Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1909)
Catarrh One of the most common of blood dis eases, is much aggravated by the sudden changes of weather at this time of year. Begin treatment at once with ( Hood’s Sarsaparilla, ’which effects rad ical and permanent cures. This great tledicine has received 40,366 Testimonials A PeevisJi PJaint. "Headquarters tor the Juice. Once upon a time a child who was isked upon an examination paper tc define a mountain rhnge replied, “A large sized cook stove.” The same method of reasoning seems to go with older growth. A recent examination paper at the Sheffield Scientific Schoo’ at Yale contained the question, “What is the office of the gastric juice?” And the answer on one paper said, “The stomach.”—-Cleveland Leader. in two years, which prove its.wonderful Handicap of Bad Roads, efficacy in purifying and enriching the [ “Don’t you realize that you blood. Best for all blood diseases. : financially handicapped by bad roads?’’ In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets ■ “Of course we realize it',” answered known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1. I Farmer Corntossel. “No automobilist darea travel fast enough to give us an Knew of One. excuse for collectin’ a fine.—Washing “Suggestion? H’mph! Did. you fever ton Star. hear of a real cure effected by ‘sugges He Did. tion’?” Jaffer—But don’t you believe comper "I personally know of one. I once suggested to a young fellow that if he tition is the life of trade? Pugway—Sure! Sooner or later it didn’t, want to have a big dog chasing him off the premises he’d better quit leads to the formation of a trust, and coming to my house, and it cured him that’s the way to make money. of the habit.” TEXAhT The learned writers for i he press Are very, very good At proving how we waste on dress Or furbelows or food. Each, writer new who makes his bov With other sages vies To show unhappy mortals how They may economiza. They tell us of the thrifty French, Who all excesses shun. But I’m not anxious to retrench; It isn’t any fnu. [’m weary Of this endless song; I wish some seer wish Would show us how to get along And not economize. —Louisville Courier-Journal Tact. Destroys Recentdiscoveries have shown .that falling hair is caused by I germs at the roots of the hair. Therefore, to stop falling hair, you must first completely de stroy these germs. Ayer’s Hair Vigor,-new improved formula, will certainly do this,. Then leave the rest to nature. When the Texas Legislature appro- I am sorry to have to tell you 80: Does not change the color of the hair. priated $10,000 for a monument to boys,” said the pleasant looking visitoi ¿Formula with each, bottle General Sam Houston, to be erected who was addressing the Sunday school Show it to your over his grave at Huntsville, it stipu- “but there is not one chance in a thou doctor sand that any one of you ever will be lated that the monument should be of Ask him about it, President of the United States. ” then do as ha says Texas granite and that the appropria Still he failed to secure their .undi tion should become void Sept. 1, 1909. Recent discoveries have also proved that vided attention. Oddly enough, writes H. B. Chamber* To the Brighter. “But if you live up to your opportu dandruff is caused by germs on the scalp. lain in the Chicago Record-Herald, nities,”. he went on, eyeing them keen-: Therefore, to cure dandruff, the first thing . Goin’ along “Fighting the Beef Trust.” See. the sculptors eager to secure the honor of ly, “some bright boy in this audience to do is to completely destroy these dan To the brighter day; Frank L. Smith Co.’s ad in this paper. making the monument neglected to in may become a great baseball pitchei druff germs. Here, the same Ayer’s Hair Every storm Vigor will give the same splendid results. or the world’s champion batsman.” Has a rainbow’s ray! form themselves of essential conditions The Professor. Made by the J. C. Aver Co., Lowell, Mass.— —Atlanta Constitution. Instantly every boy sat up straight and submitted plans for monuments The Doctor—Some creatures, \> you and began to listen.—Chicago Tribune. 3 to be developed in bronze. Until - Aug. know, are exceedingly sensitive to mu Wasted. Her i'jxcuae. 