1 THE WILUME1TE Manager. J.T.FORD, IR. J. K. MAVIIltON. lntltetUuh of Dr. J. Polk OOtUlt most sulvdanti.il eiety a worthy moral tlianuUr mental vijpr. SOU, (" NEWS. K. lavil of its eiti.e-ns- ami so immlK,r of tngti IW lVt , ami ,., is,,i ittitl 01U i'ii vxoop.tuuial omi ... in the e Tho latest iiliinil ion wnrltl is un aerial :(!.!' gr...e 10 lU.M,.uuH, ,.wo ,(l i( t (tU(itltl U) thi) ()tl only a. vouth in Hp and worldly vtvlKi,ins all (m,us VMU extH'riouiv, Hut tic was oihiowhi The ( j I - , m(I 1:! Ma-th- e s tf-- with i ,,., ' , j j li- . i i : . lc-!:.- ki-- l mu--1- pn-t-- . t, yi ; 4 j Jenkins, with the cunning natural to such an admirable manager, had not whispered a word of her nlterior designs to the landlady. Bhe even cautioned her daughter not to addreea the noble- man by bis title in the hearing of any ieem unreasonable to look for the economical productioa of rain one else. "It would - "Has lie pniptwdr exclaimed Mm -- wau-rti.- C4k-- e. - -- r. i lay Matilda. The rwl'-- will eu-il- imagino that hi advanced were readily met by the yoiin0 lady, who waa quite enraptured by the comment which- she had achieved over the heart of an earl. Nor Wiin her mv th.-- le. - -r- aMi-d. The!;.,..,! I;)y her head bi;:iii r than ev. .', and jiti t a ihe tiuiM win-n- n- i' ii- , iw iu"thiT-in-br- diiiir-ev- i Sun, A l.irl' Hiininir Wurk. young lady iNiiight a kodak nt a dealer's U'foro she went on a Vacation, and scorning tho bints of a aateainan book of directions and took only In-- went i,(T. Kite took seventy five or eigluy "shots" ia pletiirempin placsi that she wrw int. 'reted In, find pri.tidsed copies ..t the picture to nil her friends. Wle she came homo ebo left the camera to have tho film develowil and printed The ilevi.oer devidon-- on nnd on. but In order thai fiaind Hone but blanks. he might not bo falsely accused lie m ill for the young lady and asked ber to come to the establishment. Kh ciime. "How did you operate be asked her, "()s'rate it." tho string, as I ho book Why, 1 piilh-- says, and touched tbe button." "Hut what did you do with this little black cap here?" "Why, I didn't do anything with itl" she said, aud then the developer laughed. Hhe bad never once removed the cap that covered the lens, and had, of course, taken not a tiugle picture. Hhe bad Wn solemnly pressing the but- ton nil summer with no resnlt whatever, and when she found what she had done sho wept bitter tears. lioston Trim- - script. A rmj ,i tuts rtu, n mm Uw duuUi Hull M M tkak tusir W luwviul aaU mas V Uwl Awl Dm utaro u a ki mkaakap nax, Ma HHllnl HH- U.l aVa utt, limn I a aiumna ski Hwa. ' lleK BIJ ktM au 0m twwit- fail Mirlil ll mar is ' dreaia Uf's twt frtaiil iitji mkw mum ottlfar. MIMtAIN." MtM p fou km inr' tlw mM h4i tlx km tliw, Ik mIU Htw (Iuiimwi. Anl m I M tru. Awl UU awl nuM hr mt k !! Wkil tUkl ska fou kn awr kr AwJ awl shiiM m) unilnt aktaiw! rnbtt dt Jm Mflunl tnlM raarnui. Awl I ktoml Whli t k ' Iw Hk pallml n.n.U w kr, mmlni ltaii"l aiul iilM m If ih al. ilw i r !.. wtl vna fi kf deww te' Muaaikml lmii hi ii ! m m nmt aiuuui (Imtjp I w oi r Hw ImIi kwl mm kud M ton lor Ik Via h nupd a k Awl I aM, I UI Mil ww Ik wk) kfaia- -I UI ana a4 by l a tkra wa, Awl I tubl fcr laal Wktwauat Uaa kwatM arm m4 taak v4 atf wtwt TW a laat aautM MwaM. n M Awt I My Ux Ims M at sn ! ' j ru, omt rmw, a l.' ia J - HirtlM tiea km r4 k, ki Wall k mmmJ awl Maa IBM a wt karna Ml" m faa a fet Jot -- j fort-ona- uu nnain.)r, spd gne-.