Vernonia's voice. (Vernonia, OR) 2007-current, March 09, 2010, Page 14, Image 14

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Intruder Alert – Y2K-- IT Professionals’ Finest Hour
By Burt Tschache
Bring up the subject of Y2K and 
you will likely get the widest variance in 
a response set known to humanity.  The 
main  reason  for  that  is  that  unless  you 
are  a  true  computer  wonk  or  wonkette, 
you probably did not understand the sig-
nificance of all the differing information 
published about it, pro and con.
There  was  $300  billion  spent 
worldwide in solving a problem few un-
derstood and, unfortunately, some of the 
non-compus-mentus group wrote reams 
about it in the press, creating a huge aura 
of  fear  about  the  entire  process.    They 
took what could happen as what would 
happen  and  blew  it  entirely  out  of  pro-
portion.  So what else is new?
How  does  this  tie  into  the  His-
tory of the Internet?  The Internet pretty 
much  saved  the  day,  allowing  IT  Pro-
fessionals  to  communicate,  form  user 
groups and produce white papers on the 
An Opinion:
subject  for  others  to  peruse.    The  90’s 
were  when  computer  technology  really 
began large-scale integration into the in-
frastructure  of  the  industrialized  world.  
Computers  controlled  everything  from 
basic services to the manufacturing sec-
The  problem  of  the  rollover 
from 1999 to 2000 was in both hardware 
and software.  Computers have evolved 
rapidly,  but  in  the  earlier  days,  space 
was a prime consideration in everything 
done on a computer.  The highest consid-
eration was for the data, while computer 
guidelines  spelled  out  specifically  what 
could be done and how you should do it.
One  of  the  ways  to  conserve 
space  is  in  the  header  records  that  in-
cluded  the  date  in  a  format  of  mm/dd/
yy.    Some  very  forward-thinking  IT 
Pro’s  wondered  what  would  happen 
when  99  became  00  and  the  models  of 
that changeover caused many a wonk or 
wonkette to lose sleep at a time when we 
needed all the sleep that we could get.
The  task  was  to  change  every 
bit of code that had a two-bit year field 
to a four-bit year field.  Now, that does 
not  sound  terribly  daunting  until  you 
take into account the number of comput-
ers  and  computer  programs  worldwide.  
Compounding  the  issue  was  not  know-
ing which program and which computer 
had the two-bit date field, so essentially 
everything had to be tested.
That  was  where  The  Internet 
proved  its  worth  and  then  some.    The 
world of the IT Professional was under 
the  microscope  with  the  whole  world 
watching.    How  would  IT  react  to  the 
biggest  challenge  ever  faced?    We  all 
came together as a virtual team and got 
the job done!  We were sold on the ne-
cessity, but many of us had a genuine or-
deal selling the process to many corpo-
rate  bigwigs  that  had  no  understanding 
of, nor wanted to understand, computers.  
That was for the IT folks.
continued from page 3
structive activities be one possible explanation 
for our high teen pregnancy rate?  Better save 
that question for another column. 
Mountain bike enthusiasts have a his-
tory of building trails for themselves, because 
there  aren’t  resources  or  agencies  interested 
in  doing  the  hard  work  for  them.    For  years, 
mountain bike riders have formed clubs, built 
their own trails and enjoyed the results of their 
own  hard  work.    With  nowhere  to  ride,  they 
have created their own places.  In other words, 
if you don’t think there is anything to do, then 
make something to do for yourself.  Youth in 
our  community  could  take  a  page  from  this 
book.  Instead of tearing things down, maybe 
try to build something up.  What they need is 
some guidance and good  role models.
Through  community  volunteerism, 
this town has lifted itself, made things better, 
improved  our  image,  and  built  its  own  pride.  
The  group  Vernonia  Pride  is  a  perfect  exam-
ple-- citizens who  work to improve our com-
munity and who organize the “Make Vernonia 
Shine Day” each year.  They lead by example.
By  the  way,  “Make  Vernonia  Shine 
Day” is April 17th-- a  chance for all of us  to 
lead by example.
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With a hard deadline that every-
body understood, we began working on 
saving  our  own  company’s  bacon  and 
then posting helpful results and even pro-
grams to assist others with their bacon-
saving  processes.    At  times,  it  seemed 
as  if  the  entire  IT  community  was  one 
team.  It is amazing what the possibility 
of an impending disaster of epic propor-
tions can do.  It mobilized IT worldwide 
to make sure nothing happened.
As  the  year  began  changing 
over around the world, we watched ex-
pectantly, knowing we had done all we 
could.    There  were  many  celebrations, 
as the predicted disasters did not occur.  
There  were  a  few  minor  glitches,  but 
nothing major.  The press referred to it as 
a real non-event.  Every IT Professional 
smiled, as we knew otherwise.
Burt Tschache is the owner of B&B Com-
puting in Vernonia. He can be reached
at or (503) 429-0817.
US Bank Now Open Earlier
The Vernonia branch of US Bank is now open earlier, ac-
cording  to  branch  Manager,  Nicole  Larke.    “To  better  serve  our 
customers we have changed our hours. US Bank will now open 
earlier  at  9:30 AM  Monday  through  Friday.    We  appreciate  our 
customers and thank you for your business,”  said Larke.
Larke Promoted to Vernonia
US Bank Manager
US  Bank  would  like  to 
announce the promotion of Nicole 
Larke to the Branch Manager Po-
sition at the Vernonia branch.  Ni-
cole has been with US Bank since 
September of 2008 as a Universal 
Banker.    Prior  to  her  coming  to 
US Bank, Nicole was an Account 
Executive in the mortgage finance 
industry and has been involved in 
banking and finance since starting 
her career in 1990 with First Inter-
state Bank.  Nicole has been very 
involved in the community since 
moving to Vernonia in 1999 with 
her husband and family from Bay 
City, Oregon.  Nicole is currently 
involved in the Vernonia Kiwanis 
Club, is a 5-year committee member of the Vernonia Cub Scouts, and 
is a graduate of the Ford Family Foundation, which is currently work-
ing on the Vernonia Community Garden Project.  Community is very 
important to Nicole, and she brings this attitude to her career every day.  
It is through her caring for her community members, and knowledge of 
finance that she strives to provide everyone with a great experience at 
US Bank.  We are pleased to have her as part of our management team.
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