1, just one short month before the ex sical sounds. You may not believe it, “ Fighting the Beef Trust. ” See the “Johnny, did. you have a good vaca “Bertha, my dear, I have been look but it’s a well authenticated fact that tion at that little lake resort?” piration of the allotted time, but one Frank L. Smith Co.’s ad in this paper. ing over your writing exercises. Your two song sparrows once, flew into a “No, sir. Maw wouldn’t let me go plan in accordance with ideas ex orthography is atrocious. You don’t room where a grand opera singer was swimmin’, and she made me take a pressed in the measure making the Even the Hens Watch ’Em. seem to know how to spell even the rehearsing an aria, listened a few mo -cold bath every morn in’:” Hank Stubbs—Hens layin* much simplest words.” appropriation had been presented. This ments, and dropped dead. 4ow, Bige? “Spelling, papa, is purely arbitrary. plan, by Frank Teich of Llano, pro The Professor—I don’t doubt it. .1 Probably Insane. Bige Miller—Skurce any. Words were made before thé alphabet have heard before of killing two birds “Winkley is a good deal of a crank, posed the erection of a plain shaft. paign that followed demonstrated b . Hank Stubbs—What’s the trouble? was.” Another sculptor, Pompeo Coppini of with “one’s tone;—Chicago Tribune. isn’t he?” Bige Miller—Don’t hev time fur tremendous hold upon the common peo- dodgin ’ them pesky autymobiles.—Bos “That doesn’t half describe him. tie’s San Antonio, who had designed a l pie. He made a thorough canvass of ton lieraid. E. BURTON — Assayer ’ and Chemist, going around now insisting that,if the bronze monument, was given a second H OWARD Leadville, Colorado. Specimen prices:. Gold, postoffice department has to be made opportunity by Governor Campbell to the State, arousing wild enthusiasm by Silver. Lead-, $1. Gold, Silver, 75c- Gold, 50c; Zino Artistic Vociferation. his eloquent appeals 'for' preservation or Copper, SI. Mailing envelopes and full price list self-sustaining the war and navy de prepare new plan’s for one of granite. Bent on application. Control and Umpire 'work so partments ought to be run the same “You will miss your son John whei of the Union, He was elected, and was Out of town people licited. Reference: Carbonate National Bank. Sam Houston was born in Virginia inaugurated as Governor Dec. 21, 1859. he goes back to school.” can have their plate way.” and bridgework fin« of Irish-Scotch stock. His father, who ished in one 'day “Yes,’’ answered Farmer Corntossel if necessary. Before 1880 most- English railway died when he' was a lad of 13, served A special session of the Legislature We will give you a good “ I don ’ t know how I ’ m going, to gel met Jan. 21, 1860, to act on South Car carriages had only four wheels, and in the Revolutionary War. and at its 22k gold or porcelain * AND TANNER / * weighed ten tons, From 1880 to 1890 close was appointed Major and Assist olina’s invitation to join the Confed along. He has got all the critters or crown for $3.50 eracy. A general election had pre the place so used to his college they had six wheels, and weighed fif Molar Crowns 5.00 ant Inspector General of frontier teen or sixteen tons; from 1890 to 1800 22k Bridge Teeth 3.50 FURS BOUGHT viously expressed secession sentiment. that I don’t s’pose anyone else they had eight wheels, and weighed troops. He has been described as a Houston opposed every step of the se drive ’em.’’—star. Gold Fillings 1.S0 F. B. FINLEY twenty-four tons; and since 1900 the man of large frame, commanding pres cessionists, bpt was defeated. When Enamel Fillings 1.00 249 Columbia Portland, Ore. fashion is twelve wheels for dining ence, indomitable courage, and a pas Silver Fillings .50 inlay Fillings 250 and sleeping cars, and the weight is sion for military life. The mother was Texas seceded, Houston refused to take Good Rubber the oath, of allegiance to the Confed thirty-five to fortv-two tons. also remarkable for her magnificent eracy and was deposed as Governor. ■’ Platos 5.00 Best Red "'•ib- For Infants and Children. physique and forceful character. After More lui'oriuatlou. WE TEACH THÈ BARBER TRADE 7.50 Strong in personality, one of the DR. W.A.WISE, P m « khtmo M aw " iii b&r Plate. Mrs. Chugwater—Josiah, .what is s her husband’s death she removed with great Individualists of American his The Kind Y oh Have Always Bought to both men and women. Expert instruction; di 22 ti»RS UTAStnaft in foiHUHO Painless Extr {ion »uw WORK GUARANTEED FOR IS YEARS plomas granted; clean, modern-;" up-to-date. “swastika ?” her family of six sons and three daugh tory, the name of Sam Houston is as Painless Extraction f ree when plates or bridge work Money earned while learning. Complete course is ordered. Consultation Free, You cannot get better Mr. Chugwater (momentarily at a ters to Tennessee, then the frontier, Bears the for $30. Write for free particulars. indelibly inscribed upon the scroll of painless work done anywhere. AU work fully guar loss)—Do you mean to say you don’i where white pioneers came into close NATIONAL BARBER COLLEGE anteed. 