Vernonia's voice. (Vernonia, OR) 2007-current, October 01, 2007, Page 03, Image 3

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voice welcome
a letter from the editor....
Vernonia’s Voice is going to the dogs this month!
As we were putting together the content and story ideas this
month, we noticed an unintentional theme: there were a bunch of
stories about dogs. So this month we feature everyone’s best friend,
the dog.
In this month’s issue you will find a conversation with Randy Hare
who spent three weeks in Vernonia training police dogs. Randy is
one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet, easy to be around, and fun
to talk with. Randy seemed to be enjoying his visit, especially when
he was ribbing Sergeant Mike Kay. Randy is teaching dog handlers
a new technique he created, and he really seems to love his work.
We also have a story about a new dog boarding and training cen-
ter that will be opening in Vernonia. The Oregon Canine University
will be a fundraising operation for Indigo Rescue which helps save
the lives of numerous animals every year.
Indigo Rescue is of special importance to
me because one my family members, Las-
lo, came to us through Indigo. Laslo was a
high strung one-year-old Australian Shepa-
rd who had been turned in to the pound by
previous owners. Laslo didn’t like it at the
pound and would throw himself barking at
his kennel fence anytime someone came by.
Needless to say, no one chose him. Laslo
was scheduled to be euthanized when In-
digo Rescue stepped in. They brought Las-
lo to us as volunteer foster parents until a
Laslo Laird
permanent home could be located. Laslo’s
foster situation lasted about thirty minutes at the Laird household as
we immediately fell in love with him, and he was made a permanent
part of our family. Though still high strung, he is a great dog and has
been a wonderful addition to our lives for the last three years.
This issue also features
a column by Creatures pet
store owner Lisa Edgar
about puppies and a ter-
rible disease that can affect
them, Parvo. And of course
we have the wit and wis-
dom of P.J. O’Leary as he
examines everyone’s favor-
ite, the Weiner dog.
Publisher and Managing Editor
Evangeline Doyle (503-317-2632)
Scott Laird (503-367-0098)
Tobie Finzel
Erika Paleck
News Editor
Scott Laird
Home & Garden Editor
Evangeline Doyle
Lisa Edgar
Sally Harrison
Jill Hult
Dolly Keenon
P.J. O’Leary
Theresa Morris
Lia Sebring
Penny Smejkal
Jim Tierney
Vernonia Schools’ Editor
Currently taking applications
Alumni Editor
Tammy Vanderzanden
Copy Editors
Evangeline Doyle
Chad Doyle
Evangeline Doyle
Scott Laird
Penny Smejkal
Art Director/Graphic Design
Amy Shearer, On Madison
Web Design/Management
Amy Shearer, On Madison
If you’re interested in submitting an article for
Vernonia’s Voice contact us at:
To advertise, contact us at:
Thank you!
Evangeline and Scott
Letters to the Editor
Hank Doyle
It’s a dog’s world! Hope you enjoy this edition!
Vernonia’s Voice welcomes and requests your thoughts, opinions, and ideas. Please in-
clude your name, address, and phone number; limit your letters to 300 words or less.
Vernonia’s Voice reserves the right to edit, omit, respond, or ask for a response to letters
submitted. We will print letters, space permitting. Deadline is the 15th of the month.
Email to: or mail to: Letters, PO Box 55, Vernonia 97064.
Subscribe Today!
Subscription Form
Vernonia’s Voice is a monthly publication distributed the first of each month.
Subscription rates are $25 for one year (twelve issues)
Yes, sign me up for one year of Vernonia’s Voice!
SEND TO: Subscriptions, P.O. Box 55, Vernonia, OR 97064