walks with a forward stoop accentu­ he fell a considerable distance upon ates all these faults and lays herself some soft earth. Of course, he has open to various diseases as well. Be- had many more or less serious disas­ cause, if you slouch forward, you com­ ters to his airships, and only last ; AN» press the lungs, and prevent proper ex­ year he had a particularly narrow es­ pansions of the chest. Consequently cape. Shortly after landing at Ech- the lungs are insufficiently supplied terdingen there were such large with fresh air, and the body does not creeds to welcome him that, to avoid •Tve never known a woman yet who get enough oxygen for the require’ A Pennsylvanian has patented a wa­ an ovation, he retired to a cabin on wished she was 40.” “I have—she was ments of health. terproof cover for women’s hats, so the airship and fell asleep. By some 50.”—^Boston Transcript. compact that it may be folded and car­ lucky chance he did not sleep for long, Save* Trying; on Hats. coming within two strokes of the pro­ Stella—-Did he say he loved you In. Carrots for Complexion. ried in the pocket. Whether the millinery device de­ fessional record. Miss Leitch is looked for only a few’ minutes after he so fiiany words? Bella—Yes, seven­ ^Carrots are said to be excellent for signed by a New York man will be upon as by far the best of all women A vein of lead and zinc ore has been awoke the airship was in flames, and teen pages.—New York Sun. as popular as it is ingenious remains players. She is planning to visit this the complexion, and here is a good discovered on the ground of the School had he remained asleep his fate would way to prepare them: Wash, scrape “Is she making him a good wife?” to be seen. Ac­ country next summer. off the skin, cut into dice and leave in of Mines at Platteville, Wis., and will have been almost certain. It is said, “Well, not exactly; but she’s making cording to the pre­ be developed by the students. by the way, that Count Zeppelin was cold water for half an hour. Put in him a good husband.”—London An­ vailing opinion of A Womanly Woman. The danger in packing meat extracts once in such despair of ever achieving swers. the inner compartment of a double a woman’s depart­ She stayed at home. his ends that he seriously thought of and preparation in tin is said to lie in boiler with no water upon them except Bluff—I look upon you, sir, as a ras­ ment in a millin­ You don’t hear of her. that which clings to them after wash­ the fact that the absorption of the tin blowing his brains out. cal. Biff—Ydu are privileged to look ery store, it does She was too busy to talk. by the contents is continuous. ing. Cover closely and cook tender. upon me in any character you desire not seem likely. NEW KIND OF SWINDLE. She was too well bred to brag. An hour should be long enough for Artificial slates are made by coating to assume—Vogue. The device con­ She didn’t say she disliked hotels. this. Turn into a deep dish, pepper paper with a mixture of copal varnish, sists of a large He—You don’t know how nervous She murmured not when Mrs. Rich and salt and cover with a good white turpentine, blotting sand, powdered Paris Gang Organized Automobile Accidents for Eight Years, card with an open­ drove off. I was when I proposed to you. She— sauce. Peas may be added, and the glass, powdered slate and lamp black. Two splendid automobiles, some por­ And you don’t know how nervous I ing large, enough She didn’t declare resort life too combination is delicious. New York has nearly 5,000,000 acres celain vases and a forged title of no­ was until you did so. to admit a wom­ vapid. of meadow land, upon which more bility were the stock in trade 'of a an’s head. Above She was making school dresses for Mrs. Church—You say ¿he was a war than 6,000,000 tons of hay are raised cleverly organized band of swindlers, correspondent, once? Mrs. Gotham— this opening is painted a hat of some wear later. who for the last eight years seem to each year. Concrete safes, molded in particular design, while below is a, She was taking her children for day Yes, she was secretary of a woman’s a single piece, with steel doors, are have made an excellent living out of club.—Yonkers statesman. design to represent a bust portion of excursions into the open plaices. it, says a Paris correspondent ?of the a novelty. They are said to be both a woman’s waist. The idea is to have She has explained all she can of “Who gave the bride away?” “Her London Telegraph. Their method was damp and fireproof. a millinery supplied with a painted the flowers, trees and insect life. little brother. He stood up right in very simple. The gang consisted of reproduction of every hat in stock. She studies some good nature books The Atchison Railroad is about to the middle of the ceremony and yell­ When customers come in they look the along with the children before their experiment at Great Bend, Kan., with six. associates, the eldest of whom as­ ed, ‘Hurrah, Fanny, you’ve got him at Collars are now practically even all sumed the title of count. A boulevard hats over, on their stands, and when excursions. and are very high. Tabs and cocobolo and Japanese oak as material beauty completed the membership,. last!’”