THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2020 community WONDERING WHAT 2020 HAS FOR YOU? ASK LINDA. COTTAGE GROVE SCHEDULES/ RESULTS SCHEDULES Email her at Exclusively in The Chronicle every Thursday BOYS BASKETBALL Tuesday, Jan. 7 CGHS lost at home to Crook County, 74-60. Friday, Jan. 10 CGHS lost to Mazama 52-43 in the Sky-Em/Skyline Crossover. Saturday, Jan. 11 CGHS lost its fourth in a row at Phoenix, 60-52. GIRLS BASKETBALL Tuesday, Jan. 7 CGHS won at home against Crook County, 60-36. Friday, Jan. 10 The Lions beat Henley 46-25 in the Sky-Em/Skyline Crossover. Saturday, Jan. 11 CGHS lost 39-27 to Hidden Valley in the Crossover event. WRESTLING Precision Tune-up! 119 00 SPECIAL $ Make sure your heating and air conditioning system is dependable, safe and running at optimum performance for energy savings. Tune-up includes identifying existing or potential problems that can cause an unexpected breakdown! Take advantage of our no-risk guarantee and schedule your appointment today! 541-746-9743 115 Lawrence, Eugene, OR 97401 CCB# 47396 THE CHRONICLE — 23 HOME & GARDEN COMMUNITY Saturday, Jan. 11 CGHS traveled to Sutherlin and fi nished fourth overall in the varsity boys tournament and 7th overall in the girls division. Jacob Dunn took fi rst in the 160-pound weight class, Drew Swenson took fi rst and team- mate Oden Armstrong took thirrd at 170, Walker Humphrey was second at 182 and Trace Nelson took 2nd at 220. For the girls, Hannah Cook took 3rd at 133-136 pounds and Lillian Wood placed third in the 154-169 weight class. SCHEDULES BOYS BASKETBALL Friday, Jan. 17 CGHS hosts Siuslaw in Sky-Em season opener, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21 The Lions travel to Marshfi eld, 5:45 p.m. GIRLS’ BASKETBALL Friday, Jan. 17 CGHS will host Siuslaw in Sky-Em season opener, 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21 The Lions travel to Marshfi eld, 7:15 p.m. WRESTLING Saturday, Jan. 18 CGHS will compete in the Siuslaw Tournament, time TBD Wednesday, Jan. 22 CGHS will host Creswell for a dual meet, time TBD NUTRITIONALLY SPEAKING Read all about it: ‘Herbal medicine’ releases third edition W henever possible I am excited The materia medica is a detailed to share with you my favor- description of each herb, including ite resources that empower the parts used, taste/smell, whether it us to help ourselves as we work towards is cooling or warming, and a descrip- better health. These days, DIY (Do It tion of the herbs’ constituents. Also a Yourself) is trending, and learning to farmer, the author includes informa- make our own herbal remedies is one tion for those interested in growing of my favorite DIY pastimes. these herbs. She includes the various Yaakov Levine I received an exciting New Year’s uses of the herbs and ends the section gift in the mail recently: Dr. Sharol Tilgner’s for each herb with contraindications and any updated and expanded third edition of her applicable herb/drug interaction data. book, “Herbal Medicine from the Heart of There truly is enough information for at the Earth.” Originally published over 20 least three books here, and the section about years ago, this book – which I have previ- herbal formulas could certainly stand alone as ously reviewed here – has been a helpful a useful guide for practitioners and lay people resource for many practitioners as they have alike. As a nutritional therapist, I appreciate supported their patients’ health goals, and it that Dr. Tilgner has started this section with is now available for everyone – readers begin- formulas that support the digestive system. In ning their herbal medicine explorations as this column I have often stressed that we look well as seasoned practitioners. at supporting our digestive health fi rst as we The author is a naturopathic physician (ND), strive to be our healthiest. herbalist of 35 years; founder and past owner Rarely will you fi nd a text on herbal formu- of Wise Woman Herbals, located in Creswell; las that includes suggested percentages of has owned and operated herb farms; and has each component. This section also includes the rationale for each herb’s inclusion in the organized national herbal events. Included in this book is the most up-to-date formula, which is not commonly found in detailed information on valuable medicinal most herbal texts. Each formula includes a herbs including dosage, specifi c indications, dosage