ANCIENT BRONZE CORSELET. “BLUE LAWS” 170 JO KB. I Wellesley Oalr 500 Years Old. Cure Your VDandruff A wide-spreading oak which experts have declared must have been grow I /»urltan Fathers Took Code from Mo- I Recent Rare Acquisition of the Met ing at the time of the discovery of «aio Law as They Knew It. ropolitan Musenni of Art. in your blood are the millions 'Blue laws are no joke, though often America by Columbus, is a landmark I One of the accessions to the collec- of corpuscles that defend you an object of irony or derision, the Lou on the estate of the late Arthur Hun- against disease. France has 7,883 postal savings I tion of arms and armor in the Metro isville Times says. < They were drawn newell in Wellesley, Mass. politan Museum of Art is a bronze '{To make and keep these little soldiers banks. The magnificen(t tree measures 26 healthy and strong, is simply to make 1 corselet of the Celtic or Italiote type, up by puritan pioneers—a race of New York street cars killed 444 per dating from the fifth to the seventh I stern and inflexible men, who, in their feet in circumference at the base. It | Why? Because it is annoying, and keep the blood of the right quality sons in 1908 and injured 35,060 others. century B. C., the New York World excess of religious enthusiasm, adopt is a noticeable landmark on ^account | untidy. And mostly, because and quantity. This is just what Hood’s Sarsaparilla ed sanctimonious names and went of its Unusual .size. It intersects the The department of agriculture ex does—it helps the little soldiers in your pects this year’s sugar beet crop to | says. Only seven specimens of this I straight to the old Mosaic law of holy fence which separates the fertile fields lit almost invariably leads to period appear to be known, and it is I blood to fight disease for yon. baldness. Cure it, and save It cures .scrofula; eczema, eruptions, total more than a million tons, the in excellent preservation. It was at | writ for their code. In fact, each sec- of the Hunnewell estate from I the | your hair. Get more, too, at highway, and thus arrests atten one time in the Forman collection, and | the ^capital laws has its Bible the i catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous greatest on record. ness, dyspepsia, general debility, and the same time. All easily done Investigation of the nutritive val- has been describe/! and figured by Dr. text appended—a grewsome combina- tion of the passer-by.- builds up the whole system. The late Mr. Hunnewell took great ues of the various, varieties of pota R. Forrer, both in the “Real Lexicon” tion of sermon and death warrant. with Ayer’s Hair Vigor, new The original blue laws were those of pride in the ancient tree. It has with- toes shows that tile violet-tiivted I and in his “History of the Primitive improved formula. Stop this I An Infallible Record. I the New Haven (Conn.) colony, at stood the ravages of pests for a great tubers stand highest. I European.” formation of dandruff I A way of deciding dates of certain A speed of forty-six miles an hour • I As regards the provenance of this first more or less unwritten, or at many years and is apparently in con- Does not change the color of the hair. important events is suggested by the is claimed for a Detroit motorboat, to 11 corselet it is not definitely known. I least unprinted, but systematized and dition to live for a great many more Formula, wirli each bottle following anecdote from Lippincott’s. which additional propulsion is given I Forrer assigns it to northern Italy or I printed by Governor Eaton in 1856. decades. The late Mr. Hunnewell once Show it to your The parents of a college son were dis by an aerial propeller. I They were enveloped in blue-colored had the tree examined by an expert the neighboring region in France. doctor puting as to the date of their last let I paper, whence the popular (and sub- from the Smithonian Institute, who de Ask him about It, I Differing from the specimens obtained To aid in the study of high voltages i then do as he says ter to their “hopeful,” from whom, clared that it was between 400 and I in the Latium country, it> agrees, on I I sequently unpopular) name. somewhat to the distress of the moth a short experimental transmission line the other hand, closely with the three The Plymouth and Massachusetts 500 years old. The new Ayer’s Hair Vigor will certainly er, they had not heard for