—Tit Bits. She has superintended her children’s around they see styles they would like to for sleepers. The wood is so hard that points have disappeared. “But you spent enough money on ■ try on stand in front of a mirror and games and their gardening efforts, in it is almost impossible to drive spikes She passed off as a theatrical artiste Scotch zephyrs in all the new berry me before we were married,” protested who owned one of the autos. The addition to her own. work. put their heads in the card bearing into it, and screw spikes in bored And she’s the “salt of the earth,” colors with a good amount of white holes will be used. It is expected that pseudo-count obtained various appoint­ his wife. “True, my dear,” replied her the design of those particular .pieces of headgear. This plan saves a great this woman who is above aping those in the weave will be suitable for one- the sleepers will last from 25 to 30 ments as an accident insurance agent husband. “I had it to spend then.”— Chicago Daily News. deal of wear and tear on hats and with more money, and who rejoices piece dresses. years. They cost a trifle more .than and had his automobiles regularly in­ Black chantilly shawls come In as American oak delivered in California. sured in different companies against Mrs. Sauers—I don’t consider mar­ saves the customer a great deal of in a fine mind and body, which she time, but whether It will be appre­ puts to the best possible use.—Phil­ an excellent drapery over silk gpwns. The reason for experimenting with accident. The other members of the riage a lottery. Do you? Mr. Sauers It is not necessary to cut the Shawl, them is that native oak is becoming gang acted either a chauffeurs or own­ —No! If a man draws a blank in a ciated by the fair sex * is a matter of adelphia Record. though it is draped and held in place ^grave doubt. scarce, and it is deemed wise to look ers of the cars, with new names and lottery he can tear it up and take an­ with rosettes of soft satin. To Remove Tan. addresses on each occasion. The por­ other chance.—Puck. in time for a substitute. Health and Beauty Hint«. One of the most celebrated recipes The latest whim of the’ Parisian is celain vases, worth only very little, i Visitor—Can you read the ^past? Mr. Robert W. Yerkes raises the were certified to have been purchased A flannel bag or hot alt is very for removing tan is the following carrying the evening gloves in the Fortune Teller—Certainly; that’s my useful a*nd comforting, not only for English recipe: Best English mustard, hand instead of wearing them. Rings question whether kittens are born with for 5,000 france. business. “Then I wish you’d tell me ■rheumatism, but for any muscular one tablespoonful; oil of sweet al- have grown to such large size and are a propensity to eat mice. Three Manx When money was needed at the end what it was my wife told me to get kittens kept in a cage for six weeks of each month the two automobiles for her.”-—Boston Globe. pain. Peroxide, the application of which HIGH CROWNS AND A FEATHER FEATURES OF NEWEST HATS. with a mouse, which was introduced were simply brought into collision In “What is your idea of happiness?” when they were five months old, made sometimes prevents the growth of su­ any public thoroughfare, and the one no attempt to injure it, although they occupied by the artiste invariably con­ “To be able to spend my own money perfluous hair, is apt to have an in­ just as if I were going to turn in an were hungry, until the mother cat was jurious effect upon the skin by over- tained one of the porcelain vases, expense account when I got home.” Introduced and showed how mice drying it.. which was smashed in the shock. Po­ —Chicago Record-Herald. should be treated. Other observers To alleviate the effects of a blow licemen only too willingly took note She offered an explanation of her have noted the Indisposition of kittens little ones often receive at play the to attack mice, but the question wheth­ of the damage done, and the compa­ tearful mood. “I’ve been to a wed­ old-fashioned remedy of a little butter nies usually paid out the sum of $1,- ding,” she said. “I always cry more er mouse-killing is instinctive or edu­ or olive oil rubbed on immediately is 000 claimed. To avoid suspicion being at a wedding than I do at a funeral. cational with them can hardly be said •excellent. It should be removed every . excited by the too frequent demoli­ It’s so much more uncertain.” to have been settled. ihalf hour for an hour or two. tion of porcelain vases, other objects of Patience—-She says she married him San Benito County, California, has art were sometimes carried in the cars, As a knock hard enough to bruise to reform hjm. Beatrice—And he says given its name to a new candidate for the eye may cause serious trouble, one with a similarly high, but /fictitious, should be careful when walking in the admission to the circle of the precious purchase price. A mere accident re­ he was a fool when he married her. dark in unaccustomed spots to protect stones—“benitoite.” It is a sapphire vealed the whole secret of the gang. “Well, she says she hasn’t reformed the face and chest by raising the arm color, hard and remarkably brilliant The pseudo-count happened to have a him a bit.”