Vernonia's voice. (Vernonia, OR) 2007-current, November 09, 2010, Image 1

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    november9  2010
V E R N O N I A’ S
reflecting the spirit of our community
volume4    issue21
Banks-Vernonia Trail Celebrates
Opening of New Trailhead
Election 2010--
Vernonians Vote
For Change
After over twenty years, the 
Banks-Vernonia Linear Trail finally 
reaches from Vernonia all the way to 
On  October  29,  2010, 
members  of  numerous  State  of 
Kinsky  opened  the  celebration  and 
welcomed  the  visitors  to  Banks.  
“This  trailhead  actually    represents 
a  connection  between  what  I 
think  are  Washington  County  and 
Columbia County’s two finest 
communities-- and that would 
be Banks and Vernonia!” said 
  The  trail  officially  opened 
nineteen  years  ago.    The 
new  trailhead,  located  at  the 
corner  of    Sellers  and  Banks 
Roads  near  Highway  47 
brings  to  completion  almost 
thirty years of work by local 
trail advocates and completes 
the final half-mile leg of trail 
into the city of Banks.  
        The  trail  is  part  of  the 
Oregon  State  Parks  System 
and  stretches  for  twenty-one 
miles,  running  through  L.L. 
Stub  Stewart  State  Park  and 
is open to all non-motorized 
The first official bike riders head out on
users  including  horse, 
October 29th from the newly opened
bicycle, and walkers/hikers.  
trailhead at the start of the Banks—
Vernonia State Trail.
  Vernonia  Mayor  Sally 
Oregon  departments  and  agencies,  Harrison, along with Mayor Kinsky, 
dignitaries  from  Washington  and  helped host the ceremony.  “I must 
Columbia Counties and the cities of  tell you, we’ve had the Linear Trail 
Vernonia and Banks, trail advocates,  Park  for  a  little  longer  than  you 
and  regular  citizens  all  gathered  at  have,” joked Harrison, “and on our 
a newly-constructed trailhead to cut  side of the hill we call it the Vernonia 
the ribbon signifying the completion  to Banks Linear Trail!”
of  the  Banks-Vernonia  State  Trail   
“I  am  here  to  tell  you, 
and  celebrate  the  grand  opening  of  though,”  continued  Harrison,  “that 
the new facility. 
the Linear Trail has been a real boon 
to  the  City  of  Vernonia 
and I can guarantee that having this 
trail come all the way through to this  
beautiful trails-end here is going to 
be a boon to the City of Banks and 
to Washington County.”  
Vernonia  Mayor,  Tony  Hyde  was 
also on hand for the grand opening.  
Hyde  has  been  working  on  the 
Banks-Vernonia Trail from the very 
beginning and is currently working 
to  connect  the  trail  to  the  Crown-
Zellerbach  Trail  which  will  run 
from Vernonia to Scappoose.
Hyde  passed  on  greetings 
from  State  Senator  Betsy  Johnson 
and then talked about the history of 
the development of the Linear Trail 
and the future of trail development.  
“We’re not done,” said Hyde.    
Hyde  noted  that  discussions 
have  taken  place  about  creating 
a  connection  from  Scappoose 
continued on page 11
VRFPD Announces
“Sharing and Caring”
The  Vernonia  Rural  Fire 
Protection  District  (VRFPD)  has 
announced  the  process  for  families 
to  apply  to  participate  in  this  the 
“Sharing and Caring” program.  
“Sharing  and  Caring  “ 
has  replaced    Toy  and  Joy--the 
annual  holiday  program  organized 
by    VRFPD  to  help  make  sure  all 
families and children in the Vernonia 
community have a great Christmas.
Each  year  VRFPD  receives 
donations  and  helps  Santa  distribute 
gifts  to  children  in  the  community.  
This year there will be an application 
process  that  families  must  complete 
in order to be eligible to participate. 
Children  must  be  under  the 
age  of  13  on  December  25  of  this 
year to be eligible to receive gifts.  
available  beginning  November  14th 
Vernonia citizens spoke loudly and clearly 
on November 2, 2010, when they voted to replace 
three  of  the  five  sitting  members  of  their  City 
In  what  was  one  of  the  most  interesting 
and  active  local  elections  in  recent  years,  Josette 
Mitchell defeated incumbent and three-term Mayor 
Sally  Harrison,  while  Willow  Burch  and  Marilyn 
Nicks  were  elected  as  City  Councilors  to  replace 
Cindy  Ball  and  Catherine  Helmer.    Both  Ball 
and  Helmer  had  previously  been  appointed  to  fill 
positions vacated by resignations on the Council.
Mitchell  will  serve  a  two-year  term  and 
both  Burch  and  Nicks  were  elected  to  four-year 
In  other  local  election  news,  Henry 
Heimuller,  a  Democrat,  was  elected  as  Columbia 
County    Commissioner  for  Position  2,  defeating 
Republican Terry Luttrell and Independent Wayne 
Mayo.    County  voters  also  approved  local  ballot 
measure  5-206,  making  County  Commissioner 
positions nonpartisan in the future.  Voters rejected 
Measure 5-208 which would have provided funds 
for  Veterans  Services  on  a  County  level.    Local 
voters in St. Helens voted to repeal a tax levy that 
supports the Columbia Health District.
District  16  State  Senator  Betsy  Johnson 
was re-elected, as were local State Representatives 
Brad Witt from District 31 and Debbie Boone from 
District 32.
The  final  results  of  the  local  Vernonia 
elections were as follows:
Josette Mitchell        
342   48.37
             Sally Harrison   
150   21.22
Victoria J Peters. 
148   20.93
             Emil Edward Rode 
  44    6.22    
  23    3.25
           Councilor CITY OF VERNONIA
Willow Burch                    423   30.52
           Marilyn Ann Nicks 
   305   22.01           
             Ernest (Ernie) W Smith     216   15.58
             Catherine M Helmer      109     7.86
Edward Johnson 
   106     7.65
Steven Eric Johnson            99    7.14
             Cynthia (Cindy) Ball       68    4.91
             Burton Tschache 
     48    3.46  
     12      .87
at  the  following 
locations:    Black 
Bear  Coffee  Shop, 
Vernonia  Sentry, 
Vernonia  Hardware, 
The  Clever  Cricket 
and  at  the Vernonia 
Rural  Fire  Station.  
also  be  printed 
from  the  VRFPD  website--go  to,  and  click  on 
our  community,  then  click  on  the 
application link.
Barrels  will  also  be  a  those 
locations to accept donations of toys.  
Applicants must fill out the application 
form completely --incomplete forms 
will  be  discarded.    The  following 
documents  must    be  supplied:  
photocopy  of  a  birth  certificate  or 
equivalent  documentation  for  each 
child and a photocopy of a utility bill.  
If  applicants  do  not  wish  to 
leave a photocopies, they must work 
with “Sharing and Caring” to set up an 
interview, which will be held between 
November 14th and December 10th.  
The  above  documents  must  be 
brought to the interview.  Interviews 
can be scheduled on Friday;’s through 
A  day  of  gift  wrapping  has 
been  scheduled  on  December  18th, 
which includes potluck.