The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, December 10, 1909, Image 1

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Nms ijapprtttttgs M ttyr ÿast Wrrk tn anù Armmil (Cattale Otar
“Next Tuesday night the Merchants’ making. Seveval prizes will be offered to the fact that Christmas is near at outstanding city warrants, $120,000 of
Protective association will hold a ban­ the details of which have not been hand, many traveling men taking their which were issued inpayment for street
quet, at which time the officers of the worked out.
annual vacation in December.
Eugene associaton will be present. No
All the churches of the city intend
Recorder VanDenberg has made re­
Milk and Cream wagon—Commencing
organization in Cottage Grove works holding the week of prayer together. plies ■ to thirty-three inquiries about Wednesday Dec 1, the new management
Such An Industry Would Find more harmoniously than this one, and The first meeting is to be held in the Cottage Grove in connection with the of the Cottage Grove Creamdry put on Nineteen Nine Largely Eclipsed
these social gatherings are largely re­ Methodist church, Sunday evening, proposed bond issue of $100,000. San a delivery wagon and milk, cream, but­
sponsible for the goodfellowship spirit January 2, 1910. The gatherings will Francisco, Seattle, St. Paul, Cincin­ termilk and Cottage Cheese will be de­
Material Here.
By Its Predecessor.
that exists.
continue every afternoon and evening, nati, Boston, Denver and Portland are livered to any part of the city, or it
The Brownsville Times contains an except Saturday in the various edifices. included in the list, and each asked “a can be had at any time by applying or
account of an enjoyable surprise given Sunday evening, January 9 the services string of questions as long as your phoning to the creamery.
TRADE POSSIBILITIES GREAT. M. L. Garoutte of that city, the occa­ will be held at the hristian church. arm.”
The Warren Construction Company INSPECTOR MAKES REPORT
sion being the sixtieth anniversary of The week of prayer will be followed by
Mrs. J. S. Medley went, to Eugene on has an advertisement in The Sentinel
his birth. Among, those present were at least a week of union services held Monday to visit her mother, Mrs. today. This is the company that has
Product May Be Manufactured at Cost M. P. Garoutte, Dr. A. W. Kime and at the different churches. The differ­ Johanna Hanson, and other relatives. paved streets in a considerable number Linn County Has Something Over
Dr.. Dowe made one of his periodical of cities in this state, and in its'an­
Not Exceeding Ten Cents Per Gal­ wife and two children; and’W- F. Hart ent pastors will do the preachnig.
Twelve Thousand Bearing Or­
and wife and two children, of Cottage
Walker & Kinter have a Christmas visits to Cottage Grove on Monday.
nouncement invites those interested to
lon—Correspondence on the
chards—Interesting Figures on
visit any of these places and examine
Subject Under Way.
Fruit Growing.
Pennsylvania buckwheat flour, unlike The store keepers of Creswell have charge of the mechanical department their work. Bitulithic pavement, it is
other kinds in purity and flavor. You agreed that their places of business of The Sentinel. He has moved his said, stands at the head of the list.
can taste it in the cakes. At Kerr & will hereafter be closed at 6 o’clock in family here.
Miss Babe Abeene of Eugene was a
The Commercial club is in corres­ Silsby’s.
' ■
.. the evening, except Saturdays and
County Fruit Inspector Beebe, dur­
W. B. Dennis returned from a visit
pondence with the Standard' Alcohol ’ A. Waggoner of Corvallis has been such other days as may be mutually to Portland on Saturday, and left for recent guest of her sister, Mrs. Sèavy ing the past year, visited 1219 bearing
of this city.
Company of Chicago relative to the selected by the Lebanon Business Men’s agreed upon.
the quicksilver mines at Black Butte
L. F. Wooley of Cottage Grove, who orchards in Lane county, and found
establishment of a plant’ in Cottage League as its booster for the ensuing The Sentinel wants to know the pre­ on Monday.
bought eighty. acres of land that 1035 acres are planted to apples,
Grove, this point being especially de­ year. Mr. Waggoner will spent the sent address of L. F. Slaven, formerly
W. C. Billings of Lorane was in the west of Eugene, will plant thirty acres having a total 91,452 trees. There are
sirable because of the fact that ethyl $3000 recently raised by popular sub­ of Cottage Grove.