—Yonkers Statesman. He—I wonder if we can get along about to the level of the nose and keep­ Chemists say it is a “silico-titanate of quarrel with a tram-conductor over a ing it bent in front of you. baryum.” It is found in rock pockets trifle, and both were taken to the po­ all right.. She—Certainly. We can and in geodes associated with natrolite lice station. The insolent behavior of buy the auto with the money father Lemon being an astringent, it is par­ and a htherto unknown black mineral the sham count when parading his -ti­ left me and you will* surely make ticularly good -if the pores of the skin called carlosite. During 1907 benitoite tle and showing his card aroused the enough to pay for running it, don’t you are enlarged. It is excellent to rub on the yellow line on the neck where the made its first entry into the report of suspicion of the police officer, who think? collar ends. Be careful not to use the Geological Survey on the precious then and there ordered him to be Leading Tragic Man—Did you see lemon juice too continuously, as it stones of the United States. The value searched, and found him in possession how I paralyzed the audience in the sometimes hurts delicate skin. of the uncut stones found in that year of accident Insurance policies with death scene? They were crying all was $1,500. In the same year Arkan­ nearly, every company operating in over the house! Stage Manager—Yes, The habit of grimacing overexer­ sas produced $2,800 worth of dia­ Paris. cises the mouth and draws unpleasant they knew you weren’t really dead.— lines about it. The woman whose fam­ monds. The leading precious stone in Why one person should have such Tit-Bits. ily tells her of this defect should count America in value of production is •contracts with a hundred different A—I used a word in speaking to herself fortunate, and endeavor con­ tourmalin, of which $84,120 worth was companies seemed strange and the my wife which offended her sorely a tinually to check these mannerisms put upon the market in 1907. But it pseudo-count could give no plausible week ago. She has not spoken a syl­ ■which threaten to disfigure her. weighed a ton. explanation, with the result that he lable to me since. B—Would you It Is foolish to put drops in the eyes was kept in custody and further in­ mind telling me what it was?—Fleig- to give them an added luster, as this ZEPPELIN’S LIFE STORY. quiries caused the arrest of the en­ en.de Blaetter. will, in the course of time, if it is “Is there any difference in the mean-a tire gang, including the boulevard Vor Many Years Regarded as a Mad­ kept up, almost entirely ruin the eye­ beauty, whose apartments w6re stock­ ing of the words ‘nautical’ and ‘ma­ man Before Reaching; Success. sight. If the eyes feel heavy and tired There are hats and hats. This fall’s newest style hats are turned up Of all the men now engaged in the ed with cheap works ofrnrt, for which rine’?” asked Mr. Malaprop. “Not bathe them with weak salt water, and turned down, trimmed heavily and trimmed very simply—but the crown she held certificates of purchase much,” replied Mrs. Malaprop. “One is ■either hot or cold. This can do no must be high, and it must have a feather on it somewhere. Above are some ¿tudy of aviation none has had a more representing them as worth from £500 a cinnamon of the other.”—-Chicago Interesting career than Count Zeppe ­ harm and will relieve the strained sen- of the styles. ' to £600. The two automobiles have Record-Herald. lin, whose recent flight of nearly a osation. also been confiscated and the amount “Am I the first girl you ever loved?” thousand miles broke all previous A home-made specific for tan and I monds, one tablespoonful, and lemon so numerous that the wearing of records. Until success came, his hard­ of the sums which the gang is known “Your question pains me:” “Forgive •sunburn consists .of paste made from I juice to make a thick paste. gloves becomes a question and the ships were almost unbelievable, and he to have obtained from different accl< me.” “Yes; I had flattered myself magnesia and lemon juice. Apply to Mix and spread in a thin plaster result is their banishment. dent insdrance companies is $40,000. that there was nothing amateurish spent the whole of his fortune in car ­ the neck and arms by means of a over the face, keeping it well away Chiffon bishop sleeves have a por­ about my love-making.”