-r- uil u il mit tu mm f nut erf Vl II4 riij.il. lu le lailiulil lorn Hewn, I kiiell Ak.1 si hi tila mrt ruuJInl lea Itawbk swl l.mr " r ! . Ust uljlii '". Hi" ui in nylmi tf ko.a nr iu lntt, ow ukl la ll ekl ahir Stay, tsit ley "Hi "Noelairar MiJaluW Um ututitrrand daaghter, turning pU. "Am yoa not aa aariT j "That ia only my Christian eara. "And what t yonr aauploytatwir asked Mm Jeukitut on the point of fainti- ng. do au. "1 am a house painter, madam, but "Only a few month," wa the rvply, being a little nuwvll waa urdorvd by the "A few month," thought aba. "Then doctor to a couple of laoatAs ia tbe h mint certainly he trandinj; tneo., country." or we abonld have heard of bis beiutf We draw a veil over the w one tlmt here by the paeni." The fabrio of ndewhiib Whin tbey were ready to depart th Mm Jen' ins ..fty bad built up fell to tbe tub- to the turned Eng managing lady ground, u i I her chance of bring allli-- man and aid:' to the ll;iuli nolullty kk'uis more re Indeed to m dbonld Ih "I very happy Candtne K. Preston la mole than i een. IVaion Ui.ii ivr, pm at our r.onse to tea o. I ing, if yon have no other have alway bad a very bi;:h Idea of the A 1.1 Saltxl. an cpvr-- t Eiigtinh, and am glad t ha These vepje with iiuugliiatlve pens idiow to it." unity who write up the various profltablo em "Tliaiik pou, tua'iim." the earl replied in which a woman may en with ul.n rity. ' I will cerliiinly call. ployinetits these days should tuke tbe am to gngi do At what tone you uif make some slight verilbatioti of their "At whatever hour will prove mont stateuieiita. A beautiful little paragraph re- ffinvenient to yon." wa the grarioua of the pAvrs the.ie la going the round ply. days about the dmirabillty of the work "ludw" 1, tna'nin, you are very kin-- of printing photograph from negative we name it fl llieu." Supji-w- Aud as an employment for women. "Tbuuk you, my I wean air. We then there follows a story alsiut a young shall took forward with K"'at pleiusure woman who "put '.'.tsH In the bank Inst to your ciuniu." year, representing lb rlnax pruUU of are "Tbuw pntple extraordinarily po- out year' work la printing photo j ll ta," thought the young man afU'r their graph. departure, as be aat in his room smoking New I'.'. ft il i a huge sum for any a cigar. "1 really think they have taken woman even the exceptionally young quite a fancy to m. My good look, I clever one who is always figuring Iu think it mnst be, for I Imveu't a single r paragraph - to put In tbe reiiuiiii'tidalion Uni'lm on earth. Well, newspak And as one g"' one bank in year, if 1 iiud the gul ha motley 1 may im- rather tinl of hearing about her I con- If in offer and mym prove iny alvaiitai eluded toinve. tiuto the probabditlrt iu tnatrtinoiiy. Miuw.y would bj very this cav Several photographer were ! at present" coiunilti d, and they ail with one voii-- Ibid Mil Jenkins heard thii anlihvmy declared I hi truth of the utaleiueut to I she von! ! r m!i!y have cotiin to the Said one- "It ii wholly impiMMbio. Colli ltl:.iell to.,1, tiieni M.k twllletbiug unibU- tliat if thlsyotmg woman barely wro-- aboe! tier calculations, lint remarkatily ipuck. and spent Hin ear hero thU wa not the ly ui a Kiuiiiut-- pi. ii where there were plenty of amateur pho- Mrs. tie will tliat It readily imagined tographers, with no competition and no Jenkins everted ber culinary skill to tho e ilKMisc of any kind, she might poaihly ntntiMt in preparin:,' fir her illnstrion imike a huge part uf nich a mm, but a . A i h" aw the niuaermts il.iint.. fur liei'ii :; li it nm in a yea- r- -' i l"'i( a id ..v .! i; !"!' u'nt Iw "iike," lie fiai.l, "It io hi-- frame, and juy u by im expert.