ter understood when the tendency was $11. One year: later her hus­ If this be not true what has been ing the interests of the city. And T. A. ANDERSON, of prices to rise receives a more ser­ band died leaving $10,000 life in­ the fruit ot all these centuries of why not? The city is theirs to ruin PIANO TUNER ious check than either of the last two. surance. This bears out The Senti­ preaching and teaching? The stand­ or prosper. The same sense of ob­ BY LEW. A. CATES. j# ligation should prompt them to ard of morality was never so high There are no present indications nels contention that it pays to ad- Subscription Rates. support it as prompted our Teuton ­ as now. Things were tolerated and of that, though shrewd observers in vertise. One Year____ ...__ _________ $1.50 All Orders left at Marion Veatch’s will . regarded as quite proper during the ic ancestors in the forests of Ger­ Six Months__..._____ _____ __ .75 business centers are beginning to “HELLO, BILL” Three Months___ ____ .________ .40 ask how far the high cost of living last fifty years that would be wholly many to stand elbow to elbow in be given prompt and Careful Attention. No subscription taken unless paid for There is something of real hearty out of place now. The world is protection of their village. The in advance. This rule is imperative. is going to retard pesterity. Probably the first effect will come good nature in the greeting,“Hello, moving forward. We are living in same spirit of loyalty should inspire Advertising Rates. Display 12J cents per inch under sixty through the remarkable changes Bill,” that makes it the expression the brightest and best day of the them as fired the highland Scot to inches; 10 cents per inch over sixty inch­ that have been made in our foreign of comradery the country over, not world’s history. The men who shed his blood for the welfare of es. Reading notices, 5 cents per line each only among the members of the taught and wrought in bible times his clan. The country town with STILL WE GROW insertion. Want ads. 1 cent per word; trade. Exports continue to fall off no ad. less than 15 cents. Rates on posi­ and imports to increase, regardless Elks, who have made this greeting were superior when measured by all its faults, is rightly governed, tion made known on application. WHY? of the end of the tariff agitation to famous, but by all who possess a the standards of that day, but they best enlightened, most moral and OFFICE, FIFTH ST., SOUTH OF POSTOFf ICE which that change was first attribut- j jovial manner. If there is a con­ would be wonderfully deficient if happiest spot in civilization. It’s a BECAUSE: This is a strong, careful, safe and good, safe place, not too fast, nor Entered at the Cottage Grove Postoffice ed. During three summer months vention, or any gathering which living now. as Second Class Mail Matter. successful institution, It is a grow­ yet too slow. there was an excess of imports for brings people from diffetent sections ABOUT WHISKERS. ing, active, up-to-date bankin every together, this greeting will be heard the first time in ten years. The Sentinel is in receipt of The particular. Evidently high prices are en- on all sides, whether they are old The edict that has gone forth that Evening News, Roseburg’s new Your account will be appreciated couraging sales to us and discour- friends and acquaintances or perfect men must again wear beards will daily paper, and wants to attest to by the bank and your interests will strangers. The Sentinel does * not i undoubtedly meet with the- disap- always be carefully considered. ♦ aging purchases from us. We are its merits. Typographically The . THE NEW DENTISTRY. Our funds are protected by a mod­ gentler sex of CotUge running up a debtor balance which know how the expression original- proval of News is an improvement over the ern burglar proof safe and burglar No inconsiderable is heard about must some time be settled with ex­ ed,\why every stranger should be i Grove. “A kiss without a mustache general run of publications of it insurance. the new school of prophylactic den­ ports at lower prices. Bill to every other stranger, rather is like an egg without salt,” says class, while from a news standpoint tistry in the profession and it is ev­ than John or Amos, .Tom, Dick or one of Kipling’s native girls. But Capital and Surplus it starts out well. Roseburg should en more interesting out of it. The SOME PET SUPERSTITIONS. Harry. Perhaps it had its begin­ $30,000.00 she wasn ’ t a Cottage Grove girl give The News a hearty welcome prospect of keeping undecayed teeth ning in the Harvard class song of If y>au are not a Customer of this The news that men are to allow a People in these days