october2007 free V E R N O N I A’ S reflecting the spirit of our community volume1issue3 vernonia visitors guide Pages 12 & 13 In Loving Memory of Rod McLean This past month we honored the passing of a great and humble man, Judge Rod McLean. In of- fice since 1995, he had recently started his third term in Colum- bia County as Justice of the Peace. The following is proudly submitted by his beloved family…some insight to Rod McLean…AKA: “Honey, Dad, Grandpa, Great Grandpa, and Blos- som Logging.” Rod was the judge in Ver- nonia, Clats- kanie, and was instrumental in starting a new location open- ing in St.Helens. He was certified in mediation for domestic violence, child abuse, mental health, alcohol and drug abuse, civil and workplace vio- lence and divorce. He loved family camping and fishing trips or any excuse for large family gatherings. The kids and grandkids loved to spend the night when in town, they’d wake up to his famous biscuits and gravy; although not necessarily loving his 5 a.m. “break- fast is ready” call. Judge McLean passed away on September 12. He was just 72. He expressed strong opinions on certain issues such as, “the spotted owl, and paper not plastic,” (just ask some of the local grocery clerks). His passing has been a great loss to our com- munity and others – but even greater still to his family. Rod would deliver bouquets for Sandy, from their flower shop on Bridge Street, on his way home from logging in his crummy (work truck); hence the nickname “Blossom Logging.” He was well known for his gift for gab and swap- ping jokes. Rod loved the small town atmosphere of Vernonia where everybody knows everybody. Where a trip to the store for “honey I need these eggs right away,” turns into a phone call from wife Sandy, “I needed those eggs an hour ago!” He had an unlimited range of knowledge on al- most any subject, hence, many would look to him Schaumburg Benefits a Success for advice. This knowledge also led him to the ju- dicial system. One day he came home from his logging job and was looking at the want ads in the Vernonia paper. He saw “Justice of the Peace wanted,” and said, “I can do that,” and what a great job he did. Some of the words used to describe Rod: loving, caring, compassionate, wise, sense of humor, re- spected, and devoted to family and career. His warm personality and sense of humor left a lasting impression on all who knew and loved him. Even though he is no longer with us, he will always be a part of us. From the McLean Family... So many people helped us get through one of the most difficult times of our lives. We appreciate all of the thoughtfulness of the many cards, delicious meals, beautiful flowers, and the very generous donation and delivery of firewood. Additionally, we would like to thank everyone who spoke on Rod’s behalf at the Celebration of Life service it was very meaningful to our family. Sincerely, The McLean family By Scott Laird On Saturday, September 15th, the Lion’s Club held a BBQ in the Sentry parking lot, taking advantage of the Community Garage Sale that was taking place that day. Sentry Market donated the hot dogs and buns, while the Lions donated chips and pop. The Lions raised over $2600 for the cause, and wanted to send out a big thank you to Sentry Market for all their help. Vernonians stepped up to the plate, literally, to help one of their own during three recent fundraisers for local citizen Dean Schaumburg who was critically in- jured in a logging accident in August. The first fundraiser was a spaghetti dinner held at the Buckhorn Restaurant on Sunday September 9. The inside homecoming 9 challenge garden pumpkin patch 14 23 look who’s here The latest fundraiser, a concert benefit featuring country music singer Jesse Cain, was held Friday, September 21 at Hawkins Park. With attendance estimated at 500, this effort raised over $5,000 with all proceeds going to Dean’s family. response was overwhelming, according to Buckhorn owners George and Donna Tice, who donated the use of their restaurant and kitchen facilities. “It was a phenomenal success,’’ said George. “We had over forty volunteers, many who just showed up and said ‘I’m here to help; what can I do?’ So many people came together to make this a success!” As many as twenty groups and organizations were involved in the benefit that served over 550 people and raised over $5,000. Everything was donated, from food and music, to alley space, picnic tables and raffle prizes; all the money raised will benefit Dean’s family with their medical expenses. Donna Tice expressed her thanks to everyone who helped out, noting that the volunteers helped clean up everything afterwards. She also thanked Ser- geant Mike Kay as the catalyst for making this event happen. Accounts in the name of Dean Schaumburg have been started at both Wauna Federal Credit Union and the US Bank branches in Vernonia. A Thank you from the Schaumburg and DeWitt Families The Family of Dean Schaumburg would like to express our most sincere thanks and gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the many recent benefits. The commu- nity has been so supportive of Dean and all us in this great time of need. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered, organized, participated, and donated- you are way too numerous to name, but are deeply appreciated. Our hearts are overwhelmed.