The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, December 03, 1909, Image 4

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    on the street at Eugene. The alterca­
tion grew out of the .allegation of Po­
liceman Evans that Hardy had insulted
his wife-while she was buying a pair of
shoes in the- store where Hardy was
But She’s Only a Make-Believe employed as a clerk. She told her hus­ Assessed Valuation Increased
band of the alleged incident, whereup­
and Gets His Money.
on Evans and Policeman Purdy brought
by Nearly Three Millions.
Howard into the Police Court on the
charge of assault. Evans gave Hardy
’FRISCO SHARP IN THE TOILS his choice between pleading guilty and
being thrashed the first time they met COMPLETESUMMARYOFITEMS
on the street. Howard refused to plead
guilty and Evans made good his threat.
Coos Bay Towboat Owner, Carrying Howard denied that he insulted the po­
Our Wife’s Dying Request, Parts liceman’s wife. After the fight Evans Tillable -Land Assessed at Over Two
and a Half Millions, and Non-Till-
With §2,500 of Good Ameri­
pleaded guilty to assault and battery
able at. Over Nine Millions.
can Money.
and paid a fine of $10.
The List in Detail.
Read and Reflect.
The attention of the reader is invited
James O’Kelly, a wealthy towboat to The Sentinel’s advertising columns
The assessment roll of Lane county
owner qf Coos Bay, recently figured as today. Christmas time approaches, and
an assessed valuation of $22,-
the dupe of a San Francisco clairvoy­ the merchants of Cottage Grove are
006,920, an increase of $2,825,605 over
ant, Dr. Astro, to the tune of $2500.
making a bid for your trade, to which
Through the aid of a woman claiming they are entitled. The Sentinel has last year. There are 117,963 acres of
to be his wife, but who was known as time and again urged upon the people tillable land valued at $2,647,630, and
Stella Mason, once an actress, Astro is of this community the advantages to be 1,391,935 acres of non-tillable land val­
alleged ¡to have attempted to fleece O’­ gained by building a fence around the ued at $9,491,230. Improvements on
Kelly of $5000, by pretending to him home dollar, but at this season it de­ deeded or patented land show a value
of $765,490; and improvements on land
that the Mason woman was his long sires to emphasize its previous argu­
not deeded or patented $77,295. Town
lost daughter, -for whom he had been ments. Our merchants are prepared to
and^city lots are assessed at $2,-
searching. When O’Kelly’s wife died supply your wants.
297,065, and improvements on these at
recently her last wish was that her
$1,787,960. There are 128 miles of rail­
¿husband find the missing daughter of
way bed, assessed at $1,807,090 ; 228
ner first marriage, and give to her $5000
miles of telegraph and telephone lines
besides her valuable trousseau.
assessed at $94,625. Pullman rolling
In searching for the missing girl,
stock is assessed at $20,495, and rail­
O’Kelly went to ’Frisco and met “Dr.”
road rolling stock at $212,060. There
Astro, clairvoyant, who promised to Oregon Electric May Come South
are 7,217 horses and mules assessed at
produce the missing girl through the
Saw Mill Gloves, Saddle stitched, waterproof, buck-
$326,665; 19,821 head of cattle, $241,-
aid of mysterious power. O’Kelly was
to Cottage Grove.
skin, regular $1.50
- •
365; 86,796 sheep and goats $69,940; 5,- x
told that the missing child would be
521 swine $16,700; 426 dogs $5,004.
found at Malta apartments. O'Kelly
Steamboats, stationary engines and
proceeded to that, place and found a
mfg. machinery; $185,345; merhcandise
girl, who wept copiously on his shoul­ LABOR SITUATION A FACTOR and stock in trade; $674,485; farming­
Light Driving Gloves, the 75c kind -
der, and convinced, O’Kelly that she
implements, wagons, carriages, etc.,
was the party he was looking for by General Manager Talbot Makes State­ $183,330; money, $197,895; notes and
producing photographs of her dead
Half Picque Dress Gloves cheap at $1.50
ment Concerning Proposed Exten­ accounts, $479,010.; shares of stocks,
mother. This photograph, the police
sions of Electric Road in Wil­
$386,430; household furniture, watches,
claim, was stolen by the clairvoyant
lamette Valley,
jewelry, etc., $389,400. While the
from O’Kelly. When she produced the
assessed valuation of all- property is
photograph O’Kelly turned over part of
$22,356,905, as equalized, by the board
the $5000. He was to hand her the re­
The first extension of the Oregon of equalization it standsat $22,006,920.
