vertising and has seen innumerable club. Among -the inducements offered businesses grow from a mere nothing is a cash prize of $100 for dairy pro­ to magnificent proportions. Thousands ducts. The creamerymen and others of merchants, in both large and small interested in dairying in Oregon are cities, will attest to the merits of ad­ going to join hands to make this the Cottage Grove May Yet Attain vertising, but it must be conducted Fruit Company Cannot Meet Its great success of the year. A splendid with intelligence and honesty of pur­ program is being prepared which will World-Wide Reputation. pose. The mere statement that John include an address by Chief Rawl of Financial Obligations. Jones deals in dry goods and groceries the Dairy Department Bureau of Ani­ is not a sufficient inducement to draw mal Industry, Washington, D. C. Al­ people to your store. It is absolutely though an effort has been made for A FRUIT GROWERS’ UNION. necessary to describe what you have to ASSETS WORTH ABOUT $5,000 several years past to get him to come offer, together with the price thereof, he has never before consented. Last making it plain and clear. This is year over four hundred people attend­ Louis Hopkins, After Much Investiga­ wherein lies the success of the cata­ Stockholders’ Meeting Called for No­ ed and took part in the convention at Salem. tion of Obtaining Conditions Else­ logue houses and the big city mer­ vember 30 to Decide Future of chants. The principal applies to the where, Tells' of Some Needed Large Fruit Drying Concern THINGS THAT AMUSE. so-called country merchant as well. It Things We Should Have. in Cottage Grove. is an indisputable fact that newspaper publicity is a paying investment when Splendid Bills at Electric -Playhouses. Military Éall Is Planned. properly conducted. Louis B. Hopkins, formerly a resi­ A meeting of the board of directors That Manager Hall of the Arcade dent of the Row river valley, writing WILL EXHIBIT AT CHICAGO. of the Cottage Grove Fruit Company Theatre is giving his patrons the very from Tacoma to a friend in Cottage was called for Saturday last, but only best obtainable attractions was evi­ Grove says he has great faith in the fu­ President John F. Spray and Secretary denced by the scenes shown last Friday Manager 1 Conley Arranges Display for ture of this section as a fruit belt. He B. K. Lawson were in attendance, mak­ and Saturday, and also the attractions Irrigation Congress. says: ing the transaction of business impos­ of the first of the present week. On Manager Conley was a busy man Mon­ sible. The object for which the meet-, “Fourteen years ago, when I came to Cottage Grove to settle, I believed day afternoon. At 1:30 o’clock he re­ ing was called was to devise ways and the- first two dates that beautiful bible it would eventually become a great ceived a telegraphic request from Mr. means to liquidate the outstanding fi­ tale, “The Way of the Cross,” show­ fruit growing belt, but owing to the McMurray, general passenger agent for nancial obligations of the company, ing Roman scenes, including the great circumstances which took me away I the Harriman lines, to prepare a dis­ amounting to $2,500. This amount is Stadium during a gladiatorial contest; am now unable to get in on account of play for the National Irrigation Con­ due Mr. J. I. Jones for money advanc­ the persecuted Christians, Nero’s the high price of land to make a start gress, to be held in Chicago, and ship ed, and is payable December 1. Unless court and the den of lions, was an at­ myself. If I could buy twenty acres of it out that evening. No preparations payment is made at the time specified traction worth the while. These were the right kind of land I would come had been made for an exhibit at this the property may come into possession produced by the Vitigraph Film com­ back there and start an apple orchard gathering, but Mr. Conley got busy, of that gentleman, according to the pany, which has an entirely new pro- next spring. Cottage Grove will have and Cottage Grove will be represent­ terms of the agreement. The building, eéss, and one which promises to become a population of 5,000 inside of ten years, ed. Two dozen Burbank potatoes, the which adjoins the railway, was erected decidedly popular with patons of the and be a good market, if it makes one aggregate length of which is 240 inches for fruit drying, -and is one of the most electric, theatres throughout the country. more good move and that is the right and each weighing one and a quarter complete institutions of its kind in the At the Arcade on Monday and Tues­ kind of men into a Fruit Exchange, or pounds ; two dozen ears of White Dent country; being strictly modern