\ Page 2 THE OREGON MIRROR Wednesday, M ay 9, 1962 OREGON MIRROR Established in M arch 1959 - Negro Weekly Circulated by M ail - Newsboys - Businesses Published Every Wednesday 4617 N. W illiam s Ave. AT 4-4551 P U B L IS H E R - J. M arcus Wellington, 111 M A N A G E R & E D IT O R - Don Alford Miss Patsy Bradford, sopho­ more at North Catholic High is leading directly to success in dancing. At 15, Pat has eleven years of dancing behing her. Through those years, she's been a student at Mildred hughes Dance Studio. EDI TORI AL The ALBINA TAXPAYERS ANDCIVIC ASSOCIATION, Albina’ s militant new organization striving for community betterment and equal oppor­ tunity, held its permanent organization meeting last Saturday night and elected the following officers: Chairman, Vivlane Barnett; V ice-C hair­ man, U. H. Leverett (Grand Exalted Ruler - Elks); Secretary, Etolle Cox; T reasu rer, Roselle Yee; Board of Directors: Dr. Booker T . Lewis, Eugene Williamson (Commander, Amer. Legion Post), Rev. Edgar L. Jackso, Don Alford (Publicity D irector); Chairman Emeritus: Edgar Williams. The new Association will conduct a special meeting and “ Candidates’ Night’ ’ at the Elks Lodge next Saturday night, May 12. The Association has previously taken a firm stand In support of the decision of the Housing Athority of Portland to proceed with its plans for development of the 58-unlt DAISY B. WILLIAMS project in the area so designated. . The Association enthusiastically joins with the Housing Ahtorlty of Portland In giving appropriate recognition, in the near future, to the 25th anniversary of the Housing Act of 1937 - the basis for the low- rent housing program which became law 25 years ago. F or a quarter of a century, this program, viewed as one of the most controversial of federal offerings, has made it possible fo r fam ilies of low income to live In safe, sanitary, and stadard housing. The Housing and Home Finance Agency in Washington, D. C „ has Just recently released the follwoing significant statistics. “ There are now a half-million public housing dwelling units in the United States operated by some 1200 local Housing Authorities. 47% of all these fam ilies are Negro. 25% are on-parent fam ilies, mostly fatherless. 34% are receiving Social Security o r assistance checks. The average Income of all fam ilies In all public housing projects is $2,373.00 per year. Respecting the social and humanitarian aspects of the low-rent public housing program and the excellent job being done by the Housing Authority of Portland in Its determination to build new public housing projects WHERE THEY ARE MOST URGENTLY NEEDED, the Albina TAXPAYERS AND CIVIC ASSOCIATION has pledged its full support to the local public housing program. SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS Edwina H ill, now coming to the end of a successful and fun-filled four years at Jeff has topped it off by being selected as one of the eight finalists on the school’ s May Court. This Is quite an honor, considering you are chosen among two or three hundred other girls. M iss H ill is a four-year honor student, and received the Dad's Club Award at the end of her fresh­ man year for earning straight A ’ s. In Edwina’ s junior year, she became Football Homecoming Queen, Co-Editor of the school paper, a member of the pep club, and was initiated into Klatawa Social club. Later, Edwina was voted by her school mates to serve as a Cheer Leader, and was in the cast of the Senior-class play. Her hobbies include: Reading, and dancing of all types. After graduation, she plans to attend University of Oregon and major in either English or Journalism. Ed­ wina is the daughter of M r. and Mrs. Shelton Hill. Otis A vritt, alias Dick Dead Eye, has once again made news for the Oregon M irro r. On A p ril 27 and 28, in the audi­ torium of Cleveland High, the Operetta "H M S Pinafore*', by Gilbert and Sullivan was put on by die music department, Otis acted as one of die ieading per­ form ers, the Villain (DICK DEAD EYE). The operetta was given in order to help raise enough funds fo r the band’ s trip to the W orl's Fair. Over $500 was raised. Otis comments, “ There was lots of hard work involved, but all in all, it was fun.’ ’ S E M L E R 'S SPORTING GOODS Pat has entertained and per­ formed before numerous groups and has been a contestant and win­ ner many times in and around Oregon. Also, Pat has appeared on Television KGW, Channel 8 as a dancer on Theatre Workshop, a program put on by young adults and designed mainly fo r their in­ terests. Patsy has been instructing for the pnst three years. She teaches: Modern jazz, ballet, tap dancing, and acrobatics to students at Mildred Hughes Studio, Bradwell’ s School of Dance and the Y M C A in Oregon City. Pat’ s main interest is centered around dancing, which she plans to make a career of. Otherwise, she enjoys horseback riding, and being an active member in the sophomore Debutante Group. and CAMERAS 404 S.W. Washington St. Portland 4, Oregon C A 8-3154 W E N E E D HIM IN THE OREGON MIRROR RE-ELECT DONALD E Joe Hawkins ** "A PROVEN ASSESSOR" FOR DEMOCRAT SHERIFF Keep His Experience Working for You! .HAWKINS M U L T N O M A H COUNTY DEMOCRAT t u . lun k . rt< YW i .A .IA f i" t i e • - E M le c t f J I f o t m * H H r ow » I for A l ssessor C om m ittee. C U R A lte rm o n C h c r m o n 4 3 ? G o v e r n o ' l u i l d m g P o rt la n d 4. O r e g o n y o u C an tâ u y / jÇeââ . . . W here BuAineAA id (BeAt O BUD MEADOWS PONTIAC OFFERS YOU THE FINEST SERVICE FACILITIES IN THE ENTIRE NORTHWEST. WHEN YOU BUY A NEW PONTIAC, TEMPEST, OR ONE OF MEADOWS ONE OWNER USED CARS, YOU ALSO GET THE HIGHEST QUALITY SERVICE AVAILABLE ANYWHERE. • THE COMBINATION OF SUPFRIOR SERVICE AND THE LARGE STOCK OF NEW PONTIACS AND TEMPESTS HAS EARNED MEADOWS PONTIAC THE TULE "THE LARGEST VOLUME DEALER WEST OF CHICAGO." MAKE SURE YOU AVAIL YOURSELF OF THESE BENEFITS NEXT TIME YOU NEED A NEW CAR, USED CAR, OR SERVICE. IT ACTUALLY COSTS YOU LESS. M e a d o w s Pontiac auo MtAoows N. E. 28th AND SANDY BLVD. - BE 5-4101 RE-Elect ORMOND R. B E A N CITY COMM ISSIONER POSITION NO. 3 Koop thi» g o o d m an on tho jo b — ho w o rk * h a rd fo r P o rtla n d ! Pd. Adv. B « n for Commiuiontr Comm. 1001 S.W 5th Avo . Portlind Graham Griswold. Ch.irmsn VOTE F O R -- DR. BOOKER T. LEWIS REPRESENTATIVE NORTH CITY DISTRICT