- "- New York i'.vrutng to the heart of on tlieciBit "You are rijfht, mr'ain," aud tbe rU "I am from "May I aak it yoa have bm kmg ia oar conn try Mm. Jenkins hardly knew whether to nay sir ur not. but dually divided nut to ala dmaia dim l Tit Ttw iim Bur t4 a r O aUr Hinlll. a Wawaa Frsulein rou lliauvin, tbe Onrtnan bvly uleiitint In natural history, at- tracted much flattering attention at ttt meant eoagrnkt at llerlla. wbr aba ven had her place) Beit lo Vlrvhow Frattleln vim "hauvtii, having bewi through til health from going through Ih regular w ho.il Miiilne, In- cluding laiigiiagna. baa eonontratod all ber Inlorrat In the study and olnrrv ih m of animal and vegetable life Hho has by ber Ingenious eipcrtmetit and dlscoverlm proveil berwdf a natural set and enjoys a enlist of tbe first widn and general reputation as such Iter aviary I a regular Noah's ark whew she, a hc aaj , by her love force the miwt dtircrent ajiinials lo live together Vultures, pigeons, ravrut. owl, fowl, a pml, a stork, jswusicka duck, ete., all get on together In the Wt poaathla manner and know and A olwy tbe voice of tbrtr mlstrea Sviamew cat ba It quarter In lb aam rage a ami tvgyptlan rata but limy take no notice of each other Frsulriu rou Chauviu' rullecllon of butterflic 1 th most parfKl la Ur many. Also within th vagetabl world this gifted lady ha wrought many won- ders, and sh ba reatwl flower and eeds where uo botanic ganleu ha suo Ceedod Iter health dor Uot allow br or write much, but one or two to of her treat Im have attracted great at- Ismdon Unwii tention- wac-abl- A t lilimcn Citrl's t Uiir. It Is probabln that you liavn already I beard lint Mini la-.t- er engaged to wed .Sir I'hnrle II dt. a newt eligible parll. for. although neatly llfty yeaiauf alel biiiiu'i'", and it, sue, lie i uioruover, a memlier of the I'rinc uf Wale' set fur tbe last thirteen year he has been attorney general of the dnchyi f Cornwall. ud be Is the legal It ! f Cue I'rinc of Wales a lvo-ri-- i saei nut: He us. I Mr -- ii ry Jamc aie who have tiie the only two tiarru-li'i- en t ten lo the beat and smallest of l.oii don soriely It seems that Kir t'lmrlei, and Mi Leiter met In Hcotlaud, where the for- mer was a guest of tbe Duke and Duch- ess of rifnat New Mnr Lodge, a mm dervous famous for illnstiiotis p'rin-ag- It is wild that Mr Letter lias his intention of bestowing iikhi hlsdnngbfer a dowry worth fioil.noo a Hut, ns I have lilule l, the year brldegrootn t already well to do tluiincially It may further lie to bis credit that Hir Charles Is a uiember of parliament and a .famous whist player. Kugene Field In Cblrago - New Tsarhlnc al Thirteen. I'robably the youngest school teacher In the state Is Miss Clara Clreenawald. who has been engaged a teacher In one of tho schools of I'eun township, this oounty. Mis Oreenawald I Just IH year of ago. Hhe looks older than that, and sumo time ago when she applied, among a lot of others, to be ernmlned by County Superintendent Zecbnian she led the class and mado an average of 81 1, the standard being S8 On this cer- tificate she readily obtained a school. HI nc her age has Wn learned there Is some doubt Hinotigtbu director of the township alaait allowing her to continue, and some one baa raised the point f lint llna uf Hi oitaii kanplr. It appeal's that tho total production of the employment of one of her years will the minuN throughout the Uerman em deprive the district of Its state appropri- pire, including bnimiiburg, has steadily ation. The matter has been referred to advanced from 87,ttH0,OOO tow, of the school authorities for decision value, in 1WW ton toial of Reading (l'a.) Uor. New York Telegram tons, of 24,7!lft,000 value, in the Nnrcl Anllon Cur llama. year 1K8H, Of this quantity coal fignres Miss Mary Fran, of New York, line as 25,70-1- 600 tons in 18US, as against 18; peat lias advanced brought suit against a physician for nothing about it until you are fairly from 7,174,400 tons U 10,574,000 Urns; making in unfavorable report on ber married." iron ore from 8,fl4,300 tons to 10,084,SUO case to a beneficial society of which he Matilda acted npon hit mother's pru- tons; cine ore from 800,000 tons to 047,800 wa deslron of becoming a member, dent