Johnson & Company now occupy handsome new quarters in the Lawson block, several doors west of their for­ mer location on Main street. The new store is one of the best appointed in Cottage Grove. The firm has added largely to its stock of goods. Cottage Grove affords excellent edu­ An apprentice is wanted by Geo. Miss Emma Job has returned to the State University, after spending the cational advantages1. In addition to its Bohlman, the tailor, West side. Thanksgiving holidays with her par­ graded schools, which have an enroll­ A. H. Nichols has opened a shooting ment of nearly 800 pupils, there is an gallery in the building one door east of ents, Mayor and Mrs. R. B. Job. John Sears is ill at the home of his accredited high school whose graduates the bottling works, but still retains his are entitled to entrance into the Uni­ interest with Cochran & Nichols. brother, James Sears of this city. The ladies of the Presbyterian church Rev. F. G. Smith returned to Cottage versity of Oregon without examination. Grove this morning after spending the Sixteen teachers are employed in the are planning to hold a bazaar in the past week in the city aiding in the Free schools of Cottage Grove, but in an­ near future. Methodist, meetings which have been other year several more will be neces­ Vinal Randall, a lad residing'just be­ yond the city limits on the south, had held at the church in West Roseburg. sary. Miss Mabel Rosenberg, after several his tonsils removed on Monday. He —Roseburg News. Football has claimed its annual toll. days of illness; was able to be out on was suffering from chronic tonsilitis. M. J. Hawley has transferred to Effie Thirty dead, 216 crippled, many for Sunday. Display advertisements, to insure ■ Hinds the north half of lot 4, in block life, and scores still hovering on the I McFarland’s second addition; consid­ brink of death in the surgical wards of publication in The Sentinel the same 5, $1000. i hospitals throughout the land; that’s week, must be in the office not later eration Springfield will hold its annual elec­ the tale of the gridiron covering a per­ than Thursday morning at 9 o’clock. on Monday, December 6. Two Don’t delay your Christmas shopping ; tion i iod of 67 days. Max Pracht & Son, owners of the fa­ do it early, to your own advantage and 1 tickets are in the field, the. liberal and the anti-nearbeer tickets. mous ’‘Peachblow Paradise” orchard at that of the merchant. Thomas Townsend, who graduated Ashland, have received official notifica­ Cream of Tartar comes from grapes. the University of Oregon last 1 tion that the peaches exhibited by them Every crimson drop of grape juice from at the Seattle fair had been awarded contains its integral part of grape acid, < June, has resigned as principal of the school in Eugene to take a posi­ or cream of tartar. This is what good Central < the gold medal. Olympic Process Barley, 75 pound baking powders, such as Cleveland’s is | tion as traveling salesman for a Port­ .. 1 land wholesale grocery firm. sacks. The cheapest and best, $1.25 made from. Conductor C. L. Minkler and Brake- The debris scattered about town by per'sack at Spray-Wynne Company. .. men Jack Cundiff and Archie Follett the recent high water should be remov- i John E. Cooter returned to Corvallis College on Monday, after having spent ed without delays It gives the city an i are seen here no more since the Cot­ 1 tage Grove local was continued to Rose­ Thanksgiving with his parents in this unsightly appearance. burg. There is little dry wood in the mar- 1 city. D. C. Baughman has transferred to' Norman Hawley, whose Home is up ket at this time. Dr. Wall of Eugene drove to Cottage J. . D. Matlock lot 7, in block 2, in Mc­ Row river, is doing splendid work as ’s addition, the consideration be­ 1 left guard for the Corvallis College Grove Sunday night on professional Queen ing $160. ______ ___ business. . i football team. He has played in every Mr. L. S. Hill, superintendent for the game this season, and has done good • ‘ DELIVER THE GOODS.”- Brown Lumber Company, will move work throughout. Miss Grace Chaney spent Satruday in his family here from Eugene. They ■ But More Than a Well-Stocked Store will take up their residence on Fourth Eugene. is Necessary to Success. Levi Geer, of the Calapooya Mineral street. It is commonly understood. that the F. H. Rosenberg has recovered from, Springs at London, spent Saturday in man who “delivers the goods” is the his recent illness. the county seat. man who succeeds. To do this, there Whooping cough - is, having a run in The residence of Benjamin Prichett, are two conditions that must be fulfill­ this city. ' . of Eugene was entered by a thief and ed. In the first place he must have the Dr. Lowe, the well known optician $130 taken. goods to deliver, and again he must so Forty pound China Pheasant Flour and eye-sight specialist, will be in Cot­ interest the public that it will want his tage Grove next Monday, December 6. for one bushel of wheat at Spray- As he does not go from house to house goods. Many is the merchant who has Wynne Company. stocked up well, but has his goods in ADallas, Texas, man has purchased consult h5m about y°ur eVes and glass- such poor shape that the public turns up a four acre orchard near Ashland for I es at Hotel Oregon. 