The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, November 05, 1909, Image 13

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I autumn leaves; and the guests were
I ushered into these by real ghosts.
Various games appropriate to thé occa­
sion were indulged in, after which
refreshments were served.
Practice in all Courts of State. Corpor­
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Celebrate dainty
There were several musical numbers, FOR SALE—Three mare colts, two com­ ation, mining and Probate law a specialty
ing 2 years, one spring colt, coming 2
rendered by Prof. Glaze, Mrs. F. R.
Golden Wedding.
Collection and Insurance.
weigh about 600 pounds. < Inquire at
Kurtz, Clare Conner, Mrs. Conner,
this office.
Miss Mildred Pringle and Miss Hazel
gy and harness, for sale cheap or trade
for cattle or' larger horse. Phillips & I
An Interesting Session.
It is a matter for serious regret that
United in Matrimony in Germany and
FOR §ALE—One hundred bushels of
Came to America in Early Life—Or­ the attendance at Monday evening’s
Stewart-Porter Building
pheat seed for sale at Riverside Farm,
session of the Commercial club was not
egon Their Home for Many Years.
2 miles south of town. John H. Hull,
larger. It would have proved an ex­
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Rudolph, who cellent remedy for that disease com­
Attorney at Law
reside one mile southwest of Cottage monly known as lukewarmness, which FOR SALE—I will sell cheap for cash,
if taken at once, two work horses, one
Grove on a ranch of 200 acres, cele­ exists to some degree among mem­
cow and feeds three wagons, farming
brated their goldlen wedding last Fri­ bers. Thé enthusiasm manifested was
utensils, forty-eight full-blooded Leg­ Near Bridge . : COTTAGE GROVE
day night, in the neigborhood of in keéping with the Cottage Groye
horns, and h quantity of house-goods.
For particulars inquire of Rees-Wal­ J. E. YOUNG
twenty immediate friends and relatives spirit, which is becoming contageous.
lace Co., or address A. G. Miller, box
being present and participating in a Several matters of importance to the
^Attorney at Law(
167, Cottage Grove,
bountiful turkey dinner, and otherwise community were discussed, prominent
Office on Main Street, West Side
enjoying -the congratulatory event. among -which is a project to construct FOR SALE CHEAP—If taken soon, COTTAGE GROVE :: - :: :: ’ OREGON
drop-head sewing machine, nearly new,
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph were married in a railway from this city to a point on
with all the attachments. One third
Dresden, Germany, in 1859. In 1870 the coast. A locating engineer was
down, with monthly payments. G. W. J. O. VAN WINKLE, M. D.
they came to America and located in hère last week looking after the pro­
Hudson near flour mill.
Physician and Surgeon
Yankton, South. Dakota. After re­ ject, and it is probable that the under­
Special attention given to diseases of the
siding there until 1889, they came to taking Will be given substantial assis­
eye and ear. Offices over the Bank of
Oregon, settling near this city, where tance if business is meant by the pro­
Cottage Grove
they have resided since, making many moters. Messrs. Rosenberg and Con­
P hones —Office, Main 583; Residence, 4g
warm friends and acquaintances ley were appointed to draft resolutions
among the people of the community. favoring the project,
Mr. Rudolph is now 75 years of age,
Carlton Nursery Co.
A vote of thanks was tendered the
and his good wife is 69. They both Promotion department of the club for
Large growers of local stock. Sup­
enjoy gooçl health, which they attri­ the excellent work it has accomplished,
pliers of commercial plants—clean, vig­
bute to the splendid Oregon climate.
- Oregon orous and true trees. Heavy on apples
and in response President H. O. Thomp Cottage Grove,
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph have nine son, who is likewise chairman of the
in Spitzenburg. Newton, etc. In pears
children : Mrs. J. Kubowitz and Mr. auxiliary, made a short talk, which
Bartlett, Anjou, Comice, etc. In cher­
H. C. Rudolph of South Dakota, Miss was directly to the point.
ries R. Anne, Lambert, Bing, etc. In
Agnes Rudolph and Mrs. Robertina
Signs have been posted excluding left at King & Walker’s Furni­ peaches 2 Crawfords, Muir, Sharlotte,
Anlauf of Portland, Mrs. Elizabeth persons not members of the club, or
Salway, Elberta, etc. In prunes Italiah,
ture Store near the bridge.
Fohrenwald, Herman, Hugo, Will and invited guests, from the rooms. This
etc. Small fruits, bushes, etc.
Paul Rudolph of Cottage Grove. All was made nec'essary by the fact that
Be Sure Get Onr Prices. It Will Pay You
Send list of wants. Stock carefully grqwn
of these were present, except the son the rooms are at times overrun by im
and shipped. We can handle your order
rightly and at right prices. Catalogue free.
and daughter who reside in South Da­ dividuals who do n.ot appreciate the
Carlton Nursery Co. . Carlton, Oregon
courtesies of the association.