some time. has been built in* Sweden adapted to plastrons belonging to M. Constantin, colonies also had their blue laws, cal Eliot, the apostle to the Indians, fre do this work, because, first of all, it de “Are you sure, Thomas,” asked the operate at 500,000 volts. culated to send a chill through every quently passed the towering oak while stroys the germs which are the original Some two thousand Servian women which were discovered near Geneva human vein. Even New York, Mary-1 mother, unconvinced, “that it was on going to and from South Natick, where cause of dandruff. Having given this aid, (a Regnier) a few years ago. Its have been practicing with rifles sev- the 12th tUat you last wrote to Dick?” 1 form is described as archaic, straight land, Virginia and South Carolina—dn he preached to the- Indians, the tree nature completes the cure. The scalp is “Absolutely!” was the father’s de- I I eral months, with a view to helping restored to a perfectly healthy condition. in the, back and sides and low in the fact,, all the English colonial settle being beside what was the old trail. —— -Made by the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.- ■ cisive response. “I looked it up in my the soldiers in case of war. shoulders, representing an evolutional ments in seventeenth century America Ecuador exports about twenty thou stage which appears as well in armor —had laws, orders and resolutions of check book this morning.” Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sore sand tons of vegetable ivory annually, more or less pronounced indigo tinge. Throat will not live under the same All Abyssinian male children over 12 If It’s Your Eye Use Pettit’s Eye Salve of which Germany takes about one- of approximately the same period in But the true blue code was that roof with Hamlins Wizard Oil, the must go to school. The State provides Greece, Assyria, Egypt and even in for inflammation, stys, itching* lids, half an(J the United States one-fourth, Japan, as may be seen in the primi which terrorized early Connecticut. • best of all remedies for the relief of the education and is building many eye aches, defects of vision and sensi Before photography was applied to tive cuirass in the hall of Japanese The first batch of blue laws, known all pain. schools. tive to strong lights. All druggists oi* stars the highest number catalogued armor. as the “Capital Laws” of Connecticut, Howard Bros. Tired oif the Game. was 457,847. The number of stars the E. BURTON — Assay er and Chemist» Noteworthy in the present corselet ; and purporting to punish, according “Billingsley tells me he has moved H OWARD Leadville, Colorado. Specimen prices: Gold. Unexpected Prize. camera will show is estimated at ■ is the combination of the plastron and to the penalties prescribed in the Old Silver, Lead, SI. Gold, Silver, 75o; Gold, 50c; Zino his gasoline tank into his garage.” With a deftness acquired by long over thirty million. or Copper, SI. Mailing envelopes and full pricelist dossiere in a single piece, which closed Testament, those offenses forbidden sent on application. Control and Umpire work so “ But that ’ s awfully dangerous, isn ’ t And patient practice the pickpocket ex licited. Reference: Carbonate National Bank. A pulse counting watch has been in- elastically on the body of the wearer. therein, was enacted in April, 1641. tracted an old but well-filled purse vented, for the use of physicians and It was then firmly, held in place by The texts of scripture on which they it? The garage may catch fire at any from the hip pocket of the unsuspect nurses in London. The watch indi- shoulder bands and by a wide belt, were based were added to each law, moment.” “That’s what Billingsley hopes.”— ing old gentleman with the beaming cates, without mental calculation^, the probably leathern, the place for ad as dicta probantla, showing the divine FOR OUT DOOR WORK Cleveland Plain Dealer. countenance against whom he had number of beats of the. pulse In a authority by which they were defend justing which can be traced in the IN THE WETTEST WEATHEP qarelessly brushed when leaving the minute. Only n Void. . ed. They are singular specimens of ornamentation. This ornamentation NOTHING EQUALS Tube station, and on reaching a seclud Bertie—Here’s anothab great chess often wear long takes the form of the series of tu jurisprudence. Why do actors so // ed place he opened it. playah* whose