Page Two THE AMPLIFIER THE AMPLIFIER Published by The Student Éody of West Linn High School Semi-Monthly Established 1920 3c per copy for Non-Student-Body Members Editor_______ «,__ ___________________ Doris Zimmerman Manager-.,......................... -______ ,____ ¿......Marjorie Huirás Ass’t. Editor-----------,.------------------ —......Jerry Larue Ass’t. Manager......... ....... .P------- .............--- -------- Betty Helsby News Editor.................... ,.............. JÜ....................... Lois Butler Feature Editor............... J...... ................. .....¿...Glenn Campbell Sports Editor............................ —..... ..Willis Elliott Exchange Editor........................................................ Mary Rudy Society Editor....... ;__ .................................. ......Barbara Finch Reporting Staff: Bob Baker, Gerald Phillips, Kenneth Lingenfelder, Virginia Anderson, Smokey Anderson, Barbara Finch, Hank Quade, Glenn Campbell, Lois Butler, Jerry Larue,. Marjorie Huirás, Dóns Zimmerman, Jim Whipple, Earl Merkle, Willis Elliott, Mary Rudy. Advertising Staff: Virginia Lewis, Doris Draper, Betty Helsby, Marjorie Huirás. Advisor: Mr. Howard Class News Freshman Class At the meeting of the Fresh­ man class, which was held Fri­ day, April 25. Officers for the following year were nominated. Those students nominated for president were Robert Wood, David Young, Junior Puderbaqgh, Rueben Baisch and Dennis Mc­ Lean; for vice president, Milton Zimmerman, Dennis McLean, Marilyn Bragg, Bill Larson, Donna Nigren, Isabel Vinson, Reed Ingalls; for secretary, Thel­ ma Gear, Elaine Hellberg, Isabel Vinson, Marilyn Bragg, Pat Rush and Robert Moyes; for cabinet Origin member, Donald Dennis, Lloyd Englert, and Hank Quade; for Seen through our spyglass; May Day, the first day of May, sergeant at arms, Rueben Baisch, for centuries been associated Harry Crandall, Robert Ballieu Loren Milliken doing some, has : Latin and Germanic peo­ and Robert Moyes. fancy high jumping. Diving on among ; with religious and other fes-, His head mostly. . . . Éverÿbné ples ; observances, and is still so Sophomore Class getting a kick out of Morton tal 1 Parks’ reports. Got a '• pillow observed by Celtic and other The sopohomores recently elected Bob McAnulty as presi­ ready at home, Morton? . . . races. In Rome, May day was as- dent for the coming year. Other with worship to the sociated Where was it that Gene Vinson goddess Maia, who represented officers elected were Violet Roth­ took Dorothea Dempsey? That the principal càuse of fertility. man, t vice-president; Rosa I i n wasn’t the night she went to the This , was the origin of a May Enns, secretary; Pät Erben, treas­ carnival was it? ... Loren Fields Day celebration, and to this day, urer; Suzanne Zimmerman, cab­ and friends pushing his Ford May customs survive in May- inet member; and Vernon Eaden, down the hill to get it started Pole dances, and the crowning of Sergeant - ot - arms. (às usual). . . . Smokey with a a queen of the May. Outings to blonde at thè Senior play. We’ré the field and forési to return Juniors Nominate Senior awfully curious Smoke. . . . laden with green flowering Officers Tuesday John'Gist ducking behind a tel- boughs is still observed. A meeting of the Junior class ephone post and holding a bush Today organized propadandis- in front of him every time a car tie groups and labor organiza­ was held Tuesday morning for passed him last Monday. Those tions set aside the first day in the purpose of' nominating offi­ green track pants he was forced May for their for their meetings cers for next year and discussing tb wear home blended in with and demonstrations. In Germany the Junior-Senior Send Off. For president, Marshall Web­ the scenery very well. Is there Russia and other European coun­ • a- seamstress in the house??? ... tries, May Day is observed as ster, Randall McLaughlin and John Morrison were nominated; Harold Ness and Snooky Baker Labor day. for vice president, Melvin doing a little shadowing or just Centuries ago people added to Ruckles, Bob Gassner, Gene Vin­ plain trailing while at the music the May Day celebrations and contest in Newberg. Whee! fun by masquerading as Robin son, Bill Rakel, and Howard There’s that gal again! Phyllis Hoods or similar legendary char­ i Berry. Thé two nominated for Van Lanningham playing up to acters. TheSe parts