•The Sign of the Red Cross is Symbolic of
Pure Drugs and Carefully Compounded
We make a specialty
of our Prescription Work, a Registered
Pharmacist in charge at all times, fl Bring
us your Family Recipes and Particular
Prescriptions, and they will receive our
Careful attention, fl All of the Standard
Toilet Preparations in Stock, .as well as a
Fine Assortment of Fine Perfumes, the
kind with a Lasting Fragrance. The next
time you need any, call and sample ours.
Monumental Cleaning
This Is a Busy Place.
The Sentinel Extends a Cordial Invita­ ■ The rapid strides of modern develop­
tion to Its Subscribers.
ment are in much evidence at Dorena;
Just Take a Look
Old Time Auctioneer
Can sell anything, from a leather
tea-kettle to a cast-iron
The Sentinel has this week sen^ a station nine miles east '"of Cottage
bull - dog.
statements to à number of delinquent Grove near the center of the rich Row
subscribers, and hopes and trusts that river valley. Eight years ago when COTTAGE GROVE
each recipient will give the matter the O. & S, E. was surveyed to that
attention. The subscription price of place, and stakes set for a side track,
Speaking of—
The Sentinel is $l".5O the year,, a low two little farm girls were playing
figure when quantity and quality are- near. _ Their names were Dora Hawkins
considered. During the month of Octo­ and Rena Jones. Dora and Rena were
ber it printed 245 columns of pure favorites of the surveyors, and,, so the
reading matter, of which 214 columns story goes, the station was named Dor­
were of a local character. When it is ena after both, and now fifty children
considered that there are approxi­ are there attending a graded school Let us remind you that we have
mately 2,205,000 separate pieces of with two teachers, Prof. Harshél and
— them
type in this amount of reading matter his cousin, Miss Maude Hedrick, Be­
The best to be had!
some idea of the work performed may side the pretty school house is a fine
Grafted right, grown
be had. And for this the cost to the church. At Dorena some 150 people
right, sold right and
individual reader is less than thirteen reside, many of’ them owning costly
The Chambers Lumber company at
From the foregoing it will readily be
comprehended that the publisher“ can­ this place has a large store and their
not afford to allow subscriptions to shipping docks and planing mill are
lag. It takes money to make a news-; here, the lumber being carried in a
paper like The Sentinel, and the cash flume a distance of one and a half mi lés.
must necessarily come from its patrons. This company employs 75 men and has
If you have received a statement, do a large payroll. W. S. Shearer is su­ Keep the money at home and get
not look upon it as a “dun” and east perintendent of the planing mill an<j
——better stock-----
it aside without further consideration, saw mill, Frank McFarland superin­
but walk up to the captain’s office and tendent of timber, C. J. Chambers saw­
assist him in pushing a good thing yer, W. C. Shearer foreman of planer
along. *It will be appreciated. Re­ arid George Orr machinist. Others em­
member, all subscriptions are payable ployed there are C. G. Shearer, George
$. B. MORSS, Prop.
Stanley, Lee Thompson, W. A. Land,
in advance.
“Sir!" thundered the prosecuting at­ Geo. Shields, Fred Brewster, C. Plank,
Phone 471
torney, “you are evading my ques­ J. P. Clark, W. A. Kidney, Geo. Bon­
ham, Geo. Van Schoiack, Bill Plank,
“Darn it,” answered the prisoner be­
fore the bar, “if you knew the facts in E. K. McGilland and Will Clark all at
the case as well as I do, you wouldn’t the planer, and A. B. Wooley, C.
blame me."—Birmingham Age-Herald. Brandt, Leo Wilson, R. McDonald, E.
Little, W. Churchill, W. T. Churchill,
Crop Wan a Failure.
G. W. Churchill, J. Thompson, George
• “I suppose you know of my family Thompson and J. W. Frank, all at the
tree?” said Baron FUcash. “Yep," an­
swered Mr. Cumrox. “It may have been mill, and1 Jim Hanks, L. W. Wilson, J.
a good tree, all right, but it looks .to! L. Lingo, F. Jones, 0. Ross, B. Addi­
me as if the crop was a failure.”— son, L. Bender, A. G. Heaton, G. W.
Hansen, D. Hansen, G. W. Morris, W.
R. Pearson, C. Jones, R. E. Ladd arid
TbougUt lie ivueiv Better.
