•‘MAKE THE TREATY TO-NIGHT,** The fragment of a sob brol^e from eyes filled with the old haunting directions telling how TO make the gloom. “ Good-by, ” she answered; her. “Of course it makes a differ “SPIRITS” PLAY WEIRDLY ON THE VIOLIN. Words Seward Spoke When Arra><«- “And you will go home like a sensi Ing? a. “Fool’s Investment.” ♦he flowers are dying and birds are ence,” she answered— His face was very grave. The hand ble woman and forget?” flying, On the evening of Friday, March “I will go home.” Where skies are sunny and ever upon her shoulder trembled. “I hope 29, Mr. Seward sat in his parlor play it does not make a difference,” he His face whitened. “And forget?” blue; ing whist with his family when the The chill winds strengthen and shad said. “Look! There is a sail!” She looked up at him, her eyes wt Russian minister was announced, says ows lengthen, They rose and went to the railing, with tears. “Oh, how could you?”|she Richard Lloyd Jones in Collier’s. “I As early falleth the evening dew. following with straining eyes a white cried brokenly. “How could you?” have a dispatch, Mr; Seward, from my The fruit is mellow, and elds are yel “ Don ’ t think of me, ” he responded. sail that skirted the horizon. government by cable,” said Mr. low He leaned nearer. His hand brush “It is not worth the trouble.” With goldenrod, while, the tinted Stoeckl, the Russian minister. “The- ed hers as it lay upon the railing. Then a voice startled them. leaves emperor gives his consent to the ces “So you have got your wife safeb “Did love make you happy?” Are softly falling, when winds are call sion. To-morrow, if you like, I will across, Mr. Smith,” it said, “and no She raised her lashes. “Love?” ing, come to the department and we can. And reapers garner the ripened “That husband of yours,” he ex worse for the voyage.” enter upon a treaty.” Pushing aside sheaves. It was the ship’s surgeon. “I am plained almost harshly, “did you love the whist table, the impatient Seward: afraid it was not the. brightest of him?” replied with a smile of satisfaction: 'The tall sunflowers grace Nature’s honeymoons,” he added. “ He was very good to me/* she re “Why wait till to-morrow—-let us- bowers, A man with a telegram in his hand The grapes hang heavy upon the plied. Then she hesitated. “But I did make the treaty to-night.” passed them, glancing from right to not love him in the way you mean. I vine; In these solemn midnight hours the- left. He stopped suddenly, wheeled The corn Is turning, and youth is know now that I did not.” silent wilderness of centuries was re He bent toward her swiftly, then round, and came toward them. yearning leased and to a nation’s pillowed ear All at once her voice rang clear. For fun and frolic at' husking time; checked himself with a sneering lafigh. the low/north wind whispered: “Gold.”' Then life Is beauty ad well as duty, “I’ll give you a piece of valuable ad She laid her hand upon the arm'of the When the sun’s rays fell upon- this And voices echo the heart’s gay tune, vice,” he said. “Don’t allow yourself man beside her. “It is a honeymoon,” parchment and the world was told With light feet dancing and soft eyes to grow sentimental. It is awful rot.” she said, and she smiled into the sur what that night, had done the whole glancing, And he threw himself into his chair. geon’s face, “so bright that even sea nation coupled the name of Seward Beneath the glow of the harvest sickness couldn ’ t dim it. You know, it He drew a notebok from his pocket moon. with the epithet “Fool.” The press- and when she seated herself he did has lasted eight years.” everywhere declared his acquisition a. The surgeon smiled, and the strange not look up. All Nature’s story is full of glory, “barren, worthless, Gbd-forsaken re man passed on. An hour later their glances met. A golden glory that fades ere long; gion,” whose crops were “icebergs” For time is flying, and hearts are sigh Someone took her hand, and they “When you love, love a virtuous, —a country where the ground was ing, straightway plodder,” he said. “Love descended the gangway together.jL The mpsic is not the kind regularly frozen six feet deep in summer”; the- And brooks are singing a farewell a man because he is decent—because “For God’s sake,” he said, “tell me made. It will sound weird and far streams were “glaciers”; “it should song. he is decent and plain and all the what it means!” away, but none the less distinctly. be named ‘Walrusia,’ ”; the fish were' There’s much of gladness and much of “ It means,” she answered, “that I things that the romancers laugh at. Here is the way it is done: Place “only fit for Eskimo food”; it was sadness, We sometimes laugh and we some If you ever find yourself loving a man am on your side forever.” one end on a long, slender pole on a “Seward’s folly” and his “polar bear His hand closed over the one he like me, you had better make for the times cry; music box in the basement of the garden”; it was “a fool’s bargain”; held. “ I ought to send you back, ” he nearest lamp post and — and — hang — ” The bloom is paling, the light is fail house where the trick is to be worked. “Oh, the shrewd Russians,” etc., etc.», “Hush!” she cried, her cheeks flam said, “but I cannot.” ing, Let the other end pass up alongside etc. And south winds whisper a soft ing. “How dare you?” “You cannot,” she repeated reso or behind or through the leg of a table, In the half-century that has passed’ good-by. Her voice broke sharply, and she lutely. the end coming up through a hole in since the Senate ratified that treaty —Inez May Felt Then her voice'softened. “God bless fell to sobbing behind her raised the top, and sticking up about one- this “icicle” has produced a wealth, that detective!” she added fervently.