were portray­ treasurer were Arlene Schwartz the visiting baseball players at ed by all classes of people. and Doris Draper. For secretary, The Girls’ League will sponsor the game just before Easter va­ Songs and dances made up a Betty Erben, Margie Huirás and a Mother-Daughter Tea on Thurs­ cation. . . . The name is Paul, large portion of the day’s cele­ Patsy Silver. The cabinet mem­ day, May 8. Phyllis. Further particulars can bration. The actual basis of May bers, Barbara Srhith; Betty Hels­ The mother of each student is be given in case you’re inter-I Day, however, seems to have by, Cunera Duyn, Bill Wàlston invited to attend. ■"»—acted-¿turning the been the Roman Florália, cefe- ánc^ Bob Dagget. Thrée ,^bpys Those on. the committees are: hose On John Grossman when he brated April 28, and instituted at werfe nominated for sergeant-at- Entertainment: Ruth Grass- tried to play Tarzan in the oak Ronie about 241 B. C. AlSo among afnis, they were Bob Donovan, man, chairman; Lois Young, Bob Qassner and John Morrison. Doris Zimmerman, Irene Endres. tree. . . . Vi Bickel with an Thé Junior-Senior Send Off is Arrangement: Maxine Qhaney, orchid on. . . . Ask Pat Day observances of the Floralia are mentioned gay costumes, drama ­ to be held at the Jantzen Beach about lemon cakes and the tic performances and comic on May 23. All Juniors and Sen­ chairman; Nayda Geske, Mar­ Gfèëh Lantern at Newberg . . . garet McLucas, Leia Bamford. dances. iors aré urged to come. Andy Swan having a lot of fun Favohs (invitations): Evelyn on the bus coming home from Wood worth, chairman; Clydelle the music toUrnamënt. . . . Well; Hughes, Betty TaylOrj Dorothy Plans Girls League Delegates I Zittle, if looks as if Betty Sturgess and ¡School Helen Boettcher. To Go to Conference Richard Swanson have finally Refreshments: (Miss McWhor- for School At the University high school ter’s classes) Gr-ece Tiedeman, gotten together. . . . Tom Arthur of Eugene May 3, there will be chairman; Virginia Lewis, Jariet crowning Bill Steven queen of West Linn’S School Board, con­ the Mày (hay) with the nicest sisting of five members and a held the annual spring confer­ Wievisick, Lorraine Payne, Mar­ Wreath of white flowers. . . . clerk, has been active through­ ence of the Girl’s League. jorie Wuiras. The plans for the day will in­ These fishermen telling about out the past year in planning a the ones that didn’t get away! full program of scholastic and clude regislatjon, program, dis­ DIS ONE'S WOTTEN New story ahyWày. . . , intermural activities for the cussion groups, luncheon, tour Wish I was a wittie egg i of the campus and à teâ. students. ' Since’ each school is permitted Away dp id a free, Early in the fall, open bleach­ to bring four delegates and there i wish I was a wittie egg ers were erected on the south side As rotten as could be are to be five discussion groups, of the athletic field to seat the girls will decide which Ahd when some naughty little crowds at the footbfell games. A Boy made faces at me .At Oswego school last Tues­ planned development for a later group they wish to attend. I ’ d smash my wotten wittie self Four delegates, along with day, Richard. Karl Reiner and date will transform these into a And spatter down on he. Miss Moe have been chosen to his band finally came out in covëféd grandstand with com­ . —The Jeffersonian, the open and played» in public. plete dressing room facilities attend. Thè girls are Suzanne Zimmerman, Katherine Pater- Portland, Oregoh. The band, coloquially known as beneath. son, Betty Helsby and Pat Sil- thé “Rhythm Rats,’’ has been At thé present time, vwork is pj^ictfcing off and on, réShùffl- progressing on à project west of vers. ing its personel since January the gymnasium where tennis but is still held back by a lim- courts are to be built. Thè cön- The Freshman is grassy ariö grows. ifêd r^përtÔiïïé. Headed by Lin- struction; Under the supervision PUT YOUR TRUST The Sophomore is sassy arid çolnite Reiner who does the of Mr. O’Hara; is using NY A shows. piano work, the band boasts a labor; employing several West IN Ddhthorpe squirt Marshall Lirin high school boys. Tree fall­ The Junior is brassy and blows. Wright, Whose wdrk on the clàri- ing, stump digging, grading, and The Senior is classy and knows. —Monday Mourning Moan, , < net and sax is generally con- rock work has been in progress Forest Grove, Oregoh. Flirt