speak and and cordial support. The Sentinel through life instead of carrying the quaint American humorist, hairy growth to obscure their faces Bank, let this be your invitation to write very patronizingly of the old holds that a newspaper of the right enough metal in one’s mouth to become one. Oliver Wendell Holmes, entitled,' after years of smooth-shaven exis­ stamp can accomplish more good support an issue of mining stock is ages of superstition, rejoicing that “Bill and Joe.” It begins: Undivided Profits tence should raise-.a shriek of pro­ toward advancing the material in­ highly attractive. The Sentinel they have passed, and that the world • ‘Come, dear old comrade, you and I $17,000oo test from wives and sweethearts, has entered on a wiser and saner terests of a community than any does not understand that the Will steal an hour from days gone by, and The Sentinel, believing that it era. But, if the truth be told, every other single agency, and the public- The shining days when life was new. new dentistry promises much econ­ omy, because the constant attention age has had its pet superstitions, And all was bright with morning dew, understands their rightful position spirited people of any town should, OF COTTAGE GROVE in the premises, stands ready to look well to their support. The from childhood to prevent decay and if some have vanished, they The lusty days of long ago, When you were Bill and I was Joe? ’ champion their cause. have been replaced by others quite News has our best wishes. will probably be as costly to the Probably Bill has survived as the There’s something clean, smooth patient and as profitable to the pro­ aS irrational. In old pagan days, The reader’s attention is called to synonym of comradery because it is the Greeks and Romans before en ­ and —kissable looking about a man fession as the present refined black­ The Sentinel today. It is probably EUGENE ORE. more euphonious in conjection with direct from the hands of the tonsor- smith work. But it will be more tering on any important business, the largest and mpst complete news­ hello. Hello, Bill runs trippingly consulted the Delphic oracle, the ial artist. A shave, massage and Rooms 8 and 10, McClung Building attractive to all except the young paper ever published in Cottage Paul Merrill, President lady who wanted her sound teeth Cumean Sybil or Virgilian Dots. from the tongue, as most of the powder perform wonders. A mus­ Grove. It has sixteen pages, con­ Fred G. Stickels, Sec’y. adorned with the ornamental glitter Now many persons consult the other familiar names wold not. It tache, of course, -isn’t so bad; and a taining much valuable reading mat­ Abstracts prepared and furnished. is resounding, melodious and carries clairvoyants and the psychic medi­ VanDyke is rather distinguished of gold fillings. Titles Examined. far when uttered with unction. and foreign looking, but those half ter aside from that of a local char­ Real Estate Loans. Most readers know the jaw-break­ ums. acter. Prices and terms are reasonable. Hello, Bill is distinctly American. grown mustaches that have the ap­ In those old tinies certain days ing word prophylactic from ancient ■ Your calls or letters are. always wel- , William J. Gaynor was elected come. tales of rings and charms. It means and numbers were supposed to be It is the open sesame to hospitality. pearance of misplaced eyebrows, and Money to loan at six per cent on It savors of the welcome of the long malevolent, The idea that Friday the great shaggy beards that make mayor of New York on Tuesday ‘ what prevents disease instead of 1 Estate. lost brother. It is one of the out ­ is a day or evil omen, comes from the wearer look like a cave dweller, by a plurality of about 70,000. what cures it. Dentistry as now practiced is really destructive sur­ the fact that Christ was crucified on growths of the homogeneous spirit are probably the cause of the origi­ Twenty-seven prominent timber gery like that of the ancient saw that day, and the supersiition that of citizenship that pervades' this nal clean-shave fad, dealers of Cheboygan, Michigan, Their beardlessness is one of the and searing iron. It cuts away the thirteen is a malevolent number land from one end to the other.' with their families, arrived in Port­ State pride and local pride are not reasons for American men usually diseased part and replaces it With arises from the incident that at the land last week to make Oregon metal as the ancient surgeon would Last Supper thirteen sât down at wanting, but when Americans get; looking younger than their wives, their future homes. chop off a crooked leg and substi­ the table, and one of them was the together from vast distances they! if