œlw (tatara Omnw JBwtitnH VOLUME IV TRANSFEROFSOLDIERS Company E Thrown Into Coast Artillery by Change. IN DEFENSE OF THE COLUMBIA When Transfer Is Effected Four Ad­ ditional Companies Most be Form­ ed in Order to Still Maintain 7 the Fourth Regiment. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY. NOV. 12, 1909 the outside world the indisputable fact that nowhere asp such opportunities offered to workers of wood. We should get in touch with capitalists who seek locations for industries of this character, bring them into our midst and demonstrate to them that the advantages Cottage Grove offers are of a superior nature. RIGHT OF WAY COMES EASY. Little Difficulty Experienced in Secur­ ing Land for Pipe Line. The council committee whose, busi­ ness it is to seçure right-of-way for the proposed pipe line from Layng creek to Cottage Grove, a distance of about twenty miles, is experiencing no trouble in getting thé right. Messrs. Atkinson and Elledge- recently made a trip over the route interviewing land owners, and met with no opposition, several of the farmers offering to con­ tribute the privilege without a money consideration. ‘ From the intake on Layng creek the proposed line will fol­ low that stream to its forks, and then the county road will be used to a point near Wildwood, where either the rail­ way company’s land or land adjacent' thereto will be followed to the Curtin bridge. From here the new county road will be followed west to where- it again crosses'the Row river and from there into the city either by the county highway or on private property, ac­ cording to the wish of the engineer. The county court has granted the city the use of the highways for the pur­ pose. FOR SMALLER FARMS WS A NEW ROUTE Felix Currin Will Subdivide His Mr. Weber Says Oregon Electric* Large Holdings. Should Take Coast Fork. PLAN INDUCES IMMIGRATION PASS HAS NOT BEEN TESTED One of Oregon’s Pioneer Farmers Con­ This Route Would Save Seven Miles templates Retiring From the Activ­ Between Cottage Grove and Oak­ ities of Life After a Half Cen­ land, and Besides This the Peo­ tury of Continuous Toil. ple Want the New Line. NUMBER 7 through a central organization known as the Pacific Northwest Forest Pro­ tection and Conservation association which acts as a sort of grand lodge or clearing house for the others. In addi­ tion to spending over $100,000 a year in fire protection, the timber owners of the northwest are thus taking the lead in broader conservation work. SCHOOL MASTERS’ CLUB. Educators of Lane County Organize to Advance the Work. Professor Harvey Inlow of the Cot­ tage Grove public schools attended a gathering of the teachers of Lane county at Eugene Saturday afternoon, the purpose of the meeting being the organizing of a permanent educational club, whose primary object would be to study educational problems, gene­ rally and locally. The club was organ­ ized by the election of Dr: Shelden of the State University as president, and County Superintendent Dillard secre­ tary and treasurer. The club will hold twelve meetings during the ensuing year, at least one of which will be held in- Cottage Grove, Springfield, Cres­ well and Junction City, and will be offi­ cially known as “The School Masters’ Club of Lane County.” THE DATES CONFLICT Legislature Makes Blunder in Election Laws. LAWYERS FIGURING IT OUT According to Provisions of the Act Registration Books Are Opened a Month Before Precincts Are Established by the Court. Soon after January first the Fourth Some one has truly said that “the Mr. H. S. Weber, who owns 160 acres A dispatch from Salem says a blunder Regiment Infantry Oregon National hope of the future greatest ■ develop­ of land with approximately seven mil­ of the recent legislature in connection Guards, which includes Company E of ment in the inland empire lies in the lion feet .of timber thereon, w^s in with the changing of the time of hold­ Cottage Grove, will be transferred to evolution of the small farm and to in­ Cottage Grove on Saturday. For fif­ ing the general election from June to the Coast Artillery Service. The regi­ tense methods of agriculture,” and the teen years he was a locomotive engi­ November has just come to light. mental identity of the command will tendency is strikingly in that direction. neer on the Southern Pacific, passing The constitutional amendment ap­ have to be destroyed and the eight There is a gradual Sand continuous through this city peveral times each proved by the people in June, 1908, and Southern Oregon Infantry companies drift from other occupations to farm­ week. Eight years ago he bought the adopted by the legislature last winter, will each receive a separate designation ing and fruit growing, and the demand Coast Fork tract and became a rancher. changed the time of holding these elec­ in the Coast Artillery. for small tracts of land suitable for Speaking of