8 city news september 2009 Vernonia City News... At the August 3, 2009, City Council Meeting: Brent Thompson Sworn In as Police Reserve Officer-- Interim Police Chief Mike Kay introduced Brent Thompson, the first Reserve Officer to be sworn into the city’s reinstated program. Thompson is a 2007 graduate of Vernonia High School and is currently enrolled in the Criminal Justice program at Western Oregon University. Mayor Sally Harrison assisted with the proceedings. City Makes Amendment to Sub-Grant Agreement-- The City of Vernonia made an amendment to the Sub-Grant Agreement with Community Action team, Inc. The original agreement was for program and grant management services related to Community Development Block Grant D08017, and the amendment made the agreement retroactive from the original signing date of April 27, 2009, to October 23, 2008. Mayor Thanks Library Staff-- Mayor Sally Harrison expressed sincere thanks to Librarian Nancy Burch, the Library staff and local police for their work during the heat wave that hit Vernonia during July. Library staff established a cooling center at the Library, allowing local residents to escape the 100+ degree heat. About thirty residents made use of the facility on the first night. Council Approves Workers Comp coverage for Volunteers-- City Council passed a Resolution that annually updates Workers Compensation Insurance Coverage for city volunteers. Council Discusses Alarm Permit Fees-- Interim Police Chief Mike Kay presented information for City Council to consider that would put in place a requirement for homes and businesses with burglar alarms to have a permit and would institute charges for false alarms. Council asked Chief Kay to return with additional information. At the August 17, 2009, City Council Meeting: New Police Chief Takes Oath of Office-- New Vernonia Police Chief Frank Grace was sworn into office by City Administrator Bob Young. Mayor Accepts VCLC Committee Resignation-- Mayor Sally Harrison accepted the resignation of Kate Laird from the Vernonia Community Learning Center (VCLC) Committee. After the reading of the letter, Council recommended that staff convene a workshop with the VCLC Committee in the near future to discuss VCLC operations. Mayor Makes Appointment to Public Works Committee-- Mayor Sally Harrison, with Council approval, appointed Sam Poetter to the Public Works Committee. City Attorney with Council About Audience Participation-- City Attorney Jeff Bennett made a presentation to Council and discussed protocols for Topics From the Floor and audience participation during council meetings. After a review of current procedures and options, Bennett reminded Council that personnel issues are the responsibility of the City Administrator, and recommended that Council not discuss those issues in open Council meetings. Council Approves Funding for Columbia County Rider-- Council approved funding in the amount of $3,500 to Columbia County Rider for Community Service Funding. Police Report Jamboree Was a Success From Law Enforcement Standpoint-- Police Chief Frank Grace reported that Police spent a total of 260.5 hours on patrol during Jamboree, of which 108 hours were donated by outside agencies. Chief Grace reported that only three police reports were generated during the weekend, and only two adult arrests were made. Mayor and Administrator Thank Lenaerts-- Mayor Harrison and City Administrator thanked Seth Lenaerts for his work for the city this past year. Lenaerts has been a participant in the RARE program, which provides recent college graduates the opportunity to work in small cities in Oregon to assist with projects. Lenaerts has worked with city staff on planning issues during his year in Vernonia. Consults FINAL PUBLIC NOTICE PURSUANT TO 44 CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, SECTION 9.12, THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY HEREBY GIVES FINAL NOTICE UNDER EXECUTIVE ORDER #11988. NOTICE IS GIVEN FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT: Project Description: The project will involve the elevation and/or acquisition & demolition of single family residential houses and other structures located in the floodplain. All of these structures are located within the city of Vernonia, Oregon or its outskirts. Many of the houses are located on Alder Avenue, Cherry Street, Elm Street, Heather Lane, Jefferson Avenue, Mist Drive, Adams Street, Riverside Drive and north Mist Drive in Vernonia. Federal funding assistance to either elevate or acquire and demolish/remove these houses is provided through two federal funding assistance programs: Flood Mitigation Assistance Program and Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. Due to extensive awareness of this effort, the limited impact on the community and the overall beneficial effect of this action, the initial notice has been combined with this final notice for Flood Mitigation Assistance funding. Hazard Mitigation Assistance funding is available on a competitive basis for houses and structures damage during the federally declared disaster FEMA DR 1733 OR. This is the final public notice for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funding. The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program initial public notice was published in The Chronicle and Sentinel-Mist on January 19 and 26 and February 2 and 9, 2008. Program: Flood Mitigation Assistance Program, FY 2008 and FY 2009 and DR-1733-OR Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. Statement of Why Action is Located in Floodplain: The project action involves both the elevation and the acquisition & demolition of residential structures currently located in the floodplain within the City of Vernonia and surrounding areas. Significant Facts: Structures funded through the Hazard Grant Mitigation Program or the Flood Mitigation Assistance Program will be individually evaluated for elevation or acquisition/demolition to determine which method is most reasonable and effective for that structure. Demolition of houses will be from willing