in every day the Boston Concert Company held corn; Red Chaff, Scotch Fife, Corn a Fruit Growers’ Union. That is what particular. The structure and the has made Hood River and Winatchee, Wheat and Chilli Club wheats; Shoe equipment cost $4,700 while the lot was the boards a portion of the timé, and as well as North Yakima. I see all of Peg and White Russian Side oats ; and valued at $350 at the time of purchase, pleased. Besides songs, the company these places, and the people connected minerals from the principal mines of two years ago. The latter item has did a rope tying act. Anna Eva Fay with them, so I can speak of them in­ the Bohemia district, were hurriedly enhanced in value very materially, all also presented her novelty rope act, telligently. boxed and forwarded. The potatoes reality in Cottage Grove having had a defying any person to fasten her to a “When I first went to Hood River I were furnished by T. A. Bean and constant upward tendency since the chair with ropes so securely that She could not escape. was not prepared to know conditions, Felix Currin, thé corn by Mr. Currin, date of this purchase. Neither the but now that I have investigated I see and the wheat and oats by E. L. Mar­ building or its equipment has suffered The program now at the Arcade is why they have such a world-wide repu­ tin, E. C. Bowen and Felix Currin. depreciation by reason of being out of. highly" entertaining, being up to this playhouse’s standard. The manage­ tation. Their location is not as favor­ Geo. McQueen, president of the Fair­ commission this season. able as Cottage Grove’s in many ways, view Company, gathered samples of the A stockholders’ meeting has been ment is exerting every effort to please, but in others 41 is all right. One is con­ free and base ores from the different called by President Spray for Novem­ and in order to do this it has, in numer­ ous instances, “paid out the house” nection to the east with two railroads, mines. ber 30, at which time some action will and another is certain soil conditions While this is not considered a corn be taken, either to raise the amount of for attractions. Negotiations have been completed not in Cottage Grove lands; but"other- country, this cereal*was included as a indebtedness, or place the property on wise I would by long odds prefer the supplemental display. . It will, how­ sale to the highest and best bidder. for a performance in Cottage Grove by Cottage Grove country to any of the ever, make a favorable' showing when The shareholders have been notified of the Schubert Symphony Club'and Lady country I have yet seen. I know that compared with corn grown in other sec­ the existing conditions; and the proba- Quartette of Chicago. Some of Our the growers will get together in Cot­ tions of the country. Five hundred biliiies are that there will be a large readers have heard this popular com­ tage Grove and get the right men into Community books accompanied the dis­ attendance. The dryer did not prove pany and no doubt everyone knows of the high favor in which its twenty the public interest of marketing its ap­ play, and as thé Congress will be at­ profitable because of a lack of fruit. years of success has placed it. The ples so that it will become a country tended by thousands of people, some ^pqual to Medford or Hood River. good results may be looked for. PRIZES OFFERED FOR ESSAYS. great variety and popular character of company’s program has endeared it to “The secret of success lies in a Fruit Growers’ Union. I see that Veatch COUGAR KILLED IN LORANE. School. Pupils Given Opportunity to the hearts of American music lovers, Display Their Talents. until today it stands first in their sold his peaches for $1.80 per bushel. Now with the right sort of an associa­ Curtis Veatch Brings to Ground Big The Oregon Society of the Sons of affections. _____ tion he would not have to sell fruit at Goat Eater Last Sunday. the American Revolution offers prizes The Star Theatre has this week half or two thirds its value, as it would Curtis Veatch, who resides two miles totaling $100 to the pupils of the public moved to the Woodward block, where teach growers how to put up fruit so from town, killed a cougar weighing schools of the state of Oregon, for es­ it is more centrally located, and opened that it would be attractive, and then it 125 pounds on Sunday last. The ani­ says on subjects connected with our on Thursday with a complete, perfor­ would command the price.” mal was shot near Lorane, some six War for Independence. One prize of mance and to better business. While Mr. Hopkins says Mrs. Hopkins is in miles west of his farm. The cougar $10 and three of $5 each will be award­ the width of this