'Modernelectric equipment. Best xnetnoda. Signature of 68 West Washington St. Seattle, Wash, know what a' swastika is? A swastika contact with savage life. The educa the nation as that of the Lone Star State itself. He was to Texas its son is—why, blame it, Swastika is the Wise Dental name of the Eskimo that helped Cook tion gained in a few months at an and its father, and no hero of the portlani T oregon A 1'nwning; Void. "THEOLD RELIABLE” discover the. north pole!—Chicago old field school was necessary rudi Southland Is stronger in the affections “No mere mortal,” declared the pro OFFICE HOURS: 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Bundays, 9 to !• mentary. This, with a session or two of its people • than the man of Sap Tribune. feasor in astronomy, “can comprehend at the Academy of Maryville, was all “Fighting the Beef Trust.” See the. the schooling that the man destined Jacinto. the immensity of space.” Frank L. Smith Co.’s ad in this paper. to be Governor of two States, President “I think I can,” ventured one of his WHAT IS TREASURE TROVE? auditors. - , Expensive Water Power. of a republic, Congressman and Unit “And why you?” “Yes,” said the defendant in the ed States Senator ever had. The com Shows It Meant Articles Concealed “I have a daily humorous column to criminal case, “my lawyer certainly mand of strong, dignified, and stirring for Depositor’s Benefit. made a strong plea for me. He even English. Which was his, must have The recent discovery near Yeovil of fill up.”—Louisville Courier-Journal. AT DRUGGISTS.OR TRIAL BOX BY MAIL50c wept.” been due to the quality of his reading, an ancient British gold torque and the Fine Recipe for Colds. FROM PLANTEN,93 HENRYST.BROOKLYN.NY “What was his bill?” asked the oth- for he was a man of few books' As consequent inquiry by the coroner and Any druggist can supply these in er man. “Well, as nearly as I can figure it a boy he devoured Pope’s translation his jury as to the manner and nature gredients, or he will get them from his of the Iliad. When in command of the ofr the find are of some interest to land wholesale house. out, he char «red ^100 a tear.1 Raises the dough “Mix half pint of good, whiskey; Texas -army he studied Caesar’s. Cdin- owners as well as to antiquarians, says and complies with Omissions _o£ History. two ounces of glycerine; half ounce of Country Life. Treasure trove, accord mentaries, as did Miles Standish, an all pure food laws. Concentrated pine compound, Shake Archimedes had just announced that Indian fighter of an earlier day. Later ing to an old definition, is any gold or the bottle well each time arid use in If he had a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to rest it he could he read and appreciated Shakespeare silver in coin, plate .or bullion found doses of a teaspoonful to a tablesppon- and perused the Bible so constantly concealed in a house or in the earth fùl four times a day?’ This prescrip move the earth. “If you can’t move the earth,” that its phraseology tinged his oratory. or other place, the owner thereof being tion is said to work wonders. Thé Concentrated, pine is a ; special shrieked a suffragette,, “turn the job Even the former president of Harvard unknown. The essence of the thing is half over to us! We’ll do it!” College would admit that his choice concealment; the article may have pine product arid comes only in ounce bottles, each enclosed in an air But the journalists and historians of of books was good. been deliberately hidden or buried by tight case, but be sure it is labeled that day, being men exclusively, mean When the war between England and the owner; if it has only been aban “Gqncentrated ” in order to get the Means an unfailing water supply. It ly blue penciled that par.t of the story. means that you will have the most practi the United States broke out, young doned, thrown away or lost, it is not genuine article. cal Domestic water suoply system now !n i CRESCENT MFG. CO. use. Nd elevated tank, no frozen pipes in Houston marched away with the Ten treasure trove, and belongs to the Pettit’s Eye Salve F’rst Sold in 1807. Incidental. Makers of MAPLEINE winter, no stagnant water in summer, no finder as against every one the but «'better than Maple). over 100 years ago; sales increase nessee Volunteers as ensign. To pun water wpply troubles of any sort. Tank “Your milk costs you 12 cents placed in basement, out of sight and way. yearly; wonderful remedy; cured mil ish the Creeks for the massacre at Fort true owner when he turns up and quart and your butter 45 cents made of pressed steel, will not rust and lions weak eyes. All druggists or Hirns, Ala., volunteer troops under claims it. If the article is treasure pound? Why do you pay such exorbi will last a lifetime. Howard Bros., Buffalo. N. Y. You will be pleased with the LEADER Jackson and Coffee were sent to Ala trove, on the other hand, i-t belongs tant prices as that for them?” system of furnishing Domestic Water either to the crown or to the person, “ Bless 'you, I don ’ t. I ’ m merely add Supp’y. .Ask lor our catalogue and free bama. Houston’s regiment was with As It Seemed. booklet. “How I Solved My Water Supply ing in what it costs me for ice to keep “That man,” said trie court onlooker, them, and at To-ho-pe-ka, the most' generally to the lord of the manor, to them sweet.” Problem.’’