The Willamette news. (Independence, Polk County, Oregon) 189?-1???, January 05, 1891, Image 1

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ItiblulKnl every Monday artvitiuoit,
vllvrnxl lo any eart of Iwleitentlaiie of
Millionth Hi llir Mluwlii ntlrw
liiv mn til,
t n
tiki:' elf HI glove, looking acre
sinter vt uli a wimewhat cynical sinlte.
"To begin with, who do you think
called here thin alU'iuooiJ"
rx intr
My sjihclturr
J' again it was Margaret
Stan- -
Ferris Ktartvd and shaded hi face
with hi baud.
"Well." he aked, after
"What did she want of yon?"
' "Hlie wm
very kind, Paul; tn'iulrwd
after ymi, mid anki-- in both U an In
formal dinner on 1 humility eveutng,
"And you
"lf course; 1 thought it would be a
treat. Surely you do uot object?"
"I cannot Object, Ktrlla, if it world
give you pleasure, Ye. We will go if
fate an will it.
"It wa very kind in her, Paul, to
? Hhe hit
u up. Umt you think
only been in London a week."
"Yea, MUsMtanhope ba always Iwn
kind and rundeareuding, tXt you Hot
aee, my child, thai (he wonld make
protege of an? It is the fashion nowa-
day to patroniiu brKgarly musician."
"Paul," indignantly, "it l not like
yon tu be such a bear. What make yon
speak uf You know it i not true. How
oould she patronise oaf Why, we knew
her when h wore short Or win and
played with doll babir. There U no ou
in the world o good and beanUful a
Margaret Stanhope, and you know it,
And Paul"
15 Cents
kak tlsh
m land k' U
Hwr fork:
ui in t stow wt into
Afcaj wllb lu eullu MIU
va eotkxd Uk- Ibal fcar Um aill
Tdo cWp fur a I waive luck iWl
Uw tPMh p u Um wo,
Aa' ba insi- ruui lav
"I have
fwim tar ram a Imp r vanla,
lb Ika crop jruu auv;
mhm jaa la raur raUoa bf
atUI rw.
Thaw an twM
But wkar lha
A a'
Saa'M work
aria' la uuUa.
ftt l4 to all aba
Aa' jue'k plow aa' torn aa' raka
Worn aaa aplill tk ehlekae too
Oa Iba Mat wka la Um an;
work! k) rtnk.
la- - aawlr land
Mm' "01 Uanr'" pom, tkat not
-f- iask Cbaat la OuaaMawaallb.
late ou September afternoon.
tu had
been damp and doleful, and
Th day
now at 5;30 the fog w a trying toeuvolop
everything with It usual ohstiuate
Amid tli stream of hurrying, jostling
humanity which swept down the Strand
wan a man whose face might have at-
tracted attention if there bad been any
one in that motley crowd not wholly
in selfish internets. It wan a
fine, dark fare, beautiful in ita way, bnt
marked by lint and hadow the face
of a man who waa fighting against the
world and who waa losing the battle,
and yet a man whose nature bad not Wn
imbittered by sordid struggle, a mnn
who had Buffered and grown trong.
Such a one waa Paul Ferria, only he
would hare been very much surprised to
have heard it Maid.
Um plodded
along, hia threadbare coal
buttoued up to the chili, buad bent, eye
fixed on the ground, thinking of nothing
more or loss heroic than the approuchiug
dinner hour. I atippoae, though, that even
a hero may be pardoned for being hun-
gry if he hue got through the day with-
out any luncheon. That wan the case
with Panl Ferria, at all events, and con-
sequently he was making the bent of bin
way homeward, devoutly hoping that bin
muter had ordered something substantial
for their evening meal. Presently he
turned off to the right, and passed into
one of those short and comparatively de-
serted streets which run from the Strand
totho embankment. Hera bo entered
one of the row of lodging house ami
was soon iu its dingy sitting room, with
mid upholstery.
its dismal lined
As ho came in a pale faced girl in a black
gown rose from the couch where she lmJ
been lying and advanced to meet him.