19 years exper- its nose and goes elsewhere. Then you $8000. It is one of the finest small or- pence.. .. will often find an excellent show-win­ ehards in this section of the state I During the recent flo'od J. W. Baker dow, and little back of the counter but The famous Snowy Butte orchard of Iwa® forced to house a dozen of his •poor clerks. The show-window is all 300 acres near Medford has been sold I Chinese pheasants in his bathroom for right to catch the eye, but that alone to John R. Allen for $168,000. It will the niSht- The entire premises were will not ‘ ‘deliver the goods. ’ ’ As much be subdivided. under water. depends on having salesmen as fine win­ L. N. Roney has resumed work on I Attorney Young transacted business dow decorations. the Sharp creek bridge. The high water I ab ^be county seat on Saturday, No man, however, delivers the goods forced abandonment of the work tern-1 R; M. Veatch returned on Saturday who simply depends on the natural ap­ porarily. I from a short stay in the county town. petite of the public. There is supposed Call and look at E. B. Grable’s line Cleveland’s Baking Powder, to be a natural appetite for food three of men’s and boys’ work shoes. They I Miss Gertrude Palmer, who is teach­ times a day, but the laws of competi­ are guaranteed. Store on Fourth I *n the public schools at Eugene, re­ tion are so great that the merchant street. .. I turned to that place in time to resume A marriage license was issued Friday I ber duties Monday morning, after hav- ! must put a new brand of breakfast: food in his window^ every week to en- afternoon to Lemuel Reese and Miss I spent the Thanksgiving vacation 1 courage an appetite that was ruined the Annie Story, both of Cottage Grove.— bere- night before, by another merchant who Guard. Evangelistic meetings are being held sold the cheese with ,which the Welsh You can get first class shoe and har-1 a^ Drain, being conducted by Rev. C. rarebij. was made. Dinner time de­ ness repairing at the new shop of E. | M. ^VanMater. mands its pickles of all the fifty-seven ,, I Mrs. T. C. Wheeler returned on Sat- B. Grable, on Fourth street. varietes, because the stomach, assault­ What makes Cleveland’s Baking I urday from an extended visit with rel- ed at one time by indigestables and at Powder sell? Quality and price, 3 atives, in Washington. another time coddled by predigest- pound cans $1.00 ; 5 pound cans $1.65. The officers of the Lane County Hor- ables, craves exercise. Ask for the cans with the patent I ticultural Society have laid plans for a Cottage Grove has a class of business screw top. .. I rousing meeting tomorrow. and professional men who understand The Military ball on Thanksgiving J See that the label on your can of the science of success, whether it be in night failed to play even financially, I baking powder reads Cream of Tartar, the pickle business or in pleading at but what was lacking in coin of the Bi-carbonate of Soda and starch, as it the bar. Produce the goods and then realm was amply made up for in enjoy-1 takes all of these ingredients to make compel the public to carry them away. ment. a perfect baking powder—such as One of the best aids in accomplish­ The triangle debate in the high school I Cleveland’s. ing this end is by following in The Sen­ league Will probably be held December The Salem Journal advocates the tinel the suggestion of a contemporary: 7. The Central district, in which Cot­ creation Of Nesmith county, around “There was a man in our town, tage Grove is located, is the only one Cottage Grove, and ten or twelve other And he was wonderous wise, operating under . the triangular , system | 1*^5 new W I-VUIILICO, counties, 111 in which W111V11 BCllUlHClHi sentiment The 111C Before business got to running down, of debates now m vogue among leading Sentinel concurs. He jumped up and advertised.” universities of the northwest. Dr. Lowe next Monday. In The Leader s diamond ring contest WANT OVERFLOWS STOPPED. Miss Neita Hazelton was the successful H. L. Andrews of the Grants Pass contestant. Miss Marie Willard won Commercial club congratulates the Cot- Commercial Club Appoints Committees second prize, a gold watch. The total ta®e Grove Commercial club upon the to Labor With the Matter. number of votes cast was 36,240. handsome booklet published in the in- Two important committees were ap­ Look out for thè Easy wringer. terest of this Clty- He says 11 is one of pointed at Monday night’s meeting of Frank Hemenway has transferred to the most attractive of all the commun- . Nancy A. Anlauf 53 acres in section 1’^ -Publications which has come to his ‘the Commercial club. The question of flood water had been introduced and 15, township 18, s. r. 4 ; consideration attention. discussed at considerable length by $500. Mr. W. E. Smith of the Corvallis members, during which a number of A. B. Sabin one of Bandon’s best Republican was in Cottage Grove on important points in connection with known citizens was found dead in bed Monday viewing the manner of the this unfortunate condition were brought at his rooms. town. He