the Oregon Electric tions. This change, which has been in con­ family support and a profit is increas­ Company’s proposed extensions south­ It provided that all laws pertaining templation for several years, since ing. Realizing this, Mr. Felix Currin, ward, Mr. Weber says the Coast Fork to the nomination of candidates, regis­ the new bill regulating ’ the National who owns 750 acres of land four miles is the logical route to follow, but that These AYe Not Old Chestnuts. tration of voters, and all other things Guard went into effect, has been found distant from Cottage Grove, has in thus 'far it has been given no consider­ John Cooley, who has forty-six acres incident to the holding of the regular necessary by the general staff on ac­ contemplation the platting of this ex­ ation. Besides affording a compara­ immediately beyond the corporation biennial elections “shall be enforced count of shortage of fund for maintèn- tensive tract'into small farms; ranging tively easy pass through the moun­ limits, has four acres planted to Eng­ and be effected thé same number of ance. In order to maintain the Fourth from ten to sixty acres, each division tains, it would save seven miles be­ lish walnuts and chestnuts, the trees days before the first Tuesday after the Regiment' it is necessary to organize containing a considerable portion of tween this city and Oakland, he says. being set alternately. 'He also has a first Monday in November that they four additional companies of infantry what is known as bottom land, which is This territory, while . not as thickly fine young apple orchard. have heretofore been before the first at Southern Oregon points. The ex­ adjacent to the Row river, and consid­ populated as the route to the right of Monday in June biennially, except,as pense of organization would be approx­ ered among the most productive soils Cottage Grpve, it affords, he thinks,' a may hereafter be provided by law.” imately $10,000, and the cost of main­ of the entire Willamette valley. There better future, inasmuch as it is des­ This would ' bring the first registra­ tenance an even larger amount each are also timber and grazing lands in tined to become a fruit and dairying tion period for a geperal election in year. their natural state on the ranch. Mr. country of prominence. And then, June. A year ago the War Department sent Currin has many acres of orchards on our informant says, the timber resour­ Chapter 101, passed by the recent out an edict that all Guard regiments Ira Hawley, a Former Resident, various parts of the land, including ces of themselves would make this a New Law Affords Opportunity session, provides that it shall be the must be organized on the same lines some 3,000 young English walnut trees, route of greater value from a financial duty of the county court at the regular Meets With Accident as the regular Army. It was directed for Districts to Act. apples and pears, and the division of standpoint from the very day construc­ July term, proceeding the general that no further allowances from thel the property would be so made as to tion work was completed-and trains election, to set forth and establish elec­ Federal Government would be given enable purchasers to get just what running. tion precincts within the county. Con­ states which failed to make the ‘re­ they most desired, either in fruit or The people of that section, very HOURS ALONE IN DEEP GORGE tinuing, the law goes on to say that SYNOPSIS OF THE MEASURE quired improvements The edict found agricultural lands. , naturally, are anxious for transporta­ the county may set off as many pre­ many states in a position which it was If Mr. Currin concludes to subdivide, tion facilities, and would nominally cincts as may be deemed necessary or impossible to. remedy on short notice. his large holdings, on which he has re­ give right of way. Mr. Weber makes convenient. Pressure was brought to bear on Çon- Thrown Over Embankment While on sided for more than a half century, it" the statement' that when the Southern Taxpayers of Any District May Vote Now, some of the attorneys and Horseback the Animal Crushes Him gress and additional time-was given in would prove of incalculable benefit to Pacific engineers surveyed the pass of Additional Money for the Better­ election officials are wondering how Beneath Its Weight.—Funeral which to perfect' the organization Cottage Grove. These broad acres, which he speaks, they were not at the ment of Highways.