—Louisville linen bandage or directly to the skin, from the eyes and leaving it on the tion of the uppers made of dress ma­ rying out his experiments. His first Colonial Treasures Shown. Courier-Journal. covering it with a cheesecloth. Allow skin until it smarts. In a few days terial. The noticeable puff and fluting Interest in aerial flight probably dates Colonial and Revolutionary relic*, from the American Civil War, when Mrs. Peachblow—Why does your the bandage to remain on for several the scarf skin will become loosened at the hand have a tendency to make he made an ascent in a captive balloon which have been treasured by south husband carry such a tremendous minutes, then wash off in tepid water and will gradually rub off,, carrying the hand appear much smaller. to watch the operations, says the Bos­ shore families for generations form a amount of life insurance when he’s in which has a dash of witch hazel in it. the tan and freckles with it. part of a loan exhibition which was Picturesquely reminiscent of the .Apply twice a day if necessary. Vichy water,- applied night and middle ages are the popular casquines, ton Transcript. After this, he return­ opened in Loring Hill, Hingham, such perfect health? Mrs. Flicker— Oh, just to tantalize me. Men are nat­ ed to Germany in time for the Franco- morning, is also effective in removing made of corded silk, with short sleeves German war, and is said tp have been Thursday, the Boston Transcript says. urally cruel.—Life. To' Malte Sleep Come. tan and freckles. and somewhat elaborate with jetting. the first German soldier who crossed There are the tankards presented to “Jack sent me a handsome mirror • If you cannot get asleep try a The skirts worn with jackets of this the frontier into France. When peace ; Samuel Adams as a wedding gift on Elaborate Bodice Desigrn. for my birthday.” “Oh, that accounts -sponge bath made thus: Into eight kind are rather full. was restored, he determined to -give j the completion of the Old North for it.” “Accounts for what?” “Yes­ Ounces of alcohol put two of ammonia church; queer old snuffboxes; a silver The skirt for street wear is notice­ his whole life to aeronautics, and in a and two of camphor. Shake thorough­ terday he asked me if a woman ever ably long, and the skirt of sheer gar­ comparatively short time he had spent knife brought from Leyden; silver got too old to be pleased with a look­ ly, and when- well mixed add four candlesticks from John Hancock’s ments is also quite long. Modistes are ounces of sea salt and enough hot £30,000 in what appeared to be almost ing glass.”—Boston Transcript fast bringing in dresses that must be fruitless effort. At one time he was mansion; some beautiful bits of luster water to fill a quart bottle. To apply “No, Mr. Sparks, I can never marry slightly lifted at the hem in order that so poor through his devotion to his ware, odd pitchers, Washington plates, it, adds the Family Doctor, pour a a folding fork used by a revolutionary you. You have no consideration for the wearer may take a step. This little of the liquid in a shallow dish, work that he had to live in a little soldier; samplers, silhouettes, a fif­ the feelings of my mother.” “Why, style made its appearance when Paris "moisten the whole body a little at a cottage on an allowance made to him teenth century altar cloth showing the what makes you think that?” “You muslins were adopted and the femi ­ time by dipping a small' sponge in it. nine dress lovers were delighted with by his friends. But his invincible same design that is seen in Da Vinci’s hung your hat over the keyhole be­ Rub on only, a very little, then finish the long, billowy white dress and blue pluck brought success at last, and one “Last Supper;” fans, embroideries, fore you started j,o propose to me.”— with a vigorous rubbing with, a coarse of the first to recognize his genius was' miniatures and numberless other arti­ Cleveland Leader. ribbons. * crash towel. Get into bed,'and we’ll the kaiser himself. cles of great value and beauty. There Undertaker—You will, of course, insure the quick arrival of “nature’s Broke. Pie-Making* Record. Although he is considerably over 70, Is a particularly fascinating collection ride in the first coach with your •quick restorer, balmy sleep.” Mrs. Wyman, aged .70, of Pittsfiek Cotint Zeppelin is still as active as of books. Among them is a manu­ mother-in-law? Widower—Is that ab­ Mass;, recently broke all records in most men only half his age. A Ger­ script copy of the poems of Ovid, made solutely necessary? Undertaker—Oh, Washing; Blankets. her piemaking career. She made sev­ man newspaper has described him as in 1470, by Alberto Savonarola, a Put a cupful of soft soap and two enty-two pies of nine different varie­ follows: “He stands tall and upright; brother of the famous reformer. This; yes, certainly; it is the correct thing. tablespoonfuls of borax into a tub of ties, as follows:/ Custard, apple, cocoa- he has an agile body capable of unusu­ is owned by the Rev. G. F. Weld. An­ Widower—Then all I can Say is that lukewarm water. When this has had nut, prune, raisin, squash, chocolate, al exertion, a constitution sturdy other, printed in 1643, “A Christian my whole day’s enjoyment is spoilt! English Clergyman—And when you time to entirely dissolve put in your blueberry and lemon. Mrs. Wyman through much exercise and simple Plea for Infants Baptisme,” is loaned blankets and let them stand for half did the work alone and had it finished habits, and an immense power of men­ by George Lincoln, the well-known, arrive in London, my dear lady, don’t fail to see St. Paul’s and Westminster by noon. a day. Then wash carefully and rinse, tal concentration. He is always ami­ antiquarian and historian of Hing­ Abbey. Fair American—You bet; I’ll thoroughly in several waters. Do not To Clean Lamp Chimney*.