nòted the impròvements of out, resulting in the appointment of You and your children are safe if you I the past season with some degree of Messrs. Marion Veatch, C. H. Burk­ wear Dr. Lowe’s superior glasses—-eye surprise. ’ holder and B. Lurch as a committee to Mrs. Dora Fields has returned from safe and price safe. Consult him next confer with the municipal authorities an extended visit with Brownsville rel ­ Monday, December 6. Dozens of Lane regarding some plan to stop the over­ atives. county references. flow west of the railway, and Messrs. Mrs. Marion Veatch spent Sunday. E. B. Grable sews on shoe soles and Spray, Hill and Protzman to act in a guarantees his work. Give him a call, with Portland relatives. similar capacity for the east side dis- on Fourth street. , , The Easy wringer is coming soon. trict. One of the new bridges across Sharp Mr. T. B. Davis of Nahma, Michi­ Mr. Veatch had investigated the creek was washed out by the recent gan, spent Saturday in Cottage Grove. cause of the recent overflow, and named flood. He was in search of a location for the the several points responsible. Ifi his Mrs. Alice Chapin and son Glen visit­ establishment of a banking institution. opinion it would be necessary to raise ed Eugene on Saturday. Mr. Davis has visited every town in 1 the banks of the river for a consider- Dr. Lowe, the well known optician, the Willamette valley, and expressed ' able distance. The theory that the mill will be in Cottage Grove on Monday, the opinion that Cottage Grove and Al­ dam was detrimental, inasmuch as it December 6. bany have the best prospects. He was 1 prevented a free flow of water, was ex- With a population of approximately favorably impressed with the latter on 1 ploded by Attorney Medley, who said 3000, which is 95 per cent American, account of its transportation facilities, ’ such a condition could be impossible Cottage Grove enjoys that spirit of and with this city because of its won­ when the water was as high below the hospitality seldom found in cities of its derful timber resources. dam as above it. There had been some F. J. Hard of Eugene was in the city talk of eliminating the dam through size. on Saturday. purchase of the water right and mill, Miss Mozelle Hair returned to the University of Oregon on Saturday, after The opportunities for investments in and this brought out that Mr. Matthews had offered to sell the mill and right having spent several days in this city. Cottage Grove are excellent. She is in the correspondence depart­ “Have Dr. Lowe relieve your head and for $10,000, if it interfered with the eye ache with a pair of his superior water, otherwise his figure was $15,- ment. Let the Easy wringer do your scrub­ glasses; They cost no more than , 000. On the east side the council had others and you have the benefit of his offered to supply one half of the neces­ bing. X , sary $600 to relieve the water situation Holders of season tickets for the Ly­ skill and over 19 years experience. ceum Course will bear in mind that Ly- John Bell of the Star Theatre has in that district, provided $300 was rais­ barger'will lecture on Dec 6, and not ; , moved his family to Cottage Grove ed by subscription. The required sum could not be raised. from Eugene. Dec. 16., as printed on the tickets. Or (City ttt Wwf If you want an Xmas Present for the boy we have a lot of nice ones that will just suit him. A Little Wagon for $ 1 and some others for $6. A fine .22 cal. Rifle $2, a dandy one for $9. Lots of Jack knives and many useful articles found so acceptable at Christmastide Do not overlook our line of Razors. We have a dan­ dy for $1 and will give you a strop with it. Also have them from $1.50 to $5. Nothing better. We carry a fine selected line of sporting goods, all at the right price. Remember we buy for Quality. Scissors are so frequently mislaid in the household that you can not have too many pairs. We have them from 25c to $1.50 per pair. A good ^arp chopping axe for cutting kindling wood is a necessity to every household. Save money by buying one of our axes, 75c to $2 each. Jack Knives, one blade 10c, two blades 25c to 50c. Three blades 75c to $2.00 and 4 blade knives $1.50 to $3. A biick saw that will saw wood with ease is something that everyone should have. We have them from 75c HOLIDAY GOODS We have the largest and best stock of Staple and Seasonable Holiday Goods brought to the city; the only place where you can find all of the Latest Books of Fiction, at Prices Lower than ever offered here before A Large line of Dolls and Pyrographic Outfits We will be pleased to have you look at our stock and see the finest of the Season’s Offering. Any article will be reserved and laid away until wanted BENSON’S PHARMACY I —---------------------------- / THIS WEEK This Reduction is made on our up-to-date Clothes, so you can get a Suit made up in the latest style and color for a very low price. price There are no better clothes than the Viking. We have them. We have the clothes, prices are reduced and it is up to you to buy. You will feel as we do after you have worn one of our suits. Friday and Saturday Special: Ladies’ Cross-bar handkerchiefs, regular 10c for At LURCH'S