—How to they can open the registration booxs a Held in Cottage Grove. Since then every effort has been put Proceed Under the Law. many of which are now practically idle pass, but some distance therefrom on a month before the court meets to estab­ forth to save the Fourth Regiment. under the ownership of one, man, cut higher point, where a route would not lish the boundaries of the various pre­ But the general staff, which controls into comparatively small farms, each be 'sasible. cincts, and if they do so what will be the affairs of the Oregon Guard, has The body of Ira Hawley was buried with its buildings, orchards and im­ Under the new law there is abundant the status of the voters who may be MANAGER HARTOG QUITS. been unable to devise means to finance from the Methodist church Saturday provements, would mean addition to opportunity for better highways in gerrymandered out of the precinct in four additional companies. The annual morning at 10 o’clock, interment being population, to say nothing of the en­ appropriation is $45,000, and, with con­ in the ¡Oddfellows’ cemetery. The hancement in value of the lands and Eugene’s Booster Notifies Club of His every community and The Sentinel can which they registered. Decision to Go Elsewhere. see no good and sufficient reason why stantly growing demands for expendi­ Rqv. Mr. Sutcliffe preached the funeral­ its increased productiveness under in­ COMPANY E TOPNOTCHER. Manager Hartog has notified the Eu­ its provisions should not be taken ad­ tures, rigid economy has to be prac­ sermon. tense agriculture. We would have in gene Commercial club that he will not vantage of on a wide scale. Special Has a Walkaway in Fourth Regiment ticed with the present eighteen com­ The deceased came to his death by our midst a practical demonstration of Trophy Contest. panies. With four more companies injuiries received by a horse falling the beneficial effect of small farming, renew with that organization for the district road meetings may be held, ends wouldn’t met, so it has been fig­ upon him, while he was on his home­ advocated today throughout the ensuing" year, which leaves a vacancy and special'road levies made in accord­ As anticipated Company E of Cot­ in the promotion department that can­ ance with the wishes of the districts, tage Grove won first place in the ured. ' stead in Eastern Oregon, where he had country, and profitably practiced in not be as satisfactorily filled without •for the betterment of highways under marksmanship contest in the Fourth Pressure has been brought by the been for four years. The young man many parts thereof. - difficulty. In notifying the club of his the special improvement method. The regiment, Oregon National Guards, by National Government to have the regi­ was riding one horse and leading two The richness of the soil and the ment thrown into the Coast Artillery others through a gorge, when the ani­ adaptability of it to intense farming decision Manager Hartog, among other law in regard thereto may be of inter­ a safe margin, its score being 652 reserve. For the past three years the mals became unmanageable. . He was was forcibly demonstrated the past things, says: “At last after a year’s est to many, and it is therefore given against Company H’s of Dallas 620, which company gets second place. Al­ War Department has been sending fre­ entangled in the ropes, when the horse season by the handsome exhibit of pro­ work on the details, the famous Kiser below: “The taxpayers of any roath district bany scored 611, which givés it third quent communications to Adjutant- he was riding was thrown down an em­ ducts made by Mr. Currin in this city, pictures are ready for their trip across General Finzer, urging organization of bankment, falling upon him. The ac­ and also by grains now in the Commer­ the continent,Agoing south, thence east, in any county of his state may vote an place. Roseburg, winner in last year’s artillery reserves for use in support of cident occurred at 10 o’clock on the cial club rooms. As an evidence of then west, remaining two weeks on additional tax for road purposes, pro­ contest, is out of the running, tempor­ the fortifications at the mouth of the morning of October 25, and for the lasting fertility of the soil,’ it may exhibit at every big city. Mr. Wm. viding at least ten per cent of the tax­ arily at least. McMurray and I spent part of last payers of said district shall give notice The conditions under which the Cot­ Columbia river. twenty-four hours the injured man was be stated that one particular section of Sunday laying out the itienrary and by posting notices in three public tage Grove marksmen contested was Transfer of the Fourth Regiment to alone in this desolate spot without aid. this ranch has been in continuous culti­ the entire Harriman system will help places in said road district, and one in against them. Rain was falling and the Artillery Service will do much to He crawled a distance of 150 yards vation for 52 years, and is now yield­ us showing these views. It will take the court house and publish one notice the wind had gained such velocity that solve the problem of sufficient men for during this time, and finally his cries ing as large crops Qf first-class grains about 50 weeks in all so that they will three