"You have come at hint, Paul."
"Yes, little one, mid glad to nee yon
up and braking so jolly."
"The rehearsal was Into, was It not?"
"Late? I should say it was. Couldn't
even get out to get some lunch."
"Poor boy! That was tragical, I have
ordered dinner for 6 o'clock, so possess
your soul In patience until then. In the
mean time I have a bit of news for yon."
Ferris threw off bis coat and con-
fronted ber. "Not bad news, child?"
"No. On the contrary."
"Good news? Ah, that' something
novel and refreshing. Let's have it, my
good girl pray, don't keep me in sus-
He seated himself bv the fireside and
ah care
for yon mo
.Mujtwly's tili.i.K. it lew hour ol
husht'd waiting, u lain struggle and it
wo over. Margnrct Stanhope wn there,
and it wa In her anna that HUdla' lif
flickered and went nut
Toward the Uv she begged Paul to
iug to her,
"Something that will make m go to
sleep toon," kite Mid wearily,
Aud Paul weut to the piano In the
adjoining room and touched the key
Nurrua n.l vara itkty uawl,
Tim imhm1 iknul ma knr'r
"T tis
Tti hit
litv lumi
a aslMJ kaap.
Onl ilulll Ula
Ha gitMk bl Muvnl kwv
When he had fiuinbod he felt a light
touch on bU khuulder. He turned and
saw Margnn t uith the teem like rain on
her face.
"She is atkvpitt lMt,"he asid bmk
When Margaret bsd done what khr
could she weut awny and Paul did not
n her for months.
It wa better en, he told himself, Her
way wa uot hi. Their patli Ur far
apart, and becoulduot attetnpt to bridge
And o life
the gulf between Iheui.
went on for him dully, drearily, with
never a break in the monotony until
prinf came. Then one morning he met
ber e Itrgen I itreet. 8he wu J tut tup-
ping Into ber oarriage, but be toptid
bin and gave him bar band and drew
him aside fur few ntotneat conversa-
am glad 1 happeced to meet yon,"
he asid. "I wished to pek tu yon on
on a matters tadnea. It I a favor
I am going to aak of jmv.
"No; do not be no rash a to grant it
beforehand, but promise to com to the
morning and we will
talk It over, t abaU be In until
for the preeaui
When Ferria wa shown luto Ml
Ktauhopo' drawing room the next morn-
ing be found it desert d. A cheerful
Ore wa burning in the grate, the ran
trnggird in Uiroogh the lac curtain,
and on the window anat boao of mow-dro- p
were lifting their delicate head
to reoeir the warm rays.
Margaret appeared very (hortly, and
greeted him with her usual frank kind-
liness. Hhe asked htm to be seated, and
after a few ootmuon place remarks evi-
dently matte an effort to plunge into the
subject weighing on her mind.
"I asked yon to come here because 1
have something to say to you that con-
cern n both something t wish to ask
of you," die began.
"Anything that I can do for you, Mini
8tanhoie. Yon must know I am your
tu command."
"It rather difficult for me to toll yon
now that you aro here," ho weut ou
"The fact is, Mr. Ferris, I think of
ailing for New York iu a fortnight, and
I want you to go with mo!" Paul
leaned forward and passed bis hand over
than a a mere friend, I mean.
There i an expression in her eye when
she peaks of yon"
- "Oood be venal tttella, yvn are rav-
ing," interrupted Paul, springing np and
regarding ber fiercely. "I forbid yon to
harbor roth thought for a moment.
Mi Stanhoi is a far removed from
m as If she vrnre of Myal blood. Evi-
dently yon do not reaUi i the difference
and a pnul-lea- s
existing betrs.TU au lu
concert singer. I"
But Paul." Interrupted Stella in ber
turn, "you must not forget you are a
gentleman born, and our families were
friend in the year gone by."
"A gentleman?" repeated Paul, disre-
garding the last clause in her sentence.
