Vernonia's voice. (Vernonia, OR) 2007-current, June 15, 2017, Page 19, Image 19

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    vernonia rural fire protection district
Vernonia Rural Fire Protection District
Stay Hydrated
Summer weather is here and we will likely see
some hot days ahead. So with that in mind, here are a
few tips on beating the heat and staying healthy while
you do it.
Please remember your pets and farm animals.
They need to keep hydrated too!
Key Safety Tips
• Drink plenty of water; even if you do not feel thirsty.
Avoid drinks with caffeine. Persons who have epilepsy
or heart, kidney, or liver disease, are on fluid-restricted
diets, or have a problem with fluid retention should
consult a doctor before increasing liquid intake.
• Never leave children or pets alone in closed vehicles.
• Check on family, friends, and neighbors who do not
have air conditioning and who spend much of their
time alone.
• Check on your animals frequently to ensure that they
are not suffering from the heat.
• Go to a designated public shelter if your home loses
power during periods of extreme heat. Stay on the
lowest floor out of the sunshine if air conditioning is
not available.
• Check the weather/listen to NOAA Weather Radio for
critical updates from the National Weather Service
Safety Tips if You Have to Go Outside
• Avoid strenuous work during the warmest part of the
day. Use a buddy system when working in extreme
heat, and take frequent breaks.
• Dress in loose-fitting, lightweight, and light-colored
clothes that cover as much skin as possible. Avoid dark
colors because they absorb the sun’s rays.
• Protect face and head by wearing sunblock and a
wide-brimmed hat.
Burn Permits
Just a reminder that if you live in
the Vernonia Rural Fire Protection District,
you need a valid Burn Permit to burn your
yard and garden debris. You can pick up
your Burn Permit at the fire station which is
located at 555 E. Bridge Street in Vernonia.
Along with your Burn Permit you will
receive some paperwork listing the items
that you are allowed to burn. Anything
other than what is on the list is considered
to be an illegal burn.
The fire season is just around the
corner and it would be a good idea to start
calling the Burn Line BEFORE you burn.
Call: (503) 429-8252. After hours you will
be connected to a recorded message that
• Postpone outdoor games and activities.
• Stay indoors as much as possible and limit exposure
to the sun.
For these tips and more, go to READY.GOV
Watchful Eye
will let you know if you are allowed to burn.
Open burning can change from one
day to the next depending on the weather
conditions, so please call and check before
you burn.
Always have water available and
some type of tools, such as a shovel to
help you extinguish the fire in the event
that it should start to get away from you.
Schedule your burn for early in the day
while the humidity levels are at their highest
and temperatures are still relatively low.
Please be considerate of your
neighbors. Keep your fire burning “hot”
with good ventilation to help reduce the
amount of smoke.
Vernonia Rural Fire Protection
District Could Use Your Help
Recently we have received learning more about the areas where
some inquiries from the public we could use your help, contact the
concerning volunteer opportunities Fire Chief.
with the department. We do have
We could use some volunteers
several areas where we could use
to help with:
an extra hand from any interested
citizens from our community.
• Vetting Map Books
We realize that not everyone
• Answering Phones
is cut out for becoming a fire fighter,
• Filing Paperwork
with all of the training requirements
• Public Education Program
and personal time commitments, so
• Grant Writing
we have come up with some areas
• Computer Data Entry
where you can volunteer to help us
• Station/Grounds Maintenance
out without having to go through a
• Fire Prevention Program
lot of training and time away from
• Address Program
your families.
If you are interested in
By Robert Schattschneider
I just wanted to remind all of you to keep a watchful eye
out for the hidden dangers on our roadways, in and out of town.
With the nicer weather, many have taken to their two
wheeled vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles. And with the end of
the school year the kids will be out at all hours of the day.
Keep a close eye on the crosswalks in town and the
neighborhoods where children will be playing. Slowing down a
little just might give you the added stopping distance that you will
need to avoid hitting that little one who just ran blindly into the
street chasing after that football or Frisbee that just got away.
This week I encountered several bicyclists on Scappoose
Vernonia Highway. With all of the curves you are upon them
before you know it, and the curves make it a little dangerous to
pass them when you can’t see what’s coming around that next
Please be on your best game as you travel the roadways
to help avoid a serious accident.
VRFPD is currently accepting applications
for Volunteer Fire Fighters.
• You must have a High School Diploma or
G.E.D., a valid Oregon Driver’s License, and
be at least 18 years of age.
• Currently, you must be able to attend
weekly training on Monday nights
Calls responded to May 1-31
Emergency Medical Service
Hazardous Condition
Service Call
Good Intent
Severe Weather & Natural Disaster
Special Incident
No Emergency Found
False Alarm
Here’s What We Do!
• Willing to attend the Fire Academy
• Live or work (employer willing to let you
respond to calls) within VRFPD’s District
555 E. Bridge St.
Vernonia, OR 97064
• Applications can be picked up at the Fire
Earl Dean Smith
503-709-8821 (cell)
503-429-8252 (office)
Robert Schattschneider
971-225-8332 (cell)
503-429-8252 (office)