National Bank ceciéd to be prètty good. fof the past two weeks, with the Present at the dance was prospect, of construction work to sandy-haired, toothy West Linn begin in the near future. of Portland .WE WISH TO cat Bob MacAnulty who was Kenneth Rërihér, who is elected I busy with plans for a band of from the Holy Garden’s section Thank the Faculty Oregon Citys' Branch his own. Mac plans to borrow of the district, is serving as and Student Body three of Reiner’s men. Alto sax chairman of the board. Associat­ for the Patronage- man Dave Young, second trum­ ed with him are Karl Bàuersfeld Oregon City pet Art Huebner and tenor man of Bolton, Herman Ruse of Sun­ Main St. West Linn Cafeteria Wright. He also made arrange­ set, J. A. Reams and Wesley ment with Alf Kelley the young­ Milliken of Willamette ar er for clarinet work. Clyde ,Hughes of Bolton, clerk. Other members ôf thé outfit Will include Bob Bradley oh alto, lllllllllllllllllllllllllillillllillllllllllllll leâder MacAnulty, on second trumpet, John Grossman oh third Congratulations Try our new "Walking Sundae. trumpet. Jim Jennings and Tom To QUEEN BARBARA Ice Cream topping, and Walnut and Her Court Arthur will blow trombones, Halves. Take it out; eat it on the from run. It can’t spill. Dwain Wanker will handle the piano, Ford Black will take care Only 10c O.C. ICE LOCKERS of the percussion department, ‘The Home of Good Meats” department and Bill SteVeris Will Oregon City Creamery 6th Street Oregon City pluck the guitar. The boys have scheduled a practice for .tonight., DUST BOWL FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1941 of May Day I Gills League Planning Tea Board Much Notes To You Hey Kids! Recreational Club Holds Weekly Dance THIS WEEK FINDS: YoUrs truly’s column being peeked at by many a fond parent and friend who Visits our fair cam­ pus today—to them I hove to say —taking into consideration spring and my vivid imagination, they (the students) are on the whole, the most well behaved little rascals you ever saw. About that senior play, ■Carl Erickson and Bill - Etchison and myself did all, the Work, but Merkle and Ness got all the . . . well, we object! Something to get off my chest, the idea of awarding or not awarding the senior class honors oh the basis of a four year attendance at West Linn is screwy. What’s' the idèa anyhow? Latest joke around school—(heàrd in London air raid shelter) “Keep your hands off me—no not you”—-Little Bob­ bie darling asked me to play the malt shop on account of our manager works there. I agree with you Baker, it should be plugged, bombed and absolutely demolished, it’s unfair—I sup­ pose I don’t have td mention that icky goo affair between Andy and Pat which is still holding forth (sickening isn’t it?)-u-Our fair haired boy Dave Williams giving excuses why he could not possibly have a girl in Seattle (it’s toò far away so he says,-ask Dave) by the Way did" you hear about what happened When Howard Barry saw Dave with a blonde and thought it was La- I Verne Maine? After all there are ! things at home to * keep. his interest. DON’T FORGET TO BÙY YOUR BEACH TRIP TICKETS. ’(SEE LOIS BUTLER OR GLENN CAMPBELL). FREE PLUG. The Oswego Recreational club held its second dance at thé Ofe- wego school Tuesday from 7:30 tO10:30 p. m. The club wàs organized with I the aid of -the jQ^wego sqhool t: board and advisors and instruc­ tors from the Clackamas County W.P.A. Officers of the club in­ clude president, Sihokey An der - son, vice-president, Jerry Larde, secretary treasurer, Jane Byerly and seargent-at-ârms, Clarke Anderson. MUsic for the dance was fur­ nished by Richard Reiner’s or­ chestra. Tuesday’s meeting was open j to visitors but future dances will be restricted to members and their guests. Dances are i held every Tuesday. ' L. A. Wievesiek Congratulations to Queen ; Barbara and Her Court Phone 4856 217 Eighth Street bregón City GET YOUR GIFTS AT THE COTTON SHOP Handkerchief ..Duchess Linen Hose ...................... ....All Colors Lingerie ....Slips, Mightgrowns Oregon City THE MODEL DIME STORE GIRLS Ill Be Seeing You at the Moy Pole Dance Merle Aden School Goods Delux also Remember ¡awuMis * mens ’* wear Mother's Daÿ Main Street Oregon City Hotpoint Ranges and Refrigerators Columbia Water Heaters Armstrong Linoleum Pittsburgh Paints C. w. FRIEDRICH & SON Seventh and Washington Sts. Oregon City Ph ohé 5131 F