maining part naitt day, but when he Electric railway may be from Salem to
went back to the Malta apartments his Cottage Grove and Roseburg according
suspicions were aroused by the fact to the Oregonian. It is not definitely
that the girl was missing. He report­ settled whether this line will be con­
So States Manager Conley, the Com­
ed the case to the police, who detailed structed first or -the proposed line from
mercial Club Booster.
several detectives on the case. The Tigard to Corvallis, but it is believed
: • As there appears7 to
girl was apprehended, while preparing that the Cottage Grove extension will
be some feeling abroad in this commun­
to leave the city. After a night in jail be given the preference.
she confessed, and Astro was taken in­ The recent sale of $2,000,000 bonds ity that we are not giving the facts,
to custody.__________ /
by the company was partially for the but are misrepresenting th.e conditions
extension of one of the lines surveyed. as they exist at and near Cottage Grove,
Then it was given out that there was I ask this means in making matters
plain before the public.
Succumbs to Tuberculosis After Sever­ no plan made regarding the expendi­ It is the desire of the Promotion de­
ture of the bond money. General Man­
al Years a Victim.
ager Talbot told the -Oregonian that partment of the Commercial club that
Lee Chaney, a sufferer from-that preparations of estimates of Cost had every citizen who has the interests of
dread disease, consumption, died at 9 delayed the work. The labor situation Cottage Grove and vicinity at heatt,
o’clock Tuesday night, the immediate would govern, also he said, the amount calls at the office of the manager in the
cause of death being hemorrhage of of work to be carried on next Summer. Commercial club building, corner Fifth
the ‘Ungs. The body was taken to Mid­
“It is my opinion that there will be and Main streets, and ascertain bv per­
dleton, Idaho, for burial, and" was ac­ a famine of labor in pregon next sonal investigation whether or not the
companied by his widow and father year,” said Mr. Talbot. “Labor will conditions are being misrepresented.
and mother, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cha­ be scarce, and what can be obtained
The facts contained in the- Commun­
ney, whose home is at that place.
will come high. The labor conditions ity Booklet were obtained from resi­
The deceased was 30 years of age,, may limit our work next Summer, but dents of this community, well-known
and a native of Idaho. In June 1908 he the present delay in determining what to nearly every man, woman, and child
contracted a severe cold, resulting in liiite is to be worked, and whether any­ in south Lane ¿.county, so if they gave
pneumonia and subsequently consump­ thing is to be done soon, is due more information which was not authentic
tion. He was advised to seek a lower to delay in getting estimates from en­ the manager of the Promotion depart­
altitude, and came, to the Willamette gineers.
ment and the Promotion committee de­
valley, locating at Eugene, where he
“At the time the sale of the bonds sire to know immediately where mis­
conducted a lodging house. Last sum­ was confirmed it was said that the pol­ representation is going oh. It. certain­
mer Mr. Chaney went to London icy of the company would be to make ly does not come from the Commercial
Springs, where he remained until a previous announcement concerning the club, Merchants’ Protective associa­
fortnight prior to his death, and to time of construction, but that the pub­ tion, or from of the business men who
every appearance was gradually im­ lic would get its first information of so loyally subscribed cash for the pur­
proving. On the day of his death Mr. the work when it was actually begun.” pose of giving to the world the oppor­
Chaney was about town for several
tunities as they are found at Cottage
hours, and only a few minutes prior to
his passing away had planned what he
If. “A Citizen” does not desire to re­
purposed doing on the morrow. At 9 Klamath Falls Bachelor Approves of main in business on the East side; he
Unengaged Girl’s Scheme.
o’clock he sat in the family circle,
should either move to the west side, or
when he was taken with the hemor­
Klamath Falls, Ore., Nov. 29. Edi­ outside. The new brick business houses
rhage that ended his life a few minutes tor Cottage Grove Sentinel: I am a were erected for occupancy, so if hie
very faithful reader and great admirer was unsuccessful in obtaining
Lee Chaney, eight years ago, married of your excellent paper and was in­ suit, he has no one to blame other than
Miss Grace Ingwood at Salt Lake City, tensely interested in an article appear­ himself. He was here first. Thanking
MAIN street :
Locally represented
but to the union no children were born. ing in the last issue written by the un­ you for space in your valuable publi­
Mrs. Chaney will go to the home of a engaged girl, and hereby take the lib­ cation and wishing it the success it is
sister, in Montpelier, Idaho, after the erty of a reply, as requested. To say entitled, I am yours for a greater Cot­
funeral, there to remain for several that the badge method for the young tage Grove, Fred G. Conley, Mgr. Com.
ladies whose names are upon the matri­ Club.
months. _______________
We wish to call your at­
monial list would be only doing the
tention to our line of Staple
A New Raincoat Oil.
young men of your city justice, is put­
and Fancy Groceries.
