schools august15 2019 11 School Board Report not in attendance. Gump immediately took the Oath of Office and participated as a Board member during the remainder of the meeting. At the August 8, 2019 Vernonia School Board Meeting: Board Appoints Gump to Fill Vacant Seat – After reviewing three applications and questioning the three applicants who were all in attendance at the meeting, the Board voted unanimously 4-0 to appoint Jeana Gump to the currently vacant Po- sition #7. The other applicants were William DeJager of Birkenfeld and Pau- la Love of Vernonia. The Board praised all three candidates’s qualifications, and were actually split 2-2 on the first vote after Gump was nominated by Director Steve Whiteman, who noted Gump’s regular attendance at Board meetings for the past several years as the deciding factor for him. After further discussion a motion to appoint DeJager by Director Melissa Zavales did not receive a second and also failed. After further questions of the candidates Gump was again nomi- nated by Zavales and the Board voted to appoint her, with Director Stacey Pelster abstaining; Director Susan Wagner was Board Approves New Hire – The Board voted unanimously to approve the hire of SeungJin Bae as the new Director of Music, who will teach HS/MS Band and Choir for the District. Superintendent Report – Superinten- dent Aaron Miller handed out a revised District Organizational Chart showing responsibilities for the administration positions. Miller provided an update on Bond Projects, noting: painting at the Mist School is almost complete thanks to community and staff volunteers; ground has been broken for the new Metal/Welding shop; and work is ongo- ing for the installation of lighting and the new scoreboard at the football field in anticipation of the first home football game at the new campus, scheduled for Friday, September 13. Alternative Education. Principal Reports – Elementary Princi- pal Michelle Eagleson provided a writ- ten report, but was not in attendance. Eagleson reported that the new reading curriculum, Journeys, has arrived and been organized for the start of the year. Eagleson reported that the “Popsicles on the Playground” program has been a success, allowing incoming kindergarten students and their families to meet their classmates, teachers, and administration in a casual setting. High School/Middle School Principal Nate Underwood was also not in attendance and provided a written re- port. Underwood welcomed seven new staff members in his report, and noted that with some creative and flexible scheduling the schools will now be of- fering expanded classes that potentially include German, Theater Arts/Drama, Music Theory and Appreciation, AP English, Creative Writing, AVID Boot Camp, Yoga/Zumba/Dance, Karate, and Board Approves Surplus Items – The Board approved the listing of 150 desks and chairs as surplus to be disposed of by the District. The District had previ- ously received a donation of used desks and chairs from the Portland School Dis- trict that were in better condition than those that were surplused. Wild Child Salon Offers “Pay What You Will” Back-to-School Haircuts Kim Byrem, owner of Wild Child Salon in Vernonia, is offering a special, “Pay What You Will” deal for children in need of a haircut for back- to-school. Byrem says she knows there are families in the community who may be struggling, and she would like to offer them some assistance. Last year Byrem provided 30 free haircuts to students from her home salon. This year she is offering her services from her newly opened salon in the Brunsman Building at 736 Bridge Street. Byrem says she usually charg- es $15 for a kid’s haircut. For her Back-to-School special this year, she’s Don‛t worry. We‛ll go to Meyer‛s Auto Body. I hear they‛re out of this world. Meyer’s Auto Body 493 Bridge Street VERNONIA • 503-429-0248 e rm an  DM D Vernonia  Dental D h . r  C r h p o is t M er   . h S   c eu 622 Bridge Street    Vernonia, OR 97064 phone (503) 429-0880  --  fax (503) 429-0881 suggesting that clients pay what they can afford. “It’s OK if they can’t pay, I’m happy to give them a haircut for free if they need it,” she says. She asks that anyone wanting to take advantage of her Back-to- School special call and schedule an appointment at (971) 757-0557. Board Holds Performance Evalua- tion of Superintendent – The Board re- cessed to Executive Session under ORS 192.660 (2)(i) “Evaluate the Superin- tendent.” to discuss the annual review of the Superintendent’s performance prior to entering into contract negotia- tions. Upon returning to Open Session, the Board took no further action but said they were retaining Superintendent Mill- er and passed the evaluation documenta- tion on to the contract Negotiating Com- mittee. Miller has requested a review of his current contract. Vernonia School Board Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month. The next School Board Meeting is scheduled for September 12 at 6:00 pm in the Schools Library.