brain has gone wrong ,, / For Instance, witchcraft is one of The contents had been wrapped with hair? Perhaps this is the reason: bercles deftly repousse, usual in the the first offenses taken up. It is en I am glad I nevah took up the deuced great care in numerous thicknesses of There was once a stutute in England work of the “Hallstatt” epoch. They acted that “if a man or woman be a game. blank paper. Removing the wrappings under which actors found wandering are grouped rows and circles, arranged witch, or hath consulted with a fa Jane—But in your case, Bertie, I’m 3« one by one he found in the center of were liable to be branded through the on the breast and shoulders and miliar spirit, they shall be put to quite sure thare would be nothing to S3« WATERPROOF right ear. ' The long hair concealed around the waist, suggesting lines of the package a card with this inscrlp- ' OILED death.” (Exodus xxii., 18. Leviticus go wrong.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. the decoration, and thus the custom body adornment, such as tattooing, tion on it: GARMENTS xx., 22.) And “ if any man steal a was started. scars or paint marks worn by the Young man, give up your career of or mankind, or selleth him, or he ] THEY LOOK WELL-WEAR WELL Paris has a cat exchange, a “bourse primitive Eurdpeans. In 1907 the mu- man . crime? Nothing in it!—Tit Bits. be found in his hand, he shall be put AND Will NOT LEAK seum acquired a remarkable crested ' aux chats.” This establishment is sit Defrauded the Government. LONGCOArS-*322-*3i2 uated in a big chamber at the rear of casque of similar age. This and th* to death.” (Exoduus xxi., 16.J “Having taken your wonderful ‘Casca- “No one shall run on the Sabbath Franking privileges were greatly a wine shop. Here are legions of cats corselet are exhibited together. SUITS *322 ' rets’ for three months and being entirely- day, or walk in his garden or else £V£RYWNEff£ abused in days gone by. The govern of all sizes and color, which are to be cured of stomach catarrh and dyspepsia, CATALOG where, except reverently to and from I I think a word of praise is due to ment employe’s friends shared in his seèn jumping and heard “miaulent.” -A. J .T ower C o . boston , u ^ a . meeting. ‘Cascarets’ for their wonderful composi opportunities. In a letter written by It is said that the customers are by T ower C anadian C o . limited -T oronto , can . tion. I have taken numerous other so- “ No one shall travel, cook victuals, | Wordsworth in 1815 the poet said: no means tender-hearted old ladies, but make beds, sweep house, cut hair or | called remedies but without avail, arid I “By means of a friend in London I -for the most part furriers, glovemak find that Cascarets relieve more in a day shave on the Sabbath day. can have my letters free. His name ers and cooks. A good sleek “matou” than all the others I have taken would in “No woman shall kiss her child on a year.” Is Lamb, and if ypu add an ‘e’ to his realizes from 2% cents to 20 cents. James McGurie, the Sabbath or fasting day. name he will not open the letters. Di The skin has a number of usages and 108 Mercer St., Jersey City, N. J. “The Sabbath shall begin at sunset rect as below without anything fur the flesh, according to the story, finds Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken,Weaken or Gripe.. on «Saturday. ther—’Mr. Lambe, India House, Lon its way into thè stewpans of certain 10c, 25c, 50c. Never sold in bulk. The gren- “If any man shall kiss his wife or • nine tablet stamped CO C. Guaranteed to | don.’ ” Coleridge, too, saw that a post- i restaurants possessing more-enterprise Mrs. Macaulay, who wrote “The wife kiss her husband on the Lord’s cure or your money back. 919 • age saved was a postage gained, and than scruple. Lady of the Decoration,” in the form day, the party in fault shall be pun made use of the Mr. Lamb of the In< A novel method of attaining longev of letters to her friends at -home, has Raises the dough dia House—Charles Lamb. ity was practiced by Mrs. Yetta Schul recently been in London. She has been ished at the discretion of the Court of I and complies with u-y man, who died recently in. New York revisiting Japan and traveling in In Magistrates.” IH Unpardonable Ignorance. * Tradition says- a gentleman of New all jpre food laws. at the advanced age of 105. years. Mrs. dia, Egypt and ether countries. Hostess—You don’t know who