Wednesday, June I 3, 1962 THE O REG ON MIRROR Page 3 <?4t Ì hnn A 'Uhe. co it oj a itxoice. Li ntotx more, than tke. family uriifiti to pay VANN'S FUNEHAL CHAPEL 5211 N. WILLIAMS AVENUE ATIantic 1-2836 Sunday, June 10, 1962 — At 2918 N. Interstate Avenue was the scene of a well-attended birthday party, given for little Duane Lee Johnson by his grandparents, M r . and M rs . Lee Johnson of the same address. There were many har>Dy and busy little folks as the party progressed through the evening. S t y le s & T re n d s This photo shows little Duane as he poses with his mother, Bettie Johnson. He's a very active child. Photos by BALTZEGAR Speaking of knits, have you seen the new Orion A crylic knits this season? They are the knit version of the " s ilv e r ’ * dress. Perfect for air travel, these dresses can be rolled Into a very small ball and packed. On arrival at your destination, they can be taken out, shaken, hung up and they are ready for wear. It is reported that all the cloth ing necessary for a gay weekend can be packed In an average sized ladies purse, a jacket dress for daytime wear, when the jacket is removed and jewelry added, prestol An after five dress, per fect for wining, dining and dancingl Also carry a necessary item for summer fun — a swimsuit of the same m aterial, with a matching beach dress. Each articles weighs only a few ounces which makes them a traveler's dream. GROUND BEEF 3 (CHAUTAUQUA ONLY) TURKEYS .29« U> Snapper » . " Q u i t s mo k i n g — ( i r t rid of that old b r o wn suit atop soring that a wf u l K r r d — ask f or a ralar.” Fresh DAD’S DAY G rade C These Orion A crylic knits come in marvelous shapes and colors, and have all the non-wrinkle virtues of their woolen kin. Be sides, they are washable! See you later to tell you about the return of ' ‘ smocking" to the fashion scene — even in knitwear. 00 Limit 1 SMOKED CENTER CUT C FRYERS OAC P0RKCH0PS 10* each FRESH / H FROSTED l b . M W Sea Bass limit.} Half or Whole SALT PORK or SMOKED PORK HOCKS For Seasoning LB. SOFT WEAVE Limit \ 0 TOILET TISSUE 1 0 1 J1 FROZEN FRADELIS _ DINNERS J* ceba'AA' Medium EGGS BITTY CROCKER *** * * BISQUICK 40 OX. pkg. Liquid Wisk Dataraant Reg. $1.55 1 Gal. 2 ..r 4 9 ‘ limit 2 99«