we may be permitted to make the The Spokane Ajpple^show will be tute a straight stick. Dentistry al­ arch-traitor, Judas. Today many are at heart like members of one] comparison without inciting a rigid great family, and Hello, Bill is-the! wise people decline to start on a boycot. A woman who married a the greatest exhibit of apples ever ready has achieved the orthopedic Surgery of straightening crooked journey or enter into any business noisy and merry hailing-sign oil ! man with a full beard twenty years held anywhere in the world. General Repairing. ago might worry herself thin should teeth instead of substituting false enterprise on Friday. Our own their brotherhood. In the thirty days that the low her liege lord and master part with ones. The next step is to prevent President McKinley would never ALL MEN NOT LAWYERS. his whiskers today. It is, The Sen­ colonist rates were in force on the All work guaranteed Satisfactory. the decay of teeth so that they need inaugurate any public affair or sign Phone 114. transcontinental lines, the (). R. any important document oh a Fri ­ The necessity of a legal adviser tinel believes, the younger genera­ not be subjected to the butchery of and N. brought 7164 ’ homeseekers saws and files and drills. Some day. There are kings and emper­ in attendance upon meetings was tion of women who are most strong­ to Oregon and Washington points. Beaulieu & Woodard dentists believe this to be wholly ors who still cherish the same su­ made apparent at Monday night’s ly opposed to the be whiskered man. perstition, council session when the aldermanic Their mothers may have a secret Spokane’s mayor has been fined possible and near at hand. Great rulers have been noted for body had up for discussion and fondnees for facial hirsute adorn­ fifty cents for failure to pay his wa­ They lay down the law that a clean tooth never decays on the an absurd faith in omens, Napole- adoption an ordinance providing ment in their “men folks,” Mother ter assessment. i i the sale of municipal bonds. says, fondly reminiscent, “I remem­ foundation fact that the self-clean­ on regarded the breaking of a look- for If Dr. Cook is a liar he certainly • * • ing surfaces of teeth are never at­ ing-glass as a presage of death or ' There were several important points ember, dear, when your father wore belongs to a cheerful class. dire calamity. The kaiser is not j a full beard and mustache, and he in connection therewith that requir ­ tacked. All that dental prophylax­ Sales - Promptly - Effected. Get the Cottage Grove spirit and is has to do, they say, is too keep devoid of superstitions, which to ( ed the advice of a dici pie of Black­ was the handsomest man in all the < and it was eventually found country ’round. When he came you will speedily develop into a real Office corner Main and Second Sts., all the surfaces, inside and outside people in general seem absurd. The stone, one block west of depot. ’ Phone Main and between the teeth, as mechan­ czar possesses a ring set with a bit j necessary to rout one from his slum­ to me one day without that beard I booster. 921. no35mch]9 of the True Cross, which he always | felt as though there was a stranger bers. The ordinary citizen cannot ically or chemically dean as the ; expected to be familiar with com­ in the house.” small areas completely protected by wears as a talisman against evil. be ■ usages of law, much less its The only man who can welcome nature keep themselves. When Queen Victoria had an uncanny mon dentists find out how to do this, horror of cats; so also had Lord technicalities and there are grave the return of whiskers is the one of perhaps doctors will discover how Roberts. The black cat is an ob- , dangers lurking about a legislative cadaverous face, whose gaunt look to keep us well instead of curing ject of morbid terror to many people assembly that attempts the trans­ could be thus be side-tracked. us, and we shall pay them for it as both great and small. Bismark had action of important business with­ SHOULD HAVE HEED. a superstitious reverance for the out thorough knowledge of its cheerfully. numeral three as his lucky number. ground. The Cottage Grovecoun- Some thought should be giveu to NOT A NEW GRIEVANCE. The ancient regard for seven as a cil, let it be said, is acting cautious­ the report of Health Officer Ogles­ The American people confront sacred and symbolic number still ly as well as expeditiously in the by, which appears elsewhere in The with considerable equanimity an in­ endures, and we see this idea car­ promotion of the proposed water Sentinel today. There seems to be definite period of higher cost of liv­ ried out in church architecture and system, and