"Yea, the son of an obscure curate, a
vagabond by adoption. And am I to
Good God!
woo 'dear Lady DUdum?
You drive me madl"
Btella watched him blankly for a mo-
ment as be flung ebo'tt I lie mom, then
she threw herself on the lounge kill
buret into hysterical team.
thla brought him to his rinse at once,
and he patted, and petted, and soothed
and pacified until the storm wa over
Good-by- ,
Thursday, the 1st of October, dawned,
bnt it brought no prm ct of the Ferrlw
dining at Ki'iwiuglou.
There came instead a small note which
read as follows:
Oct, I
No. ItfUussimr
"Uut 1 do not understand," ho said,
with a pturlcd expression.
lie could see that she was laboring
under some exuitemcut, that her broatli
was coming uncertainly. It
him she was very near tents, although
sho was smiling.
"Monsieur," she said rapidly in French.
"1 have the honor of asking your baud
In marriiigu for Mile. Stanhope."
It struck him like a blow. It blinded
lie could
him took his breath awny.
not speak, was only conscious that Mar-
garet was kneeling beside his chair witll
her hands on bis arm; Unit her face
was upturned, grave and tender.
"Paul," she whimierod, "I love you.
Will you murry me?"
lie tiudoriitood at last, and at lout he
held her In his arm and kissed bur rev-
"Paul! Paull" she subbed, "you must
not think badly of mo. I know you love
me. I knew you wonld not speak. Oh,
my darling, never leave met Will you
promise it? Nuvcr for a uny, tor Mar-lo-
hour. Paul! Paull" MitcRue C.
in Pnu.u'n Magimuo,
aumetitne faucied"
A prolonged pause.
"Well, out with it. What have yon
Vol. I.
lo dloa at jmv ban
m to
inr ' row
nrj ulnwiretjf.
Hnlar U
Impowlbla for u
Mf Dsa Mint RiAsnora--
much worn tntay that II will
" llPpnlnt
Margaret received it at luncheon time,
and after she had read It twice or thrio
the turned to her bnge mastiff who wa
ittiug bolt upright beside her, and thus
addressed him: "Christopher, 1 am
afraid your sex is hopelessly obtuse.
Now, what wonld yon thluk of a letter
like that coming from an individual
whom you had kuown In childhood, had
played with and squabbled with
dreds of times?"
Christopher g'.ed at her fixedly, and
solemnly thumped his tull as a dtrge like
"Never mind, Christie, you love me
anyway, don't you, deur? There, old I
man, don't lick my face. You think
am crying, don't you? But it is not so,
I assure you. Why, Christopher, do you
think I would shod a tear for Paul Fer-
ris? Come, we will gut ready and go to
Stella, since she cannot como to us. An
errand of love, my son, with roses and
jasmine for otir offering."
There were muny such errands of love
In tho ensuing week, for Btella grew
weaker day by day, aud her recovery
seemed far oflf and uncertain.
The poor child would fain have been
well. She wonld talk for hour between
spasms of coughing about the tilings nhe
wonld go and see, the book she would
read, the place she wonld visit when
she would be better again.
It wa Christmas eve that the end
came. There wa a udden attack of
hemorrhaire. a messaire ent to Paul at
hi eyes.
TrnclilliK School lu HwlUnrlltllil.
Gymnastics, by tho wuy, are taught
In every Swiss school, and a proper
with all its belongings Is at-
tached to every school hotuw. The SwIhs
somiimriq for the preparation of teach-
ers are open lo both sexes, and some of
thobost touchers la tho public schools
aro ladies, though the number engaged
is very small, perhaps not 10 percent,
of tho whole. Their pay, too, absurd
though it seems, is some HO ior cent less
than that of malo teacher. There are
no young, inexperienced girl teaching
in the school, aud no young men using
the school desk while waiting for
hotter to turn tip. School teach-
ing i a serious business there, and the
calling of a lifetime. 8. II. M, Dyer in
W. U. (Dlmpaoii, chief juatic of the
(upreme court of South Carolina, i dead.