“Well, anyway, it is safe to say that G. Scott, all in the woods.
to Grow
OU of Wintergreen, Thymol, Glycerine, Etc.,
Used as a Simple Wash
It really seems strange that so many
people suffer year in and year out with
eczema, when it is now no longer a se­
cret that oil of wintergreen mixed with
thymol, glycerine, btc., .makes a wash
that is bound to cure.
Old, obstinate cases, it is true, can­
not be cured in a few days, but there
is absolutely no sufferer from eczema
who ever used this simple wash and
did not find Immediately that won­
derfully soothing, calm, cool sensation
that comes when the itch is taken away.
Instantly upon applying a few drops
of the wash the remedy takes effect,
the itch is allayed. There is no need
of experiment—the patient knows at
»nee. '
Instead of trying to compound the
oil of wintergreen, thymol, glycerine,
etc., in the right proportions ourselves
we are using a prescription which is
universally found the most effective.
It is known as the D. D. D. Prescrip­
tion, or Oil of Wintergreen Compound.
It .is made by the D. D. D. Co. of Chi­
cago, and our long experience with
.!iis remedy has given us great confi­
dence in its merits.
If You will take a Look in our Middle
window you will see just what you need
and want in Men’s Dress and Heavy Shoes.
A Complete Stock of High Tops.
Eight Styles A A Cut­
ters Just Arrived.
Our fall and winter
of Clothing is about all in.
Come and make your .se­
lection while we have a
full round of sizes. . •
Burkholder -
Woods Co.
th ^ID hy - ught
Have You Bought
Your Winter Coat?
When women really want the ballot
they will get it.
“No, I don’t think it would be—er—
quite safe for you to say it in the
Take Advantage of Cottage Grove
presence of
I Citizen’s Experience Before It’s
To Correspond.
Too Late.
“I notice that since Clerklelgh got When the back begins to ache
into dissipated ■ habits he doesn’t use i Don’t wait until backache becomes
the perpendicular style' in his hand­
“No, and lie doesn’t use it in his ;•■ Till serious kidney troubles develop;
walk, either.”
Till urinary troubles destroy night’s
{S tore
Cravenetts at $ \ 0 to $25
Ever Shown in the City. Be sure
to see these coats before you buy.
iofit by a Cottqge Grove citizen’s ex­
Anxious Friend—Gayman, you ought
to do something for that uncontrolla­ perience.
ble thirst of yours, and you ought to ! Mrs. E. B. Sherman, of Cottage Grove
do it quick.
pre., sais: “Kidneydisease cameon me
Gayman (putting on his hat)—I’m gradually and I was in a serious condi­
ready to go and join you in o'ne right
tion before I realized it. I had pains in
now, old chap!
my sides, hips and loins and was always
worn out. J became weak and was sub­
“You look sweet enough to kiss," ject to headaches and dizzy spells. My
Bays the impressed young man.
¡feet and ankles were swollen so badly at
“So many gentlemen tell; me that,"
times that I could not put on my shoes.
coyly answers the fair girl.
“Ah! That should make you happy." ■¡‘A friend advised me to use Doan’s Kid­
“But they merely say. that,” she rei ney; ills and I procured a box at Ben­
pines. “They merely tell me the fact son’s harmacy. I noticed a wonderful
ozrois'of the 'Week.
improveme in a short time. The kidneys
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, of; became normal, the backaches ceased
McKibben’s Spur, on Friday, Oct. 29, ffi and all the other disagreeable symptons
were banished. I am now feeling better
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Max Darward than in a long time and owe my present
of Goudyville, bn Friday, Oct. 29, a good health to Doan’s Kidney ills?"
For sale by all dealers. ' rice 50 cbnts
Born,- to Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
Shortridge of Cottage Grove, on,Thurs­ sole agents for the United States.
day, October 28, a son.
Remember the name—Doan’s— and
take no other.
no. 12
Entertain Leaguers.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Conner enter­
Holiday goods bought from Scholl,
tained the Epworth League members the jeweler—new Woodward building­
at their pleasant home on Wall street will be safely stored until Xmas. See
last Saturday night, the occasion being his stock.
a Halloween party. The rooms were
The Masonic lodge will hold a meet­
handsomely decorated with roses and ing tomorrow night
Wheeler-Thompson Co
Logical Conclusion.
Large Sample Rooms
. Strictly First Class
------- _1_
My baking is
always successful—
I always use
O lympic F loue is made from
carefully selected Northwestern
F wheat, thoroly cleanedand scoured
by the most modern methods known.
All the nutritious qualities of the
wheat are retained and it reaches you
clean and pure and wholesome. If your
dealer can’t supply you, write us and we’ll
tell you who can—but don’t take any
other than Olympic—insist upon it.
«riAtîo/nd eilauMM
—“there isn’t any just
as good.
New Brick Annex
Rooms with Bath