ALL A DREAM. DR. COOK IN COPENHAGEN. When you’ve sung ail the songs, lad. When you’ve played all the tunes, And mixed with all the throngs, lad, And mastered all the runes Of life—lived through the shadow days, And lived trirough days of gloom And when at last death’s shadow strays . Toward you ’twill seem a dream. AN OPEN MIND. Not So Open, However, That It Can« not Be Closed. Perhaps one could not describe East Landover better than by saying that it is a village where people still wear checked aprons in the morning, white In the afternoon, and black silk when the minister and his wife come to tea. To those who know, the ceremonial of the aprons connotes many things— leisurely afternoons, sewing-cir- where people still sew by hand; an interest in one’s neighbors, •thorough and exhaustive knowl­ edge of their characters and motives, utterly unknown to unfortunate dwell­ ers in cities. It was at a tea at Miss Serena Pot­ ter’s that an interested guest' heard a bit of character analysis that ‘gave her food for much thought. “Marietta Barber’s back from Port­ land,” Miss Mattie Reed announced. “I saw her yesterday. She’s wearing sleeves down to her knuckles. She says everybody does down in Port­ land.” “Marietta Barber alius did have a knack for seeing the newest thing be­ fore anybody else,” another lady re­ marked, thoughtfully. “It ain’t the going to Portland; .she’d have sensed out those sleeves if she hadn’t stepped off her own porch.” “She certainly has what you might call an open mind,” a third remarked, with a ripple of amusement in her s INCE the year 1895 Willis that a West ^Indian hurricane—which, .L. Moore has been at the by the way, is the most dangerous gen­ head of the United States eral storm we ever have—sweeping the bureau, the Atlantic Coast without warning would weather institution of destroy property to the value of from greatest its kind in the world. $3,000,000 to $5,000,000. I send ten Under his direction the men to different points in the West In­ Work of supplying forecasts of the dies each year just before the hurri­ weather has expanded until it now cane season opens, where they remain •Twill seem a dream—’tis better so, employs 200 men in different parts until all danger is over, They report And when you stand at last of , the United States, who send to us daily by telegraph, At the end And wait the call, prepared to go twice a day to the national cap; of the season they nail up their sta Where those before have passed, ital the .principal facts about the tidns and come home. That hour with so much anguish weather—velocity of the wind, temper­ “While we are on the subject, i ” Pro- weighed ature, rainfall, barometric readings fessor Moore continued, “ ‘ I would like For all the human band and other details, at a cost of $1,500,- to say, in order to clear up the confu­ Will find you calm and not afraid To face the shadow land. 000 a year. In an interview with sion of the public mind which leads ta —Birmingham Age-lieraid. James B. Morrow, published in the an absurd mixing of terms, that a cy­ New York Tribune, Professor Moore, clone has an area of 1,000 miles, a after deprecating popular superstitions hurricane an area from 100 to 300 .concerning weather forecasts by such miles and a tornado, which invariably means as the goose bone, the thick­ occurs in the southeast quarter of a ness of husks on corn and the singing ‘ cyclone and is an incident of the cy- of catydids, tells of his work. The in­ l clone, an area of from 1,000, feet to terview in part follows: 1,000 yards. The velocity of the wind “Do sailors and ship owners rely during a cyclone is from fifteen to on .your forecasts?” twenty-five miles an hour, during a eyes. “Absolutely, on the Great Lakes; hurricane it varies from fifty to 100 It was then that Miss, Serena Potter also on the rivers and very generally miles an hour, while it is so The particular beat I was patrol­ lifted up her voice. People always lis­ along the oceans by mariners engaged great during a tornado that no in­ ling, one night in November, was a se­ tened when Miss Serena spoke. strument can measure it. In all three ries of streets where offices, banks “Well, yes,” she agreed, “Marietta' kinds of storms the wind, of course, and chambers were pretty thickly Barber has got an open mind—that is rotary, or twisting, as it is com­ crowded together. All were in dark­ just describes it—open twenty-four monly described. ness, for the hour was beyond mid­ hours in the day; on Sundays, too. ..