The Chronicle : Creswell & Cottage Grove. (Creswell, Ore.) 2019-current, May 25, 2023, Page 6, Image 6

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(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
* One day in 1930, the BBC announced on air
that <there is no news,= and played piano music.
* Fulmars, a type of seabird, vomit putrid o shy
oil on predatory birds in self-defense, which not
only smells awful but is lethal to the attackers,
as it permanently glues their feathers together.
* If viewed from space or a high altitude, the sun
appears to be white.
* Larry Lemieux, a Canadian sailor at the 1988
Olympics, was about to win a silver medal
when he abandoned the race to save two other
competitors whose boat had capsized. While he
lost the silver medal, he was given the Pierre de
Coubertin medal for sportsmanship.
* A hydrangea n ower8s color is determined by
the relative acidity of the soil in which it's grown:
Acidic soil will produce a blue n ower, and alka-
line soil will yield a pink blossom.
* The Sami people of Northern Finland have a
unit of measurement called the <poronkusema=
3 the distance a reindeer can walk before it
needs to urinate.
* The hotel that inspired Stephen King to write
<The Shining= plays the Stanley Kubrick o lm of
the same name on a continuous loop on chan-
nel 42 for guests.
* Thought for the Week: "Great opportunities
to help others seldom come, but small ones
surround us every day." 3 Sally Koch
1. Is the book of Lamen-
tations (KJV) in the Old or
New Testament or neither?
2. In 1 Timothy 5:23,
what did Paul suggest to
Timothy for his frequent
ailments? Water, Wine,
Bread, Honey
3. From Genesis 41:41-42,
which Hebrew became
prime minister of Egypt?
David, Joseph, Nehemiah,
4. Where did Jesus spend
his youth as found in Luke
(c) 2022 King Features Synd., Inc.
4:16? Smyrna, Tarsus,
Antioch, Nazareth
5. Who was stoned to
death in the valley of
Achor? Abinoam, Achan,
Ahilud, Abitub
6. Jesus and who else
walked on water? Thomas,
Andrew, Peter, James
1) Old, 2) Wine, 3) Joseph,
4) Nazareth, 5) Achan, 6)
Peter (Matthew 14:29)
& Play
THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2023