the an­
The dog raied a hopeful ear and
“Old fellow,” she said softly, and and with his breath coming short, but must serve three palatable meals a day noyance of darkness in the room.
With his patent screen^ a large mir­
looked deep into his eyes, and his tail in that moment Billy knew that his from canned or dried foods.
ror with à chemically frosted- surface,
“Burton,” called Billy Bates from began to wag slowly, arid his lips hold upon the little man was gone. He
It ;is a wild, free life these arctic
the big blue motor car at the curb, wrinkled back from, his teeth in a had killed the goose wth the golden women live. They know how to shoot pictures are as plain in the light as
It is ndt surpyiéing thaï the gifted
“get a move on, I’m freezing.”
grin of happiness.
and can keep, the larder replenished in darkness, thus doing away with inventor of such élaséié iniaginatiy^e
Burton ran down the steps and
As they- stood there together, the
As Burton went slowly up the steps, when the men are busy. The can also the danger of panic In the dark.
nonsense as “The Jumblies” and “The
came up to the machine, puffing. A‘I girl and the dog, ^uron felt that they the door opened, letting out a flood of
Owl and thé Pussy-Cat” took a keen
take a big pan of pay gravel and wash
thought maybe I’d have my man'lake were two of- a kind, in that back of yellow light. There was a yelp, and It until the specks of gold are free Pacific Railroad has found the tele­ delight in the real nonsense of real
that dog in.”
them -both was prideful ancestry, and something soft was hurled against his from dirt. In their fur park! and phone so serviceable, that the present life whenever he chanced to encounter
“Don’t do it,” Billy advised. “He in both of them pan patrician blood. legs.
system of about five hundred miles of it. During a doleful stay jn a dreary
ought to be in the pound. He’s just He was seized wth an inspiration./.
“What is It?” he asked bending muckluks they can trot beside the dog telephone }ines will be extended to little mining village where it rained
a common cur.”
‘’Let me gét him for you; Miss Mar­ over.
one thousand miles within, a year. all the time, and he was not well and
“I kicked him out, sir,” the elevator the journey Of several hundred miles The company states that about 50 per epujd not accomplish the work he had
Burton climbed in. “Well, I’d like cia,” he said, “he won’t look at me
bpy explained from the doorway.. ‘,‘It’s
to have a dog,” he said, as they after seeing you.”
Chopin on the piano that takes up half cent more traffic can be handled now set his heart on doing, the late Ed­
started off.
“Oh, no,” ' Marcia refused quickly;^ ' a stray dog. He’s been about here All the room’in the littlé cabin.
than was possible under the old tele­ ward Lear, although a good and dec­
“Get a good one then,” Billy ad­ but her mother interposed: “It is vfery 1 day, sir.’
orous churchgoer, found his .source of
graph system of dispatching.
“Well, you are a nice brute!” Bur­
monished. ‘We might go up to the kind of Mr. Burton, dear, and we can
Dr. Amy Tanner, formerly a pror chepr in the parish clerk.
kennel show now and look them take him -down to Wellsboro with us ton commented as he picked the moan­
fessor at Wilson College, has been ! “p beloved clerk!” he wrote grate­
. over.”
ing creature out of the snow and with is light for twenty-four hours and it is chosen to supervise the work of meas­ fully to a friend. “Hé reads the
next week.”
“All right,” Burton agreed. But as
The brightness had all died out of the cur in his arms he entered the not worth wjbije to go to bed, and in1 uring and testing defective children Psalms enough to make you go into
the winter,when it is dark for twenty-:
they whizzed away, his eyes went Marcia’s face, and her perfunctory elevator.
at the institute for child study, which fits. He said last Sunday 'As white
back to the little creature crouched thanks chilled the little fires of Bur­
The boy carried him up and landed four houps> we have to be doing things- has. just been opened at Clark Uni­ as an old salmon,’ instead of ‘White ds
him on the fourth floor with the warn­
in his doorway, seeking shelter from ton’s hopes.
versity, Worcester, Mass. The insti­ snow In Salmon.’ ‘A lion’ for ‘alien’-+-
the cutting blasts.
But for every haughty withdrawal ing: -‘You’d better let him alone, sir. chance to .sleep.*'
But whether they sleep or not they* tute is to be devoted entirely to the •fo my mother’s children,’ and ‘they
“What you want,” Billy explained, of her daughter, Mrs. Wells always He’s a common çur.”
fresh and unfàgged like the days, study of children and will eventually are not guinea-pigs,’ instead of ‘guile­
“is a good city dog. A bull terrier, I made compensating advances, and
“Humph!” was all the answer that
have five departments, each super­ less.’ Fact:. but I grieve to say heA
should say. One of the fellows has a now, as the. tag made him the proper­ Burton vouchsafed, and when he had they go forth ko; joyously to meet.
turned out for the same, and will
vised by an expert.
dachshund—^brought him over,,, you ty of Miss Marcia Wells, of Wellsboro, let himself into his room he dropped
never more please, my foolish ears.”