chart for the various ways to prepare general uses, active constituents and contra- them as liquid extracts, teas or elixirs. indications. As noted herbalist/educator In her illustrated section on making herbal Paul Bergner states in the forward, “‘Herbal preparations you will fi nd detailed instruc- Medicine from the Heart of the Earth’ is tions to make any of the formulas found on broad enough in scope that it contains within the preceding pages. The easy-to-follow it material enough for three books.” instructions will assist the experienced herbal There is an introduction to the actions and practitioner and beginners alike. The useful uses of medicinal herbs, a concise materia herb chart for harvesting and preparation of medica containing monographs of each herb. liquid extracts tells us when to harvest, which Next we fi nd a complete section of herbal part of the plant to use, and whether to use formulas organized by body systems. There fresh or dried herbs. is also a step-by-step guide to making your As a physician, herbalist, educator and own herbal preparations. This book also farmer Dr. Tilgner has presented us with a includes an appendix, which contains useful harvesting and preparation charts, and ends comprehensive, easy-to-use guide to herbal with many pages of reference notes, so we medicine that gets better with each edition, can be assured that all of the information in and which you will fi nd an important addi- this book has been painstakingly researched. tion to your library. With the fi nancial chal- For the beginning student this text starts lenges our society is experiencing, the third off with a description of the properties and edition of “Herbal Medicine from the Heart actions in our bodies of the individual herbs. of the Earth” will be an important guide as For example, along with a list of anti-infl am- we learn how to take care of ourselves and matory herbs is a description of the various our families. Salud! For addition information about this text ways these herbs can help reduce infl amma- tion. In the section, “Dictionary of Herbal and these events contact me at: nutritionally- Preparations,” Dr. Tilgner describes various This book is available types of preparations including information via that will help the reader determine which Contact Yaakov, a Creswell resident, at herbal preparation is best for them, or for a particular situation. LORANE NEWS This time, we’re prepared for snow Well, we’ve made it lines freeze, I have about six 5-gallon into the new year with- out any major weather containers of water inconveniences, but stored away we can most of us are still use. Those measures should ensure that preparing ourselves we won’t need any for the possibility of another snow/ice of it this year. Pat Edwards storm that caused us to With the new year be without power and water also comes tax season. At last February. I’ve always least the normal cold and considered that the more rainy days of our Oregon prepared we are, though, winters can be spent in a the less likely it will happen warm house while going ... something similar to through all of the unending Murphy’s Law. paperwork and records-re- Jim and I feel we’re much trieval that is required to more ready to deal with make sure that Uncle Sam another spate of bad weather has all of the information than we were last year. needed that will hopefully Thanks to Brian and Michele net us a refund. Of course, – our daughter and son-in- that’s generally proven to be law – we now have a large wishful thinking, but mira- generator that should help us cles do happen sometimes. with water, lights and heat if The Lorane community power goes out for several has been quiet lately. days again; and if our water The regular “fi rst and third Saturday” Crow Grange Bingo nights have resumed; the Lorane Grange Spaghetti and Bingo Night is Saturday, Jan. 25, (dinner at 5:30 p.m. and bingo at 6:30 p.m.); and the Crow Grange’s fi rst Bingo Night is Wednesday, Jan. 15 (games start at 7 p.m.) The Crow Middle/High School art class has a new project and needs your help. Teacher Pat Dixon is asking for donations of old and/or worn books, post- cards, games with miss- ing pieces, jigsaw puzzles, cloth, buttons, costume jewelry, etc. that can be used in their “Altered Art” proj- ect. Contact Pat at pdixon@ to arrange for a drop-off or pick-up time. Be sure to check out my personal website at http://