The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, October 22, 1909, Image 12

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The numbers to follow La Follette iA
the Lyceum' Course are: Lee Francis
Lybarger, Dec. 16; Clare Vaughn
Wales Company, Jan. 26; Laurant,
March 9; the College Girls, Arpil 7.
What It Means to the Individual
.Creswell is proud of a $12,000 con­
and Whole Nation.
crete block recently completed.
Every Movement Bringing Members of
Rural Towns Together For Discussing
Improvements Concerning the Com­
munity as a Whole Is a Step Forward.
Beaulieu & Woodard
Cottage Grove Lyceum Course
Sales - Promptly - Effected.
Office corner Main and Second Sts.,
one block west of depot. ’Phone Main
Benefit Woman's Club
Library Fund
Continued from first page.
The hard character of the wood makes
it superior to red wood, cedar or fir as
a finishing lumber, but the difficulty
Within the words rural civics there with the manufacture of hemlock lum­
is embraced a movement which, car­ ber seems to be in getting rid of the
ried to its fullest possibilities, may incidental “common.”
well mean the transformation of a
The Yellow Pine is a widely distrib­
nation. >We are prone ter" think of uted, variable and valuable tree. It
civics and civic matters as having to grows to a large size, two to three hun­
do solely with town or city. People dred feet high, and five to fifteen feet
living in such close proximity to one in diameter; heart wood light red, sap
another that they are forever jostling wood white; close grained, compact,
elbows are forced to consider the wel­ variable, heavy, hard, strong. Lum­
fare of the body politic as a whole. ber, railroad ties, mining timbers, fuel,
Therefore it is natural that the first are some of its uses.
impulse for civic betterment should
There is a considerable amount of
emanate from the city.
good, millable cedar found in this
But the time has come when this county. The Pacific Red Cedar is a
movement for civic betterment, the tall, graceful tree, one to two hundred
improvement of conditions for the feet high, eight to seventeen feet in
mass rather than the individual, is diameter; heart wood reddish brown,
recognized as one of the greatest fac­
tors in the upbuilding of rural com­ sap wood nearly white, coarse grained,
munities. There never was a time, compact, soft, light brittle easily work­
either in country or city, when the in­ ed, very durable. It is used for shing­
dividual was under such direct obliga­ les, fencing, cooperage,, interior flush­
tion to the mass of his fellow citizens. ing, canoes, siding, farm buildings,
Within the last half century, by means posts, rails, sash, doors, telegraph and
of Increased transportation facilities, telephone poles.
the invention of the telephone and the
Black Cotton-wood is a large tree,
thousand and one inventions which fifty to two hundred feet high, and two
make for closer communion and better to eight feet in diameter ; heart wood
living, man has become even more
closely bound to his neighbor, so that a’dull brown, sap wood dull white;
the latter’s welfare has become his compact, soft, tough, durable. Veneer, Cottage Grove,
own welfare. This is just as true of staves, woodenware, wood pulp,trunks,
drums, barrels, and drawer bottoms
the farmer as of any other .class..
In the growth of rural civics lies not are made of this wood, and the supply
Inscriptions cut. Orders may be
only the salvation of our rural com­ is plentiful,
munities, but of the nation as a whole.
The Showy Willow is a slender tree, left at King & Walker’s Furni­
Improve not only the individual farm, twénty to thirty feet high, two to four ture Store near the bridge.
but the comtnunity as a whole—the
town center, the highways radiating feet in diameter, with dark rough-
in all directions, the social conditions, brown bark. It is used for baskets,
the opportunities for mental relaxa­ veneering, charcoal and' fuel. There' is
tion and development—and you exert a.plentiful supply.
The Western Yellow Willbw is a
an influence which extends straight
up to the legislative halls ,of the na-( small tree fifteen to forty feet high
with yellow bark. There is a plentiful
That Henry Jones allows his back supply, its use being principally for
pasture to run'to thistles is apparent­ baskets. There are many other kinds
ly nobody's business but his own. This
General Repairing.
may be true up to the point where the of willow growing along the streams of
first puff of wind floats the thistle­ this county, most of which are excel-
down over Into the pastures of his len for basket and woodenware work. All work guaranteed satisfactory.