sht Schulman paid no particular attention Haven, after an absence of some | “Fifty Years of New Japan” is the months, reached home on the Sabbath, is? Why, she’s the celebrated Miss de to points of diet, exercise, sleep, etc., . Wranter. You must have seen her in provisional title given to an import and, meeting his wife at his. door, which usually figure largely in rules “East Lynne.” ant work on the modern growth of kissed her with an appetite, and for Guest (with some embarrassment) — laid down for those growing old. .She the country compiled by Count Oku- his temerity in violating this law the believed that the lives of aged persons No, indeed, ma’am. I was never there could be prolonged if they associated ma with the assistance and co-opera next day was arraigned before the in my life.—C. W T constantly, or nearly so, with young tion of various specialists. The work court and fined for so palpable a Heroic Remedies. people, and. she apparently verified her is being edited by Marcus B. Huish, breach of the law on the Lord’s day. “No one shall read common prayer, “According to this magazine,” said theory, for she spent the greater part vice chairman of the Japan Society. hr. I Means an unfailing water supply. It There is, as everybody knows, a con keep Christmas or saints’ days, make CRESCENT MFG. CO. Mrs. Biffingham, “sliced onions scatter of her time in company with children, ir.eans that you will have the most practi Makers of MAPLEINE ed about a room will absorb 'the odoi even taking part in their sports with spicuous memorial to .Thomas Carlyle minced pies, dance, play cards or cal Domestic water suoply system now in (better than Maple). use. No. elevated tank, no frozen pipes in of fresh paint.” in London, but in the land of his birth play on any instrument of music, ex- lively interest.—Leslie’s Weekly. winter, no stagnant water in summer, no “I guess that’s right,rejoined Bif no such national honor has been paid cept the dbum, trumpet or jewsharp. water supply troubles of any sort. Tank In Baluchistan even the wolves go . placed in basement, out of sight and way, fingham. “Likewise a broken neck wil‘ to his memory. Attention was recently “Whoever wears clothes trimmed made of pressed steel, will not rust and relieve a man of catarrh!”—Londor. mad. In his book, “The Frontiers of called to this fact by Sir James Crich will last a lifetime. with gold, silver or bone lace above Baluchistan,” G. P. Tate writes: “The Answers. You will be pleased with the LEADER system of furnishing Domestic Water shepherds give a strange reason for ton Browne, arid accordingly steps are 2 shillings by the yard, shall be pre Out of town people Probably Guilty. Supply. Ask for our catalogue and free now to be taken to repair the omis can have their plate sented by the grand jurors, and the the epidemic of rabies. According to booklet, “How I Solved My Water Supply and bridgework fin “Sir!” thundered the prosecuting at sion. Public subscriptions will be in Problem. ” selectment shall tax the offender at ished in one daj them it was caused by the wild beasts I if necessary. torney, “you are evading my ques- £300 estate.” eating dead larks. In some years, I vited. We will give you a goo< tion.” The careers of eighteen Catholic 22k gold or porcelain There was an ancient law in Massa they said, the larks develop extraor “Darn it,” answered the prisoner be- crown for $3.5C dinary vitality and pour forth such a missionaries who during the latter chusetts that ladies’ dresses should be Molar Crowns 5.0C fore the bar. “if you knew the facts in part of the seventeenth century labor made so long as to hide their shoe flood of songs as they rise on the wing 22k Bridge Teeth 3.5C the case as well as I do, you wouldn’t that they become suffocated and fall ed among the Iroquois Indians'are buckles.. Cold Fillings 1.00 blame me."—Birmingham Age-Herald. to the ground dead. A wild animal traced by the Rev. T. J. Campbell in It ought to be apparent from the Enamel Fillings 1.0C I “ Pioneer Priests of North America, which eats one of those dead birds foregoing that- there is even more logic Silver Fillings .50 LEWIS & STA VER CO. Crop War a Failure. 