“But the weather bureau,” Professor night; I was calculating on another Sometimes I wonder if the doors ain’t EXPLORER ADDRESSING THE SCIENTISTS. Moore went on to say, “is not alone of hour’s strolling back and forth, with been took off it entirely and mislaid. While Dr. Cook, the Arctic explorer, was in Copenhagen, a brilliant cer­ value to people in the matter of wind out incident or excitement, when sud­ emony took place at the university, when the degree of honorary doctor Seems if ’twould be. kind of a relief storms, but is of tremendous service in denly I came to an involuntary halt. was conferred upon him. Fully 1,200 persons were present, including many to have it closed once in. a spell. Ef foretelling periods of flood. Twice we you leave your cellar door open day “Hallo!” I said, half aloud. famous explorers and scientists. Dr. Cook entered the festival hall In a forecast the height of the Mississippi In one of the offices I had seen a grand procession, in which walked the Crown Prince, the Princess Valde­ and night, things are bound to get in River at New Orleans—beating the light, the very faintest twinkle and mar, Prince and Princess George of Greece, Prof. Jorp, rector of the uni­ —dogs or cats or chickens—that don’t flood five days in one instance and a glimmer of a light, and only for a mo­ versity, and members of the American Embassy. A speech highly eulogistic belong there, and won’t improve the week in the other. On both occasions ment. Yet I swore it was a light, al­ of Dr. Cook was made by Prof. Warming, and the audience cheered for fully things that do belong there; and it our mathematics covered a tremendous though for a space I stood weighing five minutes when the rector of the university presented the diploma. In seems to me it ain’t so very different area of the United States.” the probability that it might have his reply Dr. Cook, for the first time since his arrival, betrayed a touch of with folks’ minds. As far as I can' been a reflection from some street eriiotion, when he exclaimed, after stating what he would do to prove his learn, it iiin’t till you get to the New. lamp, which had momentarily sprung catee: “And I will show you my hand!” M^ild enthusiasm again Jjrpke out, Jerusalem—and that’s quite a journey “Is your bureau of any practical ser­ into being at the angle at which I arid the Crown Prince and all the distinguished • persons shook hands with for most of us—that it’s safe to leave vice to farmers?” doors open all the time.” WILLIS L. MOORE. had caught sight of it. To make sure the explorer. “By means of the system of rural There occurred to the listener a on this point, I went back a dozen in coastwise business. The captains free delivery of mail our forecasts go sentence from a certain pleasant es ­ paces on the pavement, gazing on the each day into the homes of 1,000,000 “The would-bq reformer of ships on the northern lakes depend plate-glass window as I moved. No rubbing my hands across his pockets. parting? While I had been “clearing- sayist: on us to a larger degree than do other, farmers. As »many more farmers, get should be willing -to disabuse himself reflection repeated itself, and I ap- Convinced that he spoke the truth, I up” he had been stowing things into sailors, because we can more accurate­ our foreeasts by telephone. As a mat­ proached the window and hauled my- let him get up. Standing back in the it with startling celerity. Why had of prejudices and cultivate what is ly predict the velocity of the wind ter of fact, thousands, of farmers put self up on the wide sill. Listen- gloom, I kept his form in the glare , of he used chisel and hammer?—a bank known as an ‘open mind;’ not so operi, than, we can foretell a storm of rain,' telephones into their homes for no manager would have been in posses­ either, as to interfere with its capa­ which occasionally changes its path other reason than to be informed about ing, I heard the faintest of tappings— the bull’s-eye at Lmy belt. bility for being violently closed as “You wont believe me, constable,” sion of keys! a rap-a-tap, rap-a?tap—that suggested and goes somewhere else. Remember, the weather—our forecasts, you un­ I grew hot and cold in turn; by the often as occasion demand.” blows from a muffled hammer, I he said, falling back limply into a that where the pressure of the air is derstand, being for the day on which Miss Serena seemed to have the root dropped down again to the street, med- chair, “but I’m the manager of this time I was relieved by the sergeant I greatest upon the earth it will flow: to they are made and practically for the had made mind to say nothing of the matter.—Youth’s Companion. bank.” lt^ting. where the pressure is the least—pre­ day following., We have been of great I grunted, “Banks don’t want no about the matter. But the five pounds To sound my whistle would have LOOKING FOR A SMUGGLER. cisely like water going down stream. service to the cranberry growers of "been to alarm the fellow at work with- managing in the middle of the night,” seemed to be burning a hole in my Our instruments of measurement are Wisconsin, the cane growers of Louis Customs Officials Changed Tactics pocket. in; to run for help might have been I said. so perfect that we can figure out the iana and the orange growers of Flori­ After Reading a Telegram. It turned out that the burglar was “Don’t they? That’s all you know velocity of the wind