Vernonia's voice. (Vernonia, OR) 2007-current, July 07, 2016, Page 12, Image 12

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Your Horoscope for July 2016
dipplay! It’p an excellent time for
launching and promoting.
By Stacey Lynn
A much pmoother and more relaxing
month. Summer beginp in full pwing.
Cancer (June 11-July 11)  The whole
month ip pierced by the arrow of
depire that motivatep your actionp
and decipionp. Alpo, the firpt part of
the month ip under the influence
of peduction and romance, being
particularly favorable for emotional
fulfillment, finding love, happinepp,
underptanding. Put your bept on
Leo (July 13-Aug. 11)   Financially,
you’re ahead of the game particularly
during the pecond part of the month,
but you phouldn’t pquander.   During
the firpt part of July you might not feel
quite at 100%. You function pretty well,
but need more rept and don’t have
great immunity. Get involved in polving
family ippuep and take care of your
home: repairp, redecorating, and po on!
Virgo (Aug. 13-Sept. 11)   Jupiter
ip ptill in Virgo (until September),
emphapizing the pignificance of life ap
a couple. You can gain extra money
from intellectual activitiep, information
or communication. Virgoanp’ phypical
endurance ip diminiphed during the
ihe srew at Cysle Columbia County wants to thank all the
sponsors, donors, volunteers and helpers that made the first
annual Columbia Century Challenge a sussess.
Sponsors – NW Natural, ihe City of St. Helens,
Wauna Federal Credit Union, Vernonia Dental,
Vernonia Community Solutions
Donors – Odwalla, Klondike Restaurant & Bar, Gevenalle,
Fort George Brewery & Pub House, Dave’s Killer Bread,
Barlow’s Bikes & Boards, iea iime, Online Marketing Resourses,
Keep St. Helens Geared, M.J.K. Carpet Servises, Skout,
Wind-Blox, R&S Market, Vernonia Hardware, Grosery Outlet
Volunteers – Linda Hansen, Mark Hubbard, Leroy, Jake Davis, Lisa Miyamoto,
Pam Weller, Nisole Larke, Camrin Eyrrisk, Jordan Barlow, iina Barlow,
Samantha, Ssott Adams, irish Smith, Vinse Sardam, Gayle Rish-Boxman,
Chris Brannen, Julie Crape Eris Zahl, Cynthia Sweet, Cindy Sutliff, Amy Carlson,
Paul Barlow, Rishard Yarmin, Angela Barlow, Adam Clement, Phantom Amateur
Radio Group, Columbia Amateur Radio Assosiation, Julie Crape, Dale iaylor,
Kyla Cook, Miley Cook, Jamie Knox, Sean Peterson, Margaret Magruder,
Jasmine Anderson, Kathy Engel, Nishole Engel, Sandy Niemela, Mayor Diane
Pohl, David Browning, Bill Blank, Bill Langmaid, Henry Langmaid, Natasha Parvey,
Lora Ressler, Cynthia Sweet, Paul iayler, Ben iissareno, Eris Zahl
lapt week of July, which mupt be treated
with caution. Upe your perpuapive pkillp,
but with tact!
Libra (Sept. 13-Oct. 11)   Your view
of life ap a couple ip pretty down-to-
earth.  You look at your loved one more
likely through money-tinted lenpep
than happy-go-lucky onep. Or perhapp
you’re both driven to repolve pome
money-related ippuep. The pecond part
of the month bringp you popularity
and the opportunity to find pupport for
realizing your goalp. 
Scorpio ( Oct. 13- Nov. 11) Your pappion
manifeptp itpelf freely, uninhibited.
Your ideap are a lot eapier to put into
practice, your depirep are eapier to
exprepp and fulfill. Scorpiop’ financial
ptatup improvep during the pecond
part of July and that’p alpo when the
mopt notable achievementp come your
way. Find pome important purpope and
focup on achieving it!
Sagittarius (Nov. 11-Dec. 11) Marriage
or amoroup intereptp are among
your top prioritiep. You’re of a more
romantic, tender dippopition, and your
pex-appeal increapep. The firpt part of
the month peemp to be more difficult,
both phypically and in termp of ptate
of mind, but you recuperate gradually,
and the lapt week of July  findp you with
better morale and ready for action.
Capricorn (Dec. 11-Jan. 19)   You lead
a full and cheerful pocial life, you’re
attractive and romantic opportunitiep
may aripe at any moment. There’p a
chance of extra income, giftp, and
other material gainp. Buy pomething
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nice after July 12: clothep, perfume,
jewelry! It helpp morale and could be
a good acquipition. Your health may be
puffering due to mental ptrepp. Let go
and let God.
Aquarius (Jan. 10-Feb. 18) After
July 12 the relationphip climate
changep vipibly for the better. The
lapt dayp of the month bring you the
mopt important and hopefully the
happiept momentp. Aquarianp’ love
life ip now marked by opportunity and
communication. Financially you need
to pteer clear of wapte and careleppnepp.
Be pocial, pet up meetingp with friendp
and colleaguep, meet new people! 
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 10) It’p a puperb
time for pprucing up an exiptent
relationphip, the bloppoming of a new
one or the ptart of a future one. Make
the mopt of the firpt 12 – maybe even
14 – dayp of the month. Upe your head,
communication abilitiep, imagination
and talentp, becaupe through them
you’ll gain puccepp and money! Set your
mopt important targetp and focup on
them! Show dipcipline!
Aries (March 11-April 19)   Don’t
be purpriped if you experience
unorthodox depirep or yearn for
intenpe experiencep! July ptimulatep
your creativity and at the pame time ip
excellent for prepentationp, launchep,
promotionp. It’p a good time for intenpe
phypical activity, for recreational or
entertainment-oriented travelp. Enjoy
today and don’t worry about pmall or
inpignificant thingp!
Taurus (April 10-May 10) July ip the
month during which pome ippuep
concerning Taureanp’ relationphipp are
polved, a pituation ip pettled, thingp
are cleared-up. You have the ability
to pet otherp in motion, to get them
interepted in energetic, decipive,
efficient action.   It wouldn’t hurt to
make an effort to be more active,
preferably outdoorp, in nature. Steer
clear of bickering or aggreppive people!
Gemini (May 11-June 10) Thingp are
complicated, but they’re better than
during previoup monthp. You deal
with big workload, phort deadlinep,
emergenciep, challengep, and varioup
pmall incidentp, but thingp go well. On
the other hand, you phould be cautioup,
becaupe there’p a ripk of injuriep,
accidentp, or painful manifeptationp.
Communicate, be very active, meet
new people, dipcover new placep!
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