city on Saturday
of the tract with apple, pear and cherry 16,189 cherry trees on 174 acres; 16,-
.alcohol is made from sawdust, shav­ scription,
Marion Veatch spent Saturday in Eu­ The trustees of the Commercial club trees. J. C.’ L. Wooley of Eugene is 192 pear trees on 147 acres; 69,693
ings, slabs, edgings, and branches of
prune trees on 610 acres; 8,464 peach
Rpstein & Greenbaum, who purchas­ gene.
held a meeting last night.
associated with the enterprise.
tree tops, of which there is a great ed the W. A. Hemenway stock, have
On Sunday last the Southern Pacific John S. Medley has made some im­ The Commercial club will hold a ban trees on 93 acres; 2,191 plumb trees
abundance here' going to waste. In entered upon the wind-up sale, which inaugurated a dinipg car service be­ provements in the appearance of his
quet in the near future. Every pub­ on 20 acres; 617 walnut trees on 13
fact it is a difficult proposition in many will continue thirty days, when the re­ tween Portland and this city. The car law office.
lic-spirited citizen should be a member acres, making a total of 204,772 trees
instances how to dispose of this refuse. maining goods will be shipped to their is set out here by the southbound after­
on a total of 2,092 acres of land.
A. S. Nicol of Star was in the city of this progressive organization.
This discovery is probably the most Salem store.
noon train, and later picked up by the on Monday, registering at Hotel Ore­ Several new Christmas advertise-, More apple trees, according to Mr.
notable in chemistry for years, and
Salem will have a gravity water sys­ northbound train each day.
ments in The Sentinel today. Read and Beebe, were planted in 1908 than in
means that there is going to be an tem, the construction of which will be­
1909 by 2,891, while the difference in
The opportunities for investments in
T. B. Willis of Myrtle Creek was a profit thereby.
overturning of present trade conditions gin soon.
Cottage Grove are excellent.
Cottage Grove visitor on Monday.
Spriggs Brothers are kept busy these the acreage in only 29. There were
in many branches of industry. Alcohol
The walls of the new Baptist church Wm. Davis, of Kansas, writes for a
The city council failed to give its days. Bad roads have some redeeming also more cherry trees planted in 1908
can be produced at ten cents pet gal­ are up, and it is expected that the copy of The Sentinel, saying that he regular monthly performance on Mon­
than this year, but 1909 leads its pre­
lon, 188 proof. One ten of sawdust structure will be enclosed by Christ­ contemplates coming out here after a day evening, Mayor Job being absent
Mr. J. B. Protzman, auditor for the decessor in the number of pear trees
yields twenty gallon of alcohol at a mas.
while, and wants to know something from the city.
Oregon & Southeastern, has been con­ by 5,731, while prune trees show an in­
minimum, and analysis shows the pro­ " An exchange complains that hops of the country.
The Commercial club gave wav to fined to his home by illness a portion crease of over 2,000. Peach trees fell
duct to be purer than grain alcohol, are too low, but the price of the one to
off by half, and walnut trees show a
Plans are being prepared for a heat­ Lybarger on Monday evening.
of the week.
and devoid of fusel oil. This means be given by the Military Club on ing plant for the Hotel Oregon and
Aiderman B. K. Lawson, who travels
Mr. C. H. Burkholder was housed up decrease of approximately 4000. While
that sawdust alcohol is to be placed on Christmas Eve has not been advanced. other adjacent buildings owned by Por­ for a Portland house, spent a portion of
with a severe cold a few days the first 1908 shows, according to the inspector’s
the market in competition with grain
Irving S. Bath, one of the former ter and Stewart.
figures, that there was a total of 1,009
the week at home.
of the week.
alcohol, which it is likely to supercede owners of this print-shop, is now em­
The interior of the Telephone com­ Recorder VanDenberg is w'earing a While moving a donkey engine of the acres planted with 74,035 trees, 1909
both as a beverage and for industrial ployed as editor and manager of a pa pany’s exchange and office building patch on his nose, the result of being
Brown Lumber Company across the shdws that but 694 acres and 40,536
uses to which denatured alcohol is now per at McMinneville. He left Cottage will be rearranged and very materially too familial with the woodpile.
river below Dorena .on Monday the cy­ trees were planted, a decrease of 315 >
Grove on Saturday for his new field of improved."
The newspapers of the state have linder head was blown out, and repairs acres and 33,499 trees.
It is the purpose of the Standard labor.
Dr. Job, owner of the building occu­ been requested by the Nesmith County had to be made in this city.
