SUCCESSOR TO THE WESTERN OREGON VOLUME IV COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCT. 26. 1909 NUMBER 5 um, calcium, silicate and magnesium. the council adjourned, upon motion of There is nothing miraculous about this- Aiderman Lawson. process—it is simply a natural law. Ore Shows Up Good. The hotel at London, were it pro-; The Twin Rocks Gold Mining and vided with accommodations for hun ­ Calapooya Mineral Water Fast dreds instead of dozens, should be of The Rev. Adams Discusses the Convenes in Adjourned Session Milling company, of which Louis Club Women Spend Afternoon Gaining Reputation. Hartley is president and general mana­ insufficient capacity when the real Teachings of Jesus. Saturday Night. Very Agreeably. ger, has completed assessment work merits of this truly wonderful water for the year; Mr. Hartley was in Cot ­ have ' become _known to the world., HOTEL MAY OPEN ALL YEAR During the past summer season many OTHER LECTURES TO FOLLOW LITTLE BUSINESS IS DONE tage Grove over Sunday. He said his company has been cross-cutting to DELEGATE MAKES A REPORT persons front various parts of the west catch a large vein, the length of this, have received benefit from a stay here, Something of the Wonderful Water Holds that While Christ Was Sent to Aiderman Lawson Authorized to Solicit cut being about 300 feet. Outside of Meeting Being of Humorous Character and the demand is rapidly ihcréasing. That Gushes Forth From the Rock Ample bathing facilities are provided, ' Save the World Rather Than to Teach Funds to Relieve East Side of Rail­ this there is 125 feet of tunnel.. The Ladies Vie With Each Other to Cre­ Adjacent to the Picturesque Coast It, He Satd Things that Are Closely consisting of steam, mud and hot water way of Flood Water, City to Bear ' company has been three years on ate Laughter.—Organization’s Work Fork of the Willamette. assessment work, and has ■. fine crop­ is Complimented. baths, and cooling rooms. The bath­ Woven in the Social Fabric. Part of Expense. pings. The ledge shows good at a depth The management of the hotel at the ing department is under the supervis­ The Rev., Selden Adams', pastor of Councilman Elledge having returned of twenty feet. This company has ; The Woman's Club met in its first Calapooya Mineral Springs, > twelve ion of a graduated physician. the “•Presbyterian church, last Sunday from the Bohemia mining district, the eleven claims. Mr. Hartley has been i regular session for the season on Satur- miles south of Cottage Grove, over a evening delivered the first of a series municipal legislative body was able to in Bohemia continuously for sixteen i day afternoon at the Commercial club Making a New Home. picturesque country highway, is consid­ ■of lectures on “The Social Teaching ering the advisability of making it a M. N. Lewis of Divide ^recently pur- of Jesus,” taking his text from John get a quorum at the adjourned regular years. He has owned and sold several I parlors, with Mrs. Lillian Goodman chased forty acres of land, one mile meeting on Saturday night, and the different properties, and h'e thinks the ■ ..presiding. The attendance was large year-’round hostelry, numerous appli­ Nor- 2:2; “And both Jesus was called, and vote cast at the? special election was camp has a better outlook today than and the meeting profitable as well as cations having been received àsking south of that place, from John man, and is completing a house and his disciples, to the marriage.” After canvassed, and other business trans­ ever before. - There has, he says, been ; enjoyable. No business was transact- for accommodations since it closed a barn on the property at a cost of $1000. briefly outlining the social principles acted. Aiderman Atkison, Elledge, more development work in other years, ed, the afternoon being consumed by month ago. And it is possible that the of JesUs, the speaker showed how Kime and Lawson answered to roll call but this year shows up more good ore. the report of Mrs. N. E. Compton, who hotel will be re-openéd for the winter The, land' is known as the Frank Hull psychological and sociological scien­ ■homestead, and adjoins Mr. Lewis ’ 180 by Recorder Van Denberg. Mayor Job Mr. Hartley returned to the Bohemia was a delegate to the Federation of months. The curative properties of acres, whiph he has rented. He will tists are discovering that what science presided. ■ oi? Tuesday, going to Sailor’s Gulch, Woman’s Clubs at Forest Grove; and the Calapooya water is responsible for clear his new purchase, and till .the is reaching out after, Jesus Christ .de­ A communication from Civil Engineer where he will work on his own claims a humurous story -read by Mrs. C. P. these applications. Its merits are be­ clared many centuries ago. While His Roberts, now at Medford, asking that during the greater part of the winter. Jones, and also a reading in Irish dia­ soil. coming known over a wide range of mission was not primarily to teach the he be given an opportunity to act as lect by Mrs. Compton, which was much territory with each succeeding