Oregon mirror. (Portland, Oregon) 19??-19??, June 13, 1962, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Pag* 2
New Orleans Drops Racial Bors Job Hunting course
Established in March 1959 - Negro Weekly
Circulated by Mail - Newsboys - Businesses
Wodnoiday, M a y 13 1962
In First Grade of Public Schools
Open Free To All
The New Orleans school
board, responding to heavy pressure by the federal courts,
has voted to drop racial bars in the first grade of all public
schools in September.
The board currently is under a federal court order to
desegregate the first six grades but has filed an appeal.
Persons with employment prob­
lems are invited to attend a short
course in Job hunting and job train­
ing at Portland Community Col­
lege, Labor Commissioner Nor­
man O. Nilsen has announced.
The course is free of charge,
and is held every Tuesday evening
from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in room 8
of the Technology Division of Port­
land Community College, 049 S.W.
P o rter St., near the west end of
the Ross Island Bridge.
Nilsen said that the course helps
people find their own jobs by show­
ing them where to look for work,
how to prepare an employment
resum e, how to sell their services
to an employer, and how to train
for a good job. Nilsen said that
four out of five people who have
attended these classes have found
work within three weeks.
The course has been at ranged by
George C. Henriksen, D irector of
Portland Community College, as a
pilot program to help meet the vo­
cational needs of w orkers and in­
dustry in the Portland area. The
class is conducted by Ray Ziegler,
D irector of the Senior Worker
Division of the Bureau of Labor.
For fu rth er information, call
M r. Ziegler at the Bureau of Labor,
CA 6-2161, extension 421; or,
come to class any Tuesday evening
at 7 p.m ., room 8 of the Technology
Division, Portland Community
College, 049 S.W. P o rter St., Port­
Published Every Wednesday
4617 N. Williams Ave. AT 4-4551
PUBLISHER - J. Marcus Wellington, 111
MANAGER fit EDITOR - Don Alford
Under the board’s decision last
„ , _
week all children entering the first
c:ty s J*?11]3.11 Catholic
grade in Septenioer will be per- schools are scheduled to be deseg-
mitted to attend either the white regeted in September, by order of
or Negro school for their district, Archbishop Joseph Francis Rum-
whiehever they choose.
This action cancels the pupil
placement plan for the first grade,
w C O P O I Q JM W T S C S
but that system of assignment re-
mains in effect tor the second and | # f * O p K O C C k 5 € II* S
, , ., ...
third grades. In the pupil place-
—The nresi-
ul to the Negro race. Statistics do mPnt plan, Negro children who
American Nurses As-
Fifty years ago the college gradu- not have the final word. We must al- „¿pjy for transfer to white schools sociation announced last week that
ate heard little or nothing about ways give attention to what the sta are individually screened by the
Georgia s ta te Nurses Associa-
statistics, while today it is threaten- tistician wants to pro ye and eleven school board.
tion had quietly removed its racial
ing to run away with the field of times out often he will prove just
The board action was by a 3*0 bars on membership,
mathematical sciences.
Two members, including
Miss Mathilda Scheurer said the
Today nothing is “ proved” that Is
A few years ago with the large in-
Fmde Wagner, outspoken oppon- cjoofgia group had taken the ac-
not proved
by statistics.
one cidence
of high
blood pressure <m
ihuvcu uy
siauswcs. u Or r a as
s one
c.uence or
n.gn moon
desegregation, were tlon quiellv |ast August without
has said facetiously, anything can throughout the nation studies were ,b,cnt.
fanfare following a suggestion oy
be proved by statistics. One of the made and statistics deduced to show
The hoard also authorized Supt. the parent body that it admit Ne
fields where the statistician treads that high blood pressure was a mat- O Pcrrv Walker to start a study sro nurses
it seems with careless feet is in the ter of hardening of the arteries how to abolish bi-racial
The Georgia State Nurses Assn-
st kMllun had |on|. uc.cn the only
field of race relations.
which in turn was a matter of a districts, starting with I
Some Negrophobe is always array- Cholesteroal deposit in the arter-
state nurses organization which did
ing statistics after a fashion that ies.
Federal Judge J Shelly Wright, not admit Negro nurses to full
Negro nurses in
superior is loaded with statistics of
Statistically, cholesterol became appointed to the Court of Appeals membership
the white man superior. Strangely the great culprit, so it has come in Washington ruled last month Georgia became members ol the
enough the same statistics which about that even in general physical tha* use of the pupil placement ANA only through direct applies
“ prove” that the white man is super- examination, the blood is tested fo 1 plan in a hi-raeial school system tion to ANA.
A spokesman for the Georgia
ior can be manipulated in suefi way its dholesterol content. Statistics was unconstitutional.
Tw>elv* Negroes now attend first group verified the announcement
as to prove that he is not superior, had “ proved” the correlation be­ and second grades in six ptevious- of the elimination of racial bars.
lt all depends upon who is manipu- tween cholesterol and high blood I* all-white public schools as a and said some Negro nurses had
lating the statistical figures.
result of W right’s original deseg- already become members of the
The most recent “ Race and Rea-
Only a few days an authority on relation order of May, 1960.
son” the latest in a series of publi- the subject from Great Britain dis-
cations designed to “ prove” once puted the whole assumption that
and for all that the white man is there is any correlation between
superior, is loaded with statistics of high blood pressure and cholesterol,
one kind or another, and the average He used statistics to “ prove” his
reader does not take time ‘o exam- his point.
ine and question what is “ statistical-
There is just now a race on
ly” rented as a fact.
among the physicians of today to pro-
Whnt we need through here is a ve statiseally how wrong were
wider interest bv Negroes in “statis- the physicians of yesteryear. What
V isit
ence*Clyde Ferguson jr., professor
tical” proofs. We must not abdicate statistics proved was true yesterday of law at Rutgers University was
this field for exploitation solely and statistics are proving untrue today sworn in today as general counsel
mainly by the whites with specious and so it goes,
of the U. S. Commission on Civil
There is currently going on in the Rights. He is believed to be the
The real point of this release is to Twentieth Century world a great first Negro ever to serve as the
exhort Negroes not to he overawed controversy over whether there is chief legal officer of a Federal
bv the numerous statistical "proofs" any correlation between cigarette agency.
Ferguson, 37, Is a graduate of
that the white man is superior. It smoking and lung cancer. A group of
Law school and a mem
must always he remembered that scientists has been arraved for the
white men are manipulating the sta- affirmative and a group for the ne-
Massachusetts and New
tisties and it is up to Negroes to re- gative. And a statistical battle royal York Bars.
Oregon Mirror Twist Contest Every Tues.
Before becoming a member of
manipulate these same figures after in the offing.
the law faculty in 1955. he served
such fashion as to make the Negroes’
In England the scientists have as an assistant U. S attorney
2125 n . V a n c o u v e r a v e .
virtues stand out even as the white spoken "statistically” and they are ( 1954-55», assistant counsel to the
man's statistics make his vices to positive that there is that correla- Moreland Act Commission to In­
stand out.
vestigate Harness Racing (1953
With our faculties hursting at the
In America in general and Vir- 541 and as counsel to Baltimore.
senms with men and women of ginia in particular where is located Paulson and Canudo. a New York
high degrees, it should be relatively the cigarette manufacturing capital ^ l,v law
At Rutgers, from which he is
easy to find those capable of mani- of the world, scientists are scientifi-
pulating statics in such wav as to onllv controverting bv statistics what now on leave, Ferguson taught
throw light on the virtues of Negores in England is statistically estab- federal procedure, bankruptcy and
creditors rights. A native of Wil­
The burden of manipulating statis- lished
mington, N. C., he wps an honor
tics to give a true picture of Negro
And the fight goes on between the graduate both at Ohio State and
life is on the Negroes themselves statisticians using the same body of at Harvard I .aw school where he
and not the %4hite man.
statistics. This is written in the won the Amrs prize for the best
There is little need for the Negro hope that Negroes will not get too oral argument,
In America, it's the
to quake and tremble before the excited over the numerous attempts
privilege of choosing
“ statistical'' findings casually flung to establish statistically that the Ne-
B altim ore Gets 1st N e gro
around iu ways that are detriment- gro is inferior.
the church you want
By Dean Gordon Hancock
ot school
Civil Rights
Believed First
Baltimore Passed
Up Because of
— The
American Association of Univer­
sity Professor« nas decided not to
hold its 1964 con vent ion here In
th« absence of legislation banning
racial discrimination in public
Such legislation failed In the
Maryland General Assembly and
has been pending in the Baltimore
City Council.
Bentley Glass said last week that
the Association'« council had ad­
vised him to decline invitations to
hold the meeting here. These
were received from Gov. J. Millard
Taw#« and Mayor J. Harold Grady.
Postal Superintendent
N o m in ate A riz o n a n as
A m b a ssa d o r to G h an a
-C on-
’ troversial Ghana is to get a new
American ambassador. He is Wil­
liam P. Mahoney, a 45-year-old
Arizona lawyer who was nominat­
ed for the post by President Ken­
nedy last week.
Mahoney will succeed Francis H.
Russell, who has resigned because
of illness and is now in a Wash­
ington hospital.
Mahoney was Arizona
campaign manager for President
Kennedy. In 1958 he was defeat­
ed by Republican John 1« Rhodes
in a race for Congress.
Mahoney holds a law dcgi°e
from Nbt re Dame, where he
coached track and taught English
for two years after graduation.
E. Wicks, assistant superintendent
since 1950 at the Druid Hill S ta­
tion Post Office, has been appoint­
ed superintendent of the Arling­
ton Station by Postmaster Wil­
liam F. Laukaitis.
The promotion of the veteran ol
26 years postal service makes him
the first of his race ever to head
a Post Office Station in Baltimore
or to reach the GS-10 rating in the
post office.
Arlington Station is the base for
approximately R5 letter carriers
serving Zone 15.
Wicks. 54. is a native of Balti
more. He attended Douglass High
and College Center here. He re­
sides with his wife. Gertrude, and
two sons, Anthony, a Morgan Col­
lege junior, and Roland, a ninth
grader at Woodfcourae Jurr.or
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