The Chickasaw have nt to Wash-
ington a list of fro, ooo Intruder upon
their laml
Tit supreme court of Michigan ha
eaiahltahed the vail Illy of the graded
railway fare act
A farmer lu M:ihaka, la., found
olid gold miKKi-- t on hi farm that
weighed sevxiity ounce.
Christ Kuleling. a Dayton, O., tailor,
iu a cigar box and buried it
for safety, and someone stole It
A fight lu a negro church at Oxmoor,
Ala., resulted in one death, two fatally
wounded and ceveral altgutly injured.
l man at New York said
A Vem-sii- i
that grain wax rotting in that country
for the want of laborer to harvest It
A fruit grower at Urocton, N. Y., ha
picked nearly I.1W0 pouml of grape
from haff au it of ground this year.
Lorin Fletcher of Minneapolis ba just
old for IISl.ooO a corner lot In that city
which cost him t'l.V) twenty year age.
Although Cuba ha offered IO.()00 for
the bandit, Manuel Garcia, dead or alive,
he routinue to bold undisputed iway of
hi territory.
The Lexington Transcript wsnts Ken-
tucky to appropriate $.WO,0U0 for a dis-
play of tb reaourcee and product of the
tate at the world fair.
George R. Him, the Chicago attorney,
who adverttard In Western paper to get
decree of divorce for
), ha been
to the wiiiteutiry.
A movement ha been begun in New
York to have the municipal election in
that city on a aeparate day from the
tate election about a month thereafter.
Mint Patrice Whitheck, au actre,
begun a suit at Chicago egaiuat A.
P, Dlakealoe, a young board of trad
man, for M,0U0 for breach of prom las.
At Hcrautun, Pa., a jury
for a week by the oUtlnacy of on man,
and at the end of that time the counsel
agreed tu accept tb verdict Of eleven
At Pittsburg an electric oar and m
cable car collided with terrllio force.
Doth oar were filled with passenger
and a pauio ensued. One man wa
A test of steel at the Carpenter Works
A Much,
at Reading, Pa waa made.
broke ou a strain of flJta.Hita pouiiits, j
80,000 pounds iu excess of any record
imposed by reason of ber son's avoidance
of ciMisiTiption, lu her despair lay down
In the kitchen fire and allowed herself to
be burned to death.
An IndlaiinKilis ptcr asserts that the
new reajsT and binder trust will soon
discharge several thousand men from
the factories and offices throughout the
The decennial census of Anstro-Huu-
gary Is tuken in one dayon the last of
the year and in two days following the
schedules must lie tu the hand of the
Very Rev. Benedict Muname, C. P.,
(provincial) of St. Michael's Passionist
monastery at Hoboken, N. J., and head
of that order in tho United States, died
at Dunkirk, N. Y.
Lagnerre, one of Doulanger' leaders,
said in the chamber of deputies that
Doulanger was dead politically, and the
sooner that fact was recognized the bet-
ter it would 1st for France.
An Albany letter to the New York
Tribune says that Governor Hill has ap-
parently decided to transfer the office of
senator to Smith M. Weed and run for
governor again next fall.
The muster rolls show that 81 .000
Union veterans died last year. In a few
years death will relievo the burden of
From year to year the
will go more rapidly.
No less then a doxen atotes, say tti
Detroit Free Prtws, are making ready
to follow In the footsteps of Minnesota
and enact a law to close the npjw berths
of sleeping cars when not occupied.
There were 400 Italians landed In New
York by the Hindoostan, and they will
all lie returned.
They are simply the
hiJixiironl of Italy. There was not one
1mx of clothing in the whole party.
The steamer Liscard of London, from
New York for LMkiii, with 1)0,000 bush-
els of wheat, put in ut Boston in distress
witll her engines broken down, lifeboat
gone, decks swept and twenty one Inches
of water in her hold,
Hannibal, Mo., has a married men's
club, the object of which is to induce
married men to spend their evening at
homo, A druggost i president,
l secretary, and they meet about every
drug store of the presldenW
n'ght iu the
There is a probability that the civilian
Indian agents will be removed and army
officer appointed to fill the position.
