Vernonia's voice. (Vernonia, OR) 2007-current, May 19, 2016, Image 1

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    may19 2016
volume10  issue10
reflecting the spirit of our community
Lions’ Dewey Pool
Project Progresses
2016 Primary Election Results
Vernonians Approve Fire Levy,
Hyde loses re-election bid, run-
off in other Commissioner race
The following are unofficial election 
results  from  the  May  17,  2016  primary 
•  Vernonia voters approved  Measure 5-253, 
a  five  year  tax  levy  to  fund  emergency 
services  training  and  operations  for  the 
Vernonia  Rural  Fire  Protection  District.  
The tax funds will be used to hire a training 
officer for the District.  51% voted yes.
• Alex Tardiff defeated long time Columbia 
County  Commissioner  Tony  Hyde  for 
Position 3. Tardif  received over 51% of the 
vote while Hyde earned over 48%.
•  The  race  between  five  candidates  for 
County Commissioner Position 1 will go to 
a run-off in the November election between 
Margaret Magruder and Wayne Mayo after 
no candidate received over 50% of the vote.  
Magruder  led  the  voting  with  28%,  while 
Mayo  was  close  behind  with  27%.    They 
were  trailed  in  the  voting  by  Joel  Yarbor 
with 19%, Susan Conn with 12%  and Brady 
Preheim with 11%.
• Columbia County voters rejected Measure 
5-251  which  would  have  formed  the 
Columbia  County  Rider  Transportation 
District, a special district to provide public 
transportation for Columbia County.  Voters 
voted 63% against the tax measure. 
The 19 th  annual Memorial Day Ser-
vice will be held at the Vernonia Memorial 
Cemetery, 2080 Bridge Street, on Monday, 
May  30,  2016  at  11:00  am.  The  service  is 
provided  by  the  Aloha  American  Legion 
Post #104 and sponsored by the City of Ver-
nonia.  The public is invited to attend. 
Pastor  Grant  Williams  of  Open 
Door Gathering Place will be the Master of 
Ceremonies.  Guest speaker will be former 
Vernonia Mayor Sally Harrison.  Music will 
be  provided  by  the  Vernonia  High  School 
The Honor Guard, Rifle Salute, and 
Taps  will be presented by Aloha American 
Legion  Post  #104,  assisted  by  Vernonia 
American Legion Post #119.  Bugler is Bill 
Coffee,  punch  and  cookies  will  be 
served following the service.
Also  assisting  in  the  preparation 
and presentation of the service are the Ver-
nonia  Lions  Club,  Cemetery  Caretaker 
Michael  Bright,  sound  system  by  Tommy 
Disco,  Vernonia  Free  Wheelers  Club,  Boy 
Scout Troop #119, and Fuiten, Rose & Hoyt 
Funeral Home.
The Vernonia  Lions  Club’s 
project to renovate the Dewey Pool 
swimming pool is progressing well, 
with the new liner for the children’s 
wading pool already installed.
The Lions raised the money 
needed  in  less  than  two  months  to 
replace  the  liner.    The  installation 
was completed in early May.  
Club and the City of Vernonia both 
made  funding  contributions  and 
the balance of the money has come 
from donations by past and current 
members  of  the  community.    The 
Lions are continuing  to raise funds 
to  further  their  renovation  project 
with a GoFundMe account: “Dewey 
Pool Fund,” as well as an account at 
Next  on  the  agenda  for  the 
Lions  is  some  much  needed  patch 
work  and  repairs  to  the  concrete 
steps  and  seating  area.    They  also 
hope  to  install  several  benches 
around the pool area.
The total cost of the project 
is over $20,000. The Vernonia Lions 
US Bank where anyone can make a 
The  Dewey  Pool  was 
originally constructed in 1938 and is 
a source of enjoyment for the entire 
community  during  the  summer 
For final county election results go to: www.
department/elections-home. For statewide
election results go to:
Memorial Day Service May 30 th
Police Officer Brady No Longer With VPD
Vernonia  City  Administrator  Josette 
Mitchell  has  confirmed  that  Vernonia  Police 
officer  Matt  Brady  is  no  longer  working  for 
the Department.
“Mr.  Brady  is  no  longer  employed 
with  the  City  of  Vernonia,”  said  Mitchell  in 
a written statement. “We cannot comment on 
the  circumstances  regarding  the  change  in 
employment status.”
Brady has not been seen on duty for 
several months.  At the end of March Mitchell 
school budget
volunteer job fair
spelling bee champ
vms in
declined  to  comment  when  asked  about 
rumors  that  Brady  was  on  Administrative 
Leave,  stating  that  she  could  not  openly 
discuss employee matters.
Brady joined the VPD in November of 
2011.  He attended the Police Academy from 
January  through  April  of  2012.    Previously 
Brady  worked  as  a  reserve  officer  in  North 
Plains for over five years.
At  their  May  2,  2016  City  Council 
meeting,  the  Council  entered  into  Executive 
Session under ORS 192.660 (2)(d) To consider
information or records that are exempt by
law from public inspection. Council took no 
further action upon returning to open session. 
At  the  most  recent  City  Council 
meeting  on  May  16,  Police  Chief    Mike 
Connor  told  the  Council  that  there  is  an 
opening  on  the  Department  and  received 
permission to begin the search process for a 
new officer. 
Bailey’s Pantry Helps Families with Pet Food Needs
Pet Fair on May 21 will raise
funds for pet food pantry
Bailey’s  Pantry,  the  pet  food 
pantry at the Vernonia Cares Food Bank, 
has been helping families with their pet 
food  needs  since  just  after  the  2007 
flood in Vernonia.  
A  Pet  Fair  fundraiser  to  help 
Bailey’s  Pantry  is  planned  for  May  21 
from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Creatures 
Pet Store in Vernonia.
The Pet Fair, organized by Hol-
ly  Vaughn,  will  include  a  raffle,  a  pet 
item  resale  booth,  dog  wash,  pet  pho-
tography, rescue animals, spay and neu-
ter information, Reiki pet massage, food 
and much more.  
“Bailey’s  Pantry  is  very  suc-
cessful  in  assisting  people  with  pet 
food,”  says  Vernonia  Cares  Director 
Sandy  Welch,    “Just 
Coastal  Farm  and  asked 
as we try to give three 
them  if  they  could  help 
days of people food to 
us  and  they  saved  all  of 
the  food  bank  clients, 
their  bags  of  food  that 
we  offer  three  days  of 
were broken open.  Usu-
pet  food,  as  supplies 
ally  they  tape  them  up 
allow.  Our  client’s 
and sell them, but instead 
eyes  light  up  with  ap-
they donated them to us.  
preciation  when  they 
That’s where it got start-
are  offered  pet  food. 
ed and I had Bailey with 
Their pets are very im-
me that day.”
portant to them.”
  Bailey was Davis’s lab/
Carol  Davis 
golden retriever mix that 
remembers  how  the 
she adopted from the Co-
idea of a pet food pan-
lumbia  County  Humane 
try started after the flood  Bailey’s Pantry is named in Society in St. Helens when 
honor of Carol Davis’s
in December 2007 when 
he was less than six weeks 
lab/retriever “Bailey.”
all the food and clothing 
old.    “Everybody  knew 
donations starting arriving to help those  Bailey,”  says  Davis.    “He  was  such  a 
in  need.    “So  many  animals  were  go- cool dog and was just so special.”  
ing hungry,” explains Davis.  “I went to 
continued on page 10