thus far The Sentinel lack of interest in the public health ing. The Sentinel hears it on ev­ decorations. Many men, sailors can see no place wherein it has made If, as he alleges, there is failure on Children delight in wading through all ery hand; in private conversations and theatrical people, are noted for the slightest mistake, but ’t:s well the part of property owners to con­ the puddles on ¿he sidewalk and they their superstitions. Kipling is al ­ ■ it is a topic for discussion, while at all times to be on the safe side. nect with sewers to the detriment of would rather walk in the snow beside the walk, with newspapers and periodicals it ways careful to avoid seeing the the general health of the communi­ than anywhere else. ARE WE BETTER? new moon over his left shoulder. is an ever-ready theme. But it is ty, the proper means should be em­ This is hard on the shoes—no shoe will stand it in­ not a new grievance, because the Zola was a victim of many petty An editorial in the Bibical World, ployed to compel such action. No definitely. All you can do is to get the strongest shoes increased cost of living between five superstitions. The use of the horse­ a publication by the University of individual, or set of individuals, you can buy, without getting them too coarse and and ten years provoked a general shoe as an emblem of good luck Chicago and edited by the1 faculty should be permitted to jeopardize heavy, • demand for higher wages all over dates from that remote time when a of the Divinity school there, has set the health of their neighbors, as is the country. That demand was of device of this shape traced in blood up a large-sized theological ¿ontro- the case under existing conditions, necessity met and no material re­ was placed on the doors of the Is­ versy by frankly questioning the according to the evidence at had. duction was made in the depression raelites to ward off the murderous value of the scriptures ir ethical The health officer demands that an For Boys For Girls of two years ago. In this manner attacks upon their first born. teaching. Christ’s use of wine is i improved state of affairs be speedily Business men who believe Friday wage earners adjusted themselves cited as an example of matter that brought about, and his position in to thé higher cost of living. The to be a day of evil omen still, cite controverts the ideas of to.al absti­ the premises' should be sustained by These shoes are made of the best leather, especially selected. The boys shoes are made by the welt process—the best known method of industry of agricultural production Jay Gould’s “Black Friday” as a nence. It points out that he effect the entire community, If not the fastening soles and uppers tbgether. The girls shoes are made in both found means of similar adjustment justification of their belief. Many of the traditional use of th« bible as important office' should be declared welt and turn soles. probably closely connected with the other superstitions, cherished not a compendium of ethics was the vacant, for if his opinions are of no They are made on good fitting lasts .and will not hurt the feet or injure only by the ignorant masses but by. industrial prosperity of both manu­ presence in the church of vast num­ value he is a needless expense. their shape. Both boys and girls shoes are dressy and attractive looking the wisest people, might be men­ bers of conscientious Chrisians who facturers and workingmen. with wonderful wearing qualities. . An event of more than ordinary tioned. Many poets, romancers and The increased consuming power are “entirely devoid of semitiveness Security Watch with Every Pair f of persons employed in industry, even scientists and philosophers to those moral issues whicl are most interest is the signing of an agree­ Each purchaser of Security School ment by and between James J. Jef ­ have been addicted to absurd super ­ whethet. as capitalist or laborers’, put real in our modern industrial and Shoes is entitled to one of these hand­ fries and Jack Johnson,' which in­ some watches for only 50 cents. up prices of food products. Prob­ stitions. People shall see visions social life.” There isn’t a dollar watch on the ably that is the chief explanation of and dream dreams, and attempt to The Sentinel steadfastly main­ sures a battle for the world’s heavy­ market as good. It is guaranteed for one year. We couldn’t afford to make this offer except the higher prices for farm produce pry into matters not given unto tains that the average man of today weight championship. This slug­ as an -inducement for you to try Security School Shoes. that reconcile farmers to the higher men to know. But the great mys­ is far superior to the mar