Vernonia's voice. (Vernonia, OR) 2007-current, July 13, 2010, Image 1

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july13  2010
V E R N O N I A’ S
reflecting the spirit of our community
volume4    issue13
Smith Family Gets a Home
First Flood Buyout Completed
By Scott Laird
After  thirty-one  months  of 
waiting, the Smith family finally has a 
new home.
On  June  27,  2010,  Ernie  and 
Robin Smith, along with their children, 
twins  Sara  and  Paige,  and  Taylor 
received the keys to their new house on 
Fourth  Street  in Vernonia--  a  property 
the last thirty-one months than we had  
in  twenty-eight  years  of  marriage,” 
laughed  Ernie  Smith  with  relief, 
looking back on his family’s ordeal. 
The  Smiths  arrived  on  June 
27th  in  three  separate  vehicles  at 
their  new  home,  all  loaded  with  their 
belongings,  ready  to  start  moving  in.  
They gratefully accepted the keys from 
previous owner Angie Rhodes and her 
Ernie, Sara, Robin, and Paige Smith on the day they moved into their new home.
that  is  on  high  ground  and  out  of  the 
flood plain.
The Smiths are the first family 
to complete a FEMA buyout and close 
on  a  new  property  after  being  flooded 
in December of 2007.  The Smiths have 
spent  the  last  two-and-a-half  years 
living with friends, in travel trailers, in 
a FEMA-provided manufactured home, 
in  a  couple  of  different  rental  homes, 
and  in  an  RV  at  Vernonia’s Anderson 
Park campground.  June 27th provided 
the final stop in their long journey.
“We’ve  moved  more  times  in 
two girls, Sara and Carly.  The Rhodes 
girls  had  made  a  sign  welcoming  the 
Smith family to their new house.  
There  were  tears  of  joy  all 
around as the Smiths stood in their new 
front  yard  and  then  entered  the  new 
house that was finally theirs.
“This  is  great,”  said  Ernie.  
“It’s  like  a  million  pounds  have  been 
lifted off our backs.” 
The closing on the house came 
as a surprise, as the family had recently 
been told there was going to be another 
delay in the proceedings to finalize the 
details  on  the  buyout  of  their 
2011 miss
rodeo oregon
of july
property that was flooded.  
“I  wrote  a  letter  to  State 
Senator  Betsy  Johnson  explaining  our 
situation  and  heard  back  from  her  on 
Tuesday [June 22],” said Ernie Smith.  
“Senator Johnson said she had read my 
letter and was moved by what we have 
been through.  She said she was making 
some  phone  calls  to  see  if  she  could 
help and promised to get back to us that 
afternoon.  She called back and said 
that  everything  was  taken  care  of 
and  the  papers  would  be  ready  to 
sign on Wednesday.”
Realtor  Sharon  Bernal,  who 
has  been  working  with  the  Smiths 
throughout their whole ordeal, had 
to quickly get the banks to prepare 
paperwork  so  the  closing  on  the 
new  property  could  take  place  as 
swiftly as possible.  By Sunday, the 
family was moving in.
“I’ve  tried  to  have  a  positive 
attitude about the whole thing,” said 
Ernie.  “The people down at the Flood 
Relief Center have been phenomenal-- 
they’ve  worked  non-stop.    They  were 
learning  as  they  were  going  [through 
this]  and  there  has  been  bureaucracy 
all over the place that they have had to 
fight with.  But they never gave up and 
I give them a lot of kudos.  We have all 
our friends to thank who have helped us 
out so much.  And Sharon [Bernal] has 
been great working with us for the last 
year and a half, trying to find a house 
for us and helping us work through the 
red tape, whether it had to do with the 
continued on page 11
School Town Hall July 28th
at 7PM Vernonia School Cafeteria
Show May Be
The  Vernonia  Logging  Show, 
usually held on the Sunday of Jamboree 
weekend,  has  been  postponed  for  one 
 At press time a group of citizens 
had  scheduled  a  meeting  to  try  to  plan 
a  way  to  save  the  Logging  Show  this 
year.    The  Jamboree  Committee  is 
also  currently  looking  into  options  for 
alternative events  to  help  fill  this  year’s 
Members  of  the  City  Economic 
Development  Committee  and  other 
concerned  citizens  were  scheduled  to 
meet on Monday July 12 at Lincoln grade 
School to organize a plan to salvage the 
Committee  President,  Joann  Glass,  due 
to  the  usual  organizers  of  the  events 
having unforeseen personal conflicts and 
other obligations, the Logging Show will 
not be held this year, but the intention is 
to hold it again next year.
“This  has  nothing  to  do  with 
the Jamboree Committee or the city not 
wanting to have it,” explained Glass. 
According  to  Glass,  the  City  of 
Vernonia  doesn’t  have  anything  to  do 
with  the  actual  planning  of  events  for 
Jamboree.  Glass, who is a city employee, 
is volunteering her time as a citizen to act 
as  Jamboree  Committee  President,  and 
doesn’t represent the city in any way in 
her duties.
     Please check www.vernoniachamber.
org/community/events  for  up  to  date 
information concerning the schedule for 
this year’s Jamboree.
It’s Columbia County Fair and Rodeo
Time Again! Let’s Play!-- The Fair Starts July 14th!
It’s time once again to bake 
communities  bringing  torches  and 
that apple pie, pack up the kids and 
together  lighting  the  Fair  Flame.  
the  chickens  and  head  over  to  the 
“It  will  symbolize  the  County 
Columbia County Fair and Rodeo!  
coming together,” says Courtney.  
And  this  year,  don’t  forget  your 
  According to Courtney, the “Get 
running shoes!
Your  Game  On...”  theme  means 
This  year’s  Columbia 
lots of fun activities.  There will be 
County  Fair  and  Rodeo  runs  from 
a huge checkers game in the grass 
Wednesday,  July  14th  through 
that everyone can play.  There will 
Sunday,  July  18th.    The  theme 
also be computer games and board 
of  the  Fair  this  year  is  “Get  Your 
games  with  areas  for  families  to 
Game  On...Let’s  Play!,”  and  this 
relax  and  play  together.    There 
year’s  festival  features  many  new 
will be a Footbag Club that will be 
activities  as  well  as  many  old 
doing demonstrations on Saturday.  
Nicole Glass of Vernonia, was Grand
favorites.    “We’ve  got  a  pretty 
Also  on  Saturday,  there  will    be  a 
Champion Jr. Showman in 2009.
full  week  planned,”  says  Ronda 
“Fairly  Fun  Run  and  Walk”--  a 
Courtney, Columbia County Event Complex Manager.
5K run and 1.5 mile walk that will raise money for the 
“Opening  Ceremonies”  will  take  place  on  Huntington Disease Society of America.
Wednesday  at  noon,  with  all  five  Columbia  County    
continued on page 11