Tom Parker has an acquaintance at ting it mildly.
Creswell who is not familiar with the
There are scores qf we would-be fel­
English language. Yesterday Mr. Par­ lows, who, were it not for the awful OU of Wintergreen, Thymol. Glycerine. Etc,.
We Carry all the leading
ker received a letter from him asking horror of getting “handed a lemon,”
Used as a Simple Wash
brands of Canned Goods
him to buy a quart of raincoat Oil— would be delighted to make good.
and Teas, Coffees, and cater
It really seems strange that so many
meaning linseed oil—and in order that
1 have in mind a number of this stripe people suiter year in and. year out with
to the bgst trade by keep­
there should be no mistake copied the of gentlemen here in Klamath Falls
ing our stock
label on a bottle, the contents of which who would readily become excellent- eczema, when it is now no longer a se­
he had just exhausted. It reads: “Ce­ citizens of your beautiful little city,- cret that oil of wintergreen mixed with
dar Brook, formerly W. H. McBrayer, which would mean a betterment of •thymol, glycerine, etc., .makes a wash
Fresh and Up-to-Date.
distiller. A guarantee that this is the your locality. It’s a business proposi­ that is bound to cure.
Old, obstinate cases, it is true, can­
genuine. Hand-made sour mesh whis­ tion.
not be cured in a few days, but there
ky. 'The best known brand in the
Being in the position you are, Mr.
world.” Inquiry showed that a local Editor, I say agitate the matter as is absolutely no sufferer from eczema
druggist had used the whisky bottle much as possible, or in other words, who ever used this simple wash and
in knowing your house
when the foreigner bought lineseed oil come to the rescue of those of us who did not find Immediately that won­
on a previous occasion. Tom didn’t have given up all hope. I most heart­ derfully soothing, calm, cool sensation
that comes when the itch is taken away.
is equipped with modern
know what was wanted from the label. ily indorse the plan.
Instantly upon applying a few. drops . Administrator’s notice of -hearing of
“ANXIOUS OLD BATCH.” of the wash the remedy takes effect, final account.—Notice is hereby given
and sanitary plumbing.
Notes From Royal.
the itch is allayed. There is no need that the undersigned, Administrator of
Mrs. Thompson, Miss Hull, Edna El­
Fourth Regiment May Stick.
Ii you are thinking of
ledge and Edith Rosenberg visited the
The Eugene Register seems to think of experiment—the patient knows at the estate of George W. Kerr, Jr., de­
school on Friday^
the Fourth regiment will remain in­
having work of this kind
Instead of trying to compound the ceased, has filed his final account in the
The Pie social at the Royal school tact. It says “there has been much
house on Thursday evening was quite a talk of disbanding the Fourth regiment, oil of wintergreen, thymol, glycerine, County Court of the State of Oregon,
kind done, we would be
The people of the dormitory spent O. N. G., artillery service. This was etc., in the right proportions ourselves for Lane County, and the same has
Thanksgiving at E. A. Wheeler’s home. at a time when trouble waS brewing we are using a prescription which is been set for hearing on January.3rd.,
pleased to give you esti­
Frank Bradford went home from the with Japan and it was thought the universally found the most effective. 1910, at 2:00 o’clock p. m. All persons
mates on the work arid
Royal Academy on Saturday morning coast needed stronger defenses. Since It is known as the D. D. D. Prescrip­ having objections to said account are
tion, or Oil of Wintergreen Compound. hereby notified to appear at said time
on account of sickness.
then unofficial word has been circulated
Miss Varien Dresser is again able to that it is most likely the regiment will It is made by the D. D. D. Co. of Chi­ and place and, present the same.
attend school.___________ _
remain just as it and that within a rea­
•his remedy has given us great confi­
sonable time four more companies will
Street Fight in Eugene.
.Night Poileeman Charles W. Evans be added to make the regiment com­
Attorney for Administrator.
and Hardy Howard'engaged in a fight plete.”
You’ve got to nave them, so why not buy them
when you can get them at a Discount Price for
These Gloves are all first class im every respect, reg­
ular stock, and at the figure we have been selling
them were bargains. We propose to make a re­
duction of 20 per cent for the two days.
whichshallb F first
These are on exhibition in our Main St. Window
H. C. COOK, The Grocer.
The Place where you get What you Want
The Satisfaction of Ordering Garments
Johnson & Co
Is enhanced by the
Knowledge of Ex­
clusiveness of Ma­
terial; Perfection of
Fit; Assurance of
Good workmanship
and Style.
Hampton & Co
Cóme and See Ils