A -large tree fifty to a hundred feet
neighbors. Right there Henry Jones
Phone 114.
has unintentionally taken a hand in high, and one to four feet in diameter,
his' neighbors’ affairs, and his neigh­ is the Oregon Alder. Its bark is a
bors have a right to demand of Henry dark brown blotched with white ; wood
Jones that he do his share to relieve reddish, hard, durable. It is suitable
the community of a pest. A puff of for furniture, buggy boxes, cabinet
wind and a bit of thistledown have
(W Time Auctioneer
made of the free individual a respon­ work, for smoking meats and salmon.
It furnishes the most satisfactory fuel
sible unit in the mass.
Every movement which -tends to known for either camp or household. Can sell anything, from a leather
bring the members of the rural com­ The,supply is very plentiful.
tea-kettle to a cast-iron
munity together for discussion of
Hazel is a small shrub or tree, six
bull - dog.
those things which concern the com­ 'to forty feet high, three to ten inches
munity as a whole is a distinct step in diameter ; wood brownish, hard, re­ COTTAGE GROVE
forward. Every school house should ceives a high polish. It may be used
be a civic center for the. district in for shoe pegs, baskets, barrel hoops.
which it is situated. Every town house
or county seat should be a.larger civic The supply is plentiful.
The Oregon White Oak is a tree fifty
center wherein the leaders in the
To Take Effect June 19, 1909.
smaller centers may meet for the dis­
No. I.
cussion of the work which they are to five feet in diameter ; heart wood
doing and for the intelligent mapping light brown, sapwood nearly white, A. M. MS
out of future plans along which these compact, heavy strong, hard, tough 7-30
smaller centers inay co-operate.
.W alden
and durable. Used' for furniture, wag­ 7-5°
.C errc G ordo
7-59 6.7
The “town beautiful” of necessity on- work, ship-building, carriages, in­ 8.14
__ D oren a
means the “home beautiful,” and the
8.40 12.5 . _ _
8.50 13 5 . _
.W icks
home beautiful means the retention of terior finishing, fuel,' veneer, barrel 905
..R ed B ridge .
the boys and girls on the farm. Rural
W ildwood
9 15 16,0
A r -—-D isston
civics in its broadest sense means Oak is noted for thé growth of large,- 9-45 20
to change without notice.
rural uplift, uplift along every line beautiful bunches of mistletoe, which Subject
All outward freight shipped only at the joint
which tends to make country life more grows among the limbs.
risk oFshippers and consignee.
Disston after jarrival of train on
worth while, more attractive, more in­
Oregon Black Oak is a medium sized Stage leaves
Wednesday and Friday for Orseco, re­
spiring. Rural civics has no place in tree, sixty to one hundred feet high und­ Monday,
turning on Tuesdsy, Thursday and Saturday.
will not be received at the O. & S. EC.
party politics, save that it will produce, one to six feet in diameter, with rough R. Freight
Depot after 5 p. m.. 're insure forwarding
in each party the best men that can black bark ; wood dark and close grain­ on R.
next train freight must be delivered in ample
time to permit of its being billed.
be put forward. The welfare of the
A. B. WOOD. Manager.
nation is dependent on the welfare of ed, hard, compact, receives a high
the individual, and the individual alone polish. Its uses, are finishing lumber,
is helpless and hopeless. Patriotism of furniture, wagon work.
Oregon Maple is a magnificent tree,
the highest type is the immediate and
bqst product of the realization of com­ fifty to one hundred feet in height,
munal responsibility.
two to five feet in diameter ; wood red­
The lyceum in the schoolhouse and dish brown, sap wood whitish, close
the public forum at the town or coun­ grained, compact, often curley, light,
ty seat will come to' mean not only a
more beautiful country, but a purging hard, strong, receives a high polish,
of politics which shall.ultimately make and consequently is- suitable for furni­
our government what we are wont to ture, cabinet work, tool handles, turned
claim that it is and what it should be and veneer work. It is also valuable
if it is not—the ideal which Lincoln so as a shade tree and grows abundantly
tersely set forth as “a government of ih the streets of Cottage Grove. The
the people, by the people and for the supply is plentiful.
people.”—New England Homestead.
Oregon Ash is a tree, twénty to one
hundred feet high, and one to four feet
Trees to Hide Billboard.
