PAGE 24 | August 19, 2016 | NORTHWEST LABOR PRESS ...César Chávez From Page 22 well. Ross clearly understood the centrality of women in the organizing of immigrant com- munities, but his organizing style comes across as distinctly male. And what of the fact that Ross was an Anglo organizer working in a predominately Spanish-speaking union, but never became fluent in Spanish? Those things wouldn’t be as ac- ceptable in union organizing campaigns today as they were in the early ‘60s. Thompson doesn’t explain all of Ross’ contradictions, but he does give us a powerful intro- duction to a fearless organizer who was an exemplar of his own axiom—“A good organizer is a social arsonist who goes around setting people on fire.” Marcus Widenor, a former organizer for the International Ladies’ Garment Work- ers’ Union in Alabama, retired in 2012 from the faculty at the University of Ore- gon’s Labor Education and Research Cen- ter. HAPPENINGS Steelworkers plan anti-TPP rally in Salem The United Steelworkers Legis- lation & Education Committee will rally at the State Capitol in Salem on Tuesday, Aug. 23, in a show of opposition to Gov. Kate Brown’s recent endorsement of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement. The rally starts at 2 p.m. Everyone is in- vited to attend. Following the rally, members of the Steelworkers will meet with the governor to express their concerns about her support of “the job-killing trade deal that is like NAFTA on steroids.” The TPP is a legally binding deal between 12 governments, including the U.S., that was ne- gotiated in total secrecy with hundreds of corporate lobbyists helping draft the text. It poses a grave threat to good paying jobs, the environment, internet free- dom, food safety, and our basic democratic process. Congress could vote on the pact before the end of the year.