* able, modest and deliberate’. His work­ ham. The Rev. L. C. Cornish contrib­ rattle those off sure; but what I’ve wring them. Have some one take hold An extremely smart and effective de­ An excellent cleaner for lamp chira men are devoted to him heart and utes, among other things, an illumin­ been hankering to see, ever since I was of one end of the blanket and you sign for a separate blouse which would ated missal printed in Leyden in 1770. grasp thè other firmly-in your hand. be pleasing made up in soft silk or neys/ls made by fastening to the end soul.” Through all his many failures, Then there are the poems of Quarles, knee-high to a grasshopper, is toe of a stick a sponge just large enough, and during the dark time when his Shake the blanket carefully and hang wash materials is pictured here. A Church of England!—Punch. when immersed in water, to fit the friends looked upon him as printed in 1659; those of Cowley, up to dry. > She—Oh, Jack, do excuse me for complicated arrangement of tucks in chimney. Wipe your chimney Inside nearest next door to sL madman, the count has bound in tooled gold leather, bearing getting here so late. Vou poor fel­ various widths combined with eyelet with this, and, after rinsing, dry with the date of 1778, and a Euclid of 1685. had the continual help and counsel of Woman Wins Golf Honors.. low, you’ve had to wait An hour for embroidery or lace is used. The plas­ his wife, and even when her husband’s The supremacy of man now is be­ tron is outlined by a broad piping of a soft piece of linen. me. He—Oh, no, it’s all right. I’ve The Paradox. experiments brought her to the verge ing challenged by women in the game delicate silk, as are also the tucked “How is it that fellow appears more only just come. She (sharply)—What! To Clean Knives. of poverty she still- had perfect faith of golf. Miss Ida Leitch, a young sleeve caps. Little buttons and loops prosperous every time he has a fail­ So that’s the way you treat me, is In order to keep your knives clean In him and never murmured. It must Englishwoman, has developed such trim the diagonal front closing. The it? If I’d come at , the time agreed ure? ” and bright, take some wood ashes and have been a proud day for the count­ «kill that it is believed she will prove deep cuffs are of allover lace. The you’d have made me wait a whole “ Because he pursues the paradoxical* mix with fine scrapings of a raw Irish ess when the king and queen of Wur- line in business.” a rival for the best professionals, in­ high tucked collar is made of mous­ hour. (Pouts.)—Boston Transcript. cluding Taylor, the British champion seline de sole and the design of the potato. Rub this over the blades with temberg took a trip In the count’s air­ “I hope you don’t mind my asking,* “What is that?’ a cloth, and, after rinsing, dry with a and the player most admired by Presi­ front is repeated in the back. ship, and a prouder day still when the said a woman, diffidently, “but should soft flannel. “ He fails to succeed. ” — Baltimore dent Taft. Few women have developed kaiser called her husband “the great­ American. I call you professor or doctor?” “Oh, Hard, to Lose. real skill at golf, but Miss Leitch has Cultivate a Graceful Walk. est German of the twentieth century.” call me anything you like,” was the Conch Shells. the application and the patience neces­ “It’s hard to lose a beautiful daugh­ On more than one occasion Count Very few girls walk gracefully now­ great man’s rejoinder. “Some people sary to a steady game over the hard adays, in spite of the craze for phys­ ter,” said the wedding guest sympa­ Zeppenlin has come very near to los­ A conch shell with its spirals twistr call ine an old idiot.” “Really?” the courses. The other day she turned in ical culture. The most generally no­ thetically. ing his life. Once, for instance, he ed to the right instead of to the left lady murmured’ with sweet innocence. “It’s a blamed sight harder to lose tell from a height of forty feet, but is said to be worth its weight in gold. “But, then, they would be people who a score of 72 for the Silloth course, ticeable faults are a forward droop one of the hardest in the United King­ of the head, sticking out of the elbows the homely ones,” replied the old man, escaped serious Injury through land­ A shell of this kind sold in Calcutta knew you Intimately.”—London Spare dom, breaking the amateur record and and scraping the feet The girl who wbp had. several yet to go.—Exchange. ing upon some bushes. Another time for £4,000. Moments, Äk>cience ivention