Presldont Harrison favor the transfer
of the Indian bureau to the war
Senator Paddock of Nebraska wa m
earnest when he warned the senate that
h would move to lay the election bill
anlde. He lis again wanted hi party
to pass the bill or lay it aside.
The hundreds of patient and attend-anU.-
the Cook County hospital, Chi-
cago, were given a decided arare by a
fire that atarted in the drying room and
threatened tb entire building.
The house of Samuel Melon at Hid-
den, Mo., wa burned. Malone and hi
brother-in-law- ,
John Hicks, perished.
Foul play i suspected, a Malone kept
considerable money in the bouse.
The Vienna mot her of iearl worker,
who were thrown out of work by the
Mi Kluley bill, are
They held
a meeting aud demanded work or liread
from the authorities.
Thirty of them
were arrested.
Two medical students at Ann Arbor,
Frank K. Ihckeiiaon of Dubuque, la.,
and Minn Dmndage of Long Island,
left for the mill pond to skate. They
did uot return aud a searching party
found their bodle under the ice.
Three Kane brother went into Hinck-
ley, and after getting drunk proceeded
to make trouble. Marshal Booth arrest-
ed them bnt two of tlfem escaped and
set upon him. He shot and killed both
of them, lit men .were tough char-
A St. Petersburg dispatch say that a
Jewish woman whose house wa about
to be told by the authorities to meet fine
A peculiar and fatal accident occurred
An unknown elderly
at New York.
woman dipped and fell to the sidewalk.
An ex-
When picked up ihe wa dead.
amination disclosed the fact that a long
hat pin had been driven Into her brain
when her head struck the sidewalk.
Senator Sherman ha introduced an
amendment to the tariff act providing
that all existing treatie at the date of
tli passage of the law should uot be in-
terfered with, the amendment having
reference to special trade relation with
the Hawalla island.
Mis Kate DrexeL daugtber of the
Philadelphia banker, or Sister Catharina
a he is now called, i about to establish
new religious order to be named the
Sister of the Holy Sacrament
Ita ob-
ject to better the condition of the In-
diana andjrolored people.
of Frank Work, the well known broker
and turfman of New York, has been
granted an alwolute divorce from her
h ubml, the Hon, James
at Baltimore. Mrs Roche sued on the
She tired of
ground of
supporting him for the privilege of liv-
ing with him.
The people of western KanVas are aban-
doning that Kect ion of the state on account
of the drouth, More than 4,000 have left
Rook county alone. For mile over
the prairies one can see nothing but ten-autl-
houHes and abandoned farm ma-
A mule which a negro at Memphis
was driving touched an iron post to
which was tied a telephone wire that
had been crossed by an electrio light
wire. The miilo fell stunned, and the
negro got out to luvestigate and wa in-
stantly killed.
Dr. Shirley of Detroit ha a consump-
tion cure which, although administered
by inoculation, like Dr. Koch's doe not
It is milder
produce the same effects.
and does not destiny the deceased tissue.
It effect Is to change the nutrition of
tissue. It i a blood cure.
The Interior department says: Here-
after any settler who has cleared five
acres of timber land so that It ia fit for
agricultural purpose can claim all that
the law allows as agricultural land, and
instead of requiring a thick populatiou
the presence of three settler who have
complied with the law in each town-
ship will give the state the right to select
its land,
In the village of Wntorhoim, Germany,
a peculiar case of religious fremsy lias
Barbara PliHter, 2!t
been developed.
years of age, horribly mutilated herself
and appeared before a large nmiilxir of
people who had assembled at her homo
She was
for a religious ceremony,
The police with
ghastly in appearance,
drawn swords had to cut their way
through a crowd of peasants to reach
the woman to arrest her. She claimed
that she with her wounds was a wonder-
ful oxampie of the crucifixion of Christ.
Arohlteot end Draughtiman,