room is somewhat Vancouver, B. C., but thinks she will had killed and buried a goat belonging ed for the first, second and third best abbreviated, so to speak, the arrange­ go to Seattle the last of this month for to W. B. Hawley, and Mr. Veatch felt essays, respectively, written by high ment is such that 270 people may be the winter. Mr. Hopkins - is now a confident that the big cat was in the school pupils on one of the following comfortably seated, which is consider­ traveling salesman, and has a splendid vicinity of the carcass. Accompanied subjects : “The Influence of Alexander ed sufficient capacity for the present. opportunity to note conditions-. by Jo.seph Snyder he went in search of Hamilton Upon the Republic”; “The The new theatre is attractive, and has the animal, and found it in a tree near Turning Point of. the Revolutionary several advantages over its former lo­ WINS THROUGH PUBLICITY. by, as prophesied. For an hour they War.” cation. Messrs. Bell and Cantonwine, The committee has divided the state, the proprietors, are furnishing some threw missiles at the cougar, but it re­ exclusive of the high schools, into three excellent attractions. Advertising the Secret of Success of fused to move. Finally Floyd Chur­ chill, a lad of the neighborhood, volun­ districts, composed of the following Leading Salem House. The Thanksgiving Military ball on teered to climb the tree and “shoo” counties. District No. 1, Multnomah The readers of The Sentinel cannot the animal, which he succeeded in do­ county ; district No. 2, all of the coun­ Thursday, November 25, promises to be fail to be attracted to the conspicuous ing. The cougar took to another near­ ties lying east of the Cascade moun­ one of the most successful terpsichorean advertisement" of Rostein, & Green- by tree, and climbing high among its tains ; district No. 3, all of the counties entertainments ever given under the baum on the eight page of this issue. branches held the fort for some time, lying west of the Cascade mountains auspices of the local company. As the posters state, it, will be the event of Mr. Rostein, manager of the Cottage When Mr. Veatch fired upon it, bringing except Multnomah. Grove' business, is a firm believer in it to the ground. Several farmers in One prize of $10 and three of $5 each the season. Several soldiers high in the liberal use,of printers’ ink, whether that section, among them Hardy Crow, will be awarded in each district for the rank have accepted invitations to its color be red or bl^pk. These men have missed a number of sheep of late, the first, second, third and fourth best be present, among the number being have a splendid business in Salem, the and it is likely that they were killed essays, respectively, written by grade General Finzer. The .Cottage Grove success of which Mr. Rostein attributgs by the cougar. pupils on any one of the following sub­ orchestra will furnish music for the oc­ directly to newspaper advertising, and jects : “The Capture and Trial of Ma­ casion. • he tells an interesting story of how, Who Wants This Job. jor Andre;” “The Winter at Valley A splendid musical program has been some eight years ago before he had Twelve doctors are td'receive com­ Forge;” “The Women and Children arranged for the Try Out, the numbers had a “windfall,”-his'career aS a mer­ missions as officers in the Oregon Na­ of’76: Their Trials and Privations.” interspersing the debates. Misses Ma­ chant was saved from an early demise, tional Guard as the result of organiza­ The essays are limited to 300 words bel Veatch and Mabel Rosenberg will by newspaper publicity. During their tion of a medical reserve corps as de­ each, must be written in the student’s render an' instrumental duet, followed first year they carried a small and in­ cided upon by the general staff. The own handwriting. The essays must be by a violin solo by Rowe Kennedy, ac­ conspicuous ad. as a sort of contribu­ new officers will be secured at stations signed .by the writer, and forwarded to companied by Mrs. Kennedy. A quar­ tion to the papers, feeling that they outside of Portland. While no compen­ B. A. Thaxter, chairman of committee, tet from the eight grade, composed of too were worthy of support. At the sation will be attached the doctors will 443 Eleventh street, Portland, Or., and Lottie Whitsett, Ursula Lockwood, Ve­ end of this twelvemonth a reckoning have to perform the work of giving all should reach their destination not later ta Holderman and Eva Richmond, will was made and their suspicions that physical examinations to applicants for than February 10, 1910. render-“Virginia, ” with Mrs. J. O. Van they had failed to make good were enlistment. The medical staff