advice, and although her curiosity tons; lead ore from 00,000 ton to Several doctor have certified that her 0 waa as strung as her parent's aha rare-foll- tons, and copper ore from 201,700 health I good, and It la expected that guarded against betraying it to the ton to 6J0,8O0 tona Chicago Journal the tnlt will develop Interesting legal earL ot Coalmen, . , Ledger. , 101,-80- y . - I OLD FACE. OCAft THE crvt of an e.u l. he would take pre. eedence of ad who had hitherto ventured to look down uKin her. "You know, Matilda," she wiid, "lb-i- , I f hall of cmr when vein an- a lie dowager cnuntess or roiinteM dowa- I wi-i- ger, I really don't know which. ) I could find Somewhere a book of the 1 then 1 could find out liritisti 1 without any trouble." Hhe thought uf going b thu liookfielli r and asking him to send for tho liook, but on wcond jeweln gold England wear, aud I know he won't any a word thongbt decided that it would tie most llli-nois- Senator C. B. Farwell, of to me nnleea I have aometliing of the pnident not to run any snrh rik of re- has succeeded in securing a sort." vealing her aspirations, even if sho were aaid obliged to remain in ignorance a little of "Perhaps yon ongbt, Matilda," appropriation congressional her mother. "I am sure it ia my Bole while longer. 2000 for experimenting in the arti lim in iife t0 promote yonr mcrees, and Ono p.iint, however, puzzled her a ncial production ot rams. Jt is if I conld only live to eee you the wife little. Notwithstanding the very in- of an earl I should die m peace. timate terms of the earl with her family proposed to explode dynamite in he never ventured nny allusion to bis Notwithstanding tbe apparent dim the air, and it is supposed that the of this remark it ia proba- rank or his English estates or the amount to Junkiim Mm. aerial concussions occasioned by ble that unless of his income, which Mrs. Jenkins expected nhare in the prosperity of her daughter wonld have been very glad to learn. rapid and powerful explosions will she wonld have cured conmderuhly less "Hut 1 suppose, Matilda," she re- effect the necessary atmospheric for her alliance with the nobility. marked Vj ber duughter, "that he is de- That waa a bnay day for Mrs. Jenkhm termined to remain incog, so as to make conditions to produce rain. The and her daughter. It took them np to sure that you marry him for himself theory is decidedly problematical. the very moment of their departure to alone. I have read of snch case in sto- The ablest scientific authorities are arrange their toilet. At length, resplend- ries, but I never expected to have any- quite skeptical in regard to the ent with the bent their wardrobe conld thing liko it iu my own family, Iteally they went over to the hotel. It I think it is quite romantic. On the probability of producing rain by furnish, be remarked, by the way, that Mm. whole I guess it would lie Isist to any artificial means. Prof. Jiussull of may the Royal Society of S'ew Bouth states the question very, "Wales, clearly. He says: lt on meutomble day all burnt At Into her mother' room Willi a triumph- ant glow on her fao. Jutikins in groat agitation, "Yiw, mother." waa the reply of tbe "lie told me that overjoyed Matilda, ho loved too lo distraction," "1 iiiirittulate you, ceiititeM tlmt Is to be," mild bermo'tiier. "Uy the way, did be say anything aUmt his raukr "Not a word, mother." "I am not at atl surprised. 