Vernonia's voice. (Vernonia, OR) 2007-current, July 18, 2013, Image 1

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    july18 2013
volume7  issue14
reflecting the spirit of our community
“Hands On Development”
Provides Structure for
Developmentally Disabled
“Hands  On  Development”  is  a  new 
program that is  running  during  the month of 
July  in  Vernonia.    The  program  is  designed 
to  assist  developmentally  disabled  children 
during their summer break from school.  
“Our  mission  is  to  provide  summer 
camp  activities  for  kids  who  need  structure 
and routine in the summer,” says Eric Urban, 
one  of  two  teachers  that  are  helping  with 
Vernonia Baseball Plays
at State Tournament
On  Development  provides  just  the  types  of 
activities  that  are  needed,  including  social 
skills,  story  time,  arts  and  crafts,  and  play 
time.    The  program  meets  on  Mondays  and 
Wednesdays from 12:00 to 3:00 PM after the 
Summer Meals Program at the Grace Family 
Fellowship  Church.    Children  must  attend 
with an adult to take part in the program.
“We’re really pleased that we’ve been 
able  to  dovetail 
onto  the  Summer 
Meals  Program,” 
“That  has  been  a 
fantastic  resource 
for us, with lunch, 
and  they  are  also 
afternoon  snack 
for  us  as  well.  
And  the  church 
has just been great 
in  letting  us  use 
their  space  and 
their yard for play 
Eric Urban teaches sign language during Hands On Development.
time;  they  have 
the  program  this  year.    Urban  is  the  Special  really made it possible for this to happen.” 
Education  teacher  for  the  Vernonia  School   
Jeana  Gump,  the  mother  of  a 
District.    The  other  teacher  helping  with  the  developmentally  disabled  child,  was  the 
Hands  On  Development  program  is  Diane  originator of the idea for a summer camp type 
Martin,  an  in-home  autism  consultant  with  program. “Every summer with Savannah was 
NW Autism & Ability Services in Clatskanie,  getting  harder  and  harder,”  explains  Gump, 
who has worked in the past as an elementary  about her motivation for starting the program. 
Life Skills Instructor for the Clatskanie School  “By the end of last summer I was thinking that 
we  were  going  to  have  to  move  away  from 
“A lot of kids with disabilities rely on  Vernonia and find a place that had a year round 
routine  and  highly  structured  activities  and  school for her.  As soon the school year ended 
when  they  don’t  have  that,  certain  behaviors  she would lose her structure and just fall apart.  
can  come  out,”  said  Urban  during  a  recent  But we didn’t want to leave Vernonia; we love 
visit to the program. 
it here.”
The  day  camp  atmosphere  at  Hands 
continued on page 11
scout project
the good ol’ days
diggin’ in the dirt
american bash
The  Vernonia  Senior 
National  Boys  baseball  team 
competed  in  the  Junior  Base-
ball  Organization  (J.B.O.) 
state tournament on July 11th-
14 th   in  Corvallis  at  Williams 
The  boys  won  their 
opening  game  of  the  tourna-
ment,  defeating  McKay  13-5.  
The boys lost their next game, 
going down to Colton 5-4  in 
the  bottom  of  the  seventh  in-
ning,  in  what  Vernonia  head 
coach  Joe  Walters  said  was 
the  team’s  best  game  of  the 
year.  The Vernonia boys were 
knocked  out  from  the  double 
elimination  tournament  the 
following day after a 10-5 loss  Bailey Morrison had a great season pitch-
to  Barlow.   Vernonia  finished  ing for the Vernonia Senior National team.
the tournament in tenth place; 
ers  this  year,  eleven,  from  small 
the entire J.B.O. Program has a to- town  Vernonia,  to  compete  in  the 
tal  of  eighty  teams  competing  in  organized  league.  (Walters  actu-
ally  had  to  get  a  waiver  from  the 
The Vernonia boys, led by  league  because  he  is  supposed  to 
head  coach  Walters  and  assistant  have  twelve players) It’s a  mix of 
coach Eli Everett, qualified for the  players who have several years of 
trip  to  state  after  previously  win- experience  playing  baseball  (Jake 
ning the Washington County tour- Butcher,  Hayden  Cieloha,  Bailey 
nament.    The  boys  finished  their  Morrison,  Brett  Elliot  are  team 
regular  season  with  a  12-2  record  leaders),  to  two    players  (Nick 
and then swept their three games at  Bennett  and  Noah  Ryland)  who 
the county tournament to earn their  had never played the game of base-
spot at state.
ball  before  this  year.    One  player, 
Walters  has  built  a  team  Tristen  Bevill    is  Walters  nephew 
of talented young players.  Five of  from  Reedville    and  comes  out  to 
his players will be freshman at Ver- Vernonia to play.  Orion Hopkins is 
nonia  High  School  next  year  and  a sixth grader who was brought up 
Walters hopes his players will help  a level to fill out Walters’s roster.
bring  success  to  the  high  school   
J.B.O.  provides  an  oppor-
program in the coming years.   
tunity for Oregon youth from ages 
Walters    says  he  was  just  9-16 to participate in an organized 
able to piece together enough play-
continued on page 11
Get Ready for Echoing Evergreen Day Camp!
It’s  time  once  again 
for  Vernonia  to  get  ready  for 
Echoing Evergreen Day Camp. 
Camp  will  be  held  on 
August  5 th   through  the  9 th   at 
Vernonia’s Airport Park.  Camp 
starts  at  9:30  AM  and  ends  at 
3:00 PM each day of the week.  
Volunteers  and  teens  will  set 
up  camp  on  Sunday  evening, 
August  4 th     at  7:00  PM  and 
will stay to enjoy smores and a 
Day  Camp  is  organized  by 
the  Vernonia  Boosters  and 
provides a day camp experience 
for  all  local  children.    It  is  run 
completely  by  volunteer  adults 
and  students.    Middle  school 
and  high  school  students  volunteer 
as  camp  councilors  and  help  with 
activities throughout the week.  
Camp  registration  forms  are 
available  at Vernonia  Sentry  Market 
and Black Bear Coffee Shop.  
Anyone  interested  in  being 
a  volunteer  at  camp  please  contact 
Katie Poetter at 503-799-8946.
Echoing  Evergreens  Camp 
is  looking  for  donations  of  craft 
supplies to help with camp this year 
including:  small  Kleenex  boxes, 
water  bottles,  small  plastic  or 
cardboard  containers,  egg  cartons, 
and any other craft supples you would 
like  to  donate.    Any  contribution  is 
greatly appreciated since this is an all 
volunteer camp.