city news june21 2018 5 Vernonia City News... At the June 18 City Council Meeting: Council Receives Draft Lease for Grandstands – City Administrator Jo- sette Mitchell presented Council with a draft of the Ground Lease and Bill of Donation for the Grandstands at Green- man Field. The agreement would be be- tween the City of Vernonia and the Inter- cultutral Society of Vernonia, the fiscal agent for the project to repair and oper- ate the Grandstands for events. The draft lease is based on the agreement the City has with the Friends of the Scout Cabin. Council agreed to meet in a workshop on Monday, June 25 at 6:30 pm to negotiate details of the agreement. Council Tables Airport Discussion – Council chose to table a discussion about electricity charges at the Airport Park Host site, after they discussed a recom- mendation from the Airport Committee that asked that the tenant of the site pay electricity charges during the months of December through March. Currently Airport Park is closed during those win- ter months and the Park Host has no duties, so they pay rent of $450 for the trailer site during those winter months, which helps fund airport operations. Councilors Susan Wagner and Jill Hult voted to support the Airport Committee recommendation. Councilor Mike Sea- ger, the Airport Manger abstained, and Mayor Mario Leonetti and Councilor Bruce McNair voted against the recom- mendation. Leonetti asked staff to bring back more information including the history of electricity usage at the site. Council Schedules City Administrator Review – Council scheduled an Execu- tive Session for Wednesday, July 11 at 6:30 pm to begin the annual review of the City Administrator’s performance. Police Chief Report – Police Chief Mike Conner told Council that inter- views were held for the new School Resource Officer position that will be shared with the Vernonia School Dis- Police Blotter May 15 - June 16, 2018 Reports Taken/Arrests • May 15, 2018 Report of Theft near East Bridge Street • May 16, 2018 Report of Criminal Mischief near Bridge Street • May 25, 2018 Outside Agency Assist for Traffic Accident • May 28, 2018 Report of Motor Vehicle Accident near 1st Avenue non injury • May 29, 2018 Arrest on a Warrant • May 30, 2018 Arrest on a Warrant • June 4, 2018 Report of Criminal Mischief near Vernonia Lake • June 4, 2018 Informational Report taken near Bridge Street Citations/Other • May 15, 2018 Cited for Failure to Carry Proof of Insurance near Rose Avenue • May 15, 2018 Cited for Driving While Suspended near Nehalem HWY South • May 15, 2018 Cited for Driving While Suspended and Driving Uninsured near Nehalem HWY South • May 16, 2018 Cited for Failure to Carry Proof of Insurance near Nehalem HWY South • May 18, 2018 Cited for Violation of the Basic Rule 89/55 mph and Careless Driving • May 24, 2018 Cited for Driving While Suspended near Rose Avenue • May 24, 2018 Cited for Violation of the Basic Rule 83/55 mph near Nehalem HWY South • May 26, 2018 Cited for Violation of Urban Speed 52/35 mph and Failure to Carry Proof of Insurance near N. Mist Dr. • June 2, 2018 Cited for Violation of the Basic Rule 73/55 mph near Nehalem HWY South • June 2, 2018 Cited for Violation of the Basic Rule 78/55 mph near Nehalem HWY South • June 4, 2018 Cited for Permitting Unlawful Operation of a Vehicle near 1st Avenue and Bridge Street • June 5, 2018 Cited for Violation of the Basic Rule 86/55 mph near Nehalem HWY South • June 9, 2018 Cited for Violation of the Basic Rule 50/35 mph near Nehalem HWY South • June 11, 2018 Cited for Violation of the Posted Speed 60/45 mph near N. Mist Dr. • June 16, 2018 Cited for Violation of the Basic Rule 54/35 mph near Nehalem HWY South Vernonia Police Department responds to calls that do not always end in Arrest, Report, or Citation. 05/14/2018 through 05/31/2018 VPD had 133 calls for service. 