— hands. sixteenth of an inch above. Balance exceeding $350,000,000, or nearly 1’00' “My God!” he said softly. She felt Mary Lucas in Ideas. the violin sideways on this end of the per cent per yeai; on the “fool’s” in his breath upon her forehad and a pole and stamp your foot,' which is vestment. MONEY BURDENS. tremor passed over her. Then his Alaska’s exhaustless storehouse or also the signal for your confederate hands fastened upon hers and drew precious metals was the lure that drew of Prominent Financiers downstairs to start the music box. them from her eyes. Then she felt The in Sons Training? for Future Work. The result will be so realistic that the argonaut, as did California in ’49- HERE IS THE WAY IT IS DONE. the man’s lips close upon her own. Great fortunes in thé United States many people really will think that the and Nevada in the winter of ’50. Seat He drew away from her. “You are She was leaning against the railing too delicate for my rough hands,” he will have in most cases trained guard Another smart fake of alleged “me spirits of the departed are playing the tle grew great from this argonaut!® ians when the men who have made the diums” has been exposed with the re music with unseen hands. Be careful traffic—from swapping picks and pans gazing wistfully down upon the sea of said. faces on the landing down. Despite “Am I?” Then a rising passion fortunes or • are now in control of sult that a pretty parlor trick can be not to have any obstruction in the way and warm woolen garments for bags of fresh-washed nuggets. Its rapid her 30 years there was something girl swelled in her voice. “I should choose them have passed away. William K. worked by almost anyone, with re of the wooden pole. growth and perfect stability have fas- ish in her shrinking figure—a sugges to be broken by you to being caressed Vandèrbilt, Jr., has to a large extent sults startling to the auditors. The peculiar music is due to the vi relieved his father of business bur tion of the incipient emotions of by any other man.” All you do is this: Put a violin, bration transmitted through the pole j tened upon its people the chronic af fliction of inflammatory enthusiasm. youth. She descended to her state “Don’t say that,” he protested dens. George F. Baker, Jr., has taken guitar or mandolin on a table, stamp from the sounding board of the music much responsibility from his father’s your foot and it will begin to play. box to the instrument itself. room. At the door she found the stew hoarsely. shoulders. Ogden Mills, the son of D. ardess, who inquired if she was Mrs. “Why not, since it is true?” L. Smith. “There is time yet,” he said, “to 0. Mills, has shouldered his father’s the articles which have been carefully “That is my name, and I am going withdraw a false play. Take your love responsibilities in eight railroad and kept for years will be distributed steamship lines. John D. Rockefeller to be ill.” back.” among the? provincial museums of Bel has turned over a large part of his “Lie down at once. And about this “I cannot,” she replied. gium, where as Individual exhibits The idea of mercy is not associated, bag? I thought ft would give you more He stretched out his arms as if to interests to his son, as have James they will lose much in value. Stillman, William Rockefeller, James to any great degree with the Ameri space if I put it in the gentleman's draw her toward him. Then he shrank It was not until the American civil can Indian. Yet he is not now—and J. Hill, Jacob Schiff and J. Pierpont room.” Morgan. Averill Harriman is learn war of 1861 that any successful appli never was—uniformly implacable and. Lucy Smith looked up In mystifica The European capitals are just be cation of the torpedo to naval war hard-hearted. In a book on “The? ing the railroad business from the tion. “But it is mine,” she explained, fare took place. Its first invention, Columbia River,” JN. D. Lyman re bottom up. Kingdon Gould, the heir ing connected by telephone. '‘and I want it.” presumptive of the George Gould mil Russia’s consumption of beer has in however, dates back many years be counts an incident, which if not typi The next day, she struggled up and lions, is learning the practical side of creased 45 per cent in the last fifteen fore this, the credit for the discovery cal, is at least worth repeating for its- left her stateroom, the stewardess fol being generally