That 1910 will far outstrip all pre­
Miss Anna .Oglesby spent Sunday pied by the New Era Drug s+ore, will
Company to place its product on the
Committee to publish its thanks to the
Mrs. F. D. Wheeler, state secretary decessors in the number of tress plant­
market in competiton as a power and
put a modern front therein as soon as people for voluntary assistance render­
ed there can be no question. The
Tramps are now put at work clean­ the weather permits. This will great­ ed insecuring signatures to the peti­ of the Y. P. B., will give a number of Churchill-Matthews Company alone will
meat producer with wood, coal, gaso­
line, kerosene, electricity and gas, and ing the streets when “nailed” by Mar­ ly enhance the appearance of the tion for the creation of the proposed
plant near Cottage Grove nearly 1000
in the near future.
'also as an illuminante The new pro­ shal Snodgrass. Advertise this fact structure,
acres, while a Creswell corporation
new county.
cess means that the refuse from saw­ along the line and' this city will have
The interior of the Venske building Albany had eleven inches of snow, night.
will equal, if not exceed, this under­
’ "
mills where alcohol plants are located /fewer guests of. this character.
is nearing completion, and Walker & and other town in the valley fared even
taking. And these with the number-of
Tax-payers of both road districts Kinter will move their stock thereto worse.
becomes profitable to the lumbermen.
of poor business on account of thè in­ smaller enterprises of like character
In the vicinity of Cottage Grove mill­ Nos. 13 and 14 have called meetings for within a fortnight. This firm purposes
will swell the grand total to handsome
The Eugene Register should call off clement weather.
men would gladly give away a large the purpose of levying a special tax carrying everything in housefurnish- its Cottage Grove correspondent; For
J, W. Nokes has finished some brick proportions.
part of this waste material for the tak­ for road improvements.
inaccuracies he, or she, is positively work on the farm of Perry Vanscórt,
ing, in some instances its disposition
The planing mill of the Brown Lum­ the limit. Tuesday’s paper reported near Cerro Gordo.
being a problem. After the slabs cal turkeys for the Christmas trade ber company is running day and night,1 that the five year electric light con­
J. W. Nokes is nursing a carbuncle.
Jiave gone through the alcohol plant supplies will be brought here from'the and yet it is a month behind orders, tract was before the council Monday He claims to have caught it from either Cottage Grove Should Present Its
they will have but slightly diminished east.
Claim to Railway People.
with others coming in daily.
night, whereas the aldermanic body Frank Jordan or Harry Brehaut.
Albany has thirty-five blocks of its
their fuel value.
Look out for the Easy wringer.
Grants Pass and Roseburg are both
held no session. This is only a sample.
Road district No. 60 is the latest to
business streets paved.
, The Catholics of Eugene will dedicate The plat of Nokes’ addition to Cot­
take up road improvements by special assured new passenger stations by thè
The lighting proposition has evident­ an academy building December 19.
tage Grove has been filed with the taxation. A meeting called for the pur­ Southern Pacific. In line with the de-'
ly gone bump. The mayor is opposed
The small boy was out with his sled county clerk. The tract lies just south pose will be held at the residence of B. velopment and growth that are in evi­
Mr. Gilbertson Contemplates Putting
increasing the expenditure fbr this last Sunday,
dence in Southern Oregon, this part of
of the corporation limits.
m Mill Early Next Spring,
M. Hawley on the 28th inst.
La Grande will construct three miles
Paul King, who was killed near The London springs received an order the state is getting too big for facili­
0. G. Gilbertson will leave in a few
Hienz’s mince meat, dill, sweet, and
Wendling, was a member of Company from Portland this week for two car­ ties that have heretofore proved ample,
days for Whitehall, Wisconsin, to spend sour pickles in bulk. At Kerr & Sils­ of paving in the spring.
as is shown more particularity to we of
A, fourth regiment.
loads of Calapooya water.
the winter with his mother, whom he by’s.
to Albany on Sunday to fill an engage­ Manager Hartog, who recently prof- The Cottage Grove Creamery is re­ Cottage Grove by the inadequacy of
has not seen for several years. For
Mr. Stiller, who recently sold the.
ferred his services, as speaker at a meet ceiving about 600 pounds of cream the Southern’s depot at this place.
ten years he has been in the Bohemia Cottage Grove Creamery, contemplates ment, after playing here ten days.