06/01/2018 through 06/16/2018 VPD had 126 calls for service. NOTICE OF POSITIONS OPEN CITY OF VERNONIA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the General Election will be held on the 6 th day of November 2018, at which time the legal voters of the City of Vernonia will be entitled to vote for candidates to certain city offices. OFFICES OPEN FOR ELECTION: • VERNONIA MAYOR TWO YEAR TERM • VERNONIA COUNCIL MEMBER FOUR YEAR TERM • VERNONIA COUNCIL MEMBER FOUR YEAR TERM Election packets will be available May 30th, 2018 at the office of the City Recorder, 1001 Bridge St, Vernonia, OR 97064. Nominating petitions can be filed no sooner than June 1st, 2018, and filed no later than Thursday, August 23rd, 2018, by 4:00 p.m. with the City Recorder. For more information call Stephanie Borst, City Recorder at 503- 429-5291 ext. 105. The City of Vernonia is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. trict. Conner said a first choice candidate has been identified and the Department is currently doing background checks. He said if everything goes according to schedule he should be ready to hire for the position in July. City Administrator Report – City Administrator Josette Mitchell told the Council that the project to install storm water drainage at the Lincoln School will be undertaken in July. Mitchell told the Council that the newly planted trees at Spencer Park are being watered twice each week by city staff using water bags the City pur- chased. Mitchell said installation of the bio domes has been completed at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Mitchell said the Request For Proposal (RFP) for the Senior Center/ Food Bank construction has gone out and will close July 31. Following the close of the bid process a construction committee will meet August 1-2 to score the proposals and choose a contractor for the project, with a Notice of Intent to Award issued the second week in Au- gust. Council Approves South Columbia Enterprise Zone – Council approved Resolution 9-18, reauthorizing the South Columbia Enterprise Zone. The City of Vernonia is one of six co-sponsors offer- ing economic incentives through prop- erty tax relief to business and industry in the Enterprise Zone. Council Amends Master Fee Sched- ule – Council approved Resolution 10- 18 amending the Master Fee Schedule. Changes to city fees include: Increasing the Extended Work Stay monthly rate at Anderson park to $850 for stays in Octo- ber through March; increasing the primi- tive campsite charge at Airport Park to $20; changes to all City water and sewer charges (some increased and some were reduced); and increasing the Adult Inter- ment fee at the Vernonia Memorial Cem- etery to $1,400. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION Proposed Zoning Code Amendment in the City of Vernonia, File No. PA 17-02 When: July 19, 2018 at 7:00 pm Where: Council Chambers, City of Vernonia, 1001 Bridge Street, Vernonia, OR Why: Proposed Zoning Code Amendment to revise Chapters 9-01 and 9-07 of Title 9 to address cottage homes, street vacations and several other small code text updates. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Vernonia City Council, will conduct a public hearing on a request by the City of Vernonia to amend the Zoning Code as it relates to Chap- ters 9-01 and 9-07 of Title 9 to address cottage homes, street vacations and several other small code text updates. SAID PUBLIC HEARING will be held before the Vernonia Planning Commission on Thursday, July 19, 2018, in the Council Chambers of Vernonia City Hall, 1001 Bridge Street, Vernonia, Oregon at or after 7:00 pm, at which time proponents and oppo- nents of the proposed Zone Code Amendment will be heard. A staff report will be available to the public at City Hall one week before the hearing, and may be copied for a nominal fee. Failure to raise an issue in a hearing, in person or by letter or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the decision- maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the board based on that issue. Public testimony is welcome, and written statements will also be received before the hearing. The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours prior to the public hearing to Stephanie Borst at 503-429-5291 ext. 105, TTY 1- 800-735-2900 or at City Hall, 1001 Bridge Street, Vernonia, OR 97064. The City of Vernonia is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. The Vernonia Transfer Station is scheduled to be open on the 2nd and 4th Saturday January - October 8:00 am - 2:00 pm June 23 July 14 & 28 Dates and times are subject to change due to weather Vernonia City Council Meetings and Closures City Council Meetings are scheduled for 7:00 pm: Monday, July 2, 2018 Monday, July 16, 2018 City Closures are scheduled for: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 Independence Day Holiday Dates and times subject to change Where do you read the Voice? Show us where you have traveled. Submit your photo and details to: