08 'T & ïce comm unoty may 2008 Proud to be Vemoniabs Biggest Losers Dr. Gilmore To Receive Public By Scott Laird These folks are losers, and they arenbt afraid to admit it. Trish Maldonado, Shel­ ley Cota and Karen Davis are responsible for bringing together this group of losers- losers of weight that is. “We were looking for a way to provide support and encouragement for people who were trying to lose weight,” said Cota recently. “And we wanted to provide a place to gather and share ideas right here in Vemonia. We didnbt want to have to travel out of town to a Weight Watchers group or something like that, so we started our own group.” The group is just finishing its fourth term, or first year, of meeting. Herebs how it works. The group starts tracking weight loss every three months. It costs $25 for new members, $20 if you are a continuing member. The group meets every week on Mondaybs at 5:30 PM for a weigh -in, then to discuss how members are doing with goals, to share tips for success and to offer encourage­ ment and advice. At the end of three months the top two “losers”, the people that have lost the highest percentage of weight, are declared the winners and split the money pool 60%-40%. “I am excited that this has been so successful,” said Maldonado, herself a biggest loser each of the three previous terms. “Ibve always finished second,” said Mal­ donado. Maldonado has used the camaraderie and accountability of the group to lose a total of almost eighty pounds with losses of around 10-12 %. “We had about twenty participants the first time and almost thirty this last time.” Maldonado has started talking with local business owners to acquire additional prize donations to encourage even more participation. “ I have pledges of a teeth whitening from Vernonia Dental, a cut and style from Spiralz Salon, a month of Jazzercise classes and eight personal training sessions from Penny Costley, and a one month gym membership from Terrybs Gym. I am really pleased that we are getting so much support for what we are all doing.” The group is open to both men and women. A new term is beginning on May 12th. “Our weekly meetings are short and sweet,” said Maldonado. “We know people have lots of commitments, so we try not to take up too much time. I re­ ally think the support that being part of a group offers helps people. I think a little competition helps some people, and I know that having someone you can call on when you need help makes a difference.” •ffyowwoubdlike to participate in Vemonia’s Biggest Losers or want more informa­ tion, call Trish Maldonado at 503-429-60J2, or email her at trishmaldy@aol.com Service Award Dr. Phyllis Gilmore from the Vemonia Providence Clinic will receive a Public Service award from the Oregon Fire Service on May 16th for her work during the flood in December 2007. Bill Goodwin, Division Chief at Columbia River Fire and Rescue, nominated Dr. Gilmore for the award. “I was so impressed by how caring and concerned Dr. Gilmore was for the citizens of this community. She just kept saying, ‘These are my people, we have to take care of them.b I was just so impressed with her compassion and dedication,” said Goodwin. Dr. Gilmore and her husband have been invited to attend the annual ceremony which will be held at the Portland Expo Center. Local Pampered Chef Helps Vernonia Schools By Scott Laird For about four years Lee Ann Krause has been a consultant for The Pam­ pered Chef, direct sellers of kitchen tools. Since the Flood of 2007 in Vemonia, Krause has used her business to help raise funds for the Vernonia Boosters. “This has helped keep me sane,” said Krause. “I bm so tickled that Ibve been able to help in some way.” Krause, a Nike employee in her other life, has been using her Nike benefits to augment her donations. “Nike matches up to $5,000 of donations to charitable causes each year for each employee,” said Krause. “I am taking full advantage of that benefit by donating my commission to help our community and getting my donation doubled by Nike.” Krause has donated three sets of BBQ equipment she has received as bo­ nuses as well as over $3,000 in cash. “This has helped me stay busy during this very difficult time,” said Krause. “I believe giving is at the core of every person,” said Krause. “I believe in giving back and paying forward.” You can help Lee Ann Krausebs efforts by making a purchase from The Pam­ pered Chef at www.pamperedchef.biz/leeannkrause. Click on “Order Products”, and enter “Vemonia” as Host. Ypu can contact Krause at wakandlak@yahoo.com or call her at 503-816-9810. CAN YOU FILL THESE BOOTS? in Nehalem : Jeff/ Times Even without vncreasing the Budget! www.dickersoii4sheriff.com /Deputies assigned to districts and involved in problem solving /Shifts before 10 a.m. and after 10 p.m. Call Chief Paul Epler for more onfo on FREE traonong 503 . 429.8252 /B etter trained deputies who are evaluated on their performance These are changes that cm be made right now, without increasing the budget one dollar. Under my leadership, the sheriff’s office will become more responsive and helpful to the citizens we serve. We will build a new agency devoted to public service, and proficient in our performance.