at certain places da in giving warnings against frost. The gentle American smuggler is several hours in advance—knowing the Cranberry marshes are flooded, cane about it. I do most of my thinking one of the most expert and resourceful in the small hours, But, to come to bank thieves of that time, his story putting up one fortissimo roar just high pressure in one region and the is quickly cut arid piled in windrows the point—-ten days ago I stole a mat­ was a clever ruse that put me off the now because Collector Loeb is interfer­ low pressure elsewhere. We foretell and smudges are started in orange ter of £500 from the safe over there, scent, and even pressed me into his ing with his pastime. Half the news­ wind storms on the lakes, while along groves as effective measures of pro­ I’ve been in a fearful state of remorse service. He got clear ¿way with prac­ papers in town have their editorial the Atlantic Coast we give warnings tection. Let me add,” Professor Moore and terror ever since, and to-night I’m tically the entire contents of the bank pages filled with hollers from people about West Indian hurricanes. went on to say, ‘‘that the train dis replacing the money, see?” coffers—with the exception of the one who have been stopped and searched ‘‘On two occasions, after warnings patchers of all the railroads in the I grunted again. I don’t know solitary safe at which he was work­ on the dock's on their return from Eu­ of severe storms had been given, our country get our morning and evening ing when I disturbed him—and I had rope, .the New . York correspondent of men saw all the customs officers on the forecasts, and thus are enabled to what to make of it. “Constable, in a case of this kind helped him' to carry the plunder the the Cincinnati Times-Star says. Un­ seaboard, from Maine to Florida. We know about the coming cold waves in , you wouldn’t be hard on a chappie. first hundred yards. I was a raw be­ pleasant, certainly, but Mr. Loeb’s po­ found that ships valued at $66,000,000; winter and each year to save millions I’ve got a wife and child and—some­ ginner then, and doubtless came with­ sition would seem to be supported by taking no account of the cargoes, had of dollars’ worth of perishable mer­ thing of a reputation. My career is in an . ace of disgrace and dismissal, the fact that he has practicalÿ doubled remained in the various ports until chandise such as fruits, vegetables, clear henceforward the very moment but the experience of that night I the receipt of customs duties since he the storms were over. Authorities certain kinds of chemicals and other I get off these premises.” proved a tremendous spur to my wits took-charge here. It isn’t nearly so outside of the bureau have estimated manufactures.” I “Repented, have you?” I asked sus­ —which is perhaps one reason why to­ easy to slip an inspector a green bill, “REPENTED, HAVE YOU.” day I am one of the crack detectives and bring in an armful of oriental piciously. # A POPULAR SUPERSTITION. ‘‘Repented!” He 'threw out his of the service.—Philadelphia Tele­ pearls as it used to be. Naturally to find him gone when I returned. I enough, the wronged persons are SOME MARRIED MEDITATIONS. hands. “ That ’ s 'too flippant a* word, graph. crept to the door and tried it gently, Origin and Basis for Belief in 111- squeaking violently. It is annoying to Luck of Friday. but it did not yield. )The name plate constable. I’ve simply been in agony. Place for the Simple Life. be searched by a total stranger — espe ­ By Clarence L. Cullen. The bad luck supposed to attach to revealed the fhct that the place whs a I know what it is to have the worst “ If I wanted to dream my life away cially if one has. omitted to declare a Friday is said to be traceable to the bank. I whistled softly as I realized horrors of the infernal regions about I would go to New i Caledonia, the bunch of dutiable junk.. Not all the my bed by night, and the awful dread worship of the goddess Freya, the Ve­ that I was in for an adventure. French penal colony,?' says Major W. inspectors are as polite as they?might The average fat woman would.rath­ nus of the north, who felt herself I went round to the rear of the of suspicious eyes around my desk ev­ J? Collins of London, a celebrated min­ be, though little fault c^.n rightfully premises, .opened a yard door, looked ery hour of the day. I was beginning ing engineer, formerly a resident of be found with the majority. But they er have' you call her a murderess than slighted if anyone began a journey on ■ this, her festival. In punishment for. round cautiously for a dog, ventured to see the blessed light again—a few this country, according to the Wash- are only human, and it occasionally to say that she waddles. “Money makes the mare go,” but the. dishonor thus brought upon her to lift the latch of a back door which more minutes and I should have done ington Post. “That is a country happens that some chesty person tries led into a kitchen and—found it open. it!