W ednesday, June 13 1962 THE O R EG O N MIRROR J* A 88c Sh<op O fie*u*U f- Sp^xU aU . Bed Pillows Reg. $1.49 88c Childrens Clothing 88c A.M .T. M od el Cars 88c W ash Cloths 10 for 88ç Je w e lr y Sets 88c Plastic Laundry Basket $*e29^ 88c Ceram ics of All Kinds 88c R ed w o o d 88c Hanging Planters Lg.Size C a n yo n Towels 2 for 88c Lots & Lots of W onderful Buys ¡/tat 88c C o m e In and G e t A cq uainted 2418 N. E. Union Averrue Next To Safew ay Northern Judge Bans Adoption; Has Dixie Views CLEVELAND, Ohio, -A Northern judge who couldn’t have rierved the cause of segregation better had he been sitting in a Southern courL last week barred the adoption of a child of mixed racial background by an interracial couple. Probate Court Judge Leonard S Frost denied the adoption appli cation of the couple--a white Amer- can former soldier and a Jabanese mother on the grounds that if ‘‘The good Lord” intended the races to be mixed ‘he would have done so.” The paradox of the whole affair is that the child, a 2 1-2 years old girl is also of mixed paren tage. She is the daughter of an English mother and Puerto Rican father. The couple has appealed the de cision. Pag« 5 Quick-Draw Grocer's Gun Fails to Firt SAN JOSE, Calif.— Sam Bozzie Jr. was ready, he took aim, but his ‘‘trusty" pistol wouldn’t fire. Bozzl ¿tabbed the pistol from under his grocery counter last week and chased a holdup man fleeing with $20 from the cash register. He pulled the trigger three times but nothing happened. Afterwards, Bozzi recalled the gun had never been fired since his father bought it and pui It under the counter in 1922. Police caught and booked Glen Olan Reeves. 33. of San Jose, on suspicion of the robbery. Second Top Bull Story of the Week LONDON.— Next to the stinging defeat handed Eugene " B u ir Connor in the Birmingham, Ala. primary elections, last week’s b*st Bull story took place here In foggy Londontown. The Evening Standaid reported spotting this ‘‘no trespassing” sign on a country fence enclosing a ferocious bull: “Survivors will be prose cuted.” Meanwhile, back in the States, segregationist Connor ran fifth in the field of candidates for Governor in Alabama. Says the 'X' That Marked the Spot W asn't His SAN ANTONIO, Tex.— —An operator of a nursing home, who is alleged to have forged a physically disabled ten an t’s "X” to two government checks, was arrested and arraigned the same day before U. S. Commissioner John A. Banks. The accused woman, Mrs. Odessa Bibbs, 47, waived hearing, and her bond—which she made—was set at $1,000. Mrs. Bibb- is the operator of a nursing and rest home. Secret Service agent allege th at she forced two government checks payable to Carroll W. Moszee, each in the amount of $80. These were dis ability insurance payments which Moszee, because of his physical condition, could not endorse with his full signature, with his just using an "X.” MINNEAPOLIS - Ameri Moszee claims th a t he did not authorize his signature on the two can Communist Benjamin Davis checks, nor did he receive any money from them. drew jeers, boos, some laughter and occasional applause when he ad Evan the Eagle Turns His Nose dressed an overflow audience of about 6.000 at the University of Min JACKSON, Miss.— The gold eagle on the capitol dome nesota last week. here in Jackson usually faces southward. However, high winds during A 30 man university police force a recent storm turned the great bird’s head eastward. stood by to keep order and eject Rep. .Jim M athis of Leake County, Miss., sought to gain House ed one heckler who demanded the action on a resolution asking the capitol commission to leave the eagle right to speak during Davis’ talk. facing eastw ard. The Mississippi House declined to consider the Other hecklers were warned to measure, of a variety th at generally pop up late in a session. This remain orderly. was said to be an Indication of adjournment fever among legislators. Davis, luvior federal indictment But getting back to the eagle, some observers felt it was just fed for failure to register as a toreign tip with the segregation stench from Dixie and decided to turn its head agent under the McCarran Internal Security Act, bitterly criticized the law. Davis’ right to appear had been defended by Dr. O. Meredith Wil son university president. Davis was sponsored by the campus Socialist club. Ben Davis Draws Jeers. Boos At Univ. of Minn. THESE CARS MUST GO COME AND GET THEM D EA LS YOU W O N ’T B E L I E V E Country '61 FORD 2 dr whit« wallt. '56 BUICK full Radio, 55 FORD » ... s X h«at«r. R A H , auto '55 FORD 4 dr 1 1, nit R4H aula, pew «r. '55 FORD 56 MERC dt n t * 4 R0H. auto '55 CHEVROLET t « O 'd r lv e '53 CHEV Wagoa VI. cylinder, Ranch Wagon t Door ■td t r a m , it. tro n im lu lo n LOTS & LOTS OF GOOD RUNNING TRANSPORTATION 75 TO CHOOSE FROM uLLicott ox {j£>on ¿z?^f-[joxJ AlnUa Auto. Salei. 910 S. E. 82nd and \amhill ALaine 3-3513