PAGE 14 | August 24, 2018 | NORTHWEST LABOR PRESS JOBS PEOPLE New faculty at LERC Union-backed coalition pushes bold vision for Broadway corridor project Should Portlanders allow their city to become a playground for the rich, or should they fight for a city that provides high quality jobs and housing for residents of all income levels? That’s a real question the city faces as it considers how to re- develop 32 publicly-owned acres near the Broadway Bridge. Known as the Broad- way Corridor, the area includes the former U.S. Postal Service site and several other city blocks owned by the city’s de- velopment agency, Prosper Portland (formerly known as the Portland Development Commission.) Prosper Portland has plans to develop the area as a site of high-density employ- ment and signature city attrac- tions connecting the Old Town/ Chinatown and Pearl District neighborhoods. But a carefully developed union-community coalition is putting forward its own vision — which calls for the construc- tion of affordable and accessi- ble housing, the creation of good union jobs both during the building phase and when the development is complete, and opportunities for women and minorities to get experience in the building trades as workers and contractors. The Healthy Communities Coalition formed three years ago, with about a dozen business, environmental and community groups plus seven unions: Service Employ- ees Local 49, Oregon AF- SCME, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 757, IBEW Local 48, Pacific NW Regional Coun- cil of Carpenters, Portland Fire- fighters, and Professional & Technical Employees Local 17. “We are tired of being pitted against one another,” said Vi- vian Satterfield, deputy director of the environmental justice group OPAL, which helped form the coalition. “We need to tie our fates together as work- ers, as people with environment interests, and those striving for representation and a voice along racial and social justice lines.” The coalition presented its vision to Prosper Portland at a July 25 meeting. With any luck, it won’t be a hard sell. Prosper Portland’s slogan is “Building an Equitable Economy.” And one of its board members is union building trades leader Willy Myers, who helped nego- Turn to Page 15 University of Oregon Labor Ed- ucation and Research Center (LERC) is hiring two new full- time faculty in its Portland office, beginning September: Econo- mist and veteran Labor Notes trainer Mark Brenner, and re- searcher Lina Stepick from the UCLA Labor Center. LERC is a university ex- tension serv- ice that pro- vides training and research support to Oregon labor Mark Brenner unions. Brenner and Stepick are filling positions that became vacant last year after longtime instructor Barbara Byrd retired and re- searcher Raahi Reddy left to be- come director of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion program at the Metro regional government. LERC Director Bob Bussel says Brenner and Stepick bring distinctive skills to LERC, with Brenner focused on teaching and leadership development, and Stepick on research. Brenner is best known for his 12-year tenure directing Labor Notes, a Detroit-based non-profit dedicated to “putting the move- ment back in the labor move- ment.” Labor Notes publishes books and a monthly magazine and provides training and net- working events for union ac- tivists. At Labor Notes, Brenner co-authored Secrets of a Suc- cessful Organizer and two other books. Prior to that he spent six years as a researcher at the Polit- ical Economy Research Institute of the University of Massachu- setts at Amherst, supporting liv- ing wage and minimum wage campaigns around the country. He has a Ph.D. in economics from the University of California Riverside. Stepick researched scheduling practices of retail workers in Los Angeles while at UCLA. Before that, she surveyed formerly in- carcerated workers for the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, con- ducted re- search about public transit and afford- able housing for a Los An- geles labor- community coalition, and Lina Stepick interviewed immigrant detainees, among many research projects since 2006. Bussel met her in 2009 when as an undergraduate at Dartmouth she interviewed him as part of a research project for the Portland-based Voz Workers Rights Education Project. She’s now completing a PhD in sociol- ogy at UCLA.