—light and ease and joy and free­ where one can be content to sit and to rub their noses the wrong way, and what member of the mare’s family goes Freya was wont to direct misfortune out and gets the money? On the spur of the moment I decided dom were on the very threshold!” to assail the offender, so that it came dream. There is only,, one other place “You’ve mistaken your profession, I know of that can equal it, and that has his own wiped in return. ,One to enter and tackle the burglar sin­ The woman who essays to hold her to be thought that Friday was an un­ such “ got his ” the other day, but man ­ sir,” I laughed. “You* ought to have Is Ceylon in India. gle-handed. aged to turn the tables in an original husband by a short-strapped halter lucky time to embark on any enter­ Sitting down on the step, I drew off been a preacher.” “I spent several years in New Cal­ way. He had insulted the inspector needs first to be pretty sure of her hal­ prise, although most marriages in “Perhaps I shall be, présently. The edonia, where the French government my boots, grasped my truncheon and Scotland are said to take place on that suavely and patiently throughout the ter’s material. groped a way toward the front of the impulse is strong in me to go about has some 4,000 life prisoners. Many examination, being supported by the The so-termed “intuition” of women day. In. Walsh’s “Curiosities of Pop­ premises. The rap-a-tap guided me. warning all other poor tempted fel- 'of these convicts have no hope of ever fact that he hadn’t a fippence worth of doesn’t prevent a lot of them from ular Customs,” is told the story of the The door of the room where the man lows. Say, constable, you’ve got a leaving their prison island, although dutiable stuff in his luggage. The en­ picking out mere four-flushing grand­ brig, Friday, of Wilmington, whose was at work was slightly ajar; I peep­ child or two of your own, eh?” builder defied superstition by giving there have been hundreds of attempts stand players as spouses. “Um, yes; one or two, as you say.” to escape for risking their lives in an raged official had dumped every last ed through the chink and saw him on rag out of the passenger’s trunk upon Why is it that some married women her this whimsical name and launch­ “One of ’em’s called Polly, I bet?” effort to get aw^y, for they have little his knees behind the bank counter. ing her on Friday. He also sent her “Good guess. Her name happens to to do but to wait for death, and it is thé' pier, examined it all under the mi­ sniff contemptuously when they read upon her first voyage upon the sixth He was working at a safe, I saw, with croscope, and then reluctantly affixed about a man who has killed himself be Mary, but it’s near enough.” the aid of a dark, lantern. a sad commentary that the French day of the week, but on the Succeed­ “Well, I’ve got a ‘Mary.’ When I’ve government officials have little regard the proper stamp. He started away. because his wife has refused to re­ ing Friday a home-bound vessel “saw “Hallo!” I said quietly, from the ‘ Were, ” said the arrival, “ you pack up turn to him? center of the floor, at the same instant handed you £5, constable, as a sort of for the prisoners. These convicts are my trunk.” Ever notice how, after you’ve once the hull of the brig pitching heavily memento of this incident, we’ll clear of different classes, of course. turning my bull’s-eye full on him. “ Nix on that comedy, pa, ” said the told a woman that she has a roseate in the trough of the sea, while her The fellow sprang to his feet quick­ up the mess and get off home again, “The seven-year men in reality have inspector. “It don’t get a laugh in mouth, she keeps biting her lips and crew ran. about the deck, cutting loose ly enough. He. was of the top-hatted eh? My Mary is Waiting for me .now; to remain fourteen years on the island. Noo Yawk no more. Try some new twiddling them with her fingers all the wreck of the masts that dragged ' class, with a long black coat with fan­ she’ll be in a terrible fright till I get Seven years are passed as convicts in stuff.” and bumped alongside.” This was the the time to keep ’em red? cy tails, high collar and horseshoe back? the strict sense of the word and the • The passenger just hissed at him last of the “Friday,” concerning whose When a woman looks mad, when she world The Pollies and Marys of this scarf pin. His face was very red 'as other seven as ticket of leave men. and beckoned to a messenger who I fate the shipbuilder’s wife merely said hears that song, “ I Love My Wife, but he faced me. He gaped across toward have been guilty of melting men’s That is, they have to report every stood near. “I’ll let you read this tele- when she heard of it: “I told thee the door by which I had entered, then hearts before now, and the man’s talk I month or two to the prison officials. gram before I send it,” he said to the Oh, You Kid!” It’s fairly safe to con­ so, Isaac. This is all thy/ sixth-day clude that everything isn ’ t exactly as he blurted out: “Are—are you alone?” about his Mary softened me. He was Men who are sentenced for eight years inspector, and wrote busily. The mes­ doings. Now thee sees the conse­ it should be up at her house. The next moment I had flown to cute enough to count out fi^e sover­ never have any hope of leaving New sage read: quences.’ eigns and hand them to me before the Did you ever suffer a certain whim ­ the street door and was wrestling with Caledonia; they are there for life. - “Secretary Knox, Washington— sy little pang over the promptness with Another reason for the supposed the fastening—egress to the street clearing-up operations began. After “Most of the attempts to escape have Won’t be able to dine with you this would provide me with a way of es­ which I rielped him with a will, and resulted in loss of life, because it Is evening because of unwarranted hold­ which your normally forgetful wife unluckiness of Friday lies „in the cru­ cape, if necessary. But the bolts and was very civil and obliging while do­ almost an impossibility to get away up by customs inspector on the pier.” reminds you to pay your life insur­ cifixion of Jesus on that day. It is ance dues when the time comes ‘round? from a similar historical source, in­ things were a bit of a puzzle—perhaps ing it. He kept on talking about his in safety, The men who tried to es- The inspector sat right down and remorse and his hopes for the future, designedly so—and the thief had leapt You may know that a woman has deed, that the “thirteen” superstition cape used small canoes or boats, but prayerfully jammed all that lingerie the counter and was upon me before in a way that nearly made me weep; in nearly all cases these craft were back into the trunk. If Mr. Knox got developed elephantiasis of the skypiece is believed to have sprung; a natural I had made much progress. He caught I told him I had never before been wrecked before the occupants reached a telegram from a man he never heard over the imaginary beauties of her distaste grew up for the number rep­ resenting the circle of the disciples me by the shoulder and jerked me In the company of a genuine penitent, land.” Of, stating that he could not eat a din­ “Agger” when she wears a pair of these with the addition of Judas. Yet It round, but I had him on the floor a and was glad of the experience. tight-laced tube corsets underneath her ner he had never been asked to, this The Harmless Foe. seems as if by this time the world bathing suit. minute later, Pinning his arms to his I felt so kindly toward him, indeed, “Your political antagonist is calling is the reason therefor. might be willing to forget Its ancient side I called on him to surrender, and was so pleased to think he was you every name he can think of,” said A new thought woman of our ac­ superstitions and regard every day Great Scheme. “And what if I don’t?” said he. out of the wood, that I volunteered to the agitated friend. quaintance tells us that she can “will” Mrs. Simpson in her “Many Memo* her husband to come home immediate­ and every number with equal respect. “I’ll use my truncheon, In a case i carry his bag on leaving. After I had “Don’t Interrupt him,” said Senator of this sort, you know---- .** put on my boots we crept out through Sorghum. “It is better to have a man ries of Many People,” says of Arch- ly from anywhere she wants to. Ap­ —Providence Journal. Let me get up, and I ’ ll “All right, the back yard, and at the end of the searching the dictionary for epithets bishop Whately: He was utterly” re- parently, though, she never wants to, Playing Card« in Moscow. explain.” alley behind he relieved me of the bag than going after your record for gardless of appearance. If he came to for he always comes home just about In Moscow playing cards are sold us without a servant and perceived a when he gets ready to. “No fear. You may have firearms.” and left me with a final word of grati- facts.”—Washington Star. only by the municipal government» hole in his black stocking he would “’Pon my honor, there’s nothing in i tude. and the vast Income derived from that It may not be possible for you to tny pockets more dangerous than a k A graft by any other name Is just put a piece of sticking plaster on the I watched him out of sight Then I be agreeable to some people, but you source is applied toward the malate- corresponding part of his leg to con* lead pencil.” grew sensible—-by degrees. Why had as apt to land some men behind the nance of orphan asylums. can keep away from them. •Twill seem a dream, the battle fought, Perhaps you failed to gain, The goal so passionately sought Through years of toil and pain; The empty task, the sordid round, Life’s coronal of thorns, The happlnes you’ve never found, The faith a cynic scorns. A Case of Repentance Whereupon I felt him up and dvwh« i the man carried a heavy bag in de- bank coal the defect