given to David Bush Intrinsic worth. Between the Shus- mining in Colorado. August Belmont, years; the output 97 per cent. lowing with her wraps. At the foot of Jr., is taking practical lessons as a Russia has already over 41,000 miles nell, an American, in 1771. In 1805 waps and the Okanogans there was a the stairs she swayed and fell upon clerk in the severely respectable and of railway, and the Russian railways Fulton’s torpedoes were successfully deadly and long-continued enmity ► the lowest step. “It’s no use,” she tried In Britain, but their use was de This was ended in a curious and in conservative banking office of August are still only in their infancy. said, plaintively. “I can’t go up—I Belmont & Co. Walter Hill, the young can’t, indeed.” One of the important industries of clined by the government, and various' teresting manner. The Shuswaps had captured the only est son of James J. Hill, is learning Chile is the exportation of honey and other experiments were tried from The stewardess spoke with profes the railroad business, beginning at the beeswax. Germany, France and En •time to time. Norway was the first daughter of the Okanogan. chief. She- sional encouragement. “Oh, you’re all country to order a fast torpedo boat, was led with other captives into th® bottom. Young H. H. Rogers has al gland take most of the shipments. right,” she remonstrated. “Here’s the Shuswap camp. The boasting warriors- ready assumed his father’s burden. gentleman now, he’ll help you.” The manufacture of tin plates orig which was built in England in 1873. were gloating over the poor victim,, William Rockefeller will leave behind inated in Bohemia, hammered iron Some one lifted her, and in a mo The American papal nobility, accord him William G. Rockefeller and Percy plates having been coated with tin in ing to a published report, has beeD and the squaws were discussing th® ment she was on deck and in her chair. A. Rockfeller, who will divide the that country some time before the increased by the holy father, who has greatest possible indignities and tor “Perhaps you would like yesterday’s ; place he has left vacant. John D. year 1600. conferred on John E. Carroll, former tures for her, when an aged white- haired chief got the attention of the? paper?” said a voice. back. “What a mess you are making Archbold will some day step „ aside for Swatow, China, has been construct leader of Tammany Hall, the Order of tribe. ; John F. Archbold. Stuyvesant Fish, St. Gregory of the military class. This The man in the next chair leaned of your life!” He declared that his heart had been, Jr., will be equal to the responsibili ing concrete buildings and walls for order will give Mr. Carroll the title toward her, holding a paper in his “How will you prevent' it?” hundreds of years. A French priest opened, and that he now saw that tor ties which will eventually devolve “ knight. ” The American nobility now hand. “By an appeal to reason.” originated the industry when he erect ture and death ought to end. He pro “I am ill,” she answered. “What love was ever ruled by rea upon him. Watson Webb, son of Dr. ed a chapel. There is neither a brick includes the Marquis Martin Maloney, posed that Instead of shame and tor Seward Webb, is a clerk in the office Count Goode, of Brooklyn; Count He did not reply, and in a moment son?” house nor wall in the place. The re ture they should confer' honor on the* his glance wandered to the card upon “Great God!” he retorted passion of the assistant superintendent of the inforcing material - is split bamboo Reginald Ward, Countess. Annie Leary, chieftain’s child. her chair. “Odd, isn’t it,” he ques ately. “Look things in the face. What Northwestern Road in Milwaukee. poles, which, imbedded in, the con the Duke de Loubat, Marchioness Mc Gaspard Bacon, son of Robert Bacon, tioned. Laughlin, widow qf Hugh McLaughlin, He said, “I can hear the old chief do you know of me?” crete, do not rot. of the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co., and the Brooklyn political, leader, and and his squaw weeping all the night, She followed his gaze and colored “I know that I love you.” Count Zeppelin finds himself too faintly. Then he pointed to a similar Countess Ryan, wife of Thomas F. for their lost daughter.” “I would give two-thirds of my fu one of the biggest stockholders in the He then proposed that they adorm label upon his own chair, hearing in a ture—such as it is—if I had not Northern Pacific Railroad, is learning popular and a notice has been issued Ryan. the captive with flowers, put her in a. in the German newspapers calling on the railroad business in ' the West. 