Vernonia's voice. (Vernonia, OR) 2007-current, November 16, 2017, Page 6, Image 6

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in other words
2 nd Annual “Catch the Holiday Spirit” Campaign
to Launch Across Columbia County November 17
Keep it Local Columbia County
is launching the 2nd annual coordinated
county-wide holiday marketing cam-
paign sponsored by Wauna Credit Union
called “Catch the Holiday Spirit” on No-
vember 17. The campaign will run No-
vember 17 through December 27. The
goals are to connect the communities of
Columbia County and keep local dol-
lars local in order to strengthen our local
The grassroots campaign volun-
teers have been talking with local folks
who say they want to shop right here in
our Columbia County communities and
support businesses in the place where
we live. The campaign will promote just
that, shopping locally for the upcoming
holiday season.
Why a grassroots campaign?
Why is it so important to shop locally?
American Independent Business
Alliance (AMIBA), reports that in a sur-
vey of over 3,000 independent business
owners in 2015, published by the Insti-
tute for Local Self-Reliance, there was a
powerful correlation between sustained
“buy independent/buy local” cam-
paigns and success of local businesses.
Independent businesses in communi-
ties with grassroots business alliances
consistently promoting the benefits of
buying locally reported an average rev-
enue increase of 9.3% compared to 4.9%
growth among independents in commu-
nities without such alliances. The short
and sweet is that grassroots shop local
campaigns work.
Last year 42 businesses par-
ticipated in the same campaign in five
Columbia County communities. A total
of 130 cards were turned in for the first
year campaign. The first year campaign
continued on page 14
On the Shelves
By Shannon Romtvedt
The Library’s Food for Fines
Fundraiser, sponsored by a VHS
Community 101 Grant, was a
successful event. Through the
fundraiser the Library donated 393
pounds of food and $216.40 to
Vernonia Cares. We were also able
to clear accounts for over 30 patrons
and waived $336.00 in fines and lost
fees. Thank you to the Community
101 class for making this event
The Friends of the Library
have an ongoing raffle box inside the
Library to raise funds for programs
and services. In September the
lucky winner of the $50.00 gift card
to McMenamins was Wayne Christy.
Currently the Friends of the Library is
raffling a Vernonia calendar (created
and donated by Garry Kinney), a
$25.00 gift card to the R&S Market,
and 4 free drink cards to Black Bear.
A name will be drawn for this raffle
in December. Tickets are $1.00
each. Please stop by the Library to
participate. If interested in donating
an item for the raffle, please contact
Shannon at the Library.
The Adopt-A-Book event
is coming back this December,
featuring a selection of books for
our children, teen, and parenting
collections. The Friends of the
Library purchase books and
welcomes individuals to buy one for
the Library as a gift to share with the
community. Books will be on display
starting December 4.
Once again the Library
is participating in the Spirit of
Christmas event on Saturday,
December 9 with a story and craft
at 11 am. Come by the Library with
your family. Thanks ahead of time
to Vernonia Academy students who
will be volunteering to decorate the
Library and our Christmas tree for the
Upcoming Events
“A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving”
Tuesday, November 21, 2 - 3 pm
Featuring the short film (25 min.)
followed by a craft. For children up
through grade 5.
Movie Night
Tuesday, November 21, 6 pm
Featuring: Hidden Figures (PG)
Book Discussion Group
Last Monday of every month,
5:30 pm
Discussion for November 27: At the
Waterline by Brian K. Friesen.
Knitting Group
Saturday, November 18,
10 am - Noon
For knitters with all levels of
experience. Contact Caitlin at if
you are new to knitting and need
materials or more information.
Writer’s Group
Thursday, November 16, 6 - 7:30 pm
Third Thursday of the month. For all
levels of writing experience. New
members always welcome.
Spirit of Christmas Event
Baby and Toddler Time
Saturday, December 9, 11 am
Reading of Mooseltoe by Margie
Palatini followed by crafts: handprint
moose and mustache trees.
Mondays, 10:30 - 11:15 am
Songs, short stories, toys, and
bubbles for 0 - 3.
Ongoing Programs
Kids Book Group
Friday, December 8, 4 - 5 pm
Meetings once a month, 2 nd Friday
at 4 pm. For kids and families with
children grades 3 - 5, or thereabouts.
Book selections will range in reading
level. Copies of books will be
available following the meeting. If
interested in the book group and
want to be on a contact list, email or
contact the Library (503) 429-1818.
Preschool Storytime
Fridays, 10:30 - 11:15 am
Stories and a craft/activity for up to
age 5. Older siblings welcome!
Did You Know?
Vernonia Pride Reader Board
The Library now stores letters for the
reader board (located on the corner
of Bridge St. and Weed Ave.) If you
have an event coming up and are
interested in promoting with the
reader board, contact the Library.
Please keep in mind that Library
staff and volunteers will not put
Friends of the Vernonia Public Library
Membership Dues:
Joseph Dombek, DC
(971) 248-4055
Now Accepting New Patients
610 Bridge Street • Vernonia, OR 97064
$10.00 Individual:
$1.00 plus 2 hours minimum of work in the library
Make checks payable to: Friends of the Vernonia Public Library
Mailing Address: 701 Weed Avenue, Vernonia, OR 97064
letters up for the event. This will be
the responsibility of the individual
making the reservation.
Featured Book: At the Waterline
by Brian K. Friesen
The Library’s Book Group will
be discussing At the Waterline in
November in anticipation of the
author visit on Thursday, January 25.
The Library has two copies of the
book in our collection and will put a
hold on one for you if interested in
reading the book before the event.
“At the Waterline is one of
those books that hooks you on the
first page but then slows down
to reel you in. As the seemingly
mundane events unfurl in the lives
of an eccentric collection of river
dwellers, Friesen’s novel gradually
reveals a great truth: that every life-
-every life--hides remarkable drama
and overpowering tragedy.”
--Molly Gloss, author of The Jump-Off
Creek and The Hearts of Horses
Library Closures
Thursday and Friday,
November 23 and 24
for the Thanksgiving Holiday
Hours & Contact Info
Mon, Wed, Fri 10 am - 5 pm
Tues & Thurs 1 pm - 7pm
Sat 10 am - 4 pm
Closed Sundays
Phone: (503) 429-1818
Police and County personnel are required
to use a rotation of available providers,
for a service by name.
Amount Enclosed $
I am interested in helping with the following committees (optional):
Please Circle •Membership •Endowments •Book Sales •Publicity & Public
Relations •Fund Raising •Library Services •Finance-Budget-Legal Matters
Shop Hours: Mon - Fri 9:00 - 6:00