Sweden, Pontas Even, funnier was the erratic Eng­
know, and paid for him by the yard, was tied about the neck of the smug the trembling, little , creature on the
Holmstrom is about to stgrt a spin­ lish of a foreigner, which once en­
and another has a French poodle’ and little dogr’Bùrtdfi’â drooping spirits rug.
“So they kicked you out, did they?” Utilization of itfàtûre’à Gift» Will; ning mill for making yarn out of pa­ livened for him the prolonged formali­
ties his hair in front wth a red bow, were revived by the mother’s tactful :
Mxike Peasantry Rich.
per. Such mills already exist in Ger­ ties of an official difiner.
but those are eccentricities. And fox “You have done so much for Marcia. he asked. “Well, you’re not the only
In the forests there is wealth, the many and France. r So far the manu­ “Sitting next to,fihe captain of ah
terriers, are tbo lady-like, and hunt­ You mustn’t mind if she is a bit over­ one, pupsie.”
ing dogs ar# for -the -country. If you powered.”
A half hour later as the dog, washed half of which cannot be told, saÿs facture of rugs and carpets seems to 1 Austrian frigate at Sir H. Sterle’s on
want a dog that is perfectly good
“Now, she shouldn’t feel that way?’ and fed, lay luxuriously in front of Consular Reports. There is scarcely a be the best practical use of this new Thursday evening,” he recorded, “the
form, I should say a bull terrier.”
little Burton protested. “I like to do the fire, Burton said again: “So they farm that does not support one or paper yarn. It is said tliai people in German officer - said to a subaltern-i-
“Could I keep a bul-l terrier in my things for her, Mrs. Wells. She is -a kicked you out? Well, I know how it more valuable forests that add to the Sweden, especially in lue provinces of. the conVétsattoii • Was about the good
beauty of the landscape and afford Ostergotland, are already making car­ looks -of women~T do think the Eng­
rooms?” Burton asked.
^beautiful girl.’ And Mrs. Wells said: feels.”
“You’ve ¿ea^d of a bull in a chink ;“We tiiink. so.”
Over the fire-place was a Burnes- more or less protection from the cold; pets with ¿aí)er* weft.: Narrow rolls of lishwoman conserve her aperient gal-
shop,” remarked Billy facetiously,
And then Burtôh bôie.them off radji- Jones head of a girl. It was the one both for pan and beast. Birch, pine paper 1 tapé are used, but this, of ship (girlhood) lori^et• than all the
anlly to lunch and they ate in a great tning in the room , that Burton had and oak predominate. The immense course^ is not »spun.-^London Globe.
“and this could -not be worse.”
women; even as far as her antics (an­
Burton laughed. He always laugh­ golden-1 ighted dining room, and Bur­ selected.
All the other elegancies wealth of the forests may be indicated
One hundred leading London chefs tiquity, age).’
ed at his friend’s feeble jokes. It was ton ordered the grape fruit and' thle were the result of Billy’s, taste. But
are to celebrate soon the professional “The subaltern withered with confu­
one of the easiest ways of paying his lobster Newburg and the chiffonate that one picture Burton had' chosen longing to the crown alone exceeds 3,- jubilee of M. Escbffier/ the Napoleon sion till I ventured to interpret, ‘The
500,000 acres. In addition to the nh-J of thé-' kitchen.- --Thé -supper will be Englishwoman preserves v her appear­
debt of gratitude. For Billy had made salad and the dainty wines, and tfiejd because it reminded him of Marcia.
posible Burton’s break into society, to enter into the gossip of the elect, i
“Yes, I know how it feels,” he re­ tive forests, a well-regulated systejq of surprisingly simple, consisting of En­ ance of youth longer than all fwpipcn
and the friendship of the two men • But Billy and Marcia talked only to peated slowly, and suddenly as he sat forestry has been established and the glish Ousters/filet. Of sole, chicken en
even if she be q|d,”' .
was based on Billy’s social canniness each .other; Marcia, composed out­ there looking at thé beautiful droop­ plains hitherto barren are now being casserolé^old style; , cold ffieats,, salad
One Sided Gambling.
and on Burton’s willingness to pay all wardly, but glowing with some lnnér ing head he caught his breath in a rapidly planted.
and an icé. This seems in strange con­
bills. It was Billy who chose the Irre­ fire that lighted her eyes and tingeid sob, and his own head went dofrn on
Siberia is richly endowed with navi­ trast with some elaborate and mon­ “One need only to try his luck at
proachable bachelor apartments where her cheeks with pink; Billy, e^press- his arm, and . the room, was very still. gable rïVèrs,-' the Volga,, Kama, Chuso­ strous bills of fare that President any of the Riviera gambling palaces
Burton lived in lonely state; it was ing by every intonation pf his lowered
The little dog staggered up onir his vaya, Serebrianka, Tagil, Tura, Tobol, Taft is steered up against or steers to learn how slender are the chances
Billy who furnished the buffet and voice his adoration.
weak legs, and casting an Inquiring Irtysh, Obf, Amur and many others away from. Escoffler has been chef to win at roulette,” says a German
the valet; it was Billy who coached'
And in xthe faceupf their préoccupa­ eye upon the huddled up figure. Then affording transportation for millions of at the Carleton and Savoy for many correspondent writing- from Ostend.
Burton in the ethics of up-to-date gas­ tion, Burton' grew more aMT more de­ he put a paw on Burton’s knee and tons of freight in and out. It is nota­ years, and formerly, when chef to Nar “But if he would experience the gam­
tronomy; and it was Billy who shared spondent -as the- courses - progressed, whined.
ble that many of these streams flow to poleon III., was captured at Métz.— bler’s disadvantage at its best let him
come to Ostend and join the baccarat
in all of these benefits, gratis. Hence until Mrs. Wells made a remark that
Burton raised his head and looked the north. All abound in fish of ^rare New York Press.
players. The game as it is played
it was on the cards that, under Billy’s sent, thp blood singing ^to his heart:
straight into the anxious brown eyes. varieties, th^e sturgeon of the Volga be­
Not long ago Noah y^hite, of Chesta- gives the man who places his money
chaperonage, Burton should; buy his
“We want you to come to Wellsboro
“Oh, look here,” he said unsteadily, ing noted world over.
for Christmas we'èk, Marcia ahd I. "you®know how it feels. You’re ugly With the settlement of Siberia, rail­ tee district had a butting sheep. Thds against the bank no chance whatever,
At the door of the Kennel Clqbthey Billy will be there,, and a lot of young j and common, and nobody wants you.” ways will follow, and eventually the sheep went across the .Blue Ridge in and if it were known how much
met Marcia Wells and her mother/
people, and we expect to have some 4 The other paw was laid on his hand exports will surpass the brightest Union County r on a visit, and while money is sacrificed in à season in1 the
Marcia had an abundance of T6d- good times.”
as the littie brute gave sympathetic at­ dream of the peasant, who will become there went to the housè of a lady with endeavor to win by luck and by sys­
gold hair. She wore a smart walking 1 Burton’s effervescence following the tention.
rich and prosperous. Already thou­ her flock of sheep. This lady decided tem the'public would be horrified. It
suit, and the violets that Burton had invitation was a thing that made Billyl “Say, let’s get out,” Burton contin­ sands of tons of the finest butter are to put the tftrahge slieep up until its is nothing unusual for the bank to
sent her. And she was a"joy‘ forever! stare.
ued. /‘You don’t fit ' in here, and I being sent to Denmark, Hôlland, Ger­ owner càlled^for^t/bùt ló and behold win twenty-four times before an out­
The people who^
She was taller than Burton and as
“We will see you soon,” the little? don’t. My man’s out to-night, thank many and England.
It is of late she made á falltfté, for the sheep com­ sider wins once.
he walked beside her he was 111 at man said,. as late that afternoon he 1 the Lord, or he’d make no end of a shipped in tubs to China and Japan, menced to-shóW fight. ¡The lady made play, it they have ever played before,
ease. There were other reasons than put them down at their own door. ’ row about you. There’s an old aunt where it is rapidly replacing the tinned for the hou¿éj -thé sheep'in hot pur­ know this, and still they come again,
his size for uneasiness, however. Mar­ “And I hope when I get to Wellsboro of mine up in the country, and -she’s butter imported from Denmark and suit, butting/her every.'step until the respond to the call until they depart
cia’ ancestors had come over in the you will have a' welcome for me.”
as poor as I used to be, and she’s got Holland; it also finds its way to South door was reached. Then it entered, and plant their gold in the baccarat
and did not stop until it ran not only mire in the hope that it will bear
Mayflower, and she bore the stamp of
“Indeed we shall,” said Marcia’s a little farm. I’m going to make it Africa.
It does.
But what is thqp.
her new world aristocracy in her confi­ mother, but it was at Marcia that Bur­ a big farm before I get through; and Thé hérdè arë toeing improved, the the lady,” but every child she had off fruit.
dent air, her security, her detach­ ton looked. And Marcia/s eyes were out there I can be the big frog in the short-horns and Jersey replacing the the place. Aftey,staying a while It harvest?”
ment from what she called the com­ on Billy—the tender eyes of a loving puddle, and we’ll tramp around the long-horned, small and' unproductive .left, and the family tobk possession
Polar Ode.
mon herd.
woman. And in that moment the little country*.and there’ll be people I can native breeds. Better horses are to be of the house again.—Dahlonega (Ga.) The arctic jokes have the floor,
Burton’s ancestry was a thing of fires of hppe in Burton’s bosom died talk to and not feel they’re lookin’ seen, owing to the cross of the native Nugget.
The bards inéult the muse,
writing odes to polar roads.
threads and tatters. There had been, out forever^
down on me—” '
animals with imported breeds from
There is a real campaign in Europe When
And giving men the “blues.”
a Burton in the Civil War. Back of. ..“Billy,” he said, slowly,... as they
The little’ dog, hesitating, crawled France and . the United States. The against the corset. The Queen of
that he dared not go. The soldier had chugged away through the falling into his lap. With the rough head common black sheep, small, ugly, with Italy is opposed to stays, and Carmen
all the land we hear the roar,
served'with Abide honor, but . he had snow—“BillyÇ it will be a'lucky m^-n tucked under his chin, Burton had a coarse wool, are being replaced with Sylva, Queen of Roumania, wishes ev­ Through
signed his name with a cross mark. that gets Marcia Wells.”
sudden comforting sense of compan­ the flatten Cotswold, the Southdown ery woman, thin and fat, to cast off
Of angry men who swear
The Burtons following had been dead
“Oh, shut up 1” Billy ffrçwled.
ionship. Here was no smug, self-satis­ and other imported breeds. Five years the corset and,trust to nature. “The “That Cook ne’er found; the icy mound**
poor and dead ignorant, uhtll this one - Burton stared at hAfi. "What’s the fied-aristocrat, but a friend-who loyed age a white sheep in a flock was the woman who wears corsets,” she says, j Or “Peary wasn’t there.”
son, with Shrewdness and good luck, matter?”
exdeption, but it is different now. The “makes a martyr uofA herself,., and does —Chicago Record-Herald.
had struggled into a fortune.
“Well, don’t I know the fellow will
“You’re pretty nice?’ he whispered. razorback, long-onouted swine are everything possible to hinder her nat-
Didn’t Believe It.
“I love do^s,” s#id Marcia Wells, as lucky?” Billy stormed. “But that “I guess we’re two of a Jkind—”
The Squire—That’s a splendid horse,
also giving way to the Poland-China uraJ j deyeJopîh611^ AU
they stopped in front? of ah engaging doesn’t make it any easier tor me.’
His voice broke. And for a long and other Improved breeds.
They ural offends my sense of beauty and Giles. I suppose you feed it daily
bunch of St. Bernard puppies. “Down
“But—she loves you—steadily. - ; time they sat there together, the little grow fat on the cheap grains grown on is hateful to ipe. A tight waist I rer yith punctuality ? . ;
at Wellsoboro we have fifteen, and
Billy turned on him. “What differ­ common dog and the little common the Siberian plans and from the wastes sent as unaesthetíc.” GennM scien­ Giles—Naw, ziir. None 0’ yer noo-
when I start out for a ride, they al­ ence does that make?” he flung out man, seeing visions òf thè freedom of of the dairy, and from them the finest tists decry the . corset on health fangled foods vur me. Just ’ay and
most tear me to pieces.”
bitterly. 01 adore" her, and she— God’s country and the. life of their hams and baoon are produced, which grounds, but the German empress is oat£—oats and Ay/—London Telegraph.
“I had a dog once,’’ Burton told her cares. But I can’t marry her.”,.
kind.—Elmira Telegram.
find a ready market Jn Germany and an earnest advocate of it. She not
; JEhe^ Jiay-feyegy victim ^pprepjates
ergerly, “it was the nicest dog, and
“Why not?”
only wears a stiff corset herself, but" anything that Is nqt
when it died -I^oried like everything.
Money makes the automobile go and
“We are both dead poor,” Billy said.
insists that her maids of honor éhall
I was a little feilow, you know.”
“Wellsboro is mortgaged up to thé the automòbile makes the money .go—«
Do as you please and you’ll be the* ¿ót j Appeaf befell hfeF 'Unless tightly ' Ten^to'^ohe itJs yfeur own fault if
"What kind of a dog was it?” Mar­ limit She has got to marry a rich and there you are.
only person pleased.
luck is against you.