Vernonia's voice. (Vernonia, OR) 2007-current, August 14, 2012, Image 1

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    august14 2012
reflecting the spirit of our community
volume6 issue15
Planning Commission Considers Zoning Changes Vernonia
Part I: Vernonia Needs Room for More Businesses School Opening
By Scott Laird
The  Vernonia  Planning  Com-
mission  recently  invited  the  public  to 
attend  a  meeting  on  July  19  to  dis-
cuss changes to current land use zon-
ing  within  the  community.   A  second 
meeting  with  the  public  is  scheduled 
for August 16 at 6:00 PM at City Hall.
The  Planning  Commission 
scheduled the meetings in order to in-
form the public ahead of any hearings 
about possible changes to local zoning 
that could affect property owners.
According  to  Planning  Com-
mission  Chairperson,  Dan  Brown, 
there  is  a    concern  about  the  amount 
of land available within city limits that 
can accommodate businesses.  
“We’re  not  trying  to  hurt  or 
devalue Vernonia in this process, we’re 
trying to solve a problem with the least 
amount  of  impact.”  said    Brown  in  a 
recent  interview.    “But  what  people 
have to realize is that the problem has 
to be solved.”
Currently under consideration 
is  a  change  in  land  Use  Zoning  from  
the “Residential” designation to either 
“General  Commercial”  or  “Down-
town.”    The  Planning  Commission  is 
currently  considering  changes  along 
Rose  and  Weed Avenues  at  the  south 
end of town on either side of the new 
West  Oregon  Electric  Cooperative 
headquarters.    Brown  says  the  Plan-
ning Commission is required by state 
law  to  provide  buildable  land  inven-
tory inside the city limits.
According to  Brown, the Ver-
nonia Planning Commission has been 
looking at rezoning for some time.  The 
flood  in  2007  caused  several  changes 
in what land is available for develop-
ment, as well as how certain properties 
can be used.  
“What  has  sped  this  up  right 
now is that we need to  re-zone all the 
flood  lots  the  City  has  acquired  and  
the old school property needs to be re-
zoned, so we’re trying to do as much 
as  possible  at  the  same  time,”  said 
Brown  says  the  Planning 
Commission invited the public to take 
part in discussions early in the process 
Verdura Clinic Leaves Vernonia
Wellness,  the  medical  care 
provider  that  has  been  op-
erating  a  health  clinic  in 
Vernonia since February 20, 
2012,  abruptly  closed  their 
doors for business in Verno-
nia on July 30, 2012.
“Dear Vernonia Pa-
tient:  We  are  writing  to  in-
form you  that the Vernonia 
location  of  Verdura  Family 
Wellness will be closing its 
doors,  effectively  [sic]  im-
mediately,”  stated  a  letter 
dated  July  30,  2012,  which 
was  posted  on  the  front  
door  of  the  office  at  510 
Bridge  Street.    “We  have 
great  [sic]  enjoyed  getting 
to  meet  you  and  help  you 
with your healthcare needs, 
but  at  this  time  we  are  un-
able to continue our practice 
in Vernonia.” 
According  to  Ver-
nonia  Health  Center  Board 
President  Marie  Krahn,  the 
announcement  that  Verdura 
was closing came as a shock 
to  the  Board,  patients  and 
staff at the clinic.  “The Ver-
nonia  Health  Center  Board 
met  with  Verdura  Family 
Wellness  on  Monday  eve-
ning,  July  30 th   and  was  in-
formed  that  the  Vernonia 
Clinic  would  be  closed  for 
business as of that day,” said 
Krahn.  Krahn said she had 
received  a  phone  call  from 
Verdura  on  Tuesday  July 
24 th  informing her that Ver-
dura  was  planning  to  close 
at the end of the month.
store front
day camp
continued on page 10
Health  Center  Board 
owns  and  operates  the 
physical  building  where 
the  clinic  was  operat-
ing  and  had  a  month  to 
month lease with Verdura 
Family  Wellness,  which 
ran  through  August  15, 
“We  are  greatly 
saddened  by  the  an-
Krahn.  “It came as quite 
a  surprise.    We  had  just 
received  their  monthly 
update on July 19 th  which  Verdura Family Wellness closed
stated that things were go- their Vernonia clinic on July 31.
sent  from  Verdura  Prac-
ing  fine.   We  were  work-
ing    on  getting  better  sig- tice  Manager,  Sara  Miller 
nage  for  them  as  they  had  to  Krahn,  stated  that  Ver-
dura  needed  some  kind  of 
A  copy  of  that  signage  to  catch  the  eye  of 
monthly  update—an  email 
continued on page 8
Celebration is August 21
The big day has finally arrived!
After over four years of hard work the 
Vernonia School District is ready to celebrate 
the grand opening of the new Vernonia K-12 
School and community center.
The  celebration  will  take  place  on 
August 21, 2012  with festivities scheduled to 
begin at 10:00 AM. The new school facility 
is  located  at  1000  Missouri  Avenue.  The 
Vernonia  School  District  and    the  Catalyst 
Campaign have invited the entire community 
to attend.
The schedule of events is as follows:
10:00 AM
Grand opening program
11:00 AM
Tours of the new school
12:00 PM
Lunch, thank you program
Community open house
According  to  Vernonia  School 
District Superintendent Dr. Kenneth Cox the 
building will be open for tours all afternoon.
The  new  facility  is  135,000  square 
feet which will house elementary and middle 
school  classrooms  in  separate  wings  on  the 
ground  floor  and  high  school  classrooms 
on  the  second  floor.    The  building  contains 
two gymnasiums and a commons area, with 
stage, that will serve as a lunch room as well 
as auditorium and community room.  
The  school  was  designed  to  be  an 
innovative  model  for  rural  education.    It 
will  include  sustainable  features  such  as 
passive  heating  and  cooling,  day-lighting, 
and  photovoltaic  and  ground  source  energy 
use  and  aims  to  be  one  of  the  first  LEED-
certified public K-12 building in the country.
In  November  2009,  the  residents  of 
the Vernonia School District overwhelmingly 
approved a $13 million bond to get the school 
district  started  towards  raising  the  funds 
continued on page 13