1W sure then that yon don't give him a hint thai yoif know sin thing about It. How iiincli we aliall enjoy guing to KnglaudP Matilda. "Shindy jrou "Wn!" repi-ate- don't ifoing aenwa the Atlantic; priM at your lime uf hfef "At my time of life!" said Mrs. Jen- kins hply. "Indeed I do. I don't glitti r." mean that you shall have alt the enjoy- Hut Mm. Jt'iiktiw wtw iivt ft woman ment. Hat did tint pari fi tbe day for uulliiim but the Teftl JiMvruiueat. Hw ( wlmt martiagrr uiiRlit t hiuh UhI uf n wurl. Mid "lie left that to me." niuriuund in tlio car of Mulilda tlmt liin "Then fit It aa aoon as masibl. You lwftruc w.i vry Uistiintui by th must not let him slip through your flu way, lm prouounced' the word in a wy gem uf her own. That day three wrk tbe Important Matilda nodded unactlt tu tier lu.'tllrr'a bs'k placet in Mm. Jenkins' fvreumity t ir rumark, and ly itf hrr Sxareely waa It over than that rotlage. the ilintitiKiiwhud i'ti. and Rracvft worthy lady, no longer able lo reatrala Uor dclilit waa tiiv.it to II ml tliunau. herwlf, aiblrewml her aou til law; that alie waa crcdtuiic au iiniimMtun. "I trust, my lord, that yoo will never The earl batoned t her feiy ft Jonltvely, tliia day," regret r to and eveu coudt-acvode- b am "My lord!" little iiUyfnl Wmatf. axhibtUng unequivocal lurjmae. " at Jeuklua laid ahould Un. jad-.- "I "trtainly yoo raanot expeot to r- - bacth, "tiiat yon war not aa Ameri-can- . mala Ineog any loogrrT about jruo piera ta umUiu( "Bat I aava ao cdairo to lha title. wakLakM bm taink yo aa Knu- - rt tlm-to- r aeronaut ami an nsit'tiiimer with a virous physical const Mcsr. lWaivott ami Hoi'mite - tutiou and that jicouliar virility ot ,.i iy p'inj; to ni tempt tho liiUai(loti mind which always forces itself ilorers will sail The voyag into prominence. The schools hud from Fnuuv in two Mtoauishis in done little in the way of giving the latter nrt of May, so as to ar polish to his mental equipment, rive in Spit allergen in July, mid but iu the great university of thej then soon as the favorable south world he wasiui active student and winds set iu they will depart on a close observer of the every day their aerial journey for the north affairs of wcu. iv.vl.i If iu villi, iwt u.if.t I ik ll.,Vjli. ' Early iu life be conceived theij. they will tail to reach the point idea of making the practice of where the earth spina upon its axis. medicine, a profession, but found The two young scientist and there mauy obstacles besetting the path- three assistant will prohuMy never way of his cherished ambition. return from their nail over the ice Having located in a new and fields of the uorth polar sparoely settled fwuutrj, without of destitute and influential friends, the mental discipline which comes CAPTURING AN EARL from professional routine study, he Mr. Jenkins to "La iner found himself heavily handicapped her daughter M.itiKla, ''who do you c at the very threshold of his recr. think has arrivwl at the hotelT Under similar circumstances most "Any of our frwniUT Inqniml the it men wnnlil hnv riven tin the daafhter. wieh I eoold nr he waa," raid Mm. idea of fitting themselves for a "I .. ,t u no XfU learned profeion, but not so with mmhprof the British nobility." "How do you know, nn.therr this moxlest aud niiostentations ' I happened to be in the poet- - that The many youth. mJ 4 frw miB my beset his path only stimulated hi own eyes I .iw a letter npon the whwl Earl Spencer, Jnmnboro hotel. energv and lent a charm to the directed So I went rii;ht over to the hotel and i:.r,,, ultimate triumph which his W!W Tlu) anaudv that iug intellect so clearly foresaw. He inti 0ut the yonng man to me. OU, purchased a few Standard medical Matilda, he n i utich an etrsrant youn that air of Jiieh bree.liu ' vorksand began the study of med. in the on which yon ,;and cine. This man ot iron will ami mobility." invincible energy would till hisj "Really, mother, yon qnite excite mv farm during the day, and, then, l Kiit Ive gut more to tell yon, rve manayl to get an invito-hi- light of Ins log cabin tire study m liooks during the long winter tion from the landlady t come over and k w that we .liall W intro,lo.