1640-1710.” Especial attention is given than chance in the dubbing of these Inlay Fillings 2.50 “I suppose you know of my. family Infallibly develops rabies. This is a | • Sood Rubber ma Portland, Ore. The term tree?” said Baron Fucash. “Yep,” an widespread superstition, and seemed to the labors of Isaac Jogues, the statutes “Blue Laws.” Plates 5.00 Best Red fSb- — — — swered Mr. Çumrox. “It may have been not unfamiliar to the natives of India Jesuit who, at the age of twenty-nine, “blue” was specifically applied to the Spokane, Wash. ber Plate. 7.50 l'eft Paris to evangelize the tribes in upright, downright, uncompromising DR. W. A. WISE, P mjioemt ano M aha **» a good tree, all right, but it looks to who were with me.” _ VI AM __ ____ ____ ____ Painless Extr’ cion .50 it IJTABLISHEB IN PORTLAND Boise, Idaho. *■ the St. Lawrence region. After suffer me as if the erop Was a failure.”— WORK GUARANTEED FOR IS YEARS Niagara county . farmers are “post ing cruelties which made his life a old Scotch covenanters in contradis Painless Extraction Free when plates or bridge work Washington is ordered. Consultation Free, You cannot get better Ing” their lands for the purpose of prolonged martyrdom, Jogues was tinction to the royal red. painless work done anywhere. All work fully guar “Blue—dismal, depressed, despon anteed. Modern electric equipmont. Best methods. protecting their crops and cattle from murdered by an Indian in the Valley Thought jtke Muuew Better. P N U No. 45-09 dent, hypochondriacal, ” is an up-to- “Well, anyway, it is safe to say that the reckless hunters who violate the of the Mohawk at a point now known date dictionary definition. game laws and trespass on private when women really want the ballot as Auriesville. F ailing B uilding HEN writing to advertisers please they will get it. property. The “posted lands” law pro T hibd & W ash . S ts . PORTLAND, OREGON mention this paper. When such posthumous writings as World’s Industrial Center. OFFIOE H0UR8: 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 9 to 1, “No, I don’t think it would be—er— vides a penalty of $25 for defacing any quite safe for you to say it in the notice or sign put up as a warning Marion Crawford has left are publish About the busiest industrial region Presence of r«’’ to trespassers. - It also provides for a ed literary history will credit' some on, earth is the lowland of England fine of $25 exemplary damages for the fifty books to his pen. Fully two- from Lancashire and the Mersey River To Correspond. trespass; bésides which fine the plain thirds. of these will be novels. His on the west to Newcastle-on-the-Tyne and Catarrhal Fever “I notice that since Clerkleigh got great history of Italy, which he was Sure cure and positive preventive, no matter how horses at any agre Into dissipated habits he doesn’t use tiff may recover actual damages, with writing from the material found in in the northeast. Here are scores of are infected or “exposed.” Liquid, giveii on the tongue; acts on the the perpendicular style in his hand- costs of suit. The state commission the archives of a -private library in cities and towns, the home of the tex Blood and Glands, expels the poisonous germs from the body. Cures Dis recognizes that the posted land is an writing.” tile industries, the potteries, the great temper in Dogs and Sheep and Cholera in Poultry. Largest selling live Rome and to which he devoted much stock remedy. Cures La Grippe among human beings and is a fine Kid “No, and he doesn’t use it in his excellent way for breeding and propa shops busy with iron and steel and ney remedy, 50c and $l,a bottle; $5 and $10 a dozen. Cut this out. Keep walk, either.” gating wild game. Commissioner time during his later years, is unfin other raw materials, manufacturing it. Show to your druggist, who will get it for you; Free Booklet, “Dis ished/ How .and by whom it will be temper, Causes and Cures.” Special agents wanted. Whipple has instructed, game protec-1 goods of high value for a market as completed has not yet been announced. Prompt Action. tors to assist in enforcing the law SPOHN MEDICAL CO., COSHEN, IND., U.S.A. wide as the earth. Anxious Friend—Gayman, you ought whenever lands áre posted, and the The manuscripts in the library have Over all this lowland hangs a black to do something for that uncontrolla order will be approved by all true and not/been placed at the disposal of any pall of soft smoke/ the landscape ble thirst of yours, and you ought to law-abiding, sportsmen.