'tough scrawl the name “L. Smith.” known you.” procession, with all the chiefs loaded, WHY CHINESE BUILT WALL. “It is a very common name,” she re Augustus Barstow succeeds Frank Q. the German public to Resist from add “And yet you love me.” with presents, and restore her to her ing to Count Zeppelin’s invalid condi marked absently. “My love is a rotten reed,” he said. Barstow, who died a few weeks ago. tion by worrying him with unneces To Connect Towers of Fort» of De father. He laughed. “Very,” he admitted. “Listen!” H. H. Rogers, Jr., is “making good” fense, Keeping? Men Busy. The girl, meanwhile, who did not “Perhaps youf husband is Lawrence under the tremendous responsibilities sary communications. The number of She bent her head. To describe the warlike use of the understand a word of the language», letters received daily from his admir Smith also.” “From the beginning I have lied, to that were suddenly thrust upon him. ers is asserted to have reached fou? wall properly, a military historian is was awaiting torture or death. What The smile passed from her lips., needed, who can set forth accurately was her astonishment to find herself you—lied, do you hear?’ I singled you J. Pierpont Morgan, Jr., has taken thousand. “My husband is dead,” she answered, out for my own selfish ends. All my over a great share of the financial re and technically all the strategy in decorated with honor and sent witlb James A. Story, almost 90 years old, "but his name was Lucien.” kindness, as you call it, was because sponsibilities of his father, and in has blossomed forth as the oldest volved and the weapons employed. In the gift-laden chiefs toward her fath For a time they sat silent. Then, as of its usefulness to me. While you time will be the head of the house of default of him, a lay view may help the luncheon gong sounded he rose. looked on in innocence I made you Morgan & Company. Mortimer L. chauffeur in thb United States. He the general reader, says a writer in er’s camp. On the next day the mourning chief took out three other men over 80 for a “You will have chicken broth,” he said a tool in my hands for the furtherance Schiff is being trained to assume the, Harper’s Magazine. of the Okanogans and his wife, look ride in his automobile. The combined distinctly. responsibilities of his father, Jacob. The very conception of a chain of ing from their desolate lodge, saw a. of my own purpose.” ages of these men is 347 years, the A little later the broth was brought. “There is not a soul in this’boat but Schiff, one of the biggest money pow average being about 86 years and 9 thousands of strong block houses, large procession approaching, and they That evening they lay side by side believes me to be your husband. I ers in the country of the day. Allan linked by a rampart, and stretching In their steamer chairs. He was gaz have created the impression because I A. Ryan and Clendenin J.. Ryan, sons months. This select company toured over more than a thousand miles, be said, “They are coming to demand a- ransom.” the town in fine style and the lads ing out to sea, where the water broke was a desperate man and it aided me. of Thomas F. Ryan, are fitting them tokens a mind that c$n conceive great As the procession drew nearer, on® into waves of deepening gray. Sud My name is not even Lawrence selves to take up their father’s work seemed to enjoy it.—Cuba (R. Y.) Pa measures. Vast resources were need of the men said that it looked like a triot. denly he spoke, his Voice ringing like Smith.” by learning the methods of Wall In an effort to put à stop to persist ed to execute the idea and to defend woman adorned with flowers in th® a jarring discord in a harmonious street. “Stop!” she said faintly. ent frauds on wholesale dealers, the the wall when once erected. A wall midst of men with presents of robe® whole. Mountain Climbers Escape. “I left England a hunted man. When Credit Men’s Association of Chicago would need an army of workmen to and necklaces. “Five days ago a man called me a I reach the other side I shall find, Plunging headlong from the rocky j has started a movement for a “bulk erect it, an army of soldiers to de Then they cried out, “It is our child» devil,” he said, “apd I guess he wasn’t them still upon my tracks. It is for side of a mountain in the Olympic fend it. The trowel might be laid and she is restored to us!” far wrong, only if I was a single devil an act which they call an ugly name. range, near Lake Cushman, a distance i sales” law in Illinois. The idea is to aside in a few months, the sword They met the .procession with re lhe was a legion steeped in one. What And yet I would do it over again. It of fully 500 feet, and yet escaping* forbid merchants to s,ell their stocks most be ever ready. A mere wall with- joicing and heard the speech of th® as a whole on less than five days ’ no- .a scoundrel he was!” was justice.” without a broken bone, is the experi-! | tice to .all creditors. A somewhat sim | out men behind it cannot delay an in old Shuswap chief. And after that The passion in his tones caused her Her quivering face was turned enee that befell Ferd Baker, says the i ilar statue, passed in 1905, was de vader for a day. The wall of China there was peace between the Shuswap» to start quickly. The words were shot away. Aberdeen correspondènce of the Seat- ' clared void by the Supreme Court, but involved a standing army. Accord and the Okanogans. out with the force of balls from a can tie Post-Intelligencer. “ I reached