6 community march19 2020 On the Shelves depending on the length of closure and CDC recommendations. Please watch for updates through our Library Facebook page, website, and notices on our building. Returning Materials: All Library materials can be returned through the outdoor book drop. The book drop is located at the front of the building by our staff entrance. Outdoor Hold Pick-Up: Our Library catalog is available online at vernonia.biblionix.com/ catalog/. You can also access it by linking from the Vernonia Library website. You can place holds for books, dvds, audiobooks, and board games directly through the catalog by entering your card number and password. Your password is your phone number. Or you can call or email the Library to place holds (503) 429-1818 or library@ vernonia-or.gov. Staff will contact you for a pick- up time. Holds will be on a cart outside the staff door at the front of the Library while a staff person is in the building. At this time, patrons are limited to 4 DVDs and 10 total items. Requests will be filled no more than once a week per patron/family. Limits may change based on demand and amount of staff time to fill requests. Contact staff with information on how we sanitize and “quarantine” incoming materials for recirculation. Printing: The Library can offer limited printing services while we are closed. Please contact the Library by phone or email with what you need printed. Prints will be available for outdoor pick- up at a scheduled time. Prints are $.10 a page and change can be left on a designated area of the pick-up cart. At this time, copying and faxing services are not available. R&S Market is able to provide these services. Please contact the R&S for more information on their rates. Crafts: For our young children in the area who By Shannon Romtvedt The Library is temporarily closed to the public to help slow the spread of COVID-19 throughout Oregon. The decision was made for all Vernonia City offices based on recent recommendations made by the State of Oregon and Oregon public health experts. We apologize for the hardship this causes our community members. We will do our best to keep you informed. Library staff will still be in the building from 10 am – 2 pm, Monday – Saturday to answer questions by phone or email. We can also provide materials and a few services without the public in the building. Please read the “Did You Know” section of this article for details. While the Library is closed, no fines will accrue on items. Please contact staff with any questions or concerns related to your Library account. Thank you so much to the Scheuerman family, Diana Peach, and our Library volunteers for helping make our 6 th Annual Dr. Seuss Birthday Celebration such a great event! Approximately 50 children came to the celebration on Monday, March 2, buzzing around the Library looking for Dr. Seuss characters hidden in the stacks. We had a great time and are glad we were able to offer this fun program prior to the Library closure. Special thanks to Kether Bryant-Stanek for pruning and cleaning up the “wild area” in the back of the courtyard and the path around the shed. We are so happy to have volunteers help us out with whatever is needed at the Library. Did You Know: Library Services Available During Closure At this time, the Library is closed to the public, but we can provide materials and services through outdoor pick-up. Services we offer may change Donʻt wait for the sun! Get your MOWERS tuned up now! Oil Change • Sharpen Blades Filters • Cables • Pull Ropes We pick up & deliver! Family owned & operated for over 50 years 834 Bridge St., Vernonia (503) 429-6364 Upcoming Events – Cancelled until Further Notice Featured Titles at the Library: Books by Warren Easley Warren C. Easley is an Oregon author of the Cal Claxton Mystery Series. He was scheduled to visit the Library on Thursday, April 30, 6:30 pm. While programming over the next few months is uncertain, the Vernonia Public Library has copies of all Warren Easley books for check-out, including several of his latest title, No Way to Die. If interested in reading a Warren Easley book, contact the Library to arrange outdoor pick-up of a title. “In Easley’s satisfying seventh mystery featuring genial Oregon attorney Cal Claxton (after 2018’s Moving Targets), [he] creates authentic characters and relationships, and his eloquent descriptions of the Oregon wilderness are sublime. This well-plotted, character-driven series just keeps getting better.” — Publishers Weekly, review of No Way to Die Hours & Contact Info The Library is currently closed to the Public. Until City offices re-open, a Library staff person is available during the following hours by phone or email for questions and outdoor hold pick-up. Monday – Saturday 10 am – 2 pm Phone: (503) 429-1818 E-mail: library@vernonia-or.gov Website: www.vernonia-or.gov/departments/ library/ PRESENTS Meet the Candidates A Political Forum with Candidates for Columbia County Commissioners Confirmed attendees: Position 1: Margaret Magruder and Brandee Dudzic Position 3: Alex Tardif, Casey Garrett, and Jeanne Correll Monday, April 27 th 7:00 pm e rm an  DM D Vernonia  Dental enjoy our storytime and craft table, the Library will provide a weekly craft for outdoor hold pick-up. Please take only one per child per week. . Dr ri h  C s r  e h o t p M . h S   c eu 622 Bridge Street    Vernonia, OR 97064 phone (503) 429-0880  --  fax (503) 429-0881 at the Cabin in Vernonia 901 Park Drive This will be a moderated event. Candidates will answer a series of prepared questions. For more information contact: Scott Laird (503) 367-0098 Scott@VernoniasVoice.com