sellers, where the acquired properties will be dedicated in perpetuity to uses that are compatible with open space, recreation, or wetland practices. Alternatives Considered: (1.) Acquisition of the structure and subsequent demolition (2) Relocation of the structure outside the floodplain. (3.) Elevation of structure. (4.) Do Nothing Applicability of State/Local Floodplain Standards: The project action conforms to all applicable State/Local floodplain standards. Affects to the Floodplain: The project will be conditioned (construction/grading limited to the “non-flood season” and use of Best Management Practices, BPMs, to minimize erosion and sedimentation, control pollutants, and maximize habitat improvements) so it will have minimal short term affects to the floodplain or from flooding. For structures that are elevated, the houses will remain in the same location and, therefore, be subject to future flooding. However, the elevations will be designed and utilized to minimize affects from flooding per applicable flood reduction techniques and compliant with adopted flood ordinances. The design criteria will account for forces related to flow velocity and debris impacts and no encroachment into the floodway will occur. Responsible Official: Flood Mitigation Assistance Program and Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Bill Haack, Columbia County HMGP Coordinator 1001 Bridge Street, Vernonia, OR 97064 503-429-5291 ext. 105 Further information and specific structures to be elevated, including any pertinent maps can be obtained by contacting: Dan Brown - Principal, Columbia County Flood Relief PO Box 388, 850 Maple Street • Vernonia, OR 97064 (503) 429-4948 ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO THE RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL WITHIN FIFTEEN (15) DAYS OF THE START OF THIS PUBLICATION NOTICE. Vernonia Chooses New Police Chief Frank Grace has been selected as actually led the parade with Administrator Vernonia’s new Police Chief, replacing In- Bob Young. “After the parade, Young intro- terim-Chief Mike Kay. The announcement duced me to many community members as was made by City Administrator, Bob Young. we walked along Bridge Street, meeting and Chief Grace retired last October after over 30 greeting, including dining at the Lion’s food years in law enforcement, most recently as tent. It offered me a great opportunity to say the Police Chief of Gladstone, Oregon. He hello to people from all walks of life who call will be serving the community of Vernonia as Vernonia home.” a “Part-time Chief,” working an average of As the Police Chief, Grace said that twenty hours per week. he plans to focus on enhancing law enforce- “In order to keep the current offi- ment practices already in place by working cers, the City felt it was better to find a retired and learning from the professional group of Chief who wanted to officers, volun- keep involved in law teers, and city enforcement,” stated personnel that Administrator Young. make up the “This Chief will be a Vernonia Police mentor to our younger Department. “I police force, as well as feel fortunate to adding his many years be working with of experience to our the City Admin- force.” istrator and Ser- Chief Grace geant Mike Kay, has experience in se- who served as curity, corrections, pa- Interim Police New Police Chief Frank Grace is sworn role and probation, and Chief. I want to in by City Administrator Bob Young. law enforcement. He move us forward served local police departments in Califor- with business practices that will take the Po- nia, as well as Cannon Beach and Gladstone. lice Department to the next level of provid- He has a B.A. in Criminal Justice, an A.A. in ing community law enforcement services. I Law Enforcement, and has begun working on invite the citizens of our community to stop his Masters at San Jose State University. by and say hello.” He was the Program Administrator Sergeant Mike Kay filled the posi- for Multnomah County Parole and Probation. tion as Interim Chief since last October when He also worked in security for Riedel Inter- the former chief resigned. “He has done a national, Inc. He is an ATV, motorcycle and terrific job for us,” Young remarked. “He is a scooter rider “coach,” and was the Homeland valuable asset to the department, and will be Security and Emergency Management Man- of great assistance to the new Chief as he gets ager for the City of Gladstone. acquainted with the community.” “His broad range of experience will Choosing a new Police Chief was be invaluable to us in our community,” stat- one of Administrator Young’s first major ed Young. “We are a community that has to decisions. He has only been on the job in have law enforcement “generalists” because Vernonia for two months. Young came from of our size and location. Chief Grace can as- Bonney Lake, Washington, where he served sist in further training for the officers, as well for eight years as an elected Mayor. He also as take care of the administrative duties of served as the acting City Administrator for the department, leaving the officers to spend six of those years. Following those eight more time on the street and in the commu- years, he went back to Graduate School and nity.” received his Masters of Public Administration Chief Grace said, “I am excited to from the University of Washington, graduat- have joined the city team of employees work- ing in December of 2008. “Vernonia is an ing to make a positive difference in Verno- exciting town that is rebuilding itself follow- nia.” As an active motorcyclist, Chief Grace ing the devastating flooding of December, visited Vernonia many times over the years as 2007. I am looking forward to working with he traveled the roads between Astoria and the such talented staff, such as Chief Grace. We Portland metro area. “I have stopped many can only look forward as we work together to times for fuel and refreshments in Vernonia.” continue building one of Columbia County’s He was able to participate in the an- great cities.” nual Vernonia Jamboree last weekend, and