Built with union labor and pension funds State-of-the-art hospital opens on Southern Oregon coast By STEFAN OSTRACH Special Correspondent COQUILLE, Ore. — A new state- of-the-art hospital has opened in Coos County with help from union pension funds and union labor. Coquille is lo- cated about 18 miles south of Coos Bay off the Southern Oregon coast. “This was a win, win, win, win, win,” said Pat Smith, president of the Lane, Coos, Curry, Douglas Counties Building Trades Council (LCCD- CBTC). “Union pension funds, local unions and members, the hospital board, and the community, all bene- fited.” Coquille Valley Hospital’s new facil- ity was constructed under a union proj- ect labor agreement with general con- tractor Neenan Archistructure, which hired unionized local subcontractors. The AFL-CIO’s Housing Investment Trust (HIT) financed $22 million of the $30 million construction project. Union pension funds invest in HIT, which in turn finances union construction proj- ects. It was the first project funded by the HIT to utilize Build America Bonds, introduced in 2009 as part of President Obama’s economic stimulus program. Some 225 construction jobs were created to build the 51,000 square foot structure. The new hospital has 16 beds and houses primary medical depart- ments, including surgery, obstetrics, therapy, laboratory, a pharmacy, and an emergency room. Nurses at the hospital are repre- sented by the Oregon Nurses Associa- tion. Gradine Storms, Principal Broker RE/MAX equity group Cell/Text 503-495-4932 grady@gradystorms.com 7LUHG RI 3$,1" 0RVW,QVXUDQFH 3ODQV$FFHSWHG 3 528'/< 6 (59,1* 3 257/$1' : 25.(56 ) 25 2 9(5 < ($56 PAGE 12 Stephanie Wiggins, chief investment officer of the AFL-CIO HIT, said they were pleased to help bring improved health care services to Oregon’s South Coast. “We were also pleased that through our all-union construction requirement we were able to support the creation of much-needed union construction jobs during a time of unacceptably high un- employment.” Smith, a union representative of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 5, explained that a key to get- ting the project was early involvement. “The unions got in early,” he said. “We knew they wanted to build, so we asked if they had enough funds. They were looking for funding. HIT offered attractive interest rates,” he said. From all accounts, the project went smoothly. Hospital CEO Dennis Zielinski said everyone cooperated well and put the project first. “The hospital district’s board was happy to work with the unions. We wanted to enhance the local economy and help hard-working peo- ple who live locally. “Patients love it,” he added. “It’s comforting, very healing.” Amanda Taylor, community rela- tions manager at Coquille Valley Hos- pital, described it as “a beautiful build- ing.” Wiggins of the AFL-CIO’s HIT de- clared an interest in other undertakings in Oregon. “We are always reviewing proposals for housing and health care projects and hope there will be more opportunities for HIT investments in the Northwest that meet our investment re- quirements,” she said. %HHVRQ&KLURSUDFWLF :RUNLQJ LQ Standing in front of the new Coquille Valley Hospital are from left to right: Joe Bowers, a business representative of Iron Workers Local 29; Leroy Marney, president of the Lane, Coos, Curry, Douglas Counties Building Trades Council; Amanda Taylor, marketing/community relations manager of Coquille Valley Hospital; Dennis Zielinski, hospital CEO; Patrick Smith, secretary-treasurer of LCCDCBTC; and Bob Westerman, business manager of IBEW Local 932. KHOSVEULQJWKH UHOLHI\RXQHHG Š 7UHDWPHQWIRUSDLQGXHWR RYHUXVHDQGUHSHWLWLYHPRWLRQ Š &KLURSUDFWLFDGMXVWPHQWV Š 7UHDWPHQWIRUDFFLGHQWDQG VSRUWVUHODWHGLQMXULHV Š 5HKDELOLWDWLRQH[HUFLVHV Š 7KHUDSHXWLFPDVVDJH Š ,QWHUQDOGLDJQRVLVDQGWUHDWPHQW Š /DEWHVWVDQG[UD\V 'U'DQ%HHVRQ&KLURSUDFWRU 6(7KLUWHHQWK$YHLQ6HOOZRRG &$// NORTHWEST LABOR PRESS JULY 6, 2012