year, world but' to save the world, iHe. said consulting engineer in the-construetion appreciated. A few short humurous and many who would be rejuvenated many things that form the warp and of the proposed water system, was laid stories by members of the club conclud­ are seeking ite favors. Ponce DeLeon, woof of our social fabric. On no sub­ Over until the next regular session. ed the program. following his discovery of Florida, ject was He more pronounced than on I The register in the meanwhile, will Mrs. Compton’s report was very in­ sought vainlyx for the “fountain of that of the family and the marital have replies to letters of inquiry re­ Large Tract Near This City Put teresting and the members gained some City Well Contains Colon Bacilli perpetual youth,” which the traditions state. However, in the mind of many, garding Mr. Roberts’ qualifications splendid ideas to 'be used in carrying of the natives told him existed'some­ According to Analysis. on Open Market. the. family as an institution is now on from several cities where he had been' on the. good work of the club. It was where in the interior of a vast country. trial for its life. ■ As our manner, of employed. gratifying to each one present to hear Had he journeyed far toward the set­ living changes the family life is' In this connection Alderman Kime in­ ' .the praise .given the .Cottage Grove ting sun into the beautiful valley of IS NOW OUT OF COMMISSION greatly influenced. * There are those troduced Mr. R. E. Griswold, a civil UNCLE SAM PRESENT OWNER club by Mrs. Sarah Evans, president of: the Coast Fork river he would prob­ who claim that domestic unity is in- engineer who lately located here,- and the Oregon Federation of Woman’s ably have 'come, nearer realizing the consistant With the absolute social that gentleman said he had had four­ Clubs. Mrs. Compton said: “Our club dreams of his informers -than else­ State Board of Health Makes Examin­ unity vested in the state. “Family teen years experience in engineering Seventy-Five Million Feet of Standing received the most' praise of any club in ation of Water and An Adverse Re ­ Timber, Covering Three and a Half where on the continent, for here one supremacy will be absolutely incom- practice and thought he could handle the port is the Result;—Municipsl Water Thousand Acres, Twenty Miles From the state. It has accomplished of nature’s laboratories is constantly patiable with , an interdependent sol- the .undertaking satisfactorily. He most, and our work in securing a city Should be Used. Cottage Grove, Being Bid For, at work compounding a remedy for idaric commonwealth,” says Grönlund. would' give tfie matter more careful park was- considered wonderful and prolonging life. The Calapooya springs _ Ralph C. Maison, bacteriologist to In “The Cooperative Commonwealth in Recording one of the biggest sales of' commended highly, as was also our cru- consideration, and might make a prop- are found at London. Here this great the" State Board of Health, declares its Outlines/” Bebel says, “Christian 'osition to the council at its next meet­ timber' ever planned by the Forestry sade against unlovely yards and our hygiénic water bursts out of the solid that water from the city well in the doctrine exhibits the same contempt ing. Referring to the paving, Mr. Service, bids are being received by the' method of awarding prizes for the best rock from the river banks, not a dozen street adjoining the ice factory con­ for woman which all. Oriental religions Griswold said he had been with the Government on 175,0.00,0.00 feet of tim­ kept yards in .the city.” ‘ The manner feet from where he who loves piscator­ tains colon bacilli, and consequently is manifest.” Barber Asphalt company of St. Louis ber located on a tract near Cottage in which the points were counted for' ial amusement may whip for speckled unfit for use. Some weeks ago Dr. Such teachings as these have no several years, and was thoroughly Grove. Supervisor S. C. Bartrum, of the back and front ..yards originated mountain beauties, with an incessant Oglesby secured a quantity, of this part with Christianity. When Rome familiar with street improvement Roseburg, is in charge of and with the civic improvement committed flow of 14,400 gallons per day of water, placed it in a sterlized bottle, was in its power the father could do as Work. bids Will be received until November of which Mrs. A. B. Wood, Mrs. H. O. twenty-four hours, and is. bottled for packed the bottle in ice and forwarded he pleased with’ his son. He could- Aiderman Atkison reported that the 19. Thompson and Mrs. J. DuBrille com­ shipment just as the hand of the it to the State Board of Health for ex­ marry him at his will' and divorce him foot-bridge across the river had been The immense timber holding is locat­ prise the1 members. This was consider­ Almighty created it in the bowels of amination. The action was prompted again just as readily. He could even repaired. ed about 20 miles from Cottage Grove ed such a good plan that Mrs. Compton the earth. Its mission, that of bestow­ by the fact that- a large number of take his grown' son’s life if he wished. An additional light had been ordered and the nearest boundary, line of the received many requests for the method ing health and happiness to mankind, citizens using the water had suffered While Constantine.'may not be the . fin­ placed Mjth.e Durham corner by Aider­ tract is only a mile; from thp end of the employed from the: delegates attending. is far' from being fulfilled, notwith­ with dysentary, and attributed the est model of a saint, a change began man Lawson; who so reported,- saying Oregon & Southeastern Railway, the One especially notable suggestion standing the fact that for ’ countless malady to this cause, the well having to appear With him. Under Justinian that tramps .had been milking Mr. tracks of which extend from Cottage Mrs;.Compton received, at the Forest years ere the restless white man en­ been in use about a month during the the son had full control over his acqui­ Durham’s cows and he thought a light Grove to Disston, Less than six miles Grove meeting, she said, the man­ croached upon the domain of his red dry season. Mr. Stiller, of the Cot­ sitions. When Jesus wished to teach at that point was necessary for the of spur track will be required to trans­ ner in which the Woman’s club of Port­ brother, the Indian had partaken free­ tage Grove Creamery Company first us about God, He taught us to say, protection of his property. He also port the timber from the tract, to the land helps to fight the great white ly of its waters. as a remedial treat­ discovered impurities in the water. A “Our Father.” His first miracle was spoke of 'placing additional lights •railway. The tract' is comprised 'of plague. The club supplies the- teach­ ment for his ills? Tribes made annual large vat filled with it gave off a de­ performed at a wedding supper. While throughout the city, and commented at 3500 acres and overlooks the Row ers of the public schools with squares pilgrimages to this beauty spot and cidedly disagreeable odor, and an an­ in the years of his ministry He had no some length upon existing conditions. River. of clean white cloth used in case pitched their tepees for a season of re­ alysis was made at that time. The place to lay His head, the first twenty­ As chairman- of the light co.mmitee, The almost all old growth a child has not a handkerchief or the juvenation. It is the same ideal re­ report was to the effect that the water seven years of his life were spent at he said Mr. Shinn, of the Lighting Co., Douglas fir with a small per cent of parents are too poor to provide them sort today—a beautiful and picturesque was filled with decayed, vegetable mat­ -home. He made frequent visits, for had made him a proposition for a re­ cedar, pine and hemlock, and it is be­ with one, the cloth being burned after valley, surrounded by mountains, and ter under seams' in the rock', which rest at the home of Lazarus, in Beth­ duction in prices, tire minimum charge, lieved, will bring at least $2 a thous­ using. This prevents boys from wiping 800 feet above sea level. collected in the shale. Samples were any. / His treatment of women was for the year to. be $3,500. Mr. Atki­ and feet. Only the timber and not the their proboscis on their coat sleeves The water from the Calapooya then sent to Dr. Robt. C. Yenney, sec­ not with contempt. He asked the son suggested that the light com­ land Will be sold by the government. and girls from using their skirts in an spring is a murated saline water equal retary of the State Board of Health, woman at the well for a drink of water, mittee look into the matter thorough­ The forrestry service figures that suffi­ emergency. There are also many other to any of the renowned spring waters who caused an analysis to be made, but gave her of the water of life. The ly and report at the next' meeting, and cient merchantable timber will be left offensive details in connection with ca­ on the tract to reseed the area. tarrhal diseases of school children of Europe and America. As Baden- as stated above. Following is' a copy woman who touched the hem of His. his suggestion was accepted. garment became whole. Instead of which with proper training and a little Baden, Carlsbad and Harrougate are of the bacteriologist’s report: Under the caption of unfinished busi­ “I have to report examination of making a drudge of women he pointed ness the vote of the special election LOG DRIVER DROWNED. attention could be overcome, and pre­ to Europe, as Saratoga is to the east, vent the spreading of contagious dis­ and as Arkansas Hot . Springs are to specimen of water received from Dr. out to Martha the folly of “being cum­ Was officially canvassed with the result the south, so the Calapooya Springs Oglesby of Cottage Grove, Oregon. bered with much serving.” His .last heretofore published by The Sentinel. Deaf and Dumb McDonald Finds Wa- eases. Mrs. Comtpon continuing said . tery Grave on McKenzie. that the pure food' and milk crusade are destined to become to the west—a Upon examination of this water