. whom the franchise of treasure trove making hotly contested battle ever fought by “will be convicted surely. He’s a very poor impression on the witness Indians against disciplined white sol may have been granted by the crown. It is the duty of any .person who stand.” diers, he displayed such conspicuous “That isn’t the defendant,” said a courage as to win General Jackson’s finds an article that may come under Children’s Coughs Ca¿’^e,he lawyer. “He’s just one 'of thfe alienists And give you full value ia the designation of treasure trove to in Ones Much Unnecessary Suffering cross - examination.”—De - lifelong friendship. He was promoted form the coroner of the district, who undergoing comfort and long wear to a lientenantcy for his bravery, and troit Free Press. S3.OO when his wounds, which never eptirply thereupon calls together a jury ¿to in LEWIS & STAYER CO. •SQLUlJj PUB pjBpURlg --- healed, permitted him to report for quire what the find consists of, who GUARANTEED WATERPROOF ,/unj .sejnuiui jpzq ri pur iqfiis jnoqri duty, he was sent as agent to the Cher was the finder and who was the orig Portland, Ore. Sold by first-class Retailers the country Á[uo sji î'eqï ‘jöAfeMoq ‘Aris Auui j uon okee Indians. While in Washington inal'owner, so far as any information over. Send for our Free Catalogue Spokane, Wash. -T31S sqi oi J9A9; îSJnqdui'BMg on business connected with the sale of on the last -point is available. Such A. J. TOWER CO. Boise, Idaho. ÁpAOi tn Apoqox,. ‘Sqnqqns pstuiup inquiry has, however, no jurisdiction UK BEST HEMCIME TOR (gJJGRSwo^UJS B oston , U, S. A. u , -X0 „¡uopsenb snoinoipiJ b l'eqM.» - Cherokee lands he was rebuked for to determine any question of title to I Gives instant relief—soothes and heals the little •UBUipip appearing before Calhoun, Secretary of TOWER CANADIAN GO., Ltd. ? 8 the find, nor to decide whether the ar- throats and prevents more serious illness. Children War, in Ipdian costume instead of, in ^¿Qsnoq jnoÁ ULOij uop'Eis oqi o; T oronto , C añada like it too—so pleasant to take and does not upset PNU No. 47—09 ticls is treasure trove or not; these JHT3M 4 se;nuiui usi À[uo ?i sj„ his uniform. A little later he success the stomach. 809 - points must be settled, if there is any ‘gqjnqns. »qi «Ï Suijutatlg au|j[ fully defended himself against charges; HE1Í writing; to advertisers please affecting his official conduct, but the dispute, by the decision of the king’s mention this paper. Uncle Eben’s Philosophy. MODERN EXPERT All Druggists, 25 cents. spirit of the inquiry instituted by Cal bench division; but where gold or sll- “Advice,” said Uncle Eben, “is sum DENTISTRY houn offended him, and he resigned, ver articles ■ whose owner is unknown pin’ like singin’. You either gjits it Al Prices that Defy Competition having served in the army five years. are found concealed or buried in one free till you’s tired o’ listenin’ or else place, all lying together, there is a TEETH WITHOUT PLATES A SPECIALTY it’s so expensive, can’t afford He determined to become a lawyer, .presumption that they were intention a profession which in those days meant sca’sely any.”—Washington Star. politics even more than now. After ally hidden for the benefit of the de six months .of study in the law office positor and that they are therefore of James Trimble at Nashville he was treasure trove. admitted to the Tennessee bar, and Collection of Orr Kids. went to Lebanon to practice. Within One of the stories John Burroughs', a year he was appointed adjutant gen the aged naturalist, loves to tell lias “Cascareis are certainly fine. I gave a friend eral of the State, with the rank of to do with a friend of his named Orr. PAINLESS_____ _________ EXTRACTION SILVER FILLINGS....... . ,50c up one when the doctor was treating him for cancer colonel, and was elected prosecuting On one of his trips Mr. Burroughs GOLD FILLINGS .....................$1.00 up J of the stomach. The next morning he passed 22K GOLD CROWN-....................... $5 OO^ four pieces of a tape worm. He then got a box attorney for the Davidson district, happened to be in the town where GOOD RUBBER PLATE..................