weeks in one weekly news paper it was with difficulty that the target the Columbia river forts, it is said. In for help were heard two miles away. as when first the land was tilled. And, be advertising Eugene and Lane of general circulation, signed by at could be kept intact. When these dis­ the Fourth there are 400 officers and The injuries, which were of an inter­ let it be added, no fertilizer whatso­ county for nearly a whole year after least ten per cent of the taxpayers of advantages are taken into considera­ men, seventy-seven of these being in nal nature, proved fatal on Thursday, ever has ever been used in this area. I leave.” said road district, giving the time, tion, Capt. Johnson has just reason for the Cottage Grove company, a much November 4, and the body was at once Mr. Currin, is desirous of severing place and object of said meeting, feeling proud of his sharpshooters. largèr force than is kept by the Army shipped to Cottage Grove for burial. HOW ABOUT NEAR-BEER? all connection with agricultural pur­ which meeting shall be held in the in the coast garrisons. These supple­ TRAIN BEHIND SCHEDULE. Ira Hawely was twenty-four years suits, after a long and busy life “at month of December, and at the time mental troops can be thrown into the old, and was well and favorably known Circuit Court Holds That It May Be the plow,” and inasmuch as he might of said meeting it shall be organized Railroad Commission’ Wants Informa­ forts in a few days’ notice, and, work­ here. He was born and reared at the Sold iu Local Option Counties. experience some difficulty in disposing by the election of a chairman and sec­ ing side by side with the trained regu­ foot of the Bohemia hills, where his tion About No. 19. The circuit court for this county, by retary, and at such meeting they may of the tract in its entirely to a single lars, can pick up the «Fork in a short parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hawley; Train No. 19, due in Cottage Grove its decision in the case of W. E. Boddy be a majority vote of such taxpayers, individual, he is working out a coloni ­ time. at 2:56 in the afternoon, was not on still reside. For several years he at­ zation plan, which The Sentinel hopes vs. the City of Eugene holds that near- levy such additional tax as they may An additional advantage is that the tended the Cottage Grove high school, he will conclude to adopt, for reasons beer can be dispensed in local option deem advisable to improve the roads time one day during October, and on senior officers will remain in the. ser­ and while here made many friends one occasion was nearly two hours counties. In the decision the court heretofore given. of said district, and if a tax be levied vice with their respective rpnks, among the younger people of the com­ avers that wherever the local option it shall be the duty of said chairman late, according to thp Railroad Com­ whereas, in the event the regiment munity. MAKES IMPROVEMENTS. mission, which wants to know why this law is in force in any county that fact and secretary to certify to the county was converted into separate companies . Among those who attended the “Bud” Porter Builds a New Residence virtually suspends the power of any clerk of such county, prior to January condition exists. The distance from of infantry, or even into a separate funeral on Saturday, were: Mr. and Portland to Cottage Grove is 144 miles, city within the jurisdiction of the and Barn on His Ranch. 1st, the levy so made by the taxpayers and the schedule is supposed to allow battalion, practically all the headquar­ Mrs. W. W. Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. J. county to regulate or prohibit the Mr. “ Bud ” Pbrter has just completed of said district, and the county clerk plenty of time in which to make the ters officers would be thrown out. W. Cook of Portland, B. M. Hawley of traffic. It holds further in this parti­ Colonel George O. Yoran, of Eugene, Home Valley, Washington, Miss Willa a comfortable two-story residence on cular cate that the charter does not shall compute and extend said levy in run. The commission has asked the will be transferred to the Artillery Hawley of Cottage Grove, Norman his ranch, three miles west of Walker give the right to prohibit the sale of the assessment roll for that year the Southern Pacific officials for an explan­ Service with his present rank. The Hawley of Corvallis College, Miss Station, at a cost of about $1200. Dur­ “non-intoxicating” drinks as the ord­ same as others taxes are extended, ation, and unless a satisfactory one is same is true of Major Frank B. Ham­ Mary Hawley of near Eugene, Miss ing the past season Mr. Porter erected inance under which Boddy was con­ and-it shall be the duty of the tax col­ furnished an investigatoin will be in­ lin, of Roseburg, and Major Hammond, Katie Hawley of Springfield, Miss a