I have thought on the cross was“for his wid­ There were 160 votes cast for a bond t iworld-famous resort for the afflicted. found Colon Bacilli in . the same, and owed mother. Edward McDonald, a logger who had was also discussed, quoting figures on issue of $100,000 'for the purpose of On. the subject of divorce Jesus constructing a pipe line from Lay ng engaged to work for the Booth-Kelly the number of germs in a drop of im­ (While this beverage cannot arrest the Would, therefore, consider this Water flight of time, it can and does so assist unsafe for drinking or domestic pur­ taught that there was but 'one cause, creek to connect with the present Lumber company in bringing their log pure milk and the number of babies That a man should leave his father municipal water system,.of which num­ drive down the McKenzie river to the that had died in Portland in a year from nature that health and strength may poses,” The well, which has a depth of 80 and mother and cleave to his wife, and ber 132 were for and 28 against. be retained to a ripe old age. It has Coburg millg, lost his life Monday at the effect of drinking it,. She said: been demonstrated again and again feet, will be put out of further com­ that .they should become one flesh, The question of disposing of flood water Dutch Henry’s place. The entire crew “We in Cottage. Grove are hot in great made'divorce' a sin against nature-and east of the railway tracks during the of eight men, including Superintendent danger from impure milk, yet each [that this tonic water contains the mission. polygamy too loathsome to be men­ winter months was introduced. Amid Hagen and Foreman Dick Whilow, mother should be sure her baby is get­ nutritive principals of nearly all tissues BOOSTERS WILL RALLY. tioned. .The Christian family is the the discussion. Aidermen Lawson and were present at the time. McDonald, ting milk from a healthy cow and be of the human body. It. is really a great blood builder and contains food Commercial Club Plans an Old-Time happy family. It may not be ,without Kime made diagrams of a diteh in who was deaf and dumb, slipped from especially warned to have' the milk its troubles, but they are like the that section in order to get a more per­ a rock on which he was standing into tested if she should move to-a largp« [for muscle, nerve and bone. Yet all Gathering at Its .Rooms. city.” of these being combined in such an The Commercial club will hold one of temporary stopping of the stream, fect uriderstnading of the situation. water about 20 feet deep. The following stories were told at [even proportion that it is retained and its good old-fashioned rallies in the near which, thanks to the law of forgive­ Aiderman Lawson thought property ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING. the meeting, it being a humurous ses­ ¡relished by the most delicate. Owing future, preparations for. which are now ness, flows on. again more merrily than holders to be benefited would subscribe Ko the fact that most stomach trouble in the hands of the committee oh enter­ before. In the Christian home, where half the necessary money, to...drain the Nine-Year-Old Lad Seriously Injures sion : Visitor at Insane, Asylum: “Why ¡have their origin in either an excess of tainment. Invitations will be issued the' man marries for love and not for district, and inquired if the city could His Litttle Brother. does that patient keep repeating 39, [acid or alkali, this water has a broad to a large number of citizens, and an lust, and the- Woman marries with a provide the balance. After having Carl McCoy, aged nine years, acci­ 39?” ¡field of usefulness in these conditions evening will .doubtless be pleasantly higher motive than simply to get her, been given an affirmative assurance, Keeper: “That was the number of ■nd over ninety per -cent of sufferers and profitably spent. The primary ob­ board; in the Christian home where Aiderman Elledge moved that Alder­ dentally shot his four-year-old brother Brom stomach disorders have found not ject of these gatherings is to create a children are welcomed on their arrival man Lawson be authorized to solicit bn Sunday last while hunting rabbits buttons on his wife’s' waist. ”—Mrs. H. ¡only present but permanent relief from new interest in the organization and and brought up in the nurture and. subscriptions for the purpose named in the woods with a 22-calibre rifle. A. 'Miller. Its use. For the cure of rheumatism the splendid work it is accomplishing. admonition of the Lord, we find the and the motion prevailed unanimously, The bullet entered one' corner of the Cottage Grove Sunday School Teach­ ■nd kidney troubles it is invaluable, even the councilman from the third youngster’s eye and came out through er: “Little boy, have, you a spirit?” At a meeting of the club, on Monday highest ideal of earthly happiness. the jaw. While in quite a serious con ­ ■s it contains principles which tend to night there was a comparatively large favoring the proposition. UNCLE SAM WANTS BIDS. Little boy: “No ma’am, but I have dition, the child, whose name is Dale, ■eutralize the acid which accumulates attendance. It was decided to repair Mayor Job called the attention of will probably recover. a small pop-gun.”—Mrs. B.R. Job. In the system and causes these ail- and open the bowling alley four even­ Contracts for Carrying Star Route the council to the necessity of 'having kents. In all cases of blood troubles ings each week commencing next Tues­ Mail to be Awarded. Little Girl: “Mamma, what day was Shipping Much Lumber. additional copies of the city charter ■nd skin diseases its effects are, mar­ day. ■ 1_____ On July 1 next the contracts now in printed, saying that the last issue had T. B. Hankins of the Row River I born on?” velous. Mamma: “Thursday, dear.” Ash to Be Extended. force for carrying the mails over the practically dissapeared-. Aiderman Law- Lumber Co. was in Cottage Grove on Little Girl: “Wasn’t that fortunate ; Ash street will be extened to Nokes four Star routes out of Cottage Grove son moved that a committee of two be Saturday enroute to Portland on busi­ I The water has been carefully ana- ■zed by the chemists of the Oregon avenue, a distance of approximately expires, and the Postoffice department app ointed to revise the charter and get ness. Last month his company shipped Thursday is your at holme day.”—Mrs; State University and contains the fol­ five blocks. Mr. J. I, Jones has re­ this week advertises for bids over these estimates on the cost of printing 150 540,000 feet of lumber, and Mr. Han­ H. O. Thompson. lowing inorganic salts per litre: 3odi- moved fruit trees in his young prize routes for the ensuing four years, bids copies', and report, at the next meeting. kins expects October to make a better Little Girl: “Jesus wasn’t at church ■m Chloride, 2.0692; Sodium Silicate, orchard to give room for the highway,; to be received until January 4. The The motion prevailed, and the mayor showing. this morning, mamma; he was visit­ ■292; Magnesium Chloride, .1584; Cal- and Mr. Nokes has graded the street routes are to Lorane, a distance of appointed Aiderman Lawson and At­ Passing of a Pioneer. ing.” ■um Chloride, 1.5368; Iron and Alum beyond; which is outside of the city twelve miles; to Black Butte, eighteen kison. The ldtter asked to be excus­ J. C. Reavis, a pioneer of Wallowa Mother: “What makes you think ' _______ miles; Bohemia, thirty-five miles and ed on account of contemplated absence ■hloride, .0160. Note the natural dis- limits. county, died suddenly last week of par­ so?” from Disston to Orseco, twelve miles. from the city and Aiderman Kime was ■ibution of these salts in harmony Tax Money Is Wanted. alysis. Mr. Reavis was known to some Little Girl: “Why; they all sang, ■¡th those conditions which make for A number of people have not paid The mail goes from Cottage Grove to named. This gentleman also begged of the citizens of Cottage Grove. Those Jesus .is calling today. Mrs. J. C. ■erfeet health in the human economy. their sewer assessment, and as the Disston over the Oregon & Southeast­ off, and Aiderman Elledge-was appoint­ who knew him best called him “Uncle Johnson. ern. ed under protest, he too declaring that Joe.” He was greatly beloved, and it Hh diseases that are curable are cured contractor cannot get his Warrants he would be absent from town. The was often said of him that he “sneaked ■ a natural manner through the circu- cashed until these aré paid it is impor- Rink Will Be> Razed. Little Girl: “Mamma, what makes ■tion; the constituent parte of the hu- , tant that heed should be given ' to the The skating rink building on South list of aidermen had, however, been 'ex­ around doing good. ” my hair crackle and snap so when you '______ ' ■an organism that are carried by the matter. Fourth street, ‘ owned by Mr. Will hausted and the appointment -of neces­ comb it?” Will Settle With Creditors. ■wd vessels and transude through the No Party Discrimination. Cooper, will be razed, Mr. Ira Randall, sity ljad to stand. Mamma: “That is the electricity in Mr. Abrams, assignee of thé W. A. it.” ■.alls of the veins-and capillaries into Cottage Grove has a street named in the purchaser of the land, desiring the Accounts to the amount of $33 for ■a surrounding tissue, restores nor- ( honor of President Taft and another in site it occupies for other purposes.' claims in connection with the Septem­ Hemenway stock, will close up the con­ Little Girl: “Well, isn’t that odd. ■al conditions when the blood contains honor ( of would-be president Bryan. Mr. Randall came here recently from ber and October special elections were cern’s affairs about the/middle of No­ I have electricity in my hair and grand­ Be proper amount of its inorganic Both ( are new thoroughfares in the Iowa, and is making for himself and allowed, and H. C. Hart was allowed vember. The creditors will receive ma has gas in her stomach.’’—Mrs. F. Bts, water, sodium, ferrum, potassi-I1 southern part of the city. $500 on sewer contracts, after which about sixty cents on the dollar. family an ideal home., H. Rosenberg. ENTERS UPON A SERIES