$5.00 and in three days he passed a tape-worm 45 feet which necessitated his removal to Mr. Orr lives. Meeting him in the long. It was Mr. Matt Freck, of Millersburg, THE BEST RUBBER PLATES...<........$8.00 I Dauphin Co., Pa. I am quite a worker for Casca Nashville. In 1823, when 30 years of WHALEBONE PLATES............. ..$10.00 I street Mr. Burroughs insisted that his Out-ôf-town patients can obtain perfect work reis^ I use them myself and find them beneficial for most any disease caused by impure blood.” age, he was elected representative to friend should accompany him to the and save money by calling at our office. Chas. E. Condon, Lewiston, Pa., (Mifflin Co.) Congress from Tennessee, and served hotel for luncheon. As they were eat- NO STUDENTS NO GAS NO'COCAINE The proper shoes for men: two terms, leaving the House to be ing Mr. Burroughs inquired if his All work guaranteed for ten years Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good, shoes that look, fit, feel and wear right Do Good. Never Sicken,Weaken or Gripe.- come Governor of* Tennessee. CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS friend was not interested in any spe- 10c, 25c, 50c. Never sold in bulk. The genu Made of selected leather—leather that is best by 323% Washington St., Cor. Sixth ine tablet strmped C. C G. Guaranteed to Houston was elected first President cialty. cure or you- money back. 921 every test. Correct in style. Made by the finest Established 15 years.' Here to,stay. of the Republic of Texas. The consti “I think,” said the.naturalist, “every shoe makers, in the best equipped factory in existence. tution of the new republic made him man ought to have a collection of ineligible for re-election for two suc- some kind. It adds zest to life.” cTVIAYER HONORBILT ceeding terms. At the end of the per- “Oh, yes,” said his; friend. “I have shoes are “built on honor”—built for combined style and service — tod he was re-elected and found thfe quite a collection. I am interested in built for absolute satisfaction arid lasting comfort. Biggest values finances in bad shape, ' His first step flowers. Come home with me and I’ll Smith wants your fat turkeys, chickens, ducks and other poultry for you can ever hope to get for the money. was to inaugurate an economical ad- the Thanksgiving trade. Dressed turkeys and geese and ducks should show them to you.” There is an Honorbilt style that will exactly suit you and fit you. ministration, -which rescued the State arrive between November 19th and November 22d., Ship to Smith. On As they approached ‘the Orr home Ask your shoe dealer; if he hasn’t it, write us. Look for November 10th we are paying as follows. The prices on turkeys may from collapse. From the first there six fine, healthy children, playing on the Trade on the sole. fluctuate, but we expectrall other quotations to hold good indefinitely. had been a strong desire for annexa the lawn, ran to meet their father. Ship immediately. FREE — If you will send us the name of a dealer who does not handle tion to the United States. When this “These,” said Mr/ Orr, with a twin Mayer Honorbilt Shoes, we will send you free, postpaid, a hand . Dressed hogs, first class.........,.................■......... 9c some picture, size 15x20, of George Washington. was finally accomplished, Houston and kle in his eye, “form* my collection of Dressed fat veal under 130 lbs ..........................10c Chickens, hens and springs, alive......................14c We also make Leading Lady Shoes, Martha Washington Thomas J. Rusk were elected Senators. orchids. Ain’t they grand specimens?” Chickens, hens and springs, dressed...........15 to 16c Comfort Shoes, Yerma Cushion Shoes, Special Merit He served two terms in the Senate, —New York Press. Turkeys, dressed, fat quality................... *...,20 to 22!4>c School Shoes and Work Shoes. Geese, dressed, fat quality ........................15 to 18c but was defeated for re-election be You save commission when you ship to Smith. He does not charge Jones—That young man who plays cause of his attitude toward the vari F. ¿THAYER BOOT & commission on anything. Prompt returns. Address all shipments to the ous compromise measures. He return the cornet is ill. Green—Do you think CH MILWAUKEE W. WISCONSIN ed to his home in Texas, and in 1859 he will recover? Jones—I fear not. FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. Thtf doctor who is attending him lives was nominated for Governor by accla “Fighting the Beef Trust” Portland, Oregon mation at a public meeting. The cam- next door.—London Spare Moments. TAXIDERMIST CASTOR IA BARBER SCHOOL Co. GONORRHOËÂ and GLEET A LEADER WATER SYSTEM SN YOUR HOME v On Rainy Days ° A Fish Brand Slicker will keep you. dry CURE Worms , FARMERS, COUNTRY MERCHANTS