Vernonia's voice. (Vernonia, OR) 2007-current, May 10, 2011, Page 11, Image 11

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VHS Spring Sports Update continued from page 10 WGS Run for the Arts
Brown has high hopes for sprinters Jake
in fourth place and will play third seed Portland
This year the Washington Grade School “Run for
Christian in the first round of the League Playoffs— Stevens on the boys’ side and Samantha Lindauer
the Arts” raised $4,255.89 . That was an increase from last
although they were still waiting for Knappa to on the girls’. Brown says Lindauer also has a good
year when $3,392.50 was raised.
finish its season. The winner of that playoff game shot in the long jump and high jump. Stevens
Students ran a total of 1, 582 Track Laps (converted
may run the 200 or 400 meters. “I think there is
qualifies for the state tournament.
from gym laps), which equaled 396 miles.
The Vernonia girls finished their season at an outside chance that both Stevens and Lindauer
This years Grand Prize Winners were : Mckenzie
8-7 in the league. They have been hitting the ball could go to State in four events,” says Brown.
Pickering and Kaili Pickering, each with 81 points. This is
Brown has strong relay teams with the
well and scoring lots of runs; they were leading the
the second year the sisters have scored the highest.
league with 222 total runs scored, well ahead of any 4x100 boys’ and 4x100 girls’ and has added a
Each participant’s score is determined by the
4x400 boys’ relay that includes Stevens, Tanner
other team.
following formula: (2 x # of paid sponsors) + (# of laps
The team lost five straight games to end its Faber, Nathan Fleck and Kodi Dyer; that team has
completed) = score. There were 37 students who scored 30
season, losing two close games to Knappa down the performed well in some recent meets.
or more points. 108 students participated by turning in all
Sophomore Fleck is the boys’ best chance
stretch, 10-12 and 7-8.
of their materials.
Coach Randy Shockey says freshman in the distance events. He has been running well
As a reward for student participation, two years ago
Stephanie Castro, Makenzie Anderson, Megan in the 800 meters and may also run the 1500 at
event organizer and PE teacher Mr. Spaulding shaved his
Rock, and Sam Wallace, have all been hitting well. District. “He’s become a really good 800 runner
head. Last year he took a pie in the face. Unfortunately this
“We’re right where I expected us to be,” this season, and running on that 4x400 relay has
year no students reached the personal goal in order to get
said Shockey about his young team that only has made him an even better 800 runner,” says Brown.
Mr. Spaulding.
three seniors. “We keep getting better—our fielding Rowan Cheney will compete in the 3,000 meters
for the girls.
is improving.”
The girls finish the season with
two non-league games against Western
Mennonite and Horizon Christian as
Better Service, Less Wait, Same Co-Pay
they get ready to head into the playoffs.
We take Pride in our
Byron Brown’s team is preparing for
call Kim
Quality, Personal service
the District Meet on May13-14. “It’s all
practice until you get to district,” says
Come on in for your flu shot
Call now to Transfer Your Prescriptions!
At the District Meet Brown
Lovable service at
says a lot goes into strategy and placing
athletes in the right events. “We can only
a reasonable price
Check out our website:
enter three people in an event, and they
• Bathing
can only compete in four events, and
some of our people are pretty talented
• Nail Clipping
in more than four, so we have to decide
which four events to enter them in,” says
• Nail Polishing
Hours of Operation:
Brown. “We want to match them and
Mon.-Fri. 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
• Specialty
ideally give everyone the best shot they
Saturday 9:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
can to be one of the top two finishers
Closed Sunday
and go to State.” The State Meet is May
“Sticks and stones indeed break bones.
BUT texts and phones wound also.”
Vernonia Students of the Month
April 2011
Kale Sullivan ,
Grade 3
Kale's teacher, Mrs. Gingerich, says he is a positive role
model to all of the students in the school. He has
helpful ways of looking at difficult situations. Rather
than complain about the circumstance, he comes up
with possible solutions. “When I am teaching and look
out over my class, I always see at least one smiling face,
Kale,” says Gingerich. Kale says he enjoys playing
basketball, exploring in nature, especially the creek
around his house, and doing art projects. He is also
raising a chicken to take to the County Fair.
Ashley Hernandez ,
What Counts as Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is the use of technology to
harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person.
Online threats or "f lames" (rude texts, IMs, or
messages) count.
So does posting personal information or videos
designed to hurt or embarrass someone else.
Online bullying can be easier to commit than
other acts of bullying because the bully doesn't have
to confront the victim in person. Some cyberbullies
probably don't realize just how hurtful their actions
By definition, cyberbullying involves young
people. If an adult sends the messages or notes, it
may meet the legal definition of cyber-harassment
or cyber-stalking.
Grade 8
Ashley, who recently moved to Vernonia from Venezu-
ela is an extremely hard worker; her teachers say
Ashley pushes herself to excel. She carries her
English/Spanish dictionary everywhere and now even
teaches her teachers new English words! Ashley plays
volleyball, basketball, and track, although she says her
favorite sport is soccer. Her favorite classes are Art
and Math and she says in her free time she enjoys
listening to music, watching TV, spending time with her
family and sleeping.
Tasia Pond ,
Grade 11
Tasia was chosen because of all the extra things she
does around school. She is a member of OSSOM
(Operation Student Safety On the Move) THAT (Teen
Health Advocacy Team), and the National Honor
Society. She is also a Student Rep to the Vernonia
Prevention Coalition, a Lunchroom Buddy, a Teacher’s
Assistant in kindergarten, part of the Walk and Talk
–spending one hour each week with 5th grader acting
as a surrogate older sibling, and plays softball. She
enjoys doing graphic design work, and we know
there's more, we just ran out of space...
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