Albany will be the next meeting ing of the Commercial club here, has daily, and manufacturing about 100 There is every reason to believe that if
mining district continuously, the last returning to Portland in the near fu­
place of the district convention of the been requested to name the date.
pounds of butter. This is only about the matter was taken up with the rail­
seven of which has been spent develop­ ture.
one-third the capacity of the factory. way officials better accommodations
ing in his own properties. And yet he
Eugene’s tax for the next year has
Engineer Kurtz and surveying party city on Monday, as was also C. A. Na­ The owners expect to establish a dairy could be secured. The depot here is
has not taken out an ounce of the pre­ been fixed at 10 mills.
of ten left on Monday to make the pre­ deau of the same town.
by no means in keeping with the pass­
near town in the near future..
cious metal. Mr. Gilbertson is owner
On New Year’s Eve-the various so­
Mrs. T. C. Weeler 's at the Eugene
The organization of a baseball league enger traffic furnished by Cottage
of the Cripple Creek claim and is in­ cieties of the Presbyterian church will liminary survey for the proposed water
to include Cottage Grove is at a stand­ Grove. .
terested in the Wall Street. At the hold a meeting at the church “to watch system. When this work is completed hospital for medical treatment.
Eugene’s school census shows an in­ still temporarily.
former he has 2000 feet of tunnels, and the old year out and the new year in.” an estimate of the cost of the pipe line
crease of 158 over last year.
Lumber manufacturers have exper­
a good lead of base ores. In fact it is A special program will be arranged for will be forth coming.
considered one of the very best'base the occasion.
Roseburg Coming Next Thursday.
ore leads in the district. On his re­ Meet me at Kerr & Silsby’s. That’s substantial nature have been erected came epidemic in October and has con­ loading the past week.
Nesmith Defeats Junction City.
F. C. and Alice Counts were Eugene
turn to the camp in the spring Mr. Gil­ the place I get good tea and coffee. .. this year, or are now under construc­ tinued to spread throughout that city
Thursday next the Roseburg bas­
bertson plans to put in a small stamp
Miss Orpha Harms, operator at the for a number of years.
ketball team will try conclusions with
ing, December 4, had claimed nine lives. H. Bell and his son, John.
mill at the Cripple Creek.
Postal telegraph office, is in Portland
Benjamin Franklin Jones, member of J Seattle printers demand a reduction
Mr. and Mrs. John Barker, who have the Nesmith team in this city, and a
Mr. Gilbertson says the Brand mill is for a few days, Miss Anna Oglesby of
.visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clint. Bran­ decidedly interesting game is in pros­
working satisfactorily, and he predicts Cottage Grove, is taking her place at
dence, is to be receiver of the Roseburg creased pay of $4 per week.
stetter, returned home to Cottage Grove pect. Roseburg defeated the Cottage
good results. He says Mr. Brand will the office.—Eugene Guard,
Grove tossers when they went to that
land office, beginning December 18.
E. E. Redfield has patented an inven­ yèsterday.—Register, Wednesday.
make a clean-up prior to Christmas,
W. B. Cooper is fitting up the room
The Masonic lodge worked in the tion that pays him $1000 per month
Mrs. E. L. Landers of Eugene at­ city, and the Nesmiths have loaded up
and is certain that he will bring out a recently vacated by the Lighting Com­
good-sized brick. The gold is there pany and will open a real estate office third degree last Saturday night. royalty from Eastern gun manufactur­ tended- the funeral of her cousin, the for them. The game will be called at
8 o’clock.
There were several members of Cres­ ers. He is a Southern Oregonian.
late Nancy Pitcher,, yesterday.
and the mill is getting it.
therein. He recently bought the busi­ well lodge present, among them being The Christian Endeavor Society of
The Nesmith -basketball team of this
Dr. J. C. Smith has been elected
ness of T. A. Abeene.
city defeated the Junction City team at
Money From Timber Sales.’
