18 in other words march22 2011 Better Parenting: Tips For Parents By Sonia Spackman Reality TV Shows-- which rate in the top 10 for pre-teen viewing-- glamorize people who lie and ruthlessly stab each other in the back. Children watching these shows are influenced by the negative power they see played out on these TV shows. Violent video games increase aggressive thoughts, feelings and behaviors and decrease the ability to feel hurt or show caring toward peers. What can parents do to turn the tide? “16 Tips For Parents” Involve your child in activities outside of school so that they are exposed to different groups of people. Encourage relationships with adults and other children who appreciate them just for who they are. Become available to listen and talk to your child about what is going on in their life. Don’t downplay a problem your child is having. Talk, respond, listen and feel what they are saying and let them know you are interested. Feel for your child when they share something they see as important. Try not to react to their situation. Thank taken. This may help the schools act if them for coming to you and ask them needed. what they need from you. Create family computer and cell phone Teach kindness and act kind. Be aware rules. Discuss “open check” rules and of your own aggressive behaviors with enforce them. You do not have to sneak your children or other relationships they to check your child’s cell or computer witness. history. This does not build trust. If Remember, your child you pay for the services, you Video games, may tell you about have the right to check them movies, music, being the victim, but anytime. Have a 10:00 P.M. MySpace, Face- they don’t often tell you “check in” the phones and book, instant about when they are electronics to parents. messaging, chat being mean to others. rooms, websites, Talk to your child about DO NOT allow computers in text messaging all sides of an issue. isolated areas, keep them in are sending kids They may not want you the busy areas. wrong messages to see they are a bully. Listen and do not judge what about what is Motivate your child if you hear. Give your child a he or she is the “kid in normal in real life. “safe ear.” the middle.” Firmly, but Learn electronics from your lovingly, encourage your child to do the child, learn to talk, text or tweet with right thing and support the victim, or not your child. take part in any bullying. Understand and use blocking filters and Help your child by being positive software. yourself; help them see what a good Provide opportunities for your child “give and take” friendship is like. to feel empathy for the needy, such Document if any bullying is happening, as observing the premature babies at face to face, behind the back, online or OHSU. And help with raising funds by any means document what happens, for Doernbecker or another charity that who is involved and if actions were supports the needy. Natural Path to Health: Diabetes Part III By Dr. Carol McIntyre Treatment of type 2 diabetes is mainly focused on diet and exercise. However, there are certain medications and supplements that are helpful when diet and exercise are not effective on their own. In this discussion, we will focus on the basic types of prescription medications used in treatment and how they are applied and monitored. There are many different classes of medications used to treat type 2 diabetes, meaning that each class works in a different way to help lower your body’s blood sugar. Class subtypes are: Drugs that make your body produce more insulin (Meglitinides and Sulfonylureas) ~ these drugs help your body lower its blood sugar by producing more insulin so that the sugar can be more readily taken up by your cells. Meglitinides are dependent on the level of sugar in your blood and will only stimulate the release of insulin if the blood sugar is high, whereas Sulfonylureas stimulate the release of insulin regardless of blood sugar levels and can lead to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. Drugs that decrease the production of glucose from your liver (Biguanides) ~ these drugs prevent your liver from making as much glucose as it normally would. The thought behind this is that because so much sugar/ glucose comes from the diet, the less the liver produces will help in the overall amount of glucose circulating in the bloodstream. Therefore, this class of drugs is usually the first now used in the treatment of type 2 DM in combination with dietary changes. Metformin (Glucophage) is the most common drug of this type now used. Drugs that increase sensitivity to insulin in fat cells (Thiazolidinediones) ~ these drugs can help the glucose in your blood to be absorbed more effectively because insulin will be more readily received by the cells. However, these drugs come with a number of side effects and are only to be used as a last resort. Drugs that block the enzymes that help to digest carbohydrates (Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors)~ these drugs basically prevent the digestion of some carbohydrates taken in from the diet, therefore preventing the blood sugar from rising too quickly. Gastrointestinal symptoms such as gas, bloating and diarrhea are associated with these particular drugs. Drugs that both increase insulin production AND decrease sugar production (DPP-IV inhibitors)~ these drugs signal the body to produce more insulin when blood sugar is high AND signal the liver to stop making excess glucose, therefore having a dual effect on lowering blood sugar levels. There is also what is referred to as ‘combination drugs’ in which 2-3 drugs from different categories Involve yourself in the Vernonia School District workshops and classes for parents and staff regarding bullying, cyber tips, and other issues to keep students safe in the community. The Vernonia Police Department, Vernonia School District and Vernonia Prevention Coalition are working together to provide a Youth Services Resource Officer or YSRO on the school campuses. These officers will be available to students during the school day and by e-mail or phone at other times. The purpose of the YSRO at the schools is for building relationships with students and to provide safety and education to students, staff and parents as well as enforce the law when necessary. The YSRO position is being filled by officers Kay and Carnahan. Students and parents can contact either officer regarding concerns at kay@ vernonia-or.gov or carnahan@vernonia- or.gov. Resources: YouthLight, Inc., Chapin, SC, Allyson Bowen, LISW-CP, West Columbia, SC. listed above are merged together in an attempt to treat the disease from multiple vantage points. The goal of all of these drugs, however, is to lower blood sugar! One way to monitor the long-term effectiveness of these drug therapies is by measuring Hemoglobin A1c. HA1c is a blood marker that has been correlated with the level of blood sugar over a period of time, specifically a 3-month period. What it is actually measuring is how much sugar has stuck to your red blood cells over their 3-month life span. The higher the HA1c, the more sugar you have had circulating around in your blood over the last 3 months. You can think of it as a way to measure your average blood sugar levels over a 3-month period. Normal HA1c values are 4-5.9%. Each of these drugs has an effect on lowering HA1c by 0.5- 2%. The typical correlation between blood sugar levels and HA1c is this: HA1c at 5% = 100mg/dl of blood glucose. With each % increase of HA1c, the blood sugar correlation increases by 35mg/dl. So, an HA1c of 8% would be equivalent to 205mg/dl. At 8%, this value is still too high, but that is the average HA1c for people considered to have ‘well-controlled’ diabetes. Confused? On some level, you should be! It’s a lot to take in. Diabetes is an extremely complex disorder that envelops much more than just having uncontrolled or high blood sugar. It has a cause and effect relationship with many other life threatening diseases and syndromes. Next time, we’ll finish up with discussion on how to PREVENT and Vernonia treat diabetes with diet, exercise and Coffee Roasters supplementation. Thanks for joining me. Be well~ “QUALITP COFFEE ROASTED Dr. Carol McIntyre is a 2008 graduate TO PERFECTION” of the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon, and has lived in Vernonia for over 5 years. She currently practices from her office located at 786 Bridge Street treating all types of disease using Naturopathic and Chinese medicine including acupuncture, spinal 503.429.0850 manipulation, herbal and nutritional therapy. Business hours are Tuesday 503.816.2265 and Thursday 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM WWW.VERNONIACOFFEEROASTERS.COM and Wednesday 3:00 to 8:00 PM. Call (503) 481-4096 to schedule.