Vernonia's voice. (Vernonia, OR) 2007-current, April 03, 2014, Image 1

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    april3 2014
volume8    issue7
reflecting the spirit of our community
Health Center
Celebrates Groundbreaking
Six  years  after  the  Flood  of 
2007  damaged  the  health  clinic  in 
Vernonia,  the  new  Vernonia  Health 
Center took another major step towards 
becoming a reality on Friday, March 28, 
Over  100  friends,  family, 
dignitaries and citizens joined members 
of  the  Vernonia  Health  Board  to 
In her opening remarks Paleck 
lauded the efforts of the many groups, 
organizations,  foundations,  civic 
entities,  professionals  and  individual 
volunteers  who  worked  together  to 
move the project forward.  Paleck noted 
that,  not  only  was  the  Health  Board 
breaking ground on a new facility, they 
were also breaking new ground on the 
The first shovels of dirt! (L to R) Vernonia Mayor Josette Mitchell, Senator Betsy
Johnson, County Commissioner Tony Hyde, Heather Lewis, Health Board members
Wendy Sears, Bob Wagner and Ralph Keasey
celebrate  the  official  groundbreaking 
for construction of the new health care 
facility on a rainy but joyous day. 
The event was held at the West 
Oregon Electric Cooperative truck bays 
and  included  speeches,  light  snacks 
and the ceremonial first shovels of dirt, 
which was held inside, due to the hard 
spring rain that was falling.
Health  Board  President  Erika 
Paleck welcomed the crowd to what she 
called a ”...long, and overdue occasion.”
rural  health  care  paradigm  as  well.  
“The old school paradigm said bring in 
a  big  conglomerate,”  said  Paleck.    “In 
the new paradigm the Vernonia Health 
Board is entering into partnerships that 
emphasize  not  just  primary  care  but 
partnerships  that  educate,  that  support  
mental health, that help clients navigate 
through  the  insurance  mazes  and  in 
general  support  the  whole  human 
mac maccallum
chamber news
the carpenter’s
house b&b
the girls of spring
continued on page 5
Library Event for
Local Poet’s Publication
Many of us have enjoyed read- her own words:
ing  the  poetry  of  Kala  Cota.    Cota  re-  
One day an announcement/ar-
cords  special  occasions  and  events    in  ticle popped up on my Facebook page.
the life of the Vernonia community and  Somehow this announcement found me
its  residents  with 
rhyming lines.
Now  one 
of  Cota’s  poems 
has  been  chosen  to 
be  published  in  a 
new “Chicken Soup 
for  the  Soul”  edi-
tion  which  collects 
101  poems  about 
Dementia.    Kala’s 
mother,  Faye  Millis 
Sword  suffers  from 
Alzheimer’s  and  is 
currently residing in 
a  memory  care  fa-
Kala Cota with her mother, Faye Millis Sword.
The  Ver-
nonia  Library  will  host  an  open  house  from Chicken Soup for the Soul. They
event  on  May  7th  from  4:00  PM-8:00  were putting together a new book about
PM  to  celebrate  Cota’s  poem  being  Alzheimer’s and other forms of Demen-
published.    Books  will  be  available  for  tia and all the proceeds would benefit
purchase  for  $14.95  (signed  of  course  the Alzheimer’s Association.
by Kala!) along with refreshments.  Ac-
Since my mom’s diagnosis and
cording  to  Vernonia  Librarian  Jennifer  subsequent move into a memory care
Moloney the money raised from the sale  home, over a year and a half ago I have
of the books will be used for new  land- written many poems and journal entries.
scaping  at  the  library.  “Kala’s  mother  This seems to be my way of coping with
loved reading and spending time in her  my grief over this sudden and sometimes
yard, said Moloney.  “It seemed the per- overwhelming change in our lives. Po-
fect fit to utilize all funds raised to beau- etry has become a form of therapy for
tify the landscaping,  starting with a re- me.
membrance garden as you walk up to the 
Anyway, with the encourage-
library from the parking lot.”
ment of family and friends I submitted
So how did Cota end up contrib- a few poems and one was chosen for the
uting  a  poem  to  Chicken  Soup  for  the  book. I had originally entitled it “Hold-
Soul, the Alzheimer’s edition?
ing Hands” they have since changed the
We’ll  let  Kala  tell  the  story  in 
Meet Bob Perry
New General Manager at WOEC
By Scott Laird
continued on page 14
name plate, facing him) is “Non Sibi,  sports,  fishing  and  amateur  radio.  
Seb Aliis,”  Not for Themselves, But Bob, who is of Scottish decent, also 
Bob  Perry  has  been  the  for Others.
owns  and  plays  a  set  of  bagpipes.  
General  Manager  at  West  Oregon 
Perry says he will become 
Electric  Cooperative  (WOEC)  since 
a  member  of  the  Lions 
January.    Vernonia’s Voice sat  down 
Club  and  would  like  to  be 
to  visit  with  him,  find  out  about 
an  active  member  of  the 
his  background  and  ask  him  a  few 
Chamber of Commerce.  
questions  about  his  view  on  the 
The  question  on 
operations at WOEC.
everyone’s minds about the 
Perry  is  an  intelligent  and 
new  General  Manager  is, 
thoughtful  man  who  takes  his  time 
of course, “Can you lower 
and  answers  questions  in  a  very 
our electric rates?”  Perry’s 
deliberate  manner.    He  is  extremely 
answer,  though  probably 
knowledgeable  about  the  electric 
not what the members want 
utility  industry  in  general  and 
to hear, was a simple, no. 
especially  about  cooperatives.    He 
“You  have  a  certain 
appears  to  approach  his  job  with 
revenue requirement to pay 
a  customer  service  mentality  and   
Perry  and  wife  Linda  are  your bills,” explained Perry.  “That is 
is  very  community  minded.    He  is  purchasing a home in Vernonia with  just a fact of life.  The economics of 
approachable  and  easy  to  talk  to,  a  yard  for  Megan,  their  Labrador  this  co-op  are  not  going  to  change.  
with  a  dry  sense  of  humor  and  a  retriever.    Together  Bob  and  Linda  It’s  not  that  we  can  lower  rates.    I 
no-nonsense  attitude.    He  says  his  enjoy  riding  motorcycles  and  think  looking  forward  we  could 
personal  motto,  which  is  etched  in  kayaking.    Linda  likes  to  quilt  and  stabilize rates.” 
stone on his desk (on the back of his  garden; Bob says he enjoys shooting 
continued on page 8