C. L. Weber, W. W. Soott,. E, J, Moore, the Christian church gave an entertain­ mayor of Grants Pass.
Mr. C. Coffman transacted business Riley Petty and Paul Fleming. Re­ ment at the Armory tonight, at which
The state has received some $32,000
D. G. McFarland has sold to Frances the Armory Friday night by a score of
from the national government, repre­ in Eugene on Monday.
freshments were partaken of after the time two short plays will be rendered E. Gray lots 3, 4,* 5 and 6 of block 4 28 to 5. After the game there was an
Orson H. Willard has transferred to work.
senting its share of receipts from the
interspersed by elocutionary numbers McFarland’s fifth addition ; considera-; enjoyable social hop, participated in
by a fair-sized crowd.
sale of forest reserve timber for the Albert J. Willard lot 2 of block 4, Mc­
Olympic Process Barley, 75, pound by Mrs. Ora Hemenway.
tion $418.
fiscal year. The sum is apportioned Farland’s first addition; consideration sacks. The cheapest and best, $1.35
Flour advanced forty cent a barrel in
Shipments of Poles.
S. R., Southward-has transferred to
Wong the counties in which the re­ $1000. ’
per sack at Spray-Wynne Company. .. Cottage Grove on Tuesday.
is furnishing 700
serves are situated to be used for the
The Knights of Pythias have elected
Mrs. Michael and daughter of Com­ Cooper & Randall’s addition ; considera­
pieces of cedar telegraph poles, twenty-
benefit of the common schools or pub­ her brother, William Henton of Med­ officers as follows: James Hemenway, stock were in the city on Tuesday.
tion $110.
five feet m length, to the Western Un­
lic roads. Lane and Douglas will re­ ford.
chancellor commander; D. J. DuBraille,
Mrs. Sarah E, Parker is expected
Alvin Ritchie, the eleven-year-old vice-commander; E- C. Lockwood, pre­ home from Albany next Sunday.
Eugene’s promotion fund for 1910 ion, shipping them to Glendale. He is
ceive $390.57 from the Umpqua.'
also filling an order for 300, placed by
son of Ike Ritchie, had his upper lip late ; J. T. Allison, master of work;
amounts to $12,019.
The Lighting Company, had the city
Makes New Lighting Contract.
the Southern Pacific, shipments being
severely cut and two teeth knocked out C._ H. VanDenberg, keeper of records
Eugene has just entered into a new while playing “shinney.” It was nec­ and seal; F. H. Ronsenberg, master- accepted its terms for five years’ light­
made to Grants Pass. These poles are
ing, would have improved its plant to
contract for lighting the city, paying essary to stitch’the lip together.
legal business at the county seat on cut along the O. & S. E. and at Com­
at-arms; B. K. Lawson, master of fi­
?"2 per year for arcs, $12 for 32-candle- Jasper Patton of Wildwood was in nance; J. K. Barrett, master of exche­ the extent of $10,000.
stock, Latham and Divide.
Mr. Levi Geer of London was in Cot­
power incandescents, and $6 for 16- town on Tuesday.
quer; D. C. Bosley, inside guard; A.
W. T. Kayser on Tuesday sold his
New Dining Car Service.
candle-power incandescents. For the
How do you like the president’s mes­ L. Wynne, outside guard; J. C. John­ tage Grove on Tuesday. Mr. Geer j dray line to L. L. Harrell, recently of
Commencing Sunday, December 5th,
says his company now has two- travel­
former service Cottage Grove pays $110, sage?
son, trustee.
Oklahoma, giving immediate posses­ the' Southern Pacific will introduce din­
and for the latter $30 and $18 respec-
Cluck—cluck—cluck 1 Get ready for The county assessors of the state niet ing salesmen for Calapooya Mineral sion. Mr. Harrell will continue the ing car service on its local trains 18-
the Poultry show in January.
in Salem on Wednesday. Salem is a in freely.
three deliveries. Mr. Kayger expects and 19 between Portland and Cottage
The Sentinel’s subscription list con­ peaceable town, and body guards were
The last three numbers of the Ly-
to retire from active business.
Grove, leaving Portland 8:15 a. m.
eum Course will be given in the Ar- tinues to grow. Any why shouldn’t it? not necessary.
standing warrant indebtedness of Eu­ E. A. Cook has traded land near Cot­ daily, and returning leave Cottage
lory. The next attraction will be the
The Military Club will give a mas­ Cottage Grove hotels report business
gene to the extent of $150,000 issuing 5 tage Grove for 18 acres adjoining his Grove 4:02 p. m. This will serve pat­
Hare Vaughn Wales Company on Jan- querade ball at the Armory Christmas somewhat lighter during the past week, per cent bonds to take the place of the farm north of Jefferson.—Jefferson Re­ rons luncheons Southbound and dinners
ary 26.
Eve., for which arrangements are now than previously. The lull is attributed warrants. There are about $200,000 of view.