pAge 4 | May 5, 2017 | nortHWest lABor press A union guide to oregon’s may 15 primary election Oregon voters have a lot of choices. It’s a crowded ballot. This union-focused ballot guide tries to keep it simple: Only candi- dates who have opponents in the primary are listed. If a candidate is listed in bold below, they’re backed by at least one la- bor organization. DON’T FORGET: Ballots must be re- ceived (not postmarked) by May 15! legend The acronyms below refer to statewide or regional bodies un- less a local number is listed. AFL-CIO the state federation that most unions belong to AFSCME state, county, and mu- nicipal employees 88 Multnomah County 189 City of Portland 350 Clackamas County 3580 Metro 2831 Lane County AFTAFT-Oregon (college instruc- tors and school support staff) ATU 757 transit AWPPW pulp and paper mill BAC Bricklayers Local 1 Boilermakers Local 104 CPBTC Portland metro area building trades council CWA 7901 telecom democrAtic primAry Congressional District 1 (NW Oregon) suzanne Bonamici, a three-term incumbent, has a 95 percent lifetime rating from the AFL-CIO. AFL-CIO, AFT, IAFF, IAM, IBT, IUPAT, OEA, ONA Congressional District 2 (E Oregon) eric Burnette was a union member in the mer- chant marine. He’s for Medicare for All, a $15 mini- mum wage, and re-unionizing the American work- force. AFL-CIO, IBT, UFCW 555, WFP (dual) Jamie mcleod skinner is a city planner, a former AFSCME member and a former city councilor in Santa Clara, Calif. She’s for a tiered minimum wage like Oregon’s OEA, WFP (dual) Congressional District 3 (E Portland) earl Blumenauer, an 11-term incumbent, has a 94 percent lifetime rating from the AFL-CIO. AFL-CIO, AFT, OEA Congressional District 4 (SW Oregon) peter deFazio, a 16-term incumbent, has a 94% AFL-CIO rating. AFT, OEA ILWU longshore/warehouse Insulators - Insulators Local 36 IUOE 701 Operating Engineers Local 701 IUPAT Painters District Council 5 IW Ironworkers Local 29 LiUNA Oregon/SW Washington District Council of Laborers 483 public sector laborers 737 construction laborers NOLC NW Oregon Labor Coun- cil, the local AFL-CIO Senate District 13 (Keizer) Only voters registered as Democrats can choose who the party will run in November. congress IAFF fire fighters 43 Portland 1159 Clackamas County 314 Salem 1660Tualatin Valley IAM Oregon Machinists Council IBEW electrical workers 48 Portland 280 Albany 125 utility lineman local IBTTeamsters Joint Council 37 IBU Inland Boatmen’s Union Congressional District 5 (W Oregon) kurt schrader, an 11-term incumbent, has an 83 percent lifetime rating from the AFL-CIO. OEA, UFCW 555 stAteWide Governor kate Brown is seeking a second elected term. She signed into law a minimum wage increase, a paid sick day mandate, and a fair scheduling law. AFL-CIO, AFT, OEA, ONA oregon senAte Senate District 3 (Medford) Athena goldberg, a clinical social worker, is in a four-way primary to challenge Republican Alan De- Boer for the seat Alan Bates used to hold. Oregon AFL-CIO considers this a priority race. AFL-CIO, AFT, OSEA, UFCW 555 Senate District 11 (Salem) peter courtney, the incumbent, Senate President, has been in the Capitol since 1999. AFSCME, AFT, OEA, UFCW sarah grider, an educational assistant at Newberg School District is president of OSEA Local 17 at Newberg High School. Her husband Jeff is treasurer of AFT-Oregon. AFT paul diller is a law professor at Willamette Univer- sity UFCW 555 Senate District 24 (East Portland) shemia Fagan, a civil rights attorney and former state rep, is challenging incumbent Rod Monroe be- cause he opposed bills to allow rent control and end no-cause eviction. AFSCME, AFT, OEA, OFNHP, SEIU 49, SEIU 503 rod monroe, the incumbent, has been in the leg- islature since 1977. He’s a supporter of single payer healthcare. OBTC, IAFF, IBEW 48 oregon House House District 9 (Coos Bay) caddy mckeown may be the least labor-friendly Democrat in the House, and voted against mini- mum wage and other labor priorities. But she’s been a reliable backer of funding for K-12 and infra- structure. OBTC, OEA House District 11 (Eugene) kimberly koops is a law clerk for SEIU Local 503 and a former staffer for Congresswoman Suzanne OBTC state building trades union council OEA Oregon Education Assn. (teachers) or local affiliates OFNHP nurses and health techs ONA Oregon Nurses Association OPCMIA 82 Plasterers Local 82 OPCMIA 555 Cement Masons Local 555 OSEA school employees PAT Portland Assn. of Teachers PCCFFAP/PCCFCE faculty and classified locals of AFT at PCC PTE 17 Professional & Technical Employees at City of Portland SMART Sheet Metal Local 16 UA 290 plumbers and fitters UFCW 555 grocery UBC Carpenters WFPWorking Families Party, a union-backed minor party Bonamici. AFSCME, AFT, SEIU, UFCW 555, WFP, Eugene Education Association House District 18 (Silverton) Barry shapiro, a photography teacher, wants to take on Republican incumbent Rick Lewis UFCW House District 32 (North Coast) tiffiny mitchell is a child welfare case manager coordinator. AFSCME, AFT, OEA, SEIU 503, SEIU 49 tim Josi is a Tillamook County commissioner and former state rep. OBTC, UFCW 555 House District 45 (NE Portland) Barbara smith Warner incumbent, is a former labor liaison for Ron Wyden and onetime staff per- son at the Letter Carriers union. She’s being chal- lenged by Jamie Woods, a PSU economics professor and union negotiator. AFL-CIO, OBTC, AFSCME, AFT, IAFF, OEA, PAT, UFCW 555 House District 52 (Hood River) Anna Williams college professor AFSCME, AFT (dual), OEA, SEIU 503 (dual), SEIU 49 (dual) friendso- Aurora del Val instructor at PCC and Clackamas Community College AFT (dual), SEIU 503 (dual), SEIU 49 (dual)