—Üticar (N. Y.) other writer- except Mr. Crawford and studded with the tall spouting chim do it quick. the librarian of the palace. neys. For all this endless activity Gayman (putting on his hat)—I’m Press. ready to go and join you in one right in manufacture, says The World To She Didn’t Understand It. An English firm, whose shipment of now, old chap! “Is this the balcony from which yon Day, is wholly due to the location goods was delayed in reaching Japan, in these lowlands of fabulously rich received the following communication see the eclipse?” Logical Conclusion« deposits of coal. from their newly appointed Japanese “ Yes, madam. But you are too late. ” “You look sweet enough to kiss,” Coal for a century and a half has agent: “With regard to the matter of “Too late?” says the impressed young man. “Yes; madam. The- eclipse was over been a magical bank account in Great There are no other shoes at popular prices “So many gentlemen tell me that,” escaping the penalty of non-delivery of this—there is only one way to creep nearly half an hour ago. ¡if Britain, bringing into existence these 1 that in any way compare with these classy, coyly answers the fair girl. “Ah! That should make you happy.” round: same—¡by diplomat. We must “How provoking! And how very great artisan populations, making de fashionable, good-fitting shoes. They are made “But they merely say that,” she re- •make a stir of strike occurring in strange! Why, every entertainment mands on every continent for the on lasts that insure the utmost comfort, yet pines, “They merely tell me the facts our factory. Of course big untrue. I we ever attend always begins a half- metals and timber and textile fibers give your feet that trim and stylish look. in the case and never prove their place my presence on enclosed' form hour late.”—Cleveland Dealer. for the busy mills, and then- calling statements.”—Life. of letter and believe this will avoid on the farms and ranges of America, An Insult. the trouble of penalty of same. As the Argentine and other new lands Mr. ------ is most religious and com “I never was so insulted in my life. for the bread and meat to feed the^e shoes combine style and wearing qualities to a degree that petent man, also 'heavily upright and I industrial millions. “What’s the matter?” easily makes them the most popular, dressy and serviceable godly, it fears me that useless, to ap Of, all this textile territory Mán- “A rude man gave me his seat in ladies’ fine shoes obtainable, at a cost no greater than ordin ply for his signature. Please there the street car and when I sat down Chester is the central market and ary shoes. Your dealer will supply you; if not, write to fore attach same at Yokohama office, without thanking him he turned oh clearing house. In the Manchester To 6e sure you get the LEADING LADY» making forge. But no cause for. fear me and said: “Now, dear, what do exchange 177 towns are represented, lool^ for the Mayer Trade Mark on the soles. of prison happenings, as this often you say to the kind gentleman?”— eleven of them having each a popula FREE — If you will send us the name of a dealer who does happens by merchants, of high integ Detroit Free Press. tion of 100,000 or over. not handle Leading Lady Shoes, we will send you free, post rity. “ But if this involves that your m BIST MIWÜÚ TOR paid, a beautiful picture of Martha "Washington, size 15 x 20. Labors Killers. honor look mean and excessive awk- We also make Honorbilt Shoes for men, Martha Wash When a woman recovers from an Should be given at once when the ington Comfort Shoes, Yerma Cushion Shoes, Special Hank Stubbs—Seems quite citified ward for business purpose, I think illness, she likes to tell how her hus-* little one coughs. It heals the del Merit School Shoes and ‘Work Shoes. to see so many uv them auty-mobiles more better a little serpentlike wis- icate throat and protects the lungs band carried on, for fear he might flyln ’ past. er Boot & Shoe from infection—guaranteed safe and dom of polite manhood and thus found lose her. Milwaukee, Wis. very palatable. Bige Miller—Wish they’d hoi* up good business edifice.” The firm knows AH Druggists, 25 cent*. Somehow nose glasses look more long enough so’s I could git this d'urn as much now about the delay as it did corn patch hoed out.—Boston Herald. before. genteel than spectacles. Little Soldiers THINGS YOU MAY NOT KNOW I DYSPEPSIA CRESCENT A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME ainless Dentistry Wise Dental Co« DISTEMPER LEADING LADY SHOES Save the Baby—Use 1