Southampton with the the credit men believe that they can ingly, China was the first nation to Too. Late. non. “Don’t,” she said pleadingly. In company with several others from draw a new one that will stand the have a standing army, and historians i A member of the faculty of the Co “Don’t what?” he demanded rough assistance of a friend. He secured a say it numbered 3,000,000 men. ly. “Don’t curse the blackest scoun stateroom from an L. Smith, who was this city Mr. Baker climbed the moun test of thé courts. lumbia Medical College of New York There are signs in the brickwork was giving his students an oral quiz. delayed. I took his name as a safe tain yesterday. About 4 o’clock the drel that ever lived—and died?” When Lord Halsbury was a barris “Don’t curse anybody,’ she answered. guard, and when I saw yours beside party started downward and had taken ter he was arguing a case on behalf ■that the towers were designed and fin “What quantity constitutes a dose of me at table I concluded he was your but a few steps when Baker, lost his of a Welshman, and showed a great ished first before any wall was erect Oleum Tlglii?” he asked a student» “It is not like you.” “I never had much use for belief,” husband and I played his part in the footing and plunged over a precipice. knowledge of the principality and its ed. The order was not, therefore, wall giving the technical term for croton he returned. “It is a poor sort of eyes of the passengers. It succeeded How far he fell he does not know, but people. “Come, come,” said the judge first and then towers on it; but tow? ¡OIL he was rendered unconscious by the at last, “you know you cannot make ers, and then a curtain between them. well.” He laughed bitterly. thing.” “A tablespoonful, sir,” was the re Then before her stricken eyes his fall, and in this condition his body yourself out to be a Welshman.” “Per In Cuba and in South Africa there ply. She met his bitter gaze with one of level calm. “And yet men have suf recklessness fell from him. “Oh, if I rolled down the mountain until finally haps not,” replied the barrister, “but was. a time when it was found wise The professor made no comment» could undo this,” he said, “I would go caught by a bunch of shrubs. fered death for it” I have made a great deal of money to erect rows of blockhouses near but the student soon realized that he There he lay until found by W. Û. out of Welshmen in my time.” “Well enough together to command the in had made a grave mistake. After the “Well, believe in me if you choose,” back gladly to stand my chances of Patterson, one of the party. With then,” replied the judge, “suppose we tervening space by rifle fire, and nu lapse of half an honr he went to the the gallows. lhe said. the application of snow and ice Baker call you a Welshman by extraction.”— merous enough to stretch for miles. professor. “ Hush! ” she said wildly. “How about your faith?” he in The line of Chinese defense apparent “I should like,” he said, “to change “You must believe this,” he went on was revived and after a time walked London Globe. quired one day after a passing tender ly began in the same way; only, as my answer to the question you asked to camp, where his wounds were at passionately, “ that at the last I loved Waterloo, the battlefield, is rapidly ness. “Is it still the evidence of vir tended to. He was frightfully bruised being divested of its interesting feat they had no missiles that could be me in class.” you. You must believe.” tues not visible in me?” “No, no!” she cried. And she fled about the body and face and suffered ures. The houses which sheltered men thrdwn far and swiftly, a solid line She flinched, as she always did at “It is too late,” replied the professor» much pain. He was made as comfort who helped to make history there are of wall became needful at an early looking at his watch. “Your patient his flippancy. “That is not kind of Into the obscurity of her stateroom. When she came upon deck next day able as possible and at daybreak this being torn down, the roads and paths stage. We can imagine that each gar has been dead just twenty-nine min wou/’ she said. “But, my dear lady, I am not kind.” it was high tide, and the steamer was morning the start for thé city was are being obliterated and soon there rison would be charged to bpild a sec utes and thirty seconds.”—Success ; made in an automobile. The party will be nothing left to remind one of tion of wall on to meet the builders Magazine. drawing into New York. Her mouth quivered. “There is no harm in good-by,” said reached there about 4 o’clock, and Napoleon’s last stand but the great from the next forts, and thus the time “Do you mean to say,” he asked, ad You can always count upon your Baker’s injuries were attended to by mound capped by the Waterloo lion. would not be idly spent in mere justing the rug about her shoulders, a voice at her side. friends—as long as you have the prices He was loking down upon her, hie a physician. The museum is to be dismantled and watching. that it makes any difference to you?” THE AUTUMN SONCK , L