Vernonia's voice. (Vernonia, OR) 2007-current, April 03, 2014, Page 10, Image 10

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Meet Mac MacCallum: New Pastor at Grace Family Fellowship
Greg  “Mac”  MacCallum  is  the 
new pastor at Grace Family Fellowship 
church.  He arrived with his family- wife 
Julie  and  children;  daughter  Jaelynne, 
17, and sons Luke, 15 and David, 9. The 
MacCallums  are  currently  in  the  pro-
cess of moving into the home they just 
purchased, formerly the Old Mill House 
Inn,  and  spent  Spring  Break  unpacking 
boxes and getting settled.  
“Vernonia is a great town, says 
Mac.  “We love it here.”
Mac  is  originally  from  Pendle-
ton and has a Seminary Degree in Pasto-
ral Studies from Multnomah University 
in Portland; Julie is from Hermiston and 
has a Bachelors Degree in Graphic Com-
munication.  The  MacCallums  moved 
from Helix, OR where Mac was the pas-
tor for the last five years.  Prior to Helix, 
Mac  was  a  pastor  in  Eddyville,  OR  for 
eight  years.    Both  were  small  churches 
and  Mac  seems  to  be  very  comfortable 
in a small, rural church and community.  
“Eddyville    is  between  New-
port  and  Corvallis-a  logging  town  like 
Vernonia,” says Mac.  “Grace Commu-
nity  Fellowship  is  a  little  bigger  than 
the  churches  I’ve  been  at  before,  but 
I’ll pretty much have the same approach 
to  ministry  and  personal  style  that  I’ve 
used  at  the  previous  places  I’ve  been.  
It’s  a  terrific  fit.    This  is  a  wonderful 
community with caring and loving peo-
ple.  And then, obviously at our church, 
too- a great group of people to work with 
and enjoy the grace of god together.”
Mac  says  his  approach  to  be-
ing a pastor is to be a shepherding type 
of teacher who builds relationships and 
through those relationships, he can disci-
ple people in God’s word.  “Not so much 
to learn the facts about the bible, but as 
transformation  in  their  lives-to  lead 
people into a closer relationship with 
God,” says Mac.  “Help them connect 
with God so they can be changed by 
the power of God.” 
Mac says his work at Grace 
Family  Fellowship  does  include  a 
little  more  administrative  work  and 
working  more  with  staff    and  other 
church  leaders  than  in  his  previous 
churches.    “It’s  a  very  friendly  at-
mosphere,” says Mac.  “It was clear 
when  we  got  here  that  when  they 
decided to rename the church Grace 
Family  Fellowship  that  was  a  good 
name because all three of those ele-
ments  are  prevalent.    It’s  really  de-
fined  by  good  fellowship  and  has  a 
family  atmosphere  and  everything 
we  do  is  about  grace.   About  grace 
for each other and grace in our own 
Julie added that building re-
lationships has always been Mac’s goal.  
“He does that by meeting people’s needs 
and  working  alongside  them.    There’s 
a saying,  ‘People don’t  care how  much 
you  know  until  they  know  how  much 
you care,’ that has always been how Mac 
has pastored.  He doesn’t like to wait for 
people to come into the church, he likes 
to see where the needs are and how we 
can  contribute  and  serve  the  communi-
Mac agreed with Julie. “I don’t 
just do my work in the church.  I like to 
be out in the woods with the loggers and 
coach and be involved in the community 
as  much  as  possible.   And  that’s  where 
the relationships are really made.”
The  MacCallums  said  the  de-
cision  to  come  to  Vernonia  took  some 
time.  Mac originally heard about the op-
portunity over a year ago.  Their church 
in Helix had several major crises which 
impacted their congregation, including a 
suicide and a murder, which delayed the 
MacCallums  from  making  any  type  of 
decision to leave.  “Every three months 
there  was  a  crisis  that  we  just  couldn’t 
leave,” explains Mac.  
Eventually  things  got  back  in 
order and it became apparent that it was 
time  to  move  on  and  start  something 
new.  “We felt like we had accomplished 
everything that the Lord had for us to do 
in Helix,” said Mac.
Mac said he had stayed in touch 
with Ralph Young, the interim pastor at 
Grace  Family  Fellowship,  through  all 
the crises in Helix and then finally spoke 
with the church elders.  “Once we all met 
it  was  pretty  much  a  done  deal,”  says 
Mac.  “Right off the bat it was a good fit.  
We knew we had to come here.”
When  asked  about  the  number 
of  members  at  his  new  church,  Mac 
says Grace Family Fellowship averages 
about 100 attendees for their Sunday ser-
vice.  “I’m not big on focusing on offi-
cial membership,” says Mac.  “We pretty 
much  consider  everyone  that  comes  as 
part of the family.  For some people it’s 
important to have the piece of paper that 
says  they’re  a  member  and  we  under-
stand that, but that is not our focus.”  
Mac says Grace Family Fellow-
ship  has  an  active  youth  group  led 
by  Mark  Brown.    Brown  also  orga-
nizes the music for Sunday services.  
The  MacCallums  also  mentioned 
new,  small,  weeknight  bible  study 
groups that meet in people’s homes; 
they  currently  have  four  groups  in 
place with the hope of having ten by 
the  end  of  the  year.    The  MacCal-
lums were also excited to know their 
church  facility  has  hosted  the  Sum-
mer Meals  Program for the last two 
summers and are looking forward to 
Vacation  Bible  School  this  June  19, 
20 and 22.  
  The MacCallums are really try-
ing to fit into both the church commu-
nity and the community as a whole.  
Jaylynn  and  Luke  both  played  JV 
basketball for the VHS Loggers this 
past  year.    Luke  is  looking  forward 
to  the  upcoming  football  season.  
Mac  has  been  participating  in  weekly 
Thursday  lunches  where  all  the  pastors 
from  all  the  churches  gather.    Julie  has 
the new bed and breakfast.  Grace Fam-
ily Fellowship worked with the Vernonia 
Christian  Church  to  provide  activities 
for  families  this  past  Halloween.    The 
MacCallums  will  also  be  participating 
in “Make Vernonia Shine Day” on April 
12, partnering with other church congre-
gations to spruce up the Vernonia Com-
munity Learning Center.
For  the  MacCallums  the  entire 
community is important.  “I hope that all 
of  the  churches  can  find  ways  to  work 
together  towards  the  common  goal,” 
says  Mac.    Julie  agrees.    “We’re  trying 
to build relationships and build trust and 
find ways to help each other out.”
“It’s  going  to  take  some  time,” 
says Mac.  “We understand that.  If we 
take one step at time maybe we can all 
head in the same direction.”  
“I  just  want  the  community  to 
hear from me that we are here for them,” 
said Mac in closing.  “We have a com-
fortable  atmosphere  at  the  church  and 
want  everybody  to  feel  welcome.    It’s 
not like they have to be a certain way or 
look a certain way to come in and fit in.  
If people come and check it out and see 
what it is all about I think they will feel 
comfortable and enjoy it.”   
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