In one of the back streets of Brigh­ in diameter with wood grayish brown,
ton, England, up which the tram cars hard, tough, firm, straight-grained,
Your Name.________ ------------ _L—.
pass to the Dyke road and the golf takes a high polish. Its uses are furni­
links, stand four little trees. The road ture, inside finishing, wagon work,
Address---------------------- ----------------- ---------- —:---------------
is not an avenue, and one wonders how stair posts/ etc. There are many other
these four little trees strayed there till kinds of wood in this county that
the conductor explains that they were might be mentioned, but we have de­
placed by the municipality to hide an scribed the ones that are the most
advertisement boarding put up by the plentiful, and of the highest commer­
railway line and which mars the view
of a very pretty wooded cutting. As cial value. Cascara Sagrada, however,
the company declined to remove it the might be mentioned incidentally as its
town fathers promptly planted their bark is medicinal, and found here in a
trees, and now in the summer the plentiful, supply.
boarding is almost hidden from view.
Senator Robert M* La Follette,
to the People
Earnestness born of a deep Conviction in the ever-
lasting righteousness of the cause presented is the
basis of Mr. LaFollette’s commanding position upon
the platform. Subject will be- announced Later.
Lee Francis Lybarger,
“How to Be Happy,” not a sunshine lecture, but
one on the Laws of happiness; Many regard this as
Mr. Lybarger’s greatest production. It is filled
with “worldly wisdom.” It is not a “sunshine”
lecture, but a search after the philosophy of right
living. It is one lecture that has the courage to face
the facts, to see things as they are. It shows not
only the right of happine'ss and the duty of happi­
ness, but the ways of happiness. _
Monumental Cleaning
Clare Vaughn Wales Comedy Co,,
After the Seventh Season of unprecedented success
at the head of her own company, Clare Vaughn
Wales may be safely said to be one of the establish­
ed leading lyceum attractions of the country to-day.
Miss Wales is an elocutionist of remarkable ability.
Accompanying her are Florence Adele Benson, pi­
anist and soprano, and Harry T. Longstreet baritone.
Laurant, The Man of Many Mysteries
The talented magician, Laurant, gives the most
novel, artistic and marvelous attraction of its char­
acter now appearing before the American public. He
enjoys an enviable reputation, only attained after
years of hard work. Realizing the continual de­
mand of the lyceum public for something new, art­
istic and refined, we have secured this attraction,-
and take pride in guaranteeing satisfaction.
9 th
The College Singing Girls
The College Singing Girls and Walter Eccles have
proved to be one* of the greatest successes of the
Lyceum. The eight young ladies of the Company
-are unusually talented and versatile. They are
professional singers, having good solo voices, which
perfectly blend in the concert work. Special cos­
tumes are provided for each feature. Their great
success has been due to their ability to properly ren­
der the best sacred and operatic numbers written
for women’s voices.
fl. & S. E. R. R. COMPANY.
iWMMmiiniimmi nr imrrii' iiwiwiiiimri
At Even Money a Saving_ _ _
time, traveling expenses and fatigue
can be made by using the shortest route •
There is but one short and direct route
between the West and the East.
The Southern Pacific
(No. 211 )
k_ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J
Uniform Street Tree Planting.
Washington is rapidly becoming fa­
mous the world over for its fine trees,
but one kind of tree being planted in
each street. Some of the fine exam­
ples are: Pennsylvania avenue, pink
oaks; Indiana avenue, oriental planes;
Massächusetts avenue, American lin­
dens, and East Capitol street planted
with American elms. Streets such as
these, planted uniformly with . one
species, And that a good species, will
in tlme^ make any town famous for
beautiful streets.
Southern Pacific Railway Urne-Table
1:48 a. m
18----------------------- 4:50 p. m
14_______________ 4:43 a. m
2O._________ ____11:32 a, m
Prompt. . and
Rates to AIL
No. 15------------------- - 1:26 a. m
No. 17
____ 10:15 p. m
No. 13-------------------- 6:30 a- m
No. .19 ______
______ 2:57 p. m
L. S. TAYLOR, Agent.
AND O. R. & N.
THERE IS unsurpassed through fast train service
to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, with di­
rect connections to all points East and South.
THERE IS an abundance of matchless scenery, and
an opportunity to make a daylight stopover at Salt
Lake City if it is desired.
LET US tell you all about what can be done, be­
fore you purchase your ticket.
L. S. TAYLOR, Agent'Southern Pacific Co.,
—or to—
Gen. Pass. Aerent. Portland; Or.
You would be surprised to know of
the Productiveness of a Sentinel Ad.