will be Winkle as accompaniest. The closing Axe Handle Factory Locates. confirmed. More than half of their able to go out on the active list in event number will be by the High School An axe handle factory has been locat­ capital had vanished and the. future of actual service. For this purpose Quartet, Leah Perkins, Blanch Veatch, looked gloomy from a financial stand­ they will be attached to the companies ed at Creswell by L. R. Rush. A Roy Wood and Ernest Anderson. building 20x42 has been erected for the point. with which they are stationed. They Something must be done, and £hat will also attend field maneuvers, in­ purpose. According to The Chronicle ANSON MORGAN GOES HOME quickly. Mr. Rostein determined to structions camps and the annual Na­ Mr. Rush states that the oak in this make a strenuous effort to recover tional Guard convention. The stations locality is the best material obtainable Paternal Ancestor Now a Resident of losses through a systematic advertising entitled to commissioned doctors are for- handles, and that the vast amount Bakersfield, California, Sends for campaign, and his first step was a Baker City, Pendleton, The Dalles,* within easy reach insures the steady Child Whom He Left to Shift mail course through one of the several Woodburn, Astoria, Albany, Salem, Mc­ operation of the plant for years. Large for Himself. orders have already been received and schools conducted for this purpose. Minnville, Cottage Grove Roseburg, operations will probably begin next Eight years ago Anson Morgan, a This concluded they bought whole and Dallas. week. ' _________ child eight years of age, was deserted pages in the Salem newspapers day at this place by his-father, a miner, We Are Not Easily Soured. after day, followed by half page and Musical Tomorrow Night.. and, not hearing of him, supposed he quarter pages, and this was maintained The following communication is self- At the Methodist church tomorrow was dead. The child was taken in, throughout the year, with the desired explanatory : evening Miss Dora Johns, assisted by result. This course has been con­ Eugene, Nov. 13—The Sentinel: En­ Mrs. J. O. VanWinkle, will give a cared for and kept in school by kind- tinued during the intervening time un­ closed find check for $3, paying to Oc­ piano recital, and a good attendance is hearted people. He finished the state til today they have one of the foremost tober 1910. Your paper is a credit to assured. The program, published in school course with honor last year. Re­ establishments in the capital city. the town, and to the man behind the The Sentinel last week, is of a high cently he was informed that his father Each year an appropriation in accord­ gun a greater credit. Don’t let the order, and as the ability of both par­ was in Bakersfield, Cal., and desired ance with the growth of their business mossbacks sour you. The best boosting ticipants is marked, the recital will his son to join him. A letter came is made, the present' year calling for the town has ever had is since you came doubtless prove both profitable and en­ r om the father with the declaration an expenditure of close to $700. into the community. God made some tertaining to those of our citizens who that he is no longer a dissipated man, but that he had embraced religion, and This is the same system employed big timber in your community, but are musically inclined. desired his son’s presence that he can by all of the successful city merchants, goodness knows who made the small be instrumental in helping him finish who can no more dispense with the sticks. You should get Burbank to do Dairymen Will Meet. newspapers than they could hope to do some grafting. You are lined up all The next annual convention of the his education. The lad left Monday business without stocks. The writer, right, and all there is to do is to stay Oregon State Dairy Association is to night for Bakersfield. during the past quarter century, has with it. With best wishes we are yours be held in Portland December 9th and The thermometer dropped to 30 de­ been in position to note carefully the very truly, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Long, 10th. The Association will be enter­ grees on Saturday night and to 29 on results attained throug newspaper ad­ Hotel St. Francis. tained by the Portland Commençai Sunday night. TALKS OF DUH MERITS PLANT MAY BE SOLD • RED CROSS PHARMACIS'] rs The Sign of the Red Cross is Symbolic of Pure Drugs and Carefully Compounded Prescriptions. dj We make a specialty of our Prescription Work, a Registered Pharmacist in charge at all times, Bring us your Family Recipes and Particular Prescriptions', and they will receive our Careful attention.