-e- evenings, until at last equippd'; to him. tea, Oulv think of that! And the learning that "the explor think-- he ahould take a fancy to ing mind brings from the caves of ' yon, and, Matilda, thowrh I ooght not the T Ton rTJ pftty-ja- at knowledge" he entered npon the very picture of what I wan at vuraw; tlmik it ttta!t practice of mediciuo as aprofesston. ,IwiU Myiuff( i The pioueer community had cnli improbable, at leant imjiowitilii, that yon deuce in the young physician's honld ttract hU attention, and think it would be if you wliat mediitil ability, for they were la hoold WHlne thing comit, miliar with his studious habits, and Mr. Jenkins pansl to take bn ;i!;i t liU storting mural nn.1 after this long and niikerl.vwi.ly ii,ini.Hl to aeu what etlert it would li tvn His sub iipeech Iut iLuvkt'T. The k!U-- wvun-- intellectual qualities. upon sequent professional career is a part quite u much affivted asidie could only m of the history of Polk county, and blie was like her mother, not -r mk '.'i form, but in tnird, au-- h succeeded iu building up for woriU bad bUiTfd her nmbition. himself the noblest monumeut any "La, how fine that would he!" he ex- man cm have the confidence and claimed. "I (ftus Ellen Iliiwkiiia would airs any more. The ine.ui His not nhow her esteem of his fellow men. " t creatisie, I WdUi'Ui't tak'i mv word was his bond, and profession li r, . wi t ' t.. !'' In a. ca.t.. . ' h.?ot. ally he was honest and faithful iu ti t r ; tl,;.t (?'x:d envy my the treatment of the afflicted under mother uj.prov "Very true." x:id his care. Dr. Davidson was a self in'ly, "but yon know a jiood done before this can be made m m one of Nature's noble nrnat iiuoavor to your men. He lived a worthy and use no iu to produce u un- - tieat ful life, and the world is better forj the you:1K man, if p.-i- - prHtf,n hud belter wear your his having lived. So man can sue lie. I think ootuCiill,.. ill,.n anMit uiioHt. hi1 green de lairm." . kectlr.e th.lt d'ler-n'-t I shall wear gooU name. lie lias leit uu; niuei my plura colored hiik, vw your gold chain." ible jiupi ess of his vigorous and and you uiutt oRnt " Kiiiil Mra. .Tenkirm rulurtjinllv. couitnuni the mind upon practical to wear Hint niyself." "I was ty of which he was so conspicuous "I don't see," haid her duilhu-r- a member. her head, "'that it in of much A noble soul has sunk how yon look. I preHiime you intoth it sleep called death as peace- dont expect the young lord will man-- fully as "he who wraps the draper yon. But it is very important how of his couch about him and lies look. If I can't ko looking l:ent won't ro at all. Of courne all tbe ladieH down to pleasant dreams. to and in have o'clock found them seated at the betel table. It ) rhaneed that Karl Spencer wan the only guest (the reader mutt rememlier that It was small eouu Mrs. Jenkins try innl, and and Iter daughter had Hi ttiHtinuiiUlt.'J t to tlipuiw lvi'. Uminl mrtuigrr Mm JonKm to i'l"'iU' iiniio li;oriiil t tf Iih nalii'iitil tli mrrft itiiMi-'t'-!'- !! luims-l- ! it. it v. mill It wouM luki to i M'liit'tYlmt tiillU'iiil to A' cull' Ui'i'. in l.iy !'. Iiuiloi of hl!l .Mffed t.i lurtli wliiih Mix nuu li find in tli umi'r. Hi' KkmJ clerk. H '" nior liko third mid Mtimmv tWIi Wiii!t,it, Bontvou wstvli cliiii wliiih mlK'it i liko t!ii luil iKikil hv Ini'ii fhowy wi'iicW which u nuud mio of lUf " K'ld llial old j'mivrh tlwit "nil i St under ordinary circumstance, and only chance would b to take advantage of a lime whtu the lunphere i in the niliUrm. oi condition called unstable when ft cold eurreiil overliea a warm up. i It under these wnditiora we is.nl.l t l,lt.viilL IlllW.ird. Ilt'lt tliuwami a lluy ,,,ill4t m, , ti, ,,,w .( rum wul.l l.ol, but ill.- - r;tK o - favorable condition seldom tare. polnta.-Phllad- elphl "