Vernonia's voice. (Vernonia, OR) 2007-current, November 01, 2007, Page 10, Image 10

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voice community
Vernonia Local To Partcipate in Arizona Breast Cancer 3-Day
Oregon Walker Encourages Local Residents to Join the Breast Cancer Movement
Jeana Gump of Vernonia, Oregon, will join thousands of other dedicated women and men at the Arizona Breast Cancer 3-Day, benefiting Susan G. Komen
for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund. After months of training and fundraising, participants will walk 60 miles during three
days to raise awareness and funds for critical research and community outreach programs.
“This will be my third 3-day walk,” said Ms.Gump. “I originally got involved with the 3-day because a friend lost her Aunt to Breast Cancer. I had such an
amazing and wonderful time participating in that first walk, that I decided to do it again in 2006, and I did it. This year, I am doing it again and my ultimate
goal is to walk in every city that there is a Breast Cancer 3-day event. I can only hope that by the time I finish my goal, a cure will be found.”
“As a Breast Cancer 3-Day participant, I have an opportunity to celebrate breast cancer survivorship, honor those who lost their lives to the disease, and
ultimately, have an enormous impact on awareness and funding for breast cancer research and community outreach programs. The Breast Cancer 3-Day is
challenging, and fun, and the memory of my personal accomplishment will last a lifetime,” said Ms. Gump.
The Arizona Breast Cancer 3-Day will start on Friday morning, November 2nd and end with Closing Ceremonies on Sunday afternoon, November 4th. The
walkers will cover about 20 miles a day, traveling at their own pace. The walkers will be supported by hundreds of volunteer crew members who will provide
meals, liquid and snack stops, gear transport, hot showers, portable restrooms, safety on the streets and 24-hour medical services.
The actual journey starts months in advance when walkers start training and raising the $2,200 required fundraising minimum. To help prepare for the Breast
Cancer 3-Day, each walker is supported by coaches and online assistance that aid in all aspects of training and fundraising, while clinics, meetings, and train-
ing walks provide ongoing support. To help Jeana reach her goal call her to make a donation at 503 429-0944 or email her at To
learn how to participate or volunteer with the Breast Cancer 3-Day, visit or call (800) 996-3DAY. Click on donate
About the Breast Cancer 3-Day
Taking place in 12 cities nationwide, the Breast Cancer 3-Day is a three day, 60-mile walk that provides an opportunity to educate tens of thousands of people
about breast health, including the importance of early detection. Breast Cancer 3-Day participants commit to raising a minimum of $2,200 and walking an
average of 20 miles a day during each three-day event. Proceeds from the Breast Cancer 3-Day are used for breast cancer research, education, and community
outreach programs. As the primary beneficiary of the Breast Cancer 3-Day, Susan G. Komen for the Cure receives 85 percent of net proceeds and the remain-
ing 15 percent goes to the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund. National sponsors for the 2007 Breast Cancer 3-Day series are New Balance,
LaCroix, and THOR-LO, Inc. Please visit, or call 1-800-996-3DAY for more information.
About Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Nancy G. Brinker promised her dying sister, Susan G. Komen, she would do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever. In 1982, that promise
became Susan G. Komen for the Cure and launched the global breast cancer movement. Today, Komen for the Cure is the world’s largest grassroots network
of breast cancer survivors and activists fighting to save lives, empower people, ensure quality care for all and energize science to find the cures. Thanks to
events like the Komen Race for the Cure® and the Breast Cancer 3-Days, the organization has invested nearly $1 billion to fulfill its promise, becoming the
largest source of nonprofit funds dedicated to the fight against breast cancer in the world. For more information about Komen for the Cure, breast health or
breast cancer, visit or call 1-800 I’M AWARE.
About the National Philanthropic Trust
National Philanthropic Trust, the event manager, is an independent public charity dedicated to promoting and facilitating charitable giving by individuals,
families and organizations while expanding their knowledge in the field of philanthropy. Founded in 1996, NPT is one of the 150 largest charities in the
United States with $625 million in assets under management. Since its inception, NPT has raised over $1 billion in charitable assets and made more than
19,000 grants to U.S. and international charities totaling $540 million.
Look, Listen, Learn...
By Jesse Jones
Recent enhancements to the Vernonia Community Learning Center facility greatly improved the learning environment in both sight and sound. Through a large
grant from the Ford Family Foundation, acoustic paneling and blinds were installed in September in the two classrooms.
The acoustic paneling was installed by Architextures, a Seattle based company whose clients include Experience Music Project in Seattle and numerous
commercial and governmental clients. Architextures was chosen because of the
environmentally sound choices of acoustic products offered, one of them being
Composed of reclaimed and re-
cycled cotton fibers, this green
product offers excellent sound
absorption and a superior noise
reduction control in bonded,
recyclable sheets. The panels
and the recycled covering are
also L.E.E.D. (Leadership in En-
ergy and Environmental Design)
certified. The difference in the
acoustic quality of the two rooms
is incredible, considering the
learning center had no acoustic
paneling until now.
Blinds in the Nehalem room will
now allow for the use of visual aids during daylight hours and add privacy for classes, workshops, seminars or
other events taking place. In addition to these improvements, The Ford Family Foundation grant will also pay
for computer lab upgrades and new furniture. The Vernonia Community Learning Center invites the public to
view these improvements any time the center is open and classes are not in session.
O ff i c e h o u r s f o r t h e V C L C a re M o n d a y t h ro u g h T h u r s d a y, 9 a m - 4 p m a n d i n t e r m i t t e n t l y o n F r i d a y s .