commodious barn costing $900, and victed in a minor court, and therefore lector to proceed to collect said taxes stituted. ________________ of Eugene. It is possible that several Minnie M. Culp of Mohawk Valley, after bringing water from a spring to this part of the ordinance over steps in money the same as' any other taxes Will Branch Out in Spring. both will have an ideal rural place. are collected by him, and shall be cred­ of the staff officers will haVeto go. MisseS Flora and Mary Wells, F. F. He has three hundred acres of land, for powers granted in the charter and A. H. Miller contemplates erecting a ited and kept by the treasurer to the Wells and D. Wells of Elkton, Mrs. E. which he recently refused an offer of hence is void. NEED OF TIN PAIL BRIGADE. account of the road district making building near the railway tracks to be Smith and daughter of Roseburg, occupied by his machine shop, in the such levy.” Wood Working Industries May Find Geo. Knowles and Frank Hawley of $75 per acre. There is an old orchard Thinks It a Good One. spring. This is the only repair shop of on the ranch, but' Mr. Porter contem­ Abundant Materials Here. The ’ Eugene Guard appreciates a Eugene, and B. M. Hawley and wife of plates enlarging upon his production of The Chicken Show. its kind, in this locality, and with the good thing when it sees it, as is evi­ There is every reason to believe that Wildwood. _______________ fruit, and' to this end will plant a new denced by the following complimentary Considerable interest has been number of mills in and tributary to with proper effort a woodworking man­ orchard in the near future. Nesmiths Defeat Highs. notice: “The Cottage Grove Sentinel, aroused among the chicken fanciers of Cottage Grove its business should have ufactory of large proportions might be a rapid growth. The Nesmith basketball team de ­ He Likes Cottage Grove. successor to the Western Oregon, this section in the approaching show at secured for Cottage Grove. It is an Cottage Grove and an effort will be ideal location for institutions of this feated the Highs at the Armory" last In a communication from B. H. Hop­ comes to us this week with sixteen Good Bye, Easy Car. character, and if our claims were ad­ Friday night by a score of 30 to 7. The kins, who formerly owned a ranch on pages chock full of advertising and made to hold an exhibition that will It is a matter for regret that it became greatly promote this industry. There necessary to take off the observation vanced in the right direction we be­ dance following the game, was largely Mosbey creek, he says he expects to re­ local news. The new proprietor is are plenty of fine birds in this section car . on local trains between this city lieve good results would be attained. attended and proved a pleasant social turn to Cottage Grove to make his certainly giving the people of Cottage of the state. event. The Nesmith team will go to Grove a good paper. ” home. He further says that he has and Portland for want of patronage. The raw materials for the manufacture of furniture of various kinds, as well Roseburg tomorrow, and Roseburg will traveled extensively throughout the It made a beautiful daylight ride more Coyottes After Bud’s Sheep. Organize to Protect Forests. as hundreds of other articles of ! com­ play a return game here on December northwest and finds that this locality Forest fire protection and reforesta­ Mr. J. N. Nokes, who returned on comfortable. ' _____________ __ has the best prospects of any he has tion will be made living issues in the merce, are at our very door in inex­ 18. Sunday from “Bud” Porter’s ranch Shavings Now Go Whirring. seen. ~ , haustible quantities, while transpor­ That Crusher Will Bob Up. Pacific northwest henceforth by a bu­ near Walker, says coyotes are bother­ Mr. F. P. Phillips has just installed tation facilities, always an important T. J. Patterson, representing Beale Who Can Beat This Beet? reau to be established for this purpose ing the sheep of that locality. Mr. a blower at the mills of the Wildwood factor, are exceptionally good. While & Company of* Portland, left the city Lane county has doubtless grown the on December 1. The movement is be­ Nokes was doing some brick work on Lumber Company. This takes all the Cottage Grove is offering every induce­ this .morning for Cottage Grove where prize beet for the present year. Ole ing backed by the Several conservation the Porter ranch, and several times shavings from the planer to the boiler ment to the homeseeker who desires he expects to sell a rock crusher.— Casperson has.on exhibit at Eugene a and forest fire associations of Oregon, witnessed the coyotes drive in the rooms, thus effecting à considerable to till the soil it should not hide from Roseburg News. beet weighing thirty pounds. Washington, Idaho and Montana, sheep. savingjof labor. dies H I njuries NOW f IW roaos