Œlw (Cntt¿w (Srtíw Simtûwl VOLUME IV COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY. NOV. 26, 1909 NUMBER 9 social last Saturday evening, the ob­ Taurus in the concluding days of the ject of the entertainment being to cre­ month. It is still too distant to be de- ate a fund for the purchase of new fined by The Sentinel’s telescope. seats. The young ladies provided abun­ His Plan May be Feasible. dantly filled baskets, and these were Row River Lumber Co’s Plant Sold at auction blindly, it being incum­ As an unengaged maiden of Cottage woman should be made to wear it at all Dr. W. J. McGee, of the U. S. De- An interesting Service Held at bent upon, the purchaser of a basket to Grove will you permit me space in your times. It might be a white ribbon partment of Agriculture, during his Sawing to Capacity. share its contents with the lady who valuable paper to make a suggestion such as that used by the W. C. T. U. study of soil and forest conditions in Presbyterian Church. furnished it. The proceeds aggregated for the protection of some of us mar­ with the word “engaged” or “promis­ Western Washington the past summer, $55.50, the average price per basket riageable girls. Why would not it be ed” printed in letters of gold in order found many abandoned tracts of cut- being $2.22. Miss Mary Smitji of wise to have an engagement badge, that the young man who runs, or loit­ over land which had reverted to the SOMETHING OF ITS EQUIPMENT Springfield is teacher in this district, and let the city council adopt an ordin • ers, may read and know^the truth. It counties for non-payment of taxes. To MEETINGS IN ROW VALLEY and it was through her efforts that the ance enforcing its usage. our bachelor may be said that any maiden has a his­ solve the problem of the disposition of affair was arranged and successfully, aiderman, I believe, would introduce and toric right to keep ’her secret if she such land, Dr. McGee advocates their champion such a measure. My reasons chooses, and also that the unengaged disposal of the state, provided the state Established Only Since Last June Large carried out. ______ _____ for this are many. Lots of young men could, with, malicious intent, bear the is in position to administer them intel­ Messrs. Vernon Veatch and W< W. Shipments of Railway Materials INVESTIGATES PAVEMENTS. bestow +heir attentions mistakenly be­ badge also, even if she had to go to Re­ ligently, As an alternative to this so­ Oglesby Relate Reminiscences of Have Been Shipped—A Pros­ Primitive Life in Cottage Grove Bitulithie Finds Favor With Aiderman cause they do not know, and cannot corder VanDenberg with a convincing lution, he suggests that the counties perous Hamlet. and Near Neighborhood. co-operate with the state for the pro ­ know without an expression from the tale to secure it. But truth crushed to of a Southern Town. young lady herself, that the solitaire earth will rise again, and when een made on one of the^claims of this tective association Tuesday night, and The speaker closed by reciting a Uncle Sam would have prosecuted it of the moon is awaited by astronomers _ The steady advance in wheat prices company. Mr. W. T. Hankins, .the is receiving the signatures of hundreds is lifting flour values and a general ad­ poem, which he had been taught in with characteristic vigor. { with less eagerness than an eclipse of ¡ecretary and treasurer, is a prac­ of citizens who have the best interests the sun, for it is not expected to unlock vance in local quotations will probably childhood, and one which has endured tical millman and gives careful atten­ of the community at heart. We Are Not Yet “Busted.” • new seorets, and telescopically, it is be announced within a day or two. The the lapse of time. It follows : tion to the business end of the opera­ By its statement The First National less spectacular. Nevertheless it is a advance will amount to 20 or 30 cents a My buried friends can I forget, Movement for Dike. tions. Those now having families re­ Bank of Cottage Grove shoifrs individ­ ■barrel and will affect all domestic Or should the grave eternal sever, There is a movement under way for ual deposits subject to chec|t of $236,- weird sight, the more impressive when grades remain as now quoted. The dding at the mill are Z. O. Earl, Frank They linger in my memory yet the fact is recalled that the first inti ­ the construction of a dike at the point Hensley, Wm. Gillispie, Matt Gardiner, 199.36, and demand certificates of de­ flour trade is active in all quarters and And in my heart they live foréver. S. H. Vaughn, L. Gillispie, Thos. Sears, of overflow to prevent further flooding posit of $4,584.88, making the total de­ mation of the rotundity of the earth some of the millers are nuable to fill was derived from the circumstance that They loved me once with love sincere, of the city. Some plans will probably C. W. Hensley, Frank Johnson, Her­ posit of $240,758.51. When it is taken all their orders. And never did their love deceive me, nan Brees, F. A. Crites, Geo. Barlow, be laid and worked out with this end in in to consideration that this is but one the earth’s shadow, cast upon the moon, is always round. Long before the The Best in the State. An’ oftimes in my conflicts here H. Hainey, Frank Van Schoick and A. view in the very near future. of two financial institutions of the city, Christian era this was noted by the The Cottage Grove Sentinel is thé They rallied quickly to relieve me. E. Davis. Wm. Gillispie is sawyer, it shows that we are not as “ hard up ” Train Delayed by Slide. Greeks, and it shook the confidence of best weekly paper published in a town I heard them bid this world adieu, Matt Gardiner, millwright and Frank as we might be. some of them in the theory of their of the size in the state—Eugene Regis­ I saw them on the rolling billow, A mud-slide at Cerro Gordo point on McIntyre plainerman. Saturday morning delayed the Oregon geographers which assumed that the ter. Schools Have Vacation. Their far-off home appears in view School Entertainment. & Southeastern train about two hours. The public schools closed on Wednes­ earth was a plane. Thé proceeds of Tuesday’s perform­ While yet they pressed the dying pil- The Kelley district school, situated A force of men was gathered and the day, and will not resume until next Halley’s Comet, which is now. in the ance at The Arcade was given to the low. three miles from Dorena, gave a basket track cleared in remarkably short time. Monday. rprthern part of Orion, will pass into High school piano fund. Continued on